% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert % This file has been converted for the hyph-utf8 package from rohyphen.tex, % whose author has been identified as Adrian Rezus % (1996-11-11). The licence terms are unchanged. % % See http://www.hyphenation.org for details on the project. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ROHYPHEN.TEX, version 1.1 <29.10.1996> R [7.11.1996] %% %% (C) 1995-1996 Adrian Rezus [adriaan@{sci,cs}.kun.nl] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Romanian TeX hyphenation table: NFSS 2 encoding, medium. %% Contents: 647 Romanian hyphen patterns, with diacritics. %% %% This file is part of the Romanian TeX system. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Romanian TeX, version 1.3R <29.10.1996> %% %% (C) 1994-1996 Adrian Rezus %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% History: %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.0 <10.02.1995>: Plain TeX and LaTeX 2.09. %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.1 <29.10.1996>: Plain TeX and LaTeX2e. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % TODO: fix the notice below - it only holds for the old patterns % NB This file must be used in conjunction with either one of % % (1) ROMANIAN.TEX v1.2(R) [1994-1995] [(La)TeX] or % (2) ROMANIAN.STY v1.3R [1996] [(La)TeX(2e)] % % NB Romanian has LR-HYPHEN-MINs [2 2] (like German)! % NB Romanian has STRUCTURAL HYPHEN-AMBIGUA: % i.e., words that canNOT be hyphenated correctly without % additional (e.g., semantic, stress-mark) information. % -------------------------------------------------------- % The Romanian TeX encoding of the Romanian diacritics: % -------------------------------------------------------- % Romanian TeX DQ-macro encodings = (La)TeX macros % -------------------------------------------------------- % ă = \u{a} [-] \u{A} [not encoded] % â = \^{a} [-] \^{A} [not encoded] % î = \^{\i} "I = \^{I} % ș = \c{s} "S = \c{S} % ț = \c{t} "T = \c{T} % ------------------------------------------------------------- % NB Romanian \^{a} behaves like \^{\i} as regards hyphenation. % NB The capital \u{A} and \^{A} are rare in script; as such, % they occur only in records of the Romanian substandard. % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % original patterns generated by PatGen2-output hyphen-level 9: do NOT modify the list by hand! %