% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert Latin hyphenation patterns (more info about the licence to be added later) % % ********** hyph-la.tex ************* % % Copyright 1999-2014 Claudio Beccari % [latin hyphenation patterns] % % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % % Patterns for the latin language mainly in modern spelling % (u when u is needed and v when v is needed); medieval spelling % with the ligatures \ae and \oe and the (uncial) lowercase `v' % written as a `u' is also supported; apparently there is no conflict % between the patterns of modern Latin and those of medieval Latin. % % % Prepared by Claudio Beccari % Politecnico di Torino % Torino, Italy % e-mail claudio dot beccari at gmail.com % % \versionnumber{3.2a} \versiondate{2014/06/04} % % For more information please read the babel-latin documentation. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % For documentation see: % C. Beccari, "Computer aided hyphenation for Italian and Modern % Latin", TUG vol. 13, n. 1, pp. 23-33 (1992) % % see also % % C. Beccari, "Typesetting of ancient languages", % TUG vol.15, n.1, pp. 9-16 (1994) % % In the former paper the code was described as being contained in file % ITALAT.TEX; this is substantially the same code, but the file has been % renamed and included in hyph-utf8. % % A corresponding file (ITHYPH.TEX) has been extracted in order to eliminate % the (few) patterns specific to Latin and leave those specific to Italian; % ITHYPH.TEX has been further extended with many new patterns in order to % cope with the many neologisms and technical terms with foreign roots. % % Should you find any word that gets hyphenated in a wrong way, please, AFTER % CHECKING ON A RELIABLE MODERN DICTIONARY, report to the author, preferably % by e-mail. Please do not report about wrong break points concerning % prefixes and/or suffixes; see at the bottom of this file. % % Compared with the previous versions, this file has been extended so as to % cope also with the medieval Latin spelling, where the letter `V' played the % roles of both `U' and `V', as in the Roman times, save that the Romans used % only capitals. In the middle ages the availability of soft writing supports % and the necessity of copying books with a reasonable speed, several scripts % evolved in (practically) all of which there was a lower case alphabet % different from the upper case one, and where the lower case `v' had the % rounded shape of our modern lower case `u', and where the Latin diphthongs % `AE' and `OE', both in upper and lower case, where written as ligatures, % not to mention the habit of substituting them with their sound, that is a % simple `E'. % % According to Leon Battista Alberti, who in 1466 wrote a book on % cryptography where he thoroughly analyzed the hyphenation of the Latin % language of his (still medieval) times, the differences from the Tuscan % language (the Italian language, as it was named at his time) were very % limited, in particular for what concerns the handling of the ascending and % descending diphthongs; in Central and Northern Europe, and later on in % North America, the Scholars perceived the above diphthongs as made of two % distinct vowels; the hyphenation of medieval Latin, therefore, was quite % different in the northern countries compared to the southern ones, at least % for what concerns these diphthongs. If you need hyphenation patterns for % medieval Latin that suite you better according to the habits of Northern % Europe you should resort to the hyphenation patterns prepared by Yannis % Haralambous (TUGboat, vol.13 n.4 (1992)). % % % % PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES % % For what concerns prefixes and suffixes, the latter are generally separated % according to "natural" syllabification, while the former are generally % divided etimologically. In order to avoid an excessive number of patterns, % care has been paid to some prefixes, especially "ex", "trans", "circum", % "prae", but this set of patterns is NOT capable of separating the prefixes % in all circumstances. % % BABEL SHORTCUTS AND FACILITIES % % Read the documentation coming with the discription of the Latin language % interface of Babel in order to see the shortcuts and the facilities % introduced in order to facilitate the insertion of "compound word marks" % which are very useful for inserting etimological break points. % % Happy Latin and multilingual typesetting! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \message{Latin Hyphenation Patterns Version 3.2a <2014/06/04>} %