% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert Classical Latin hyphenation patterns (more info about the licence to be added later) % % ********** hyph-la-x-classic.tex ************* % % Copyright 2014 Claudio Beccari % [classical latin hyphenation patterns] % % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % % Patterns for the classical Latin language; classical spelling % with the (uncial) lowercase `v' written as a `u' is supported. % Classical Latin hyphenation patterns are different from those of % "plain" Latin, the latter being more adapted to modern Latin. % % % Prepared by Claudio Beccari % e-mail claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com % % Aknowledgements: This file has been substantially upgraded with % the contributions of Francisco Gracia. % % \versionnumber{1.2} \versiondate{2014/10/06} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \message{Classical Latin hyphenation patterns `hyph-la-x-classic' % Version 1.2 <2014/10/06>} % %