if not modules then modules = { } end modules['s-system-tokens'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to s-system-tokens.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local context = context local ctx_NC = context.NC local ctx_BC = context.BC local ctx_NR = context.NR local ctx_FL = context.FL local ctx_ML = context.ML local ctx_LL = context.LL local gsub = string.gsub local find = string.find local concat = table.concat moduledata.system = moduledata.system or { } moduledata.system.tokens = moduledata.system.tokens or { } local getrange = token.get_range local getcmdchrcs = token.get_cmdchrcs local whatever = { [1] = true, [4] = true, [8] = true } local collected = nil -- at some point we might have this one preloaded function moduledata.system.tokens.collect() if not collected then local allcommands = tokens.commands local primitives = tex.primitives() collected = { } for i=0,#allcommands do local codes = { } local kind, min, max, fixedvalue = getrange(i) if min and whatever[kind] and max >= 0 and max <= 256 then for i=min,max do codes[i] = false end end collected[i] = codes collected[allcommands[i]] = codes end for i=1,#primitives do local prm = primitives[i] local cmd, chr = getcmdchrcs("normal"..prm) local codes = collected[cmd] if codes and codes[chr] == false then codes[chr] = prm codes[prm] = chr else -- print(cmd,chr) end end collected.undefined_cs = nil -- table.save("whatever.lua",collected) -- local p = token.getprimitives() -- table.sort(p,function(a,b) if a[1] == b[1] then return a[2] < b[2] else return a[1] < b[1] end end) -- table.save("moreever.lua",p) -- local p = token.getprimitives() -- for i=1,#p do -- local t = p[i] -- pi[i] = { t[1], t[2], t[3], getrange(t[1]) } -- end -- inspect(collected) end return collected end function moduledata.system.tokens.showlist() local l = tokens.commands local t = moduledata.system.tokens.collect() context.starttabulate { "|cT|rT|lT|rT|rT|pTA{flushleft,verytolerant,stretch}|" } ctx_FL() ctx_BC() context("") ctx_BC() context("cmd") ctx_BC() context("name") ctx_BC() context("min") ctx_BC() context("max") ctx_BC() context("default or subcommands") ctx_BC() ctx_NR() ctx_ML() for i=0,#l do local kind, min, max, fixedvalue = getrange(i) local what = whatever[kind] ctx_NC() context(kind) ctx_NC() context(i) ctx_NC() context(l[i]) ctx_NC() if min then if what or min == 0 then context(min) else context("-0x%X",-min) end end ctx_NC() if max then if what or max == 0 then context(max) else context("0x%X",max) end end ctx_NC() if min and what and max >= 0 and max <= 256 then local l = { } local c = t[i] if c then for j=min, max do local s = c[j] if s == " " then s = "" elseif not s then s = "" end l[#l+1] = j .. "=" .. s end if (#l > 0) then context(table.concat(l," ")) elseif fixedvalue ~= 0 then context("0x%X",fixedvalue) end else print("weird") end elseif fixedvalue and fixedvalue ~= 0 then context("0x%X",fixedvalue) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end ctx_LL() context.stoptabulate() end function moduledata.system.tokens.table(t) local t = t or token.peek_next() -- local t = token.scan_next() token.put_back(t) local n = "" local w = "" local c = t.cmdname if c == "left_brace" then w = "given token list" t = token.scan_toks(false) elseif c == "register_toks" then token.scan_next() w = "token register" n = t.csname or t.index t = tex.gettoks(n,true) elseif c == "internal_toks" then token.scan_next() w = "internal token variable" n = t.csname or t.index t = tex.gettoks(n,true) else n = token.scan_csname() local r = { } local m = token.get_meaning(n,true) if t.frozen then r[#r+1] = "frozen" end if t.permanent then r[#r+1] = "permanent" end if t.immutable then r[#r+1] = "immutable" end if t.primitive then r[#r+1] = "primitive" end if t.mutable then r[#r+1] = "mutable" end if t.noaligned then r[#r+1] = "noaligned" end if t.instance then r[#r+1] = "instance" end if t.tolerant then r[#r+1] = "tolerant" end if t.protected then r[#r+1] = "protected" end r[#r+1] = "control sequence" if type(m) == "table" then t = m else t = { t } end w = concat(r, " ") end if type(t) == "table" and #t > 0 then context.starttabulate { "|l|r|r|l|c|l|l|" } ctx_FL() ctx_NC() context.formatted.rlap("\\bold %s: %s",w,n) ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_ML() for i=1,#t do local ti = t[i] local cs = ti.csname local id = ti.id local ix = ti.index local cd = ti.command local cn = gsub(ti.cmdname,"_"," ") ctx_NC() context(id) ctx_NC() context(cd) ctx_NC() context("%3i",ix) ctx_NC() context(cn) if cs then ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() context(cs) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() elseif cn == "letter" or cn == "other char" then ctx_NC() context.char(ix) ctx_NC() context("%U",ix) ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() elseif cn == "match" then ctx_NC() ctx_NC() if ix == 32 then context("optional spacer") -- space elseif ix == 43 then context("keep braces") -- "+" elseif ix == 45 then context("thrash") -- "-" elseif ix == 61 then context("mandate braces") -- "=" elseif ix == 94 then context("keep spaces") -- "^" elseif ix == 95 then context("keep mandate braces") -- "_" else context("argument %c",ix) end ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() else ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() if cn == "end match" then context.ML() end end end context.LL() context.stoptabulate() else context.starttabulate { "|l|" } ctx_FL() ctx_NC() context("%s: %s",w,n) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_ML() ctx_NC() context("") ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_LL() context.stoptabulate() end end interfaces.implement { name = "luatokentable", public = true, protected = true, actions = moduledata.system.tokens.table, }