%D \module %D [ file=s-braille-basic, %D version=2021.11.17, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Playground for spacing, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This style is triggered by the 2021 blog by Murray Sargent (from Microsoft) %D about nemeth sequences: %D %D \starttyping %D https://devblogs.microsoft.com/math-in-office/unicode-math-braille-sequences/ %D \stoptyping %D %D I ran into it when Mikael Sundqvist and I were working on an upgrade of the lfg %D (goodie) files for math. Being sort of monospaces a braille font is a good %D candidate for exploring al these math spacing parameters. %D %D More settings might show up and existing ones might change so it's mostly an %D example style. Fell free to contribute. We use color so that we can see what %D we're dealing with. Braille looks kind of interesting anyway although it was %D never meant to be seen but felt. %D %D Musical timestamp: Nothing but the truth (PT with GH drum cam 5.1 bluray) ... %D ... I'm always amazed of the power of music and wonder how that evolved with %D and in humans. \startmodule[braille-basic] \unprotect \definemeasure [braille:margin] [\paperheight/15] \definelayout [braille] [\c!topspace=\measure{braille:margin}, \c!bottomspace=\measure{braille:margin}, \c!backspace=\measure{braille:margin}, \c!header=\measure{braille:margin}, \c!footer=\zeropoint, \c!width=\v!middle, \c!height=\v!middle] \setuplayout [braille] \enableexperiments[fonts.compact] \setupbodyfont [braille,11pt] \setupwhitespace [\v!big] \setuphead [\v!chapter] [\c!style=\bfd, \c!color=darkblue, \c!headerstate=\v!high, \c!interaction=\v!all] \setuphead [\v!section] [\c!style=\bfc, \c!color=darkblue] \setuphead [\v!subsection] [\c!style=\bfb] \setuphead [\v!subsubsection] [\c!style=\bfa, \c!after=] \setuplist [\c!interaction=\v!all] \setupdocument [\c!before=\directsetup{document:titlepage}] \setupalign [\v!verytolerant,\v!flushleft] \setupitemgroup[\v!itemize][1][\c!width=4em,\c!style=\s!bold,\c!color=darkred] \setupitemgroup[\v!itemize][2][\c!width=5em,\c!style=\s!bold,\c!color=darkred] \setupitemgroup[\v!itemize][3][\c!width=6em,\c!style=\s!bold,\c!color=darkred] \setuptyping [\c!color=darkyellow] \setuptype [\c!color=darkyellow] \setupformulas [\c!color=darkgreen] \protect \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-braille-basic.mkxl} \starttext \showframe \showglyphs \showboxes \dontcomplain \startchapter[title=The first] \startsection[title=Tufte] {\tf \samplefile{tufte}\par} \stopsection \startsection[title=Ward] {\bf \samplefile{ward} \par} \stopsection \startsection[title=Davis] {\bi \samplefile{davis}\par} \stopsection \startsection[title=Four] Here is some simple inline math: \formula {$x_2 = 10 \neq \alpha$} and here is some (quick and dirty) display: \startformula y = \sqrt[2]{\frac{1+x^2}{2x+x^2+4}} \stopformula but there are rules for that. So we need to look into those so that: \startformula y = \frac{1+x^2}{2x+x^2+4} \stopformula and \startformula y = \overline{2x+x^2+4} + \underline{2x+x^2+4} % y = \overbar{2x+x^2+4} \stopformula come out right. \stopsection \stopchapter \startchapter[title=The second] The monospaced font has no braille but actually all is kind of monospace apart from spacing: \starttyping Let's show some {\bf fancy tex} code, assuming that mono has gotten the braille glyphs. \stoptyping And some itemize: \startitemize[n] \startitem first one \stopitem \startitem second one \stopitem \stopitemize \startitemize \startitem first one \stopitem \startitem second one \stopitem \stopitemize \startitemize[a] \startitem first one \stopitem \startitem second one \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \stoptext