%D \module %D [ file=s-resent-windows, % was s-pre-09 %D version=unknown, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment Windows, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startmodule[present-windows] %D I made this style when I had to give a presentation on the \MAPS\ bibliography %D production for several user group meetings. This style is rather tuned for %D combinations of examples and explanations. The colors match the \MAPS\ %D bibliography colors. \doifelsemode {asintended} { \setupbodyfont[ludicaot,14.4pt] } { \setupbodyfont[pagella,14.4pt] } %D A couple of years later, in 2001 this style was documented and made public. While %D documenting, I also changed box building on top of overlays into the now %D available layer positioning. So, this styles demonstrates quite some tricks. %D %D I'm sure that nowadays it can be done with less code but therei sno real need to %D rewrite history. \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [topspace=0cm, backspace=0cm, header=0pt, footer=0pt, width=middle, height=middle] %D Local environments can be set by using the setups commands. For downward %D compatibility, we keep supporting the \type {\...Settings} hooks. Using local %D environments is seldom needed. \let\TextSettings \empty \let\SampleSettings\empty \startsetups [text] \TextSettings \stopsetups \startsetups [sample] \SampleSettings \stopsetups %D The dimensions are kind of fixed. \def\FrameWidth {448pt} \def\FrameHeight {348pt} \def\FrameOffset {24pt} \def\FrameSkip {12pt} %D But they {\em can} and {\em will} be changed. \def\FrameWidth {408pt} \def\FrameHeight {318pt} %D The funny values come from the $3:4$ display aspect ratio. \definecolor[PageColor] [s=.40] \definecolor[TextColor] [s=.90] \definecolor[InteractionColor][r=.40] \definecolor[LineColor] [r=.60,g=.60] %D Of course we go interactive and since we will probably open other documents, we %D make sure that the viewer opens a new window. \setupinteraction [color=InteractionColor, contrastcolor=LineColor, display=new, state=start] \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] %D Before we come to the real macros, we do a little bit of tuning. \setupitemize [1][packed] \setuptyping [blank=medium] %D Apart from the titlepage, the page gets a simple colored background. Later we %D will activate the background. \setupbackgrounds [page] [backgroundcolor=PageColor] %D Everything gets frames by a nice \METAPOST\ frame. \defineoverlay [background] [\uniqueMPgraphic{background}] \startuniqueMPgraphic{background} pickup pencircle scaled (1.5*\FrameSkip) ; draw OverlayBox withcolor "PageColor" ; pickup pencircle scaled \FrameSkip ; fill OverlayBox withcolor "TextColor" ; draw OverlayBox withcolor "LineColor" ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic %D We will present samples and explanation pair||wise, so we need a hyperlink that %D skips a page. Contrary to \MKII\ we put the next button in the page background and %D the two windows get buttons that toggle between them. This is easier. \defineoverlay [nextpage] [\overlaybutton{nextpage}] \defineoverlay [previouspage] [\overlaybutton{previouspage}] \defineoverlay [skippage] [\overlaybutton{realpage(\number\numexpr\realpageno+2\relax)}] \defineoverlay [samepage] [\overlaybutton{realpage(\number\numexpr\realpageno \relax)}] %D Layers are normally used to position multiple content on a specific overlay. Here %D we will use them to position only and since the samples and text will swap place, %D we will use quite a few layers. \defineoverlay [text] [\composedlayer{text}] \defineoverlay [sample] [\composedlayer{sample}] \defineoverlay [common] [\composedlayer{common}] %D There are three positions. When combined, the sample and text windows overlap, %D otherwise the lone window is centered. We could have used one layer and reversed %D the order by setting the \type {direction} parameter, but this approach is more %D readable. \definelayer [text] [x=\makeupwidth, y=\makeupheight, location=lt, hoffset=-\FrameSkip, voffset=-\FrameSkip] \definelayer [sample] [hoffset=\FrameSkip, voffset=\FrameSkip] \definelayer [common] [x=.5\makeupwidth, y=.5\makeupheight, location=c] %D The topic is put in the lower right corner of the text window. \defineoverlay [topic] [\composedlayer{topic}] \definelayer [topic] [x=\FrameWidth, y=\FrameHeight, location=lt, hoffset=-\FrameOffset, voffset=-\FrameSkip] %D The topic is put in a framed box. That way we can make sure that it gets a %D background, which looks better when it covers something else. Otherwise we could %D have stuck to: %D %D \starttyping %D \def\Topic#1% %D {\setlayer[topic]{\color[PageColor]{\bfb\setstrut#1}}} %D \stoptyping %D %D But, we go for the nice alternative: \unexpanded\def\Topic#1% {\doifsomething{#1} {\setlayer [topic] {\bfb\setstrut \inframed [frame=off, foregroundcolor=PageColor, offset=0pt, background=color, backgroundcolor=TextColor] {#1}}}} %D The sample as well as the explanation will be collected in a buffer. That way we %D can reuse the content. We could have used a box instead, but can we be sure that %D the content is not adapting itself? So, buffers we use. \resetbuffer[sample] \resetbuffer[text] %D Both the sample and explanation are kind of windowed. \defineframedtext [SampleText] [width=\FrameWidth, height=\FrameHeight, offset=\FrameOffset, frame=off, align=normal, strut=no, before=, after=, background=background] %D We safe some keying in by combining things in one macro. \unexpanded\def\DoSampleText#1#2#3% kind layer overlays {\setupframedtexts[SampleText][background={background,#3}] \setlayer[#2] {\startSampleText[none] \setups[#1] \getbuffer[#1] \stopSampleText}} \unexpanded\def\StartSample{\dostartbuffer[sample][StartSample][StopSample]} \unexpanded\def\StartText {\dostartbuffer[text] [StartText] [StopText]} %D The following definitions apply at the outer level. \unexpanded\def\StopSample {\startstandardmakeup \DoSampleText{sample}{common}{samepage} \stopstandardmakeup \resetbuffer[sample]} \unexpanded\def\StopText {\startstandardmakeup \DoSampleText{text}{common}{topic,samepage} \stopstandardmakeup \resetbuffer[text]} \setupbackgrounds[page][background={color,nextpage}] \setupbackgrounds[text][background=common] %D When we combine sample and text, we get slightly different definitions. As you %D can see we generate two pages. Watch how we manipulate the order of the overlays %D and teh nature of the buttons. Here some abstraction really pays off. \unexpanded\def\StartIdea {\bgroup \let\StopSample\relax \let\StopText \relax} \unexpanded\def\StopIdea {\setupbackgrounds[page][background={color,skippage}] \setupbackgrounds[text][background={text,sample}] \startstandardmakeup \DoSampleText{sample}{sample}{nextpage} \DoSampleText{text} {text} {topic,nextpage} \stopstandardmakeup \setupbackgrounds[page][background={color,nextpage}] \setupbackgrounds[text][background={sample,text}] \startstandardmakeup \DoSampleText{sample}{sample}{previouspage} \DoSampleText{text} {text} {topic,previouspage} \stopstandardmakeup \egroup} %D The rest of the definitions takes care of the title page. Please don't steal this %D one for your own documents. \defineoverlay[joke] [\useMPgraphic{joke}{n=0}] % not to be changed! \startuseMPgraphic{joke}{n} StartPage ; path p, q ; numeric w ; pair xy ; set_grid(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight,OverlayWidth/8,OverlayHeight/8) ; if \MPvar{n}=1 : p := fulldiamond ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{TextColor} ; else : p := fullsquare ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ; fi ; forever : xy := center Page randomized (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ; if new_on_grid(xpart xy, ypart xy) : q := (p xyscaled (OverlayWidth/5,OverlayHeight/5)) randomized (\FrameSkip,\FrameSkip) shifted xy ; w := (\FrameSkip) randomized (\FrameSkip/2) ; draw q withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} withpen pencircle scaled (1.5w) ; fill q withcolor \MPcolor{TextColor} ; draw q withcolor \MPcolor{LineColor} withpen pencircle scaled ( w) ; fi ; exitif grid_full ; endfor ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[fuzzy][\useMPgraphic{fuzzy}] \startuseMPgraphic{fuzzy} path p ; numeric w ; p := (fullsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight)) randomized (\FrameSkip,\FrameSkip) ; w := (\FrameSkip) randomized (\FrameSkip/2) ; draw p withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} withpen pencircle scaled (1.5w) ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{TextColor} ; draw p withcolor \MPcolor{LineColor} withpen pencircle scaled ( w) ; \stopuseMPgraphic %D This time we use a fit window, but with a slightly randomized frame, our %D trademark so to say. \unexpanded\def\StartTitlePage {\bgroup \setupbackgrounds[page][background={joke,nextpage}] \startstandardmakeup \switchtobodyfont[big] \setupframedtexts [SampleText] [background=fuzzy, foregroundcolor=PageColor, width=fit, height=fit, align=middle] \startSampleText[middle] \bfd\setupinterlinespace \def\\{\bfb\setupinterlinespace\vfil\def\\{\vfil}}} \unexpanded\def\StopTitlePage {\stopSampleText \stopstandardmakeup \egroup} \unexpanded\def\TitlePage#1% {\StartTitlePage#1\StopTitlePage} %D Let's nil some error prone presentation macros. \let\Subject \Topic \let\Topics \gobbleoneargument \let\Subjects \relax %D We will avoid \quote {overfull} messages. \dontcomplain \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-present-windows.mkiv} \usemodule[present-common] \inputpresentationfile{examples/present-windows-001.tex}