%D \module %D [ file=s-present-balls, % s-pre-15, %D version=1999.09.01, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment Balls, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startmodule[present-balls] %D This is one of the styles I made for the presentation on the \NTS\ project at %D Euro\TeX\ 1998. You need balls to let \TEX\ typeset graphics, but this style %D demonstrates that it can be done. %D %D This presentation is meant for presentations that build up an idea stepwise. %D %D \starttyping %D \TitlePage{Do you know \TEX ?} %D %D \StartIdea %D \StartItem We use \TEX\ for typesetting \unknown \StopItem %D \StartItem mathematical text \unknown \StopItem %D \StartItem but also for text that has no math \unknown \StopItem %D \StartItem or presentations like this \unknown \StopItem %D \StartItem and whatever you can come up with! \StopItem %D \StopIdea %D \stoptyping %D %D The basic layout is rather simple and used as much of the screen as possible. \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [backspace=25pt, topspace=25pt, width=middle, height=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt] \setupinteraction [state=start, display=new, color=LineColor, contrastcolor=LineColor, click=no] \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] \startmode[asintended,atpragma] \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] \stopmode \setupbodyfont[14.4pt] %D We use a lot of color. You can remap them if you want different ones. The ideas %D circulate over the colors. \definecolor[TextColor][s=.8] \definecolor[PageColor][s=.6] \definecolor[LineColor][s=.4] \definecolor[red] [r=.4] \definecolor[cyan] [g=.4,b=.4] \definecolor[green][g=.4] \definecolor[magenta][r=.4,b=.4] \definecolor[blue] [b=.4] \definecolor[yellow] [r=.4,g=.4] \definecolor[linecolor 1][red] \definecolor[linecolor 5][cyan] \definecolor[linecolor 2][green] \definecolor[linecolor 6][magenta] \definecolor[linecolor 3][blue] \definecolor[linecolor 4][yellow] %D We use variables to make sure that the graphics are reused but unique. \setupMPvariables[pageframe][pagecolor=PageColor,linecolor=LineColor] \setupMPvariables[textframe][textcolor=TextColor,linecolor=LineColor] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={pageframe,nextpage}] \defineoverlay [pageframe] [\uniqueMPgraphic{pageframe}] \defineoverlay [textframe] [\uniqueMPgraphic{textframe}] \defineoverlay [nextpage] [\overlaybutton{forward}] \startuniqueMPgraphic{pageframe}{pagecolor,linecolor} path p ; p := fullsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ; pickup pencircle scaled 10pt ; fill p withcolor \MPvar{pagecolor} ; draw p withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \startuniqueMPgraphic{textframe}{textcolor,linecolor} path p ; p := fullcircle xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) ; pickup pencircle scaled 10pt ; fill p withcolor \MPvar{textcolor} ; draw p withcolor \MPvar{linecolor} ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic %D The rest of the file implements the nasty part: typesetting text embedded in a %D graphic. The text is collected in a box so that we can reuse it. \newbox \CollectedIdeas \newcount\CurrentTopic \unexpanded\def\StartItem {\setbox\CollectedIdeas=\hbox\bgroup \ifdim\wd\CollectedIdeas>\zeropoint \unhbox\CollectedIdeas \hskip25pt \fi \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup \framed [width=160pt, height=160pt, align=middle, frame=off, background=textframe, offset=15pt, top=\vfill, bottom=\vfill] \bgroup} \unexpanded\def\StopItem {\egroup \egroup \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{\lower.5\ht\scratchbox\box\scratchbox}% \ht\scratchbox=.5\ht\scratchbox \dp\scratchbox= \ht\scratchbox \box\scratchbox \egroup \startstandardmakeup \dontcomplain \leftskip 0pt plus 50pt \rightskip 0pt plus 50pt \parfillskip 0pt \baselineskip 100pt \unhcopy\CollectedIdeas \stopstandardmakeup} \unexpanded\def\StartIdea {\ifnum\CurrentTopic=6 \global\CurrentTopic\plusone \else \global\advance\CurrentTopic\plusone \fi \definecolor[LineColor][linecolor \number\CurrentTopic] \setbox\CollectedIdeas\null} \unexpanded\def\StopIdea {} \unexpanded\def\StartTitlePage {\startstandardmakeup \setupalign[middle] \unexpanded\def\\{\vfil\bfb\setupinterlinespace} \bfd\setupinterlinespace \vfil} \unexpanded\def\StopTitlePage {\vfil\vfil \stopstandardmakeup} \unexpanded\def\TitlePage#1% {\StartTitlePage#1\StopTitlePage} \startsetups document:start \StartTitlePage \documentvariable{title} \doifsomething {\documentvariable{subtitle}} { \\ \documentvariable{subtitle} } \doifsomething {\documentvariable{location}} { \\ \documentvariable{location} } \StopTitlePage \stopsetups \startsetups document:stop % \stopsetups \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-present-balls.mkiv} \usemodule[present-common] \inputpresentationfile{examples/present-balls-001.tex}