if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['s-fonts-tables'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to s-fonts-tables.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- Thsi file needs to be updated to LMTX! moduledata.fonts = moduledata.fonts or { } moduledata.fonts.tables = moduledata.fonts.tables or { } require("font-cft") local rawget, type = rawget, type local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys local concat = table.concat local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local formatters = string.formatters local tabletracers = moduledata.fonts.tables local new_glyph = nodes.pool.glyph local copy_node = nodes.copy local setlink = nodes.setlink local hpack = nodes.hpack local applyvisuals = nodes.applyvisuals local lefttoright_code = (tex.directioncodes and tex.directioncodes.lefttoright) or nodes.dirvalues.lefttoright -- LMTX local handle_positions = fonts.handlers.otf.datasetpositionprocessor local handle_injections = nodes.injections.handler local context = context local ctx_sequence = context.formatted.sequence local ctx_char = context.char local ctx_setfontid = context.setfontid local ctx_type = context.formatted.type local ctx_dontleavehmode = context.dontleavehmode local ctx_startPair = context.startPair local ctx_stopPair = context.stopPair local ctx_startSingle = context.startSingle local ctx_stopSingle = context.stopSingle local ctx_startSingleKern = context.startSingleKern local ctx_stopSingleKern = context.stopSingleKern local ctx_startPairKern = context.startPairKern local ctx_stopPairKern = context.stopPairKern local ctx_NC = context.NC local ctx_NR = context.NR local digits = { dflt = { dflt = "1234567890 1/2", }, arab = { dflt = "", }, latn = { dflt = "1234567890 1/2", } } local punctuation = { dflt = { dflt = ". , : ; ? ! ‹ › « »", }, } local symbols = { dflt = { dflt = "@ # $ % & * () [] {} <> + - = / |", }, } local LATN = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" local uppercase = { latn = { dflt = LATN, fra = LATN .. " ÀÁÂÈÉÊÒÓÔÙÚÛÆÇ", }, grek = { dftl = "ΑΒΓΔΕΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ", }, cyrl= { dflt = "АБВГДЕЖЗИІЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬѢЭЮЯѲ" }, } local latn = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" local lowercase = { latn = { dftl = latn, nld = latn .. " ïèéë", deu = latn .. " äöüß", fra = latn .. " àáâèéêòóôùúûæç", }, grek = { dftl = "αβγδεηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω", }, cyrl= { dflt = "абвгдежзиійклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьѣэюяѳ" }, arab = { dflt = "ابجدهوزحطيكلمنسعفصقرشتثخذضظغ" }, } local samples = { digits = digits, punctuation = punctuation, symbols = symbols, uppercase = uppercase, lowercase = lowercase, } tabletracers.samples = samples setmetatableindex(uppercase, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"latn") end) setmetatableindex(lowercase, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"latn") end) setmetatableindex(digits, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(symbols, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(punctuation, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(uppercase.latn, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(uppercase.grek, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(uppercase.cyrl, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(lowercase.latn, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(lowercase.grek, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(lowercase.cyrl, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(digits.dflt, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(symbols.dflt, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) setmetatableindex(punctuation.dflt, function(t,k) return rawget(t,"dflt") end) -- scaled boolean string scale string float cardinal local function checked(specification) specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification) local id, cs = fonts.definers.internal(specification,"") local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[id] local resources = tfmdata.resources return tfmdata, id, resources end local function nothing() context("no entries") context.par() end local function typesettable(t,keys,synonyms,nesting,prefix,depth) if t and next(keys) then if not prefix then context.starttabulate { "|Tl|Tl|Tl|" } end for k, v in sortedhash(keys) do if k == "synonyms" then elseif type(v) ~= "table" then ctx_NC() if prefix then context("%s.%s",prefix,k) else context(k) end ctx_NC() -- print(v) local tk = t[k] if v == "" then context(tostring(tk or false)) elseif not tk then context("") elseif k == "filename" then context(file.basename(tk)) -- elseif v == "basepoints" then -- context("%sbp",tk) elseif v == "" then context("%p",tk) elseif v == "" then context("
") else context(tostring(tk)) end ctx_NC() local synonym = (not prefix and synonyms[k]) or (prefix and synonyms[formatters["%s.%s"](prefix,k)]) if synonym then context("(% t)",synonym) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() elseif nesting == false then context("
") elseif next(v) then typesettable(t[k],v,synonyms,nesting,k,true) end end if not prefix then context.stoptabulate() end return end if not depth then nothing() end end local function typeset(t,keys,nesting,prefix) local synonyms = keys.synonyms or { } local collected = { } for k, v in next, synonyms do local c = collected[v] if not c then c = { } collected[v] = c end c[#c+1] = k end for k, v in next, collected do table.sort(v) end typesettable(t,keys,collected,nesting,prefix) end tabletracers.typeset = typeset -- function tabletracers.showproperties(nesting) -- local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[true] -- typeset(tfmdata.properties,fonts.constructors.keys.properties,nesting) -- end -- function tabletracers.showparameters(nesting) -- local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[true] -- typeset(tfmdata.parameters,fonts.constructors.keys.parameters,nesting) -- end function tabletracers.showproperties(specification) local tfmdata = checked(specification) if tfmdata then typeset(tfmdata.properties,fonts.constructors.keys.properties) else nothing() end end function tabletracers.showparameters(specification) local tfmdata = checked(specification) if tfmdata then typeset(tfmdata.parameters,fonts.constructors.keys.parameters) else nothing() end end local f_u = formatters["%U"] local f_p = formatters["%p"] local function morept(t) local r = { } for i=1,t do r[i] = f_p(t[i]) end return concat(r," ") end local function noprefix(kind) kind = string.gsub(kind,"^gpos_","") kind = string.gsub(kind,"^gsub_","") return kind end local function banner(index,i,format,kind,order,chain) if chain then ctx_sequence("sequence: %i, step %i, format: %s, kind: %s, features: % t, chain: %s", index,i,format,noprefix(kind),order,noprefix(chain)) else ctx_sequence("sequence: %i, step %i, format: %s, kind: %s, features: % t", index,i,format,noprefix(kind),order) end end function tabletracers.showpositionings(specification) local tfmdata, fontid, resources = checked(specification) if resources then local direction = lefttoright_code -- not that relevant probably local sequences = resources.sequences local marks = resources.marks local visuals = "fontkern,glyph,box" local datasets = fonts.handlers.otf.dataset(tfmdata,fontid,0) local function process(dataset,sequence,kind,order,chain) local steps = sequence.steps local order = sequence.order or order local index = sequence.index for i=1,#steps do local step = steps[i] local format = step.format banner(index,i,format,kind,order,chain) if kind == "gpos_pair" then local format = step.format if "kern" or format == "move" then for first, seconds in sortedhash(step.coverage) do local done = false local zero = 0 for second, kern in sortedhash(seconds) do if kern == 0 then zero = zero + 1 else if not done then ctx_startPairKern() end local one = new_glyph(fontid,first) local two = new_glyph(fontid,second) local raw = setlink(copy_node(one),copy_node(two)) local pos = setlink(done and one or copy_node(one),copy_node(two)) pos, okay = handle_positions(pos,fontid,direction,dataset) pos = handle_injections(pos) applyvisuals(raw,visuals) applyvisuals(pos,visuals) pos = hpack(pos,"exact",nil,direction) raw = hpack(raw,"exact",nil,direction) ctx_NC() if not done then context(f_u(first)) end ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_dontleavehmode() context(one) end ctx_NC() context(f_u(second)) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(two) ctx_NC() context("%p",kern) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(raw) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(pos) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() done = true end end if done then ctx_stopPairKern() end if zero > 0 then ctx_type("zero: %s",zero) end end elseif format == "pair" then for first, seconds in sortedhash(step.coverage) do local done = false local allnull = 0 local allzero = 0 local zeronull = 0 local nullzero = 0 for second, pair in sortedhash(seconds) do local pfirst = pair[1] local psecond = pair[2] if not pfirst and not psecond then allnull = allnull + 1 elseif pfirst == true and psecond == true then allzero = allzero + 1 elseif pfirst == true and not psecond then zeronull = zeronull + 1 elseif not pfirst and psecond == true then nullzero = nullzero + 1 else if pfirst == true then pfirst = "all zero" elseif pfirst then pfirst = morept(pfirst) else pfirst = "no first" end if psecond == true then psecond = "all zero" elseif psecond then psecond = morept(psecond) else psecond = "no second" end if not done then ctx_startPair() end local one = new_glyph(fontid,first) local two = new_glyph(fontid,second) local raw = setlink(copy_node(one),copy_node(two)) local pos = setlink(done and one or copy_node(one),copy_node(two)) pos, okay = handle_positions(pos,fontid,direction,dataset) pos = handle_injections(pos) applyvisuals(raw,visuals) applyvisuals(pos,visuals) pos = hpack(pos,"exact",nil,direction) raw = hpack(raw,"exact",nil,direction) ctx_NC() if not done then context(f_u(first)) end ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_dontleavehmode() context(one) end ctx_NC() context(f_u(second)) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(two) ctx_NC() context(pfirst) ctx_NC() context(psecond) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(raw) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(pos) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() done = true end end if done then ctx_stopPair() end if allnull > 0 or allzero > 0 or zeronull > 0 or nullzero > 0 then ctx_type("both null: %s, both zero: %s, zero and null: %s, null and zero: %s", allnull,allzero,zeronull,nullzero) end end else -- maybe end elseif kind == "gpos_single" then local format = step.format if format == "kern" or format == "move" then local done = false local zero = 0 for first, kern in sortedhash(step.coverage) do if kern == 0 then zero = zero + 1 else if not done then ctx_startSingleKern() end local one = new_glyph(fontid,first) local raw = copy_node(one) local pos = copy_node(one) pos, okay = handle_positions(pos,fontid,direction,dataset) pos = handle_injections(pos) applyvisuals(raw,visuals) applyvisuals(pos,visuals) pos = hpack(pos,"exact",nil,direction) raw = hpack(raw,"exact",nil,direction) ctx_NC() context(f_u(first)) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(one) ctx_NC() context("%p",kern) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(raw) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(pos) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() done = true end end if done then ctx_stopSingleKern() end if zero > 0 then ctx_type("zero: %i",zero) end elseif format == "single" then local done = false local zero = 0 local null = 0 for first, single in sortedhash(step.coverage) do if single == false then null = null + 1 elseif single == true then zero = zero + 1 else single = morept(single) if not done then ctx_startSingle() end local one = new_glyph(fontid,first) local raw = copy_node(one) local pos = copy_node(one) pos, okay = handle_positions(pos,fontid,direction,dataset) pos = handle_injections(pos) applyvisuals(raw,visuals) applyvisuals(pos,visuals) raw = hpack(raw,"exact",nil,direction) pos = hpack(pos,"exact",nil,direction) ctx_NC() context(f_u(first)) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(one) ctx_NC() context(single) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(raw) ctx_NC() ctx_dontleavehmode() context(pos) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() done = true end end if done then ctx_stopSingle() end if null > 0 then if zero > 0 then ctx_type("null: %i, zero: %i",null,zero) else ctx_type("null: %i",null) end else if null > 0 then ctx_type("both zero: %i",zero) end end else -- todo end end end end local done = false for d=1,#datasets do local dataset = datasets[d] local sequence = dataset[3] local kind = sequence.type if kind == "gpos_contextchain" or kind == "gpos_context" then local steps = sequence.steps for i=1,#steps do local step = steps[i] local rules = step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule = rules[i] local lookups = rule.lookups if lookups then for i=1,#lookups do local lookup = lookups[i] if lookup then local look = lookup[1] local dnik = look.type if dnik == "gpos_pair" or dnik == "gpos_single" then process(dataset,look,dnik,sequence.order,kind) end end end end end end end done = true elseif kind == "gpos_pair" or kind == "gpos_single" then process(dataset,sequence,kind) done = true end end if done then return end end nothing() end local dynamics = true function tabletracers.showsubstitutions(specification) local tfmdata, fontid, resources = checked(specification) if resources then local features = resources.features if features then local gsub = features.gsub if gsub then local makes_sense = { } for feature, scripts in sortedhash(gsub) do for script, languages in sortedhash(scripts) do for language in sortedhash(languages) do local tag = formatters["dummy-%s-%s-%s"](feature,script,language) local fnt = formatters["file:%s*%s"](file.basename(tfmdata.properties.filename),tag) context.definefontfeature ( { tag }, { mode = "node", script = script, language = language, [feature] = "yes" } ) if not dynamics then context.definefont( { fnt }, { fnt } ) end makes_sense[#makes_sense+1] = { feature = feature, tag = tag, script = script, language = language, fontname = fnt, } end end end if #makes_sense > 0 then context.starttabulate { "|Tl|Tl|Tl|p|" } for i=1,#makes_sense do local data = makes_sense[i] local script = data.script local language = data.language ctx_NC() context(data.feature) ctx_NC() context(script) ctx_NC() context(language) ctx_NC() if not dynamics then context.startfont { data.fontname } else context.addff(data.tag) end context.verbatim(samples.lowercase [script][language]) context.par() context.verbatim(samples.uppercase [script][language]) context.par() context.verbatim(samples.digits [script][language]) context.par() context.verbatim(samples.punctuation[script][language]) context.quad() context.verbatim(samples.symbols [script][language]) if not dynamics then context.stopfont() end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end context.stoptabulate() return end end end end nothing() end function tabletracers.showunicodevariants(specification) local tfmdata, fontid, resources = checked(specification) if resources then local variants = fonts.hashes.variants[fontid] if variants then context.starttabulate { "|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|" } for selector, unicodes in sortedhash(variants) do local done = false for unicode, variant in sortedhash(unicodes) do ctx_NC() if not done then context("%U",selector) done = true end ctx_NC() context("%U",unicode) ctx_NC() context("%c",unicode) ctx_NC() context("%U",variant) ctx_NC() context("%c",variant) ctx_NC() context("%c%c",unicode,selector) ctx_NC() context.startoverlay() context("{\\color[trace:r]{%c}}{\\color[trace:ds]{%c}}",unicode,variant) context.stopoverlay() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end end context.stoptabulate() return end end nothing() end local function collectligatures(steps) -- Mostly the same as s-fonts-features so we should make a helper. local series = { } local stack = { } local max = 0 local function add(v) local n = #stack if n > max then max = n end series[#series+1] = { v, unpack(stack) } end local function make(tree) for k, v in sortedhash(tree) do if k == "ligature" then add(v) elseif tonumber(v) then insert(stack,k) add(v) remove(stack) else insert(stack,k) make(v) remove(stack) end end end for i=1,#steps do local step = steps[i] local coverage = step.coverage if coverage then make(coverage) end end return series, max end local function banner(index,kind,order) ctx_sequence("sequence: %i, kind: %s, features: % t",index,noprefix(kind),order) end function tabletracers.showligatures(specification) local tfmdata, fontid, resources = checked(specification) if resources then local characters = tfmdata.characters local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions local sequences = resources.sequences if sequences then local done = true for index=1,#sequences do local sequence = sequences[index] local kind = sequence.type if kind == "gsub_ligature" then local list, max = collectligatures(sequence.steps) if #list > 0 then banner(index,kind,sequence.order or { }) context.starttabulate { "|T|" .. string.rep("|",max) .. "|T|T|" } for i=1,#list do local s = list[i] local n = #s local u = s[1] local c = characters[u] local d = descriptions[u] ctx_NC() context("%U",u) ctx_NC() ctx_setfontid(fontid) ctx_char(u) ctx_NC() ctx_setfontid(fontid) for i=2,n do ctx_char(s[i]) ctx_NC() end for i=n+1,max do ctx_NC() end context(d.name) ctx_NC() context(c.tounicode) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end context.stoptabulate() done = true end end end if done then return end end end nothing() end