%D \module %D [ file=s-fonts-emoji, %D version=2017.04.26, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Emoji Helpers, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startluacode moduledata.emoji = moduledata.emoji or { } local find = string.find local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local utfvalues = string.utfvalues local context = context local traverseid = nodes.traverseid local glyph_code = nodes.nodecodes.glyph local descriptions = fonts.hashes.descriptions local checkedemoji = fonts.symbols.emoji.checked local compactemoji = characters.emoji.compact local resolvedemoji = characters.emoji.resolve local knownemoji = characters.emoji.known local function emojisnippets(name) local d = descriptions[true] if d then local e = resolvedemoji(name) local s = { } for b in utfvalues(e) do if not (b == 0x200D or (b >= 0x1F3FB and b <= 0x1F3FF)) then local t = { } s[#s+1] = t local c = d[b] if c then c = c.colors if c then for i=1,#c do t[#t+1] = c[i].slot end else t[#t+1] = b end end end end return #s > 0 and s or nil end end local function emojiglyphs(name) local d = descriptions[true] if d then local e = checkedemoji(name) local s = { } for n in traverseid(glyph_code,e) do local b = n.char if not (b == 0x200D or (b >= 0x1F3FB and b <= 0x1F3FF)) then local t = { } s[#s+1] = t local c = d[b] if c then c = c.colors if c then for i=1,#c do t[#t+1] = c[i].slot end else t[#t+1] = b end end end end nodes.flush_list(e) return #s > 0 and s or nil end end characters.emojisnippets = emojisnippets fonts.symbols.emojiglyphs = emojiglyphs function moduledata.emoji.showsnippets(name) local s = emojisnippets(name) if s then local ni = #s for i=1,ni do local si = s[i] local nj = #si for j=1,nj do context.WrapEmojiSnippet(i,ni,j,nj,si[j]) end end end end function moduledata.emoji.showglyphs(name) local s = emojiglyphs(name) if s then local ni = #s for i=1,ni do local si = s[i] local nj = #si for j=1,nj do context.WrapEmojiSnippet(i,ni,j,nj,si[j]) end end end end function moduledata.emoji.showknown(list) local hash = knownemoji() local size = 0 if list then list = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(list) size = #list if size == 0 then list = false else for i=1,size do list[i] = string.escapedpattern(list[i]) end end end for k, v in sortedhash(hash) do local okay = true if find(compactemoji(k),"%-s%-t") then okay = false elseif list then okay = false for i=1,size do if find(k,list[i]) then okay = true break end end end if okay then context("\\WrapEmojiPlusText{%s}{%!tex!}",k,v) end end end local function convert(t,k) local v = { } for i=1,#k do local p = k[i] end return v end function moduledata.emoji.showpalette(list) local colorpalettes = fonts.hashes.resources[true].colorpalettes if colorpalettes then if list then list = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash(list) if not next(list) then list = false end end context.starttabulate { "||lp|" } for i=1,#colorpalettes do if not list or list[tostring(i)] then local palette = colorpalettes[i] context.BC() context.type(i) context.NC() for j=1,#palette do local p = palette[j] local r, g, b = p[1]/255, p[2]/255, p[3]/255 local s = attributes.colors.rgbtogray(r,g,b) context.WrapEmojiColorEntry(j,s,r,g,b) end context.NC() context.NR() end end context.stoptabulate() end end \stopluacode \unexpanded\def\WrapEmojiPlusText#1#2% {\dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup \tttf % determines em \hpack to 8\emwidth{\setfontid\scratchcounter#2\hss}% \hpack to 8\emwidth{\setfontid\scratchcounter\checkedemoji{#1}\hss}% #1% \egroup\par} \unexpanded\def\ShowEmoji {\dosingleempty\doShowEmoji} \unexpanded\def\doShowEmoji[#1]% {\begingroup \scratchcounter\fontid\font \ctxlua{moduledata.emoji.showknown([[#1]])}% \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\WrapEmojiSnippet#1#2#3#4#5% {\ifnum#3=\plusone \par \dontleavehmode\ruledhbox\bgroup \fi \ruledhbox to 2\emwidth{\hss\char#5\hss}% \ifnum#3=#4\relax \egroup \par \fi} \unexpanded\def\ShowEmojiSnippets[#1]% {\ctxlua{moduledata.emoji.showsnippets("#1")}} \unexpanded\def\ShowEmojiGlyphs[#1]% {\ctxlua{moduledata.emoji.showglyphs("#1")}} \unexpanded\def\OverlayEmojiSnippet#1#2#3#4#5% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\color[trace:#3]{\char#5}}% \ifnum#3=\plusone \ifnum#1=\plusone \dontleavehmode\ruledhbox\bgroup \fi \hbox\bgroup \else \hskip-\wd\scratchbox \fi \box\scratchbox \ifnum#3=#4\relax \egroup \ifnum#1=#2\relax \egroup \fi \fi} \unexpanded\def\ShowEmojiSnippetsOverlay[#1]% {\begingroup \let\WrapEmojiSnippet\OverlayEmojiSnippet \ctxlua{moduledata.emoji.showsnippets("#1")}% \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\WrapEmojiColorEntry#1#2#3#4#5% {\dontleavehmode\hpack\bgroup \definecolor [dummy] [r=#3,g=#4,b=#5]% \backgroundline [dummy] {\setbox\scratchbox\hpack to 2\emwidth{\hss\ifdim#2pt<.5pt\white\fi\ttx#1\hss}% \ht\scratchbox.8\strutht\dp\scratchbox.6\strutdp\box\scratchbox}% \egroup \quad} \unexpanded\def\ShowEmojiPalettes {\dosingleempty\doShowEmojiPalettes} \unexpanded\def\doShowEmojiPalettes[#1]% {\ctxlua{moduledata.emoji.showpalette([[#1]])}} % \definefontfeature[bandw:overlay][ccmp=yes,dist=yes] % \definefontfeature[color:overlay][ccmp=yes,dist=yes,colr=yes] % %definefontfeature[bandw:svg] [ccmp=yes,dist=yes] % \definefontfeature[color:svg] [ccmp=yes,dist=yes,svg=yes] % %definefontfeature[bandw:bitmap] [ccmp=yes,dist=yes,sbix=yes] % \definefontfeature[color:bitmap] [ccmp=yes,dist=yes,sbix=yes] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-cl][color:overlay] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-bw][bandw:overlay] % \definefont[MyEmoji] [seguiemj*seguiemj-bw] % \definefont[MyEmoji] [seguiemj*seguiemj-cl] % \definefont[MyEmoji] [emojionecolor-svginot*default,svg] % \definefont[MyEmoji] [emojionemozilla*default,overlay] % \definefont[MyEmoji] [applecoloremoji*default,bitmap] % \definecolor[trace:1][s=0,t=.5,a=1] % \definecolor[trace:2][s=0,t=.5,a=1] % \definecolor[trace:3][s=0,t=.5,a=1] % \definecolor[trace:4][s=0,t=.5,a=1] % \definecolor[trace:5][s=0,t=.5,a=1] % \definecolor[trace:6][s=0,t=.5,a=1] \continueifinputfile{s-fonts-emoji.mkiv} \starttext \start \definedfont[seguiemj*seguiemj-cl] \ShowEmojiSnippets [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \ShowEmojiSnippetsOverlay [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \ShowEmojiGlyphs [family man light skin tone woman dark skin tone girl medium skin tone boy medium skin tone] \page \ShowEmoji[^man] \page \definecolor[emoji-base][r=.4] \definecolor[emoji-gray][s=.5,t=.5,a=1] \definefontcolorpalette [emoji-gray] [emoji-base,emoji-gray] \definefontfeature[seguiemj-cl][ccmp=yes,dist=yes,colr=emoji-gray] \definedfont[seguiemj*seguiemj-cl] \ShowEmoji \page \ShowEmojiPalettes[1] \stop \stoptext