%D \module %D [ file=m-pstricks, %D version=2010.03.14, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, %D subtitle=\PSTRICKS\ Connections, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D We don't support \PSTRICKS\ in \LMTX. In \MKIV\ it was already doen by calling %D \PDFTEX\ and going the \POSTSCRIPT\ route. We could actually support it sort of %D integrated if it were just graphics but I suppose fonts will make it a mess not %D worth the trouble. One can always use \MKII\ directly if needed to make graphics %D that get included as \PDF. \ifcase\contextlmtxmode \else \writestatus{modules}{the PStricks graphic system is not supported in LMTX} \expandafter \endinput \fi \registerctxluafile{m-pstricks}{} \unprotect % best we can make a special colors module % % \let\@unused\plussixteen % \let\alloc@ \gobblefivearguments % % \def\loadpstrickscolors#1% % {\pushmacro\dodefinecolor % \pushmacro\dodefinepalet % \pushmacro\dodefinecolorgroup % \def\dodefinecolor[##1][##2]% % {\doifassignmentelse{##2} % {\getparameters[pstricks][r=0,g=0,b=0,##2]% % \expanded{\newrgbcolor{##1}{{\pstricksr} {\pstricksg} {\pstricksb}}}}% % {}}% % \def\dodefinepalet [##1][##2]{}% % \def\dodefinecolorgroup[##1][##2][##3]{}% % \writestatus{pstricks}{loading colors from #1}% % \input #1 \relax % \popmacro\dodefinecolorgroup % \popmacro\dodefinepalet % \popmacro\dodefinecolor} % % \input multido \relax % \input pstricks \relax % \input pst-plot \relax % % \loadpstrickscolors{colo-rgb} \definebuffer[PSTRICKS] \unexpanded\def\processPSTRICKS {\ctxlua{moduledata.pstricks.process(\thebuffernumber{PSTRICKS})}} \unexpanded\def\usePSTRICKSmodule[#1]{\ctxlua{moduledata.pstricks.usemodule("#1")}} \unexpanded\def\setPSTRICKS #1{\setbuffer[def-\thebuffernumber{PSTRICKS}]#1\endbuffer} \let\stopPSTRICKS\processPSTRICKS %D \starttyping %D \usemodule[pstricks] %D \usePSTRICKSmodule[pst-barcode] %D %D \startPSTRICKS %D \pspicture(-4mm,-1mm)(38mm,26mm) %D \psbarcode{9781860742712}{includetext guardwhitespace}{ean13}% %D \endpspicture %D \stopPSTRICKS %D \stoptyping \protect \endinput