%D \module %D [ file=m-asymptote, %D version=2017.03.24, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, %D subtitle=Asymptote, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % \enabletrackers[sandbox,buffers.run] %D Currently asymptote assumes \MKII\ but better is to only support \MKIV. A problem %D is that asymptote has this hard coded while for \CONTEXT\ it's better to stick to %D something simple: %D %D \starttyping %D \starttext %D %D \startasymptotepage %D some label %D \stopasymptotepage %D %D \startasymptotepage %D some label %D \stopasymptotepage %D %D \stoptext %D \stoptyping %D %D Which is then run with: %D %D \starttyping %D context --nonstopmode --purge somefile.tex %D \stoptyping %D %D For the moment add "settings.prc=true;" to a graphic that is meant to produce that %D format. See end of file for some examples. \registerctxluafile{m-asymptote}{} \unprotect \unexpanded\def\asymptote {\dodoubleempty\module_asymptote} \unexpanded\def\module_asymptote[#1][#2]% {\iffirstargument \begingroup \getdummyparameters[#2]% \edef\lasttypesetbuffer{\ctxlua{moduledata.asymptote.process("asymptote:#1","\dummyparameter\c!type")}}% \externalfigure [\lasttypesetbuffer]% [\c!controls=\lasttypesetbuffer,#2]% \endgroup \fi} \unexpanded\def\startasymptote[#1]% {\begingroup \dostartbuffer[asymptote:#1][startasymptote][stopasymptote]} \unexpanded\def\stopasymptote {\endgroup} \definefittingpage [asymptotepage] [\c!align=\v!normal] \protect \continueifinputfile{m-asymptote.mkiv} \starttext \startasymptote[demo-1] settings.prc = true ; import graph3 ; import palette ; size(6cm,6cm) ; size3(5cm,0) ; currentprojection = orthographic(3,-6,12) ; currentlight = light(8,10,2) ; real g(pair z) { return 1-z.x^2-z.y^2 ; } real f(pair z) { return -2z.x+2 ; } real x(real t) { return t ; } real y(real t) { return 0 ; } real z(real t) { return 1-t^2 ; } real a(real t) { return 1 ; } real b(real t) { return t ; } real c(real t) { return -t^2 ; } path3 p=graph(x,y,z,-2,2,operator ..) ; path3 o=graph(a,b,c,-2,2,operator ..) ; surface r = surface(f, (0,-1), (2,1), nx = 3, Spline) ; surface s = surface(g, (-2,-2), (2,2), nx = 5, Spline) ; path3 q = (-2,-2,-7) -- (2,-2,-7) -- (2,2,-7) -- (-2,2,-7) -- cycle ; draw(q) ; draw(p, blue+thick(), Arrow3) ; draw(o, blue+thick(), Arrow3) ; draw(s, lightgray + opacity(0.8), nolight, meshpen = black + thick()) ; draw(r, lightgray + opacity(0.8), nolight, meshpen = black + thick()) ; draw((1,0,0) -- (2,0,-2), black, Arrow3) ; draw((1,0,0) -- (1,1,0), black, Arrow3) ; \stopasymptote \startasymptote[demo-2] size(6cm,6cm) ; fill((1cm,2cm) -- (3cm,3cm) -- (4cm,0cm) -- cycle); \stopasymptote % see end of grph-inc.mkiv for some more options: \startluaparameterset[demo-1] toolbar = true, tree = false, view = 'ortho' \stopluaparameterset \asymptote[demo-1][type=prc,width=5cm,height=5cm,frame=on,display=yes,controls=yes,preview=yes] \asymptote[demo-2][type=pdf,width=8cm,frame=on] % \typebuffer[asymptote:demo-1] % \startasymptotepage % test % \stopasymptotepage \stoptext