% output=pdftex interface=en %D \module %D [ file=setup-qr, %D version=1997.07.22, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Quick Reference Document / Efficient, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This is a stripped down version of the good old quick %D reference document. This version is more compact and %D therefore better suited for local processing and printing. %D The slightly more fancy version can be fetched from the %D \CONTEXT\ web site. \dontcomplain \silentmode \unprotect \setupbodyfont [9pt] \setuplayout [\c!rugwit=1cm, \c!kopwit=1cm, \c!hoofd=0cm, \c!voet=0cm, \c!breedte=\v!midden, \c!hoogte=\v!midden] \readfile{setupa} {} {} \stelsetupin [\c!criterium=\v!alles, \c!verwijzing=0] \setupframedtexts [setuptext] [\c!kader=\v!aan] \readfile{setupb} {} {} \starttekst \startmakeup[\v!standaard] \setupalign[\v!midden] \definedfont[RegularBold at 60pt]\setstrut \strut Con\TeX t \par \vskip24pt \definedfont[RegularBold at 45pt]\setstrut \startinterface dutch \strut commando's \par \stopinterface \startinterface english \strut commands \par \stopinterface \startinterface german \strut befehle \par \stopinterface \startinterface czech \strut prikaz\'y \par \stopinterface \startinterface italian \strut comandi \par \stopinterface \startinterface romanian \strut comenzile \par \stopinterface \vfill \strut \currentdate \par \startinterface dutch \strut nederlands \par \stopinterface \startinterface english \strut english \par \stopinterface \startinterface german \strut deutsch \par \stopinterface \startinterface czech \strut \^cesk\'y \par \stopinterface \startinterface italian \strut italiano \par \stopinterface \startinterface romanian \strut rom\^{a}n\u{a} \par \stopinterface \stopmakeup \protect \placesetup \stoptekst