%D \module %D [ file=x-fig-00, %D version=2001.03.21, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Figure Base Loading, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % \readfile{x-res-04} \donothing \donothing \endinput % naast label, ook fig als ref en dan naar fig ref springen %D This module implements an interface to a figure database %D and file. The database is formatted in \XML\ conforming %D the following \DTD: %D %D \typefile{x-fig-00.dtd} %D %D A figure base coded this way looks like: %D %D \starttypen %D %D %D %D %D %D PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering %D Manuals %D Beginners Manual %D A bunch of figures. %D %D %D
%D koe.pdf %D %D Corel Draw Suite %D I bet that you've seen this cow before. %D
%D %D
%D non existent %D %D Nobody %D When will we talk about European cows? %D
%D %D
%D \stoptypen %D %D You can convert this base into a \PDF\ file using %D \TEXEXEC\ and another module in this suite. %D %D \starttypen %D texexec --pdf --use=fig-make yourfile.xml %D \stoptypen %D %D You can now select a graphic from this file using the %D %D \starttypen %D \externalfigure[a dutch cow][width=4cm] %D \stoptypen %D %D This module overloads this command so that a figure is %D it first searched in the list of databases. %D %D \starttypen %D \usemodule [fig-base] %D \usefigurebases[yourfile] %D \stoptypen %D %D The special keyword \type {reset} can be used to reset %D this list. \startcommands dutch english german czech italian romanian usefigurebase: gebruikfiguurbestand usefigurebase usefigurebase usefigurebase usefigurebase usefigurebase \stopcommands \unprotect \consultutilityfilefalse \startXMLmapping [-] [figbase] \defineXMLprocess [figurelibrary] \defineXMLignore [description] \defineXMLignore [copyright] \defineXMLignore [comment] \defineXMLignore [status] \defineXMLpush [file] \defineXMLpush [label] \defineXMLpush [dummy] \defineXMLenvironment [figure] \figbase@StartFigure \figbase@StopFigure \stopXMLmapping \newcounter\figurefilepage \def\figbase@StartFigure {\bgroup} \def\figbase@StopFigure {\doglobal\increment\figurefilepage \doif\askedlabel{\XMLpop{label}} {\doglobal\settrue\figurefiledone \xdef\figurefilename{\XMLpop{file}}\endinput}% \egroup} \def\getfigurefilename#1#2% {\startnointerference \traceXMLelementsfalse \startXMLmapping[-][figbase] \resetfigurefilebase \XMLerase{file} \XMLerase{dummy} \XMLerase{label} \xdef\figurefilebase{#1}% \doglobal\newcounter\figurefilepage \def\askedlabel{#2} \processcommacommand[\figurepathlist]\dogetfigurefilename \stopXMLmapping \stopnointerference} \globalletempty\figurebasepath \def\dogetfigurefilename#1% {\ifx\figurefilename\empty \bgroup \xdef\figurefilebasepath{#1}% \assignfullfilename{#1}\figurefilebase\to\filename \expanded{\processXMLfilegrouped{\filename.xml}}% \ifx\figurefilename\empty\else \globallet\figurefilebase\figurefilebase \fi \egroup \fi} \def\resetfigurefilebase {\globalletempty\figurefilebase \globalletempty\figurefilename \globalletempty\figurefilebasepath \globalletempty\figurefilepage} \let\normalcalculateexternalfigure\calculateexternalfigure \def\calculateexternalfigure[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]% {\resetfigurefilebase \ifx\figurebaselist\empty \normalcalculateexternalfigure [#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]% \else \def\docommando##1% {\getfigurefilename{##1}{#3}% \ifx\figurefilename\empty\else\quitcommalist\fi}% \processcommacommand[\figurebaselist]\docommando \ifx\figurefilename\empty \stripspaces\from#3\to\figurefilename % to be sure \normalcalculateexternalfigure [#1][#2][\figurefilename][#4][#5][#6]% \else \let\figurepathlist\figurefilebasepath \normalcalculateexternalfigure [#1][#2][\figurefilebase.pdf][\c!pagina=\figurefilepage,#4][#5][#6]% \fi \fi} \def\usefigurebase[#1]% {\doifelse{#1}\v!reset {\let\figurebaselist\empty} {\addtocommalist{#1}\figurebaselist}} \let\figurebaselist\empty \resetfigurefilebase \protect \endinput \usefigurebase[figtest] \externalfigure[koetje] [width=3cm] \externalfigure[de molen op de dijk][width=3cm] \externalfigure[de molen op de dijk][width=2cm] \externalfigure[weet ik veel] [width=3cm] \externalfigure[weet ik veel] [width=2cm] \externalfigure[weet ik wat] [width=2cm] \externalfigure[koe] [width=2cm]