if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-sql-users'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lmx-*", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This is experimental code and currently part of the base installation simply -- because it's easier to dirtribute this way. Eventually it will be documented -- and the related scripts will show up as well. -- local sql = sql or (utilities and utilities.sql) or require("util-sql") -- local md5 = md5 or require("md5") local sql = utilities.sql local format, upper, find, gsub, topattern = string.format, string.upper, string.find, string.gsub, string.topattern local sumhexa = md5.sumhexa local booleanstring = string.booleanstring local sql = utilities.sql local users = { } sql.users = users local trace_sql = false trackers.register("sql.users.trace", function(v) trace_sql = v end) local report = logs.reporter("sql","users") local function encryptpassword(str) if not str or str == "" then return "" elseif find(str,"^MD5:") then return str else return upper(format("MD5:%s",sumhexa(str))) end end local function cleanuppassword(str) return (gsub(str,"^MD5:","")) end local function samepasswords(one,two) if not one or not two then return false end if not find(one,"^MD5:") then one = encryptpassword(one) end if not find(two,"^MD5:") then two = encryptpassword(two) end return one == two end local function validaddress(address,addresses) if address and addresses and address ~= "" and addresses ~= "" then if find(address,topattern(addresses,true,true)) then return true, "valid remote address" end return false, "invalid remote address" else return true, "no remote address check" end end users.encryptpassword = encryptpassword users.cleanuppassword = cleanuppassword users.samepasswords = samepasswords users.validaddress = validaddress -- print(users.encryptpassword("test")) -- MD5:098F6BCD4621D373CADE4E832627B4F6 local function checkeddb(presets,datatable) return sql.usedatabase(presets,datatable or presets.datatable or "users") end users.usedb = checkeddb local groupnames = { } local groupnumbers = { } local function registergroup(name) local n = #groupnames + 1 groupnames [n] = name groupnames [tostring(n)] = name groupnames [name] = name groupnumbers[n] = n groupnumbers[tostring(n)] = n groupnumbers[name] = n return n end registergroup("superuser") registergroup("administrator") registergroup("user") registergroup("guest") users.groupnames = groupnames users.groupnumbers = groupnumbers -- password 'test': -- -- INSERT insert into users (`name`,`password`,`group`,`enabled`) values ('...','MD5:098F6BCD4621D373CADE4E832627B4F6',1,1) ; local template =[[ CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `fullname` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `group` int(11) NOT NULL, `enabled` int(11) DEFAULT '1', `email` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, `theme` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `data` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `name_unique` (`name`) ) DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 ; ]] local converter, fields = sql.makeconverter { { name = "id", type = "number" }, { name = "name", type = "string" }, { name = "fullname", type = "string" }, { name = "password", type = "string" }, { name = "group", type = groupnames }, { name = "enabled", type = "boolean" }, { name = "email", type = "string" }, { name = "address", type = "string" }, { name = "theme", type = "string" }, { name = "data", type = "deserialize" }, } function users.createdb(presets,datatable) local db = checkeddb(presets,datatable) db.execute { template = template, variables = { basename = db.basename, }, } report("datatable %q created in %q",db.name,db.base) return db end local template =[[ SELECT %fields% FROM %basename% WHERE `name` = '%name%' AND `password` = '%password%' ; ]] local template =[[ SELECT %fields% FROM %basename% WHERE `name` = '%name%' ; ]] function users.valid(db,username,password,address) local data = db.execute { template = template, converter = converter, variables = { basename = db.basename, fields = fields, name = username, }, } local data = data and data[1] if not data then return false, "unknown user" elseif not data.enabled then return false, "disabled user" elseif data.password ~= encryptpassword(password) then return false, "wrong password" elseif not validaddress(address,data.address) then return false, "invalid address" else data.password = nil return data, "okay" end end local template =[[ INSERT INTO %basename% ( `name`, `fullname`, `password`, `group`, `enabled`, `email`, `address`, `theme`, `data` ) VALUES ( '%[name]%', '%[fullname]%', '%password%', '%group%', '%enabled%', '%[email]%', '%[address]%', '%[theme]%', '%[data]%' ) ; ]] function users.add(db,specification) local name = specification.username or specification.name if not name or name == "" then return end local data = specification.data db.execute { template = template, variables = { basename = db.basename, name = name, fullname = name or fullname, password = encryptpassword(specification.password or ""), group = groupnumbers[specification.group] or groupnumbers.guest, enabled = booleanstring(specification.enabled) and "1" or "0", email = specification.email, address = specification.address, theme = specification.theme, data = type(data) == "table" and db.serialize(data,"return") or "", }, } end local template =[[ SELECT %fields% FROM %basename% WHERE `name` = '%name%' ; ]] function users.getbyname(db,name) local data = db.execute { template = template, converter = converter, variables = { basename = db.basename, fields = fields, name = name, }, } return data and data[1] or nil end local template =[[ SELECT %fields% FROM %basename% WHERE `id` = '%id%' ; ]] local function getbyid(db,id) local data = db.execute { template = template, converter = converter, variables = { basename = db.basename, fields = fields, id = id, }, } return data and data[1] or nil end users.getbyid = getbyid local template =[[ UPDATE %basename% SET `fullname` = '%fullname%', `password` = '%password%', `group` = '%group%', `enabled` = '%enabled%', `email` = '%[email]%', `address` = '%[address]%', `theme` = '%[theme]%', `data` = '%[data]%' WHERE `id` = '%id%' ; ]] function users.save(db,id,specification) id = tonumber(id) if not id then return end local user = getbyid(db,id) if tonumber(user.id) ~= id then return end local fullname = specification.fullname == nil and user.fulname or specification.fullname local password = specification.password == nil and user.password or specification.password local group = specification.group == nil and user.group or specification.group local enabled = specification.enabled == nil and user.enabled or specification.enabled local email = specification.email == nil and user.email or specification.email local address = specification.address == nil and user.address or specification.address local theme = specification.theme == nil and user.theme or specification.theme local data = specification.data == nil and user.data or specification.data db.execute { template = template, variables = { basename = db.basename, id = id, fullname = fullname, password = encryptpassword(password), group = groupnumbers[group], enabled = booleanstring(enabled) and "1" or "0", email = email, address = address, theme = theme, data = type(data) == "table" and db.serialize(data,"return") or "", }, } return getbyid(db,id) end local template =[[ DELETE FROM %basename% WHERE `id` = '%id%' ; ]] function users.remove(db,id) db.execute { template = template, variables = { basename = db.basename, id = id, }, } end local template =[[ SELECT %fields% FROM %basename% ORDER BY `name` ; ]] function users.collect(db) -- maybe also an id/name only variant local records, keys = db.execute { template = template, converter = converter, variables = { basename = db.basename, fields = fields, }, } return records, keys end