if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-sql-swiglib'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to util-sql.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- As the regular library is flawed (i.e. there are crashes in the table -- construction code) and also not that efficient, Luigi Scarso looked into -- a swig binding. This is a bit more low level approach but as we stay -- closer to the original library it's also less dependant. local concat = table.concat local format = string.format local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local setmetatable, type = setmetatable, type local sleep = os.sleep local trace_sql = false trackers.register("sql.trace", function(v) trace_sql = v end) local trace_queries = false trackers.register("sql.queries",function(v) trace_queries = v end) local report_state = logs.reporter("sql","swiglib") local sql = utilities.sql local mysql = require("swiglib.mysql.core") -- "5.6" -- inspect(table.sortedkeys(mysql)) local nofretries = 5 local retrydelay = 1 local cache = { } local helpers = sql.helpers local methods = sql.methods local validspecification = helpers.validspecification local querysplitter = helpers.querysplitter local dataprepared = helpers.preparetemplate local serialize = sql.serialize local deserialize = sql.deserialize local mysql_initialize = mysql.mysql_init local mysql_open_connection = mysql.mysql_real_connect local mysql_execute_query = mysql.mysql_real_query local mysql_close_connection = mysql.mysql_close local mysql_field_seek = mysql.mysql_field_seek local mysql_num_fields = mysql.mysql_num_fields local mysql_fetch_field = mysql.mysql_fetch_field local mysql_num_rows = mysql.mysql_num_rows local mysql_fetch_row = mysql.mysql_fetch_row local mysql_fetch_lengths = mysql.mysql_fetch_lengths local mysql_init = mysql.mysql_init local mysql_store_result = mysql.mysql_store_result local mysql_free_result = mysql.mysql_free_result local mysql_use_result = mysql.mysql_use_result local mysql_error_message = mysql.mysql_error local mysql_options_argument = mysql.mysql_options_argument local instance = mysql.MYSQL() local mysql_constant_false = false local mysql_constant_true = true -- if mysql_options_argument then -- -- mysql_constant_false = mysql_options_argument(false) -- 0 "\0" -- mysql_constant_true = mysql_options_argument(true) -- 1 "\1" -- -- -- print(swig_type(mysql_constant_false)) -- -- print(swig_type(mysql_constant_true)) -- -- mysql.mysql_options(instance,mysql.MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT,mysql_constant_true); -- -- else -- -- print("") -- print("incomplete swiglib.mysql interface") -- print("") -- -- end local typemap = mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING and { [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ] = "string", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ] = "string", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY ] = "number", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB ] = "binary", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB] = "binary", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB ] = "binary", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB ] = "binary", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE ] = "date", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE ] = "date", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME ] = "datetime", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME ] = "time", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP ] = "time", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM ] = "set", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_SET ] = "set", [mysql.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL ] = "null", } -- real_escape_string local function finish(t) local r = t._result_ if r then mysql_free_result(r) end end -- will become metatable magic -- local function analyze(result) -- mysql_field_seek(result,0) -- local nofrows = mysql_num_rows(result) or 0 -- local noffields = mysql_num_fields(result) -- local names = { } -- local types = { } -- for i=1,noffields do -- local field = mysql_fetch_field(result) -- names[i] = field.name -- types[i] = field.type -- end -- return names, types, noffields, nofrows -- end local function getcolnames(t) return t.names end local function getcoltypes(t) return t.types end local function numrows(t) return t.nofrows end -- swig_type -- local ulongArray_getitem = mysql.ulongArray_getitem -- local util_getbytearray = mysql.util_getbytearray -- local function list(t) -- local result = t._result_ -- local row = mysql_fetch_row(result) -- local len = mysql_fetch_lengths(result) -- local result = { } -- for i=1,t.noffields do -- local r = i - 1 -- zero offset -- result[i] = util_getbytearray(row,r,ulongArray_getitem(len,r)) -- end -- return result -- end -- local function hash(t) -- local list = util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row(t._result_) -- local result = t._result_ -- local fields = t.names -- local row = mysql_fetch_row(result) -- local len = mysql_fetch_lengths(result) -- local result = { } -- for i=1,t.noffields do -- local r = i - 1 -- zero offset -- result[fields[i]] = util_getbytearray(row,r,ulongArray_getitem(len,r)) -- end -- return result -- end local util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row = mysql.util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row local util_mysql_fetch_all_rows = mysql.util_mysql_fetch_all_rows local function list(t) return util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row(t._result_) end local function hash(t) local list = util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row(t._result_) local fields = t.names local data = { } for i=1,t.noffields do data[fields[i]] = list[i] end return data end local function wholelist(t) return util_mysql_fetch_all_rows(t._result_) end local mt = { __index = { -- regular finish = finish, list = list, hash = hash, wholelist = wholelist, -- compatibility numrows = numrows, getcolnames = getcolnames, getcoltypes = getcoltypes, -- fallback _result_ = nil, names = { }, types = { }, noffields = 0, nofrows = 0, } } local nt = setmetatable({},mt) -- session local function close(t) mysql_close_connection(t._connection_) end local function execute(t,query) if query and query ~= "" then local connection = t._connection_ local result = mysql_execute_query(connection,query,#query) if result == 0 then local result = mysql_store_result(connection) if result then mysql_field_seek(result,0) local nofrows = mysql_num_rows(result) or 0 local noffields = mysql_num_fields(result) local names = { } local types = { } for i=1,noffields do local field = mysql_fetch_field(result) names[i] = field.name types[i] = field.type end local t = { _result_ = result, names = names, types = types, noffields = noffields, nofrows = nofrows, } return setmetatable(t,mt) else return nt end end end return false end local mt = { __index = { close = close, execute = execute, } } local function open(t,database,username,password,host,port) local connection = mysql_open_connection(t._session_,host or "localhost",username or "",password or "",database or "",port or 0,0,0) if connection then local t = { _connection_ = connection, } return setmetatable(t,mt) end end local function message(t) return mysql_error_message(t._session_) end local function close(t) -- dummy, as we have a global session end local mt = { __index = { connect = open, close = close, message = message, } } local function initialize() local session = { _session_ = mysql_initialize(instance) -- maybe share, single thread anyway } return setmetatable(session,mt) end -- -- -- -- local function connect(session,specification) return session:connect( specification.database or "", specification.username or "", specification.password or "", specification.host or "", specification.port ) end local function error_in_connection(specification,action) report_state("error in connection: [%s] %s@%s to %s:%s", action or "unknown", specification.database or "no database", specification.username or "no username", specification.host or "no host", specification.port or "no port" ) end local function datafetched(specification,query,converter) if not query or query == "" then report_state("no valid query") return { }, { } end local id = specification.id local session, connection if id then local c = cache[id] if c then session = c.session connection = c.connection end if not connection then session = initialize() connection = connect(session,specification) if not connection then for i=1,nofretries do sleep(retrydelay) report_state("retrying to connect: [%s.%s] %s@%s to %s:%s", id,i, specification.database or "no database", specification.username or "no username", specification.host or "no host", specification.port or "no port" ) connection = connect(session,specification) if connection then break end end end if connection then cache[id] = { session = session, connection = connection } end end else session = initialize() connection = connect(session,specification) if not connection then for i=1,nofretries do sleep(retrydelay) report_state("retrying to connect: [%s] %s@%s to %s:%s", i, specification.database or "no database", specification.username or "no username", specification.host or "no host", specification.port or "no port" ) connection = connect(session,specification) if connection then break end end end end if not connection then report_state("error in connection: %s@%s to %s:%s", specification.database or "no database", specification.username or "no username", specification.host or "no host", specification.port or "no port" ) return { }, { } end query = lpegmatch(querysplitter,query) local result, message, okay for i=1,#query do local q = query[i] local r, m = connection:execute(q) if m then report_state("error in query, stage: %s",string.collapsespaces(q)) message = message and format("%s\n%s",message,m) or m end if type(r) == "table" then result = r okay = true elseif not m then okay = true end end local data, keys if result then if converter then data = converter.swiglib(result) else keys = result.names data = { } for i=1,result.nofrows do data[i] = result:hash() end end result:finish() -- result:close() elseif message then report_state("message %s",message) end if not keys then keys = { } end if not data then data = { } end if not id then connection:close() session:close() end return data, keys end local function execute(specification) if trace_sql then report_state("executing library") end if not validspecification(specification) then report_state("error in specification") return end local query = dataprepared(specification) if not query then report_state("error in preparation") return end local data, keys = datafetched(specification,query,specification.converter) if not data then report_state("error in fetching") return end local one = data[1] if one then setmetatable(data,{ __index = one } ) end return data, keys end local wraptemplate = [[ local mysql = require("swigluamysql") -- will be stored in method ----- mysql_fetch_row = mysql.mysql_fetch_row ----- mysql_fetch_lengths = mysql.mysql_fetch_lengths ----- util_unpackbytearray = mysql.util_unpackbytearray local util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row = mysql.util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row local converters = utilities.sql.converters local deserialize = utilities.sql.deserialize local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local booleanstring = string.booleanstring %s return function(result) if not result then return { } end local nofrows = result.nofrows or 0 if nofrows == 0 then return { } end local noffields = result.noffields or 0 local target = { } -- no %s needed here result = result._result_ for i=1,nofrows do -- local row = mysql_fetch_row(result) -- local len = mysql_fetch_lengths(result) -- local cells = util_unpackbytearray(row,noffields,len) local cells = util_mysql_fetch_fields_from_current_row(result) target[%s] = { %s } end return target end ]] local celltemplate = "cells[%s]" methods.swiglib = { runner = function() end, -- never called execute = execute, initialize = initialize, -- returns session usesfiles = false, wraptemplate = wraptemplate, celltemplate = celltemplate, }