%D \module %D [ file=unic-003, %D version=2005.01.26, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \UNICODE\ Macros, %D subtitle=Vector 3, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \unprotect \startunicodevector 3 \ifcase\numexpr#1-132\relax % special greek \strippedcsname \greektonos \or \strippedcsname \greekdialytikatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekAlphatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekanoteleia \or \strippedcsname \greekEpsilontonos \or \strippedcsname \greekEtatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekIotatonos \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \greekOmicrontonos \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \greekUpsilontonos \or \strippedcsname \greekOmegatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekiotadialytikatonos \or % normal greek \strippedcsname \greekAlpha \or \strippedcsname \greekBeta \or \strippedcsname \greekGamma \or \strippedcsname \greekDelta \or \strippedcsname \greekEpsilon \or \strippedcsname \greekZeta \or \strippedcsname \greekEta \or \strippedcsname \greekTheta \or \strippedcsname \greekIota \or \strippedcsname \greekKappa \or \strippedcsname \greekLambda \or \strippedcsname \greekMu \or \strippedcsname \greekNu \or \strippedcsname \greekXi \or \strippedcsname \greekOmicron \or \strippedcsname \greekPi \or \strippedcsname \greekRho \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \greekSigma \or \strippedcsname \greekTau \or \strippedcsname \greekUpsilon \or \strippedcsname \greekPhi \or \strippedcsname \greekChi \or \strippedcsname \greekPsi \or \strippedcsname \greekOmega \or % special greek \strippedcsname \greekIotadialytika \or \strippedcsname \greekUpsilondialytika \or \strippedcsname \greekalphatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekepsilontonos \or \strippedcsname \greeketatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekiotatonos \or \strippedcsname \greekupsilondialytikatonos \or % normal greek \strippedcsname \greekalpha \or \strippedcsname \greekbeta \or \strippedcsname \greekgamma \or \strippedcsname \greekdelta \or \strippedcsname \greekepsilon \or \strippedcsname \greekzeta \or \strippedcsname \greeketa \or \strippedcsname \greektheta \or \strippedcsname \greekiota \or \strippedcsname \greekkappa \or \strippedcsname \greeklambda \or \strippedcsname \greekmu \or \strippedcsname \greeknu \or \strippedcsname \greekxi \or \strippedcsname \greekomicron \or \strippedcsname \greekpi \or \strippedcsname \greekrho \or \strippedcsname \greekfinalsigma \or \strippedcsname \greeksigma \or \strippedcsname \greektau \or \strippedcsname \greekupsilon \or \strippedcsname \greekphi \or \strippedcsname \greekchi \or \strippedcsname \greekpsi \or \strippedcsname \greekomega \or % special greek \strippedcsname \greekiotadialytika \or \strippedcsname \greekupsilondialytika \or \strippedcsname \greekomicrontonos \or \strippedcsname \greekupsilontonos \or \strippedcsname \greekomegatonos \or % was greeek! \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % beta alt \strippedcsname \greekthetaalt \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % upsilon hook \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \greekphialt \or \strippedcsname \greekpialt \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % Sampi \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % sampi \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or % kappa alt \strippedcsname \greekrhoalt \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \greekepsilonalt \else \strippedcsname \unknownchar \fi \stopunicodevector \protect \endinput