if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['supp-fil'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to supp-fil.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

It's more convenient to manipulate filenames (paths) in than in . These methods have counterparts at the side.

--ldx]]-- local find, gsub, match, format = string.find, string.gsub, string.match, string.format local texsprint, ctxcatcodes = tex.sprint, tex.ctxcatcodes support = support or { } environment = environment or { } environment.outputfilename = environment.outputfilename or environment.jobname function support.checkfilename(str) -- "/whatever..." "c:..." "http://..." commands.chardef("kindoffile",boolean.tonumber(find(str,"^/") or find(str,"[%a]:"))) end function support.thesanitizedfilename(str) tex.write((gsub(str,"\\","/"))) end function support.splitfilename(fullname) local path, name, base, suffix, kind = '', fullname, fullname, '', 0 local p, n = match(fullname,"^(.+)/(.-)$") if p and n then path, name, base = p, n, n end local b, s = match(base,"^(.+)%.(.-)$") if b and s then name, suffix = b, s end if path == "" then kind = 0 elseif path == '.' then kind = 1 else kind = 2 end commands.def("splitofffull", fullname) commands.def("splitoffpath", path) commands.def("splitoffbase", base) commands.def("splitoffname", name) commands.def("splitofftype", suffix) commands.chardef("splitoffkind", kind) end function support.splitfiletype(fullname) local name, suffix = fullname, '' local n, s = match(fullname,"^(.+)%.(.-)$") if n and s then name, suffix = n, s end commands.def("splitofffull", fullname) commands.def("splitoffpath", "") commands.def("splitoffname", name) commands.def("splitofftype", suffix) end function support.doifparentfileelse(n) commands.testcase(n==environment.jobname or n==environment.jobname..'.tex' or n==environment.outputfilename) end -- saves some .15 sec on 12 sec format generation local lastexistingfile = "" function support.doiffileexistelse(name) if not name or name == "" then lastexistingfile = "" else lastexistingfile = resolvers.findtexfile(name) or "" end return commands.testcase(lastexistingfile ~= "") end function support.lastexistingfile() tex.sprint(ctxcatcodes,lastexistingfile) end -- more, we can cache matches local finders, loaders, openers = resolvers.finders, resolvers.loaders, resolvers.openers local found = { } -- can best be done in the resolver itself -- todo: tracing local function readfile(specification,backtrack,treetoo) local fnd = found[specification] if not fnd then local splitspec = resolvers.splitmethod(specification) local filename = splitspec.path or "" if lfs.isfile(filename) then fnd = filename end if not fnd and backtrack then local fname = filename for i=1,backtrack,1 do fname = "../" .. fname if lfs.isfile(fname) then fnd = fname break end end end if not fnd and treetoo then fnd = resolvers.find_file(filename) end found[specification] = fnd end return fnd or "" end function finders.job(filename) return readfile(filename,nil,false) end -- current path, no backtracking function finders.loc(filename) return readfile(filename,2, false) end -- current path, backtracking function finders.sys(filename) return readfile(filename,nil,true ) end -- current path, obeys tex search function finders.fix(filename) return readfile(filename,2, false) end -- specified path, backtracking function finders.set(filename) return readfile(filename,nil,false) end -- specified path, no backtracking function finders.any(filename) return readfile(filename,2, true ) end -- loc job sys openers.job = openers.generic loaders.job = loaders.generic openers.loc = openers.generic loaders.loc = loaders.generic openers.sys = openers.generic loaders.sys = loaders.generic openers.fix = openers.generic loaders.fix = loaders.generic openers.set = openers.generic loaders.set = loaders.generic openers.any = openers.generic loaders.any = loaders.generic function support.doreadfile(protocol,path,name) local specification = ((path == "") and format("%s:///%s",protocol,name)) or format("%s:///%s/%s",protocol,path,name) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,resolvers.findtexfile(specification)) end