if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['supp-fil'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to supp-fil.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This module will be redone ! -- context is not defined yet! todo! (we need to load tupp-fil after cld) --[[ldx--

It's more convenient to manipulate filenames (paths) in than in . These methods have counterparts at the side.

--ldx]]-- local find, gsub, match, format, concat = string.find, string.gsub, string.match, string.format, table.concat local texcount = tex.count local isfile = lfs.isfile local trace_modules = false trackers.register("modules.loading", function(v) trace_modules = v end) local trace_files = false trackers.register("resolvers.readfile", function(v) trace_files = v end) local report_modules = logs.new("modules") local report_files = logs.new("resolvers") commands = commands or { } local commands = commands environment = environment or { } local environment = environment local findbyscheme = resolvers.finders.byscheme function commands.checkfilename(str) -- "/whatever..." "c:..." "http://..." texcount.kindoffile = (find(str,"^/") or find(str,"[%a]:") and 1) or 0 end function commands.thesanitizedfilename(str) context((gsub(str,"\\","/"))) end local testcase = commands.testcase function commands.splitfilename(fullname) local path, name, base, suffix, kind = '', fullname, fullname, '', 0 local p, n = match(fullname,"^(.+)/(.-)$") if p and n then path, name, base = p, n, n end local b, s = match(base,"^(.+)%.(.-)$") if b and s then name, suffix = b, s end texcount.splitoffkind = (path == "" and 0) or (path == '.' and 1) or 2 local setvalue = context.setvalue setvalue("splitofffull", fullname) setvalue("splitoffpath", path) setvalue("splitoffbase", base) setvalue("splitoffname", name) setvalue("splitofftype", suffix) end function commands.splitfiletype(fullname) local name, suffix = fullname, '' local n, s = match(fullname,"^(.+)%.(.-)$") if n and s then name, suffix = n, s end local setvalue = context.setvalue setvalue("splitofffull", fullname) setvalue("splitoffpath", "") setvalue("splitoffname", name) setvalue("splitofftype", suffix) end function commands.doifparentfileelse(n) testcase(n == environment.jobname or n == environment.jobname .. '.tex' or n == environment.outputfilename) end -- saves some .15 sec on 12 sec format generation local lastexistingfile = "" function commands.doiffileexistelse(name) if not name or name == "" then lastexistingfile = "" else lastexistingfile = resolvers.findtexfile(name) or "" end return testcase(lastexistingfile ~= "") end function commands.lastexistingfile() context(lastexistingfile) end -- more, we can cache matches local finders, loaders, openers = resolvers.finders, resolvers.loaders, resolvers.openers local found = { } -- can best be done in the resolver itself -- todo: tracing local function readfilename(specification,backtrack,treetoo) local name = specification.filename local fnd = found[name] if not fnd then if isfile(name) then if trace_files then report_files("readfile local, found %s",fname) end fnd = name end if backtrack then local fname = name for i=1,backtrack,1 do fname = "../" .. fname if isfile(fname) then if trace_files then report_files("readfile backtracking, found %s",fname) end fnd = fname break elseif trace_files then report_files("readfile backtracking, not found %s",fname) end end end if not fnd and treetoo then fnd = resolvers.findtexfile(name) or "" if trace_files then if fnd ~= "" then report_files("readfile tree lookup, found %s",fnd) else report_files("readfile tree lookup, not found %s",name) end end end found[name] = fnd elseif trace_files then if fnd ~= "" then report_files("readfile reuse, already found: %s",fnd) else report_files("readfile reuse, already ñot found: %s",name) end end return fnd or "" end function commands.readfilename(filename) return findbyscheme("any",filename) end function finders.job(specification) return readfilename(specification,false,false) end -- current path, no backtracking function finders.loc(specification) return readfilename(specification,2, false) end -- current path, backtracking function finders.sys(specification) return readfilename(specification,false,true ) end -- current path, obeys tex search function finders.fix(specification) return readfilename(specification,2, false) end -- specified path, backtracking function finders.set(specification) return readfilename(specification,false,false) end -- specified path, no backtracking function finders.any(specification) return readfilename(specification,2, true ) end -- loc job sys openers.job = openers.file loaders.job = loaders.file -- default anyway openers.loc = openers.file loaders.loc = loaders.file openers.sys = openers.file loaders.sys = loaders.file openers.fix = openers.file loaders.fix = loaders.file openers.set = openers.file loaders.set = loaders.file openers.any = openers.file loaders.any = loaders.file function finders.doreadfile(scheme,path,name) -- better do a split and then pass table local fullname if url.hasscheme(name) then fullname = name else fullname = ((path == "") and format("%s:///%s",scheme,name)) or format("%s:///%s/%s",scheme,path,name) end return resolvers.findtexfile(fullname) or "" -- can be more direct end function commands.doreadfile(scheme,path,name) context(finders.doreadfile(scheme,path,name)) end -- modules can have a specific suffix or can specify one local prefixes = { "m", "p", "s", "x", "v", "t" } local suffixes = { "mkiv", "tex", "mkvi" } -- order might change and how about cld local modstatus = { } local function usemodule(name,hasscheme) local foundname if hasscheme then -- no auto suffix as http will return a home page or error page -- so we only add one if missing local fullname = file.addsuffix(name,"tex") if trace_modules then report_modules("checking scheme driven file '%s'",fullname) end foundname = resolvers.findtexfile(fullname) or "" elseif file.extname(name) ~= "" then if trace_modules then report_modules("checking suffix driven file '%s'",name) end foundname = findbyscheme("any",name) or "" elseif true then for i=1,#suffixes do local fullname = file.addsuffix(name,suffixes[i]) if trace_modules then report_modules("checking suffix driven file '%s'",fullname) end foundname = findbyscheme("any",fullname) or "" if foundname ~= "" then break end end else -- -- we don't want a tex file for each mkiv file so we do some checking -- local foundtexname = readfilename(file.addsuffix(name,"tex"), false,true) or "" -- local foundmkivname = readfilename(file.addsuffix(name,"mkiv"),false,true) or "" -- if foundtexfile ~= "" and foundmkivfile ~= "" then -- if file.dirname(foundtexname) == file.dirname(foundmkivname) then -- foundname = foundtexname -- we assume that this (shared) file loads the mkiv file -- if trace_modules then -- report_modules("using tex file for module '%s' (mkiv file on same dir)",name) -- end -- else -- foundname = foundmkivname -- we assume that the tex file is an old one someplace else -- if trace_modules then -- report_modules("using mkiv file for module '%s' (tex file on other dir)",name) -- end -- end -- elseif foundtexfile ~= "" then -- foundname = foundtexname -- if trace_modules then -- report_modules("using tex file for module '%s'",name) -- end -- elseif foundmkivfile ~= "" then -- foundname = foundmkivname -- if trace_modules then -- report_modules("using mkiv file for module '%s'",name) -- end -- else -- -- nothing -- end end if foundname ~= "" then if trace_modules then report_modules("loading '%s'",foundname) end context.startreadingfile() context.input(foundname) context.stopreadingfile() return true else return false end end function commands.usemodules(prefix,askedname,truename) local hasprefix = prefix and prefix ~= "" local hashname = ((hasprefix and prefix) or "*") .. "-" .. truename local status = modstatus[hashname] if status == 0 then -- not found elseif status == 1 then status = status + 1 else if trace_modules then report_modules("locating '%s'",truename) end local hasscheme = url.hasscheme(truename) if hasscheme then -- no prefix and suffix done if usemodule(truename,true) then status = 1 else status = 0 end elseif hasprefix then if usemodule(prefix .. "-" .. truename) then status = 1 else status = 0 end else for i=1,#prefixes do -- todo: reconstruct name i.e. basename local thename = prefixes[i] .. "-" .. truename if usemodule(thename) then status = 1 break end end if status then -- ok, don't change elseif usemodule(truename) then status = 1 else status = 0 end end end if status == 0 then if trace_modules then report_modules("skipping '%s' (not found)",truename) else interfaces.showmessage("systems",6,askedname) end elseif status == 1 then if not trace_modules then interfaces.showmessage("systems",5,askedname) end else if trace_modules then report_modules("skipping '%s' (already loaded)",truename) else interfaces.showmessage("systems",7,askedname) end end modstatus[hashname] = status end local loaded = { } function commands.uselibrary(name,patterns,action,failure) local files = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(name) local done = false for i=1,#files do local filename = files[i] if not loaded[filename] then loaded[filename] = true for i=1,#patterns do local filename = format(patterns[i],filename) -- local foundname = resolvers.findfile(filename) or "" local foundname = finders.doreadfile("any",".",filename) if foundname ~= "" then action(name,foundname) done = true break end end if done then break end end end if failure and not done then failure(name) end end statistics.register("loaded tex modules", function() if next(modstatus) then local t, f, nt, nf = { }, { }, 0, 0 for k, v in table.sortedhash(modstatus) do k = file.basename(k) if v == 0 then nf = nf + 1 f[nf] = k else nt = nt + 1 t[nt] = k end end local ts = (nt>0 and format(" (%s)",concat(t," "))) or "" local fs = (nf>0 and format(" (%s)",concat(f," "))) or "" return format("%s requested, %s found%s, %s missing%s",nt+nf,nt,ts,nf,fs) else return nil end end)