if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-tag'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to strc-tag.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This is rather experimental code. local insert, remove, unpack, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.unpack, table.concat local gsub, find, topattern, format = string.gsub, string.find, string.topattern, string.format local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local texattribute = tex.attribute local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local trace_tags = false trackers.register("structures.tags", function(v) trace_tags = v end) local report_tags = logs.reporter("structure","tags") local attributes, structures = attributes, structures local a_tagged = attributes.private('tagged') local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue local codeinjections = backends.codeinjections local taglist = allocate() local properties = allocate() local labels = allocate() local stack = { } local chain = { } local ids = { } local enabled = false local tagdata = { } -- used in export local tagmetadata = { } -- used in export local tags = structures.tags tags.taglist = taglist -- can best be hidden tags.labels = labels tags.data = tagdata tags.metadata = tagmetadata local properties = allocate { document = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, division = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, paragraph = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, p = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, construct = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, highlight = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, section = { pdf = "Sect", nature = "display" }, sectiontitle = { pdf = "H", nature = "mixed" }, sectionnumber = { pdf = "H", nature = "mixed" }, sectioncontent = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, itemgroup = { pdf = "L", nature = "display" }, item = { pdf = "Li", nature = "display" }, itemtag = { pdf = "Lbl", nature = "mixed" }, itemcontent = { pdf = "LBody", nature = "mixed" }, description = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, descriptiontag = { pdf = "Div", nature = "mixed" }, descriptioncontent = { pdf = "Div", nature = "mixed" }, descriptionsymbol = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, -- note reference verbatimblock = { pdf = "Code", nature = "display" }, verbatimlines = { pdf = "Code", nature = "display" }, verbatimline = { pdf = "Code", nature = "mixed" }, verbatim = { pdf = "Code", nature = "inline" }, lines = { pdf = "Code", nature = "display" }, line = { pdf = "Code", nature = "mixed" }, synonym = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, sorting = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, register = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, registersection = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, registertag = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, registerentries = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, registerentry = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, registersee = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, registerpages = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, registerpage = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, registerpagerange = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, table = { pdf = "Table", nature = "display" }, tablerow = { pdf = "TR", nature = "display" }, tablecell = { pdf = "TD", nature = "mixed" }, tabulate = { pdf = "Table", nature = "display" }, tabulaterow = { pdf = "TR", nature = "display" }, tabulatecell = { pdf = "TD", nature = "mixed" }, list = { pdf = "TOC", nature = "display" }, listitem = { pdf = "TOCI", nature = "display" }, listtag = { pdf = "Lbl", nature = "mixed" }, listcontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, listdata = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, listpage = { pdf = "Reference", nature = "mixed" }, delimitedblock = { pdf = "BlockQuote", nature = "display" }, delimited = { pdf = "Quote", nature = "inline" }, subsentence = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, label = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, number = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, float = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, -- Figure floatcaption = { pdf = "Caption", nature = "mixed" }, floatlabel = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, floatnumber = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, floattext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, floatcontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, image = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, mpgraphic = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" }, formulaset = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, formula = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, -- Formula formulacaption = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, formulalabel = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, formulanumber = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, formulacontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "display" }, subformula = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, link = { pdf = "Link", nature = "inline" }, margintextblock = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, margintext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, math = { pdf = "Div", nature = "inline" }, -- no display mn = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, mi = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, mo = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, ms = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, mrow = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, msubsup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, msub = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, msup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, merror = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, munderover = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, munder = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, mover = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, mtext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, mfrac = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, mroot = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, msqrt = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, mfenced = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, maction = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, mtable = { pdf = "Table", nature = "display" }, -- might change mtr = { pdf = "TR", nature = "display" }, -- might change mtd = { pdf = "TD", nature = "display" }, -- might change ignore = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, metadata = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" }, metavariable = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, sub = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, sup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, subsup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, combination = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, combinationpair = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" }, combinationcontent = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, combinationcaption = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" }, } function tags.detailedtag(tag,detail,attribute) if not attribute then attribute = texattribute[a_tagged] end if attribute >= 0 then local tl = taglist[attribute] if tl then local pattern if detail and detail ~= "" then pattern = "^" .. tag .. ":".. detail .. "%-" else pattern = "^" .. tag .. "%-" end for i=#tl,1,-1 do local tli = tl[i] if find(tli,pattern) then return tli end end end else -- enabled but not auto end return false -- handy as bogus index end tags.properties = properties local lasttags = { } local userdata = { } tags.userdata = userdata function tags.setproperty(tag,key,value) local p = properties[tag] if p then p[key] = value else properties[tag] = { [key] = value } end end function tags.registerdata(data) local fulltag = chain[nstack] if fulltag then tagdata[fulltag] = data end end local metadata function tags.registermetadata(data) local d = settings_to_hash(data) if metadata then table.merge(metadata,d) else metadata = d end end local nstack = 0 function tags.start(tag,specification) local label, detail, user if specification then label, detail, user = specification.label, specification.detail, specification.userdata end if not enabled then codeinjections.enabletags() enabled = true end labels[tag] = label ~= "" and label or tag local fulltag if detail and detail ~= "" then fulltag = tag .. ":" .. detail else fulltag = tag end local t = #taglist + 1 local n = (ids[fulltag] or 0) + 1 ids[fulltag] = n lasttags[tag] = n local completetag = fulltag .. "-" .. n nstack = nstack + 1 chain[nstack] = completetag stack[nstack] = t -- a copy as we can add key values for alt and actualtext if needed: taglist[t] = { unpack(chain,1,nstack) } -- if user and user ~= "" then -- maybe we should merge this into taglist or whatever ... anyway there is room to optimize -- taglist.userdata = settings_to_hash(user) userdata[completetag] = settings_to_hash(user) end if metadata then tagmetadata[completetag] = metadata metadata = nil end texattribute[a_tagged] = t return t end function tags.restart(completetag) local t = #taglist + 1 nstack = nstack + 1 chain[nstack] = completetag stack[nstack] = t taglist[t] = { unpack(chain,1,nstack) } texattribute[a_tagged] = t return t end function tags.stop() if nstack > 0 then nstack = nstack -1 end local t = stack[nstack] if not t then if trace_tags then report_tags("ignoring end tag, previous chain: %s",nstack > 0 and concat(chain[nstack],"",1,nstack) or "none") end t = unsetvalue end texattribute[a_tagged] = t return t end function tags.getid(tag,detail) if detail and detail ~= "" then return ids[tag .. ":" .. detail] or "?" else return ids[tag] or "?" end end function tags.last(tag) return lasttags[tag] -- or false end function tags.lastinchain() return chain[nstack] end function structures.atlocation(str) local location = gsub(concat(taglist[texattribute[a_tagged]],"-"),"%-%d+","") return find(location,topattern(str)) ~= nil end function tags.handler(head) -- we need a dummy return head, false end statistics.register("structure elements", function() if enabled then if nstack > 0 then return format("%s element chains identified, open chain: %s ",#taglist,concat(chain," => ",1,nstack)) else return format("%s element chains identified",#taglist) end end end) directives.register("backend.addtags", function(v) if not enabled then codeinjections.enabletags() enabled = true end end) commands.starttag = tags.start commands.stoptag = tags.stop commands.settagproperty = tags.setproperty