if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-reg'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to strc-reg.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local next, type = next, type local texwrite, texsprint, texcount = tex.write, tex.sprint, tex.count local format, gmatch, concat = string.format, string.gmatch, table.concat local utfchar = utf.char local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local trace_registers = false trackers.register("structure.registers", function(v) trace_registers = v end) local report_registers = logs.new("registers") local ctxcatcodes = tex.ctxcatcodes local variables = interfaces.variables local helpers = structure.helpers local sections = structure.sections local documents = structure.documents local pages = structure.pages local processors = structure.processors local mappings = sorters.mappings local entries = sorters.entries local replacements = sorters.replacements local processor_split = processors.split local matching_till_depth, number_at_depth = sections.matching_till_depth, sections.number_at_depth -- some day we will share registers and lists (although there are some conceptual -- differences in the application of keywords) local function filter_collected(names,criterium,number,collected,prevmode) if not criterium or criterium == "" then criterium = variables.all end local data = documents.data local numbers, depth = data.numbers, data.depth local hash, result, all, detail = { }, { }, not names or names == "" or names == variables.all, nil if not all then for s in gmatch(names,"[^, ]+") do hash[s] = true end end if criterium == variables.all or criterium == variables.text then for i=1,#collected do local v = collected[i] if all then result[#result+1] = v else local vmn = v.metadata and v.metadata.name if hash[vmn] then result[#result+1] = v end end end elseif criterium == variables.current then for i=1,#collected do local v = collected[i] local sectionnumber = jobsections.collected[v.references.section] if sectionnumber then local cnumbers = sectionnumber.numbers if prevmode then if (all or hash[v.metadata.name]) and #cnumbers >= depth then -- is the = ok for lists as well? local ok = true for d=1,depth do if not (cnumbers[d] == numbers[d]) then -- no zero test ok = false break end end if ok then result[#result+1] = v end end else if (all or hash[v.metadata.name]) and #cnumbers > depth then local ok = true for d=1,depth do local cnd = cnumbers[d] if not (cnd == 0 or cnd == numbers[d]) then ok = false break end end if ok then result[#result+1] = v end end end end end elseif criterium == variables.previous then for i=1,#collected do local v = collected[i] local sectionnumber = jobsections.collected[v.references.section] if sectionnumber then local cnumbers = sectionnumber.numbers if (all or hash[v.metadata.name]) and #cnumbers >= depth then local ok = true if prevmode then for d=1,depth do if not (cnumbers[d] == numbers[d]) then ok = false break end end else for d=1,depth do local cnd = cnumbers[d] if not (cnd == 0 or cnd == numbers[d]) then ok = false break end end end if ok then result[#result+1] = v end end end end elseif criterium == variables["local"] then if sections.autodepth(data.numbers) == 0 then return filter_collected(names,variables.all,number,collected,prevmode) else return filter_collected(names,variables.current,number,collected,prevmode) end else -- sectionname, number -- beware, this works ok for registers local depth = sections.getlevel(criterium) local number = tonumber(number) or number_at_depth(depth) or 0 if trace_registers then detail = format("depth: %s, number: %s, numbers: %s, startset: %s",depth,number,concat(sections.numbers(),".",1,depth),#collected) end if number > 0 then for i=1,#collected do local v = collected[i] local r = v.references if r then local sectionnumber = jobsections.collected[r.section] if sectionnumber then local metadata = v.metadata local cnumbers = sectionnumber.numbers if cnumbers then if (all or hash[metadata.name or false]) and #cnumbers >= depth and matching_till_depth(depth,cnumbers) then result[#result+1] = v end end end end end end end if trace_registers then if detail then report_registers("criterium: %s, %s, found: %s",criterium,detail,#result) else report_registers("criterium: %s, found: %s",criterium,#result) end end return result end jobregisters = jobregisters or { } jobregisters.collected = jobregisters.collected or { } jobregisters.tobesaved = jobregisters.tobesaved or { } jobregisters.filter_collected = filter_collected -- we follow a different strategy than by lists, where we have a global -- result table; we might do that here as well but since sorting code is -- older we delay that decision local tobesaved, collected = jobregisters.tobesaved, jobregisters.collected local function initializer() tobesaved, collected = jobregisters.tobesaved, jobregisters.collected local internals = jobreferences.internals for name, list in next, collected do local entries = list.entries for e=1,#entries do local entry = entries[e] local r = entry.references if r then local internal = r and r.internal if internal then internals[internal] = entry end end end end end job.register('jobregisters.collected', jobregisters.tobesaved, initializer) local function allocate(class) local d = tobesaved[class] if not d then d = { metadata = { language = 'en', sorted = false, class = class }, entries = { }, } tobesaved[class] = d end return d end jobregisters.define = allocate local entrysplitter = lpeg.Ct(lpeg.splitat('+')) -- & obsolete in mkiv local tagged = { } local function preprocessentries(rawdata) local entries = rawdata.entries if entries then local e, k = entries[1] or "", entries[2] or "" local et, kt, entryproc, pageproc if type(e) == "table" then et = e else entryproc, e = processor_split(e) et = lpegmatch(entrysplitter,e) end if type(k) == "table" then kt = e else pageproc, k = processor_split(k) kt = lpegmatch(entrysplitter,k) end entries = { } for k=1,#et do entries[k] = { et[k] or "", kt[k] or "" } end for k=#et,1,-1 do if entries[k][1] ~= "" then break else entries[k] = nil end end rawdata.list = entries if pageproc or entryproc then rawdata.processors = { entryproc, pageproc } end rawdata.entries = nil else rawdata.list = { { "", "" } } -- br end end function jobregisters.store(rawdata) -- metadata, references, entries local data = allocate(rawdata.metadata.name).entries local references = rawdata.references references.realpage = references.realpage or 0 -- just to be sure as it can be refered to preprocessentries(rawdata) data[#data+1] = rawdata local label = references.label if label and label ~= "" then tagged[label] = #data end texwrite(#data) end function jobregisters.enhance(name,n) local r = tobesaved[name].entries[n] if r then r.references.realpage = texcount.realpageno end end function jobregisters.extend(name,tag,rawdata) -- maybe do lastsection internally if type(tag) == "string" then tag = tagged[tag] end if tag then local r = tobesaved[name].entries[tag] if r then local rr = r.references rr.lastrealpage = texcount.realpageno rr.lastsection = structure.sections.currentid() if rawdata then preprocessentries(rawdata) for k,v in next, rawdata do if not r[k] then r[k] = v else local rk = r[k] for kk,vv in next, v do if vv ~= "" then rk[kk] = vv end end end end end end end end -- sorting and rendering local compare = sorters.comparers.basic function jobregisters.compare(a,b) local result = compare(a,b) if result ~= 0 then return result elseif a.metadata.kind == 'entry' then -- e/f/t local page_a, page_b = a.references.realpage, b.references.realpage if not page_a or not page_b then return 0 elseif page_a < page_b then return -1 elseif page_a > page_b then return 1 end end return 0 end function jobregisters.filter(data,options) data.result = jobregisters.filter_collected(nil,options.criterium,options.number,data.entries,true) end function jobregisters.prepare(data) -- data has 'list' table local strip = sorters.strip local splitter = sorters.splitters.utf local result = data.result if result then for i=1, #result do local entry, split = result[i], { } local list = entry.list if list then for l=1,#list do local ll = list[l] local word, key = ll[1], ll[2] if not key or key == "" then key = word end split[l] = splitter(strip(key)) end end entry.split = split end end end function jobregisters.sort(data,options) sorters.sort(data.result,jobregisters.compare) end function jobregisters.unique(data,options) local result, prev, equal = { }, nil, table.are_equal local dataresult = data.result for k=1,#dataresult do local v = dataresult[k] if not prev then result[#result+1], prev = v, v else local pr, vr = prev.references, v.references if not equal(prev.list,v.list) then result[#result+1], prev = v, v elseif pr.realpage ~= vr.realpage then result[#result+1], prev = v, v else local pl, vl = pr.lastrealpage, vr.lastrealpage if pl or vl then if not vl then result[#result+1], prev = v, v elseif not pl then result[#result+1], prev = v, v elseif pl ~= vl then result[#result+1], prev = v, v end end end end end data.result = result end function jobregisters.finalize(data,options) local result = data.result data.metadata.nofsorted = #result local split, lasttag, s, d = { }, nil, nil, nil -- maps character to index (order) for k=1,#result do local v = result[k] local entry, tag = sorters.firstofsplit(v) if tag ~= lasttag then if trace_registers then report_registers("splitting at %s",tag) end d = { } s = { tag = tag, data = d } split[#split+1] = s lasttag = tag end d[#d+1] = v end data.result = split end function jobregisters.analysed(class,options) local data = collected[class] if data and data.entries then options = options or { } sorters.setlanguage(options.language) jobregisters.filter(data,options) -- filter entries into results (criteria) jobregisters.prepare(data,options) -- adds split table parallel to list table jobregisters.sort(data,options) -- sorts results jobregisters.unique(data,options) -- get rid of duplicates jobregisters.finalize(data,options) -- split result in ranges data.metadata.sorted = true return data.metadata.nofsorted or 0 else return 0 end end -- todo take conversion from index function jobregisters.userdata(index,name) local data = jobreferences.internals[tonumber(index)] data = data and data.userdata and data.userdata[name] if data then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,data) end end -- proc can be wrapped function jobregisters.flush(data,options,prefixspec,pagespec) local equal = table.are_equal texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\startregisteroutput") local collapse_singles = options.compress == interfaces.variables.yes local collapse_ranges = options.compress == interfaces.variables.all local result = data.result -- todo ownnumber local function pagenumber(entry) local er = entry.references texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registeronepage{%s}{%s}{",er.internal or 0,er.realpage or 0)) -- internal realpage content local proc = entry.processors and entry.processors[2] if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") helpers.prefixpage(entry,prefixspec,pagespec) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else helpers.prefixpage(entry,prefixspec,pagespec) end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") end local function pagerange(f_entry,t_entry,is_last) local er = f_entry.references texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registerpagerange{%s}{%s}{",er.internal or 0,er.realpage or 0)) local proc = f_entry.processors and f_entry.processors[2] if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") helpers.prefixpage(f_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else helpers.prefixpage(f_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) end local er = t_entry.references texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("}{%s}{%s}{",er.internal or 0,er.lastrealpage or er.realpage or 0)) if is_last then if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") helpers.prefixlastpage(t_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) -- swaps page and realpage keys texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else helpers.prefixlastpage(t_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) -- swaps page and realpage keys end else if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") helpers.prefixpage(t_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else helpers.prefixpage(t_entry,prefixspec,pagespec) end end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") end -- ranges need checking ! for i=1,#result do local sublist = result[i] local done = { false, false, false, false } local data = sublist.data local d, n = 0, 0 texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\startregistersection{%s}",sublist.tag)) while d < #data do d = d + 1 local entry = data[d] local e = { false, false, false, false } local metadata = entry.metadata for i=1,4 do -- max 4 if entry.list[i] then e[i] = entry.list[i][1] end if e[i] ~= done[i] then if e[i] and e[i] ~= "" then done[i] = e[i] if n == i then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\stopregisterentries\\startregisterentries{%s}",n)) else while n > i do n = n - 1 texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregisterentries") end while n < i do n = n + 1 texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\startregisterentries{%s}",n)) end end if metadata then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\registerentry{") local proc = entry.processors and entry.processors[1] if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") helpers.title(e[i],metadata) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else helpers.title(e[i],metadata) end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else local proc = entry.processors and entry.processors[1] if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registerentry{%s}",e[i])) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registerentry{%s}",e[i])) end end else done[i] = false end end end local kind = entry.metadata.kind if kind == 'entry' then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\startregisterpages") --~ collapse_ranges = true if collapse_singles or collapse_ranges then -- we collapse ranges and keep existing ranges as they are -- so we get prebuilt as well as built ranges local first, last, prev = entry, nil, entry local pages = { } local dd = d while dd < #data do dd = dd + 1 local next = data[dd] local el, nl = entry.list, next.list if not equal(el,nl) then dd = dd - 1 --~ first = nil break elseif next.references.lastrealpage then if first then pages[#pages+1] = { first, last or first } else pages[#pages+1] = { entry, entry } end pages[#pages+1] = { next, next } first, last, prev = nil, nil, nil elseif not first then first, prev = next, next elseif next.references.realpage - prev.references.realpage == 1 then -- 1 ? last, prev = next, next else pages[#pages+1] = { first, last or first } first, last, prev = next, nil, next end end if first then pages[#pages+1] = { first, last or first } end if collapse_ranges and #pages > 1 then -- ok, not that efficient local function doit() local function bubble(i) for j=i,#pages-1 do pages[j] = pages[j+1] end pages[#pages] = nil end for i=2,#pages do local first, second = pages[i-1], pages[i] local first_first, first_last, second_first, second_last = first[1], first[2], second[1], second[2] local first_last_pn = first_last .references.realpage local second_first_pn = second_first.references.realpage local second_last_pn = second_last .references.realpage local first_last_last = first_last .references.lastrealpage local second_first_last = second_first.references.lastrealpage if first_last_last then first_last_pn = first_last_last if second_first == second_last and second_first_pn <= first_last_pn then -- 2=8, 5 -> 12=8 bubble(i) return true elseif second_first == second_last and second_first_pn > first_last_pn then -- 2=8, 9 -> 2-9 pages[i-1] = { first_first, second_last } bubble(i) return true elseif second_last_pn < first_last_pn then -- 2=8, 3-4 -> 2=8 bubble(i) return true elseif first_last_pn < second_last_pn then -- 2=8, 3-9 -> 2-9 pages[i-1] = { first_first, second_last } bubble(i) return true elseif first_last_pn + 1 == second_first_pn and second_last_pn > first_last_pn then -- 2=8, 9-11 -> 2-11 pages[i-1] = { first_first, second_last } bubble(i) return true elseif second_first.references.lastrealpage then -- 2=8, 9=11 -> 2-11 pages[i-1] = { first_first, second_last } bubble(i) return true end elseif second_first_last then second_first_pn = second_first_last if first_last_pn == second_first_pn then -- 2-4, 5=9 -> 2-9 pages[i-1] = { first_first, second_last } bubble(i) return true end elseif first_last_pn == second_first_pn then -- 2-3, 3-4 -> 2-4 pages[i-1] = { first_last, second_last } bubble(i) return true end end return false end while doit() do end end -- if #pages > 0 then -- or 0 d = dd for p=1,#pages do local first, last = pages[p][1], pages[p][2] if first == last then if first.references.lastrealpage then pagerange(first,first,true) else pagenumber(first) end elseif last.references.lastrealpage then pagerange(first,last,true) else pagerange(first,last,false) end end else if entry.references.lastrealpage then pagerange(entry,entry,true) else pagenumber(entry) end end else while true do if entry.references.lastrealpage then pagerange(entry,entry,true) else pagenumber(entry) end if d == #data then break else d = d + 1 local next = data[d] if not equal(entry.list,next.list) then d = d - 1 break else entry = next end end end end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregisterpages") elseif kind == 'see' then -- maybe some day more words texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\startregisterseewords") local proc = entry.processors and entry.processors[1] if proc then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\applyprocessor{",proc,"}{") texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registeroneword{0}{0}{%s}",entry.seeword.text)) -- todo: internal texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"}") else texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\registeroneword{0}{0}{%s}",entry.seeword.text)) -- todo: internal end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregisterseewords") end end while n > 0 do texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregisterentries") n = n - 1 end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregistersection") end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\stopregisteroutput") -- for now, maybe at some point we will do a multipass or so data.result = nil data.metadata.sorted = false end function jobregisters.analyse(class,options) texwrite(jobregisters.analysed(class,options)) end function jobregisters.process(class,...) if jobregisters.analysed(class,...) > 0 then jobregisters.flush(collected[class],...) end end