if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-bkm'] = { version = 0.200, comment = "companion to strc-bkm.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- Future version will support adding arbitrary bookmarks with -- associated complex actions (rather trivial to implement). -- this should become proper separated backend code -- we should hook the placement into everystoptext ... needs checking -- todo: make an lpeg for stripped local next, type = next, type local gsub, lower = string.gsub, string.lower local concat = table.concat local utfvalues = utf.values local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local trace_bookmarks = false trackers.register("references.bookmarks", function(v) trace_bookmarks = v end) local report_bookmarks = logs.reporter("structure","bookmarks") local structures = structures structures.bookmarks = structures.bookmarks or { } local bookmarks = structures.bookmarks local sections = structures.sections local lists = structures.lists local levelmap = sections.levelmap local variables = interfaces.variables local implement = interfaces.implement local codeinjections = backends.codeinjections bookmarks.method = "internal" -- or "page" local names = { } local opened = { } local forced = { } local numbered = { } function bookmarks.register(settings) local force = settings.force == variables.yes local number = settings.number == variables.yes local allopen = settings.opened == variables.all for k, v in next, settings_to_hash(settings.names or "") do names[k] = true if force then forced[k] = true if allopen then opened[k] = true end end if number then numbered[k] = true end end if not allopen then for k, v in next, settings_to_hash(settings.opened or "") do opened[k] = true end end end function bookmarks.overload(name,text) local l, ls = lists.tobesaved, nil if #l == 0 then -- no entries elseif name == "" then ls = l[#l] else for i=#l,0,-1 do local li = l[i] local metadata = li.metadata if metadata and not metadata.nolist and metadata.name == name then ls = li break end end end if ls then local titledata = ls.titledata if titledata then titledata.bookmark = text end end -- last resort -- context.writetolist({name},text,"") end local function stripped(str) -- kind of generic str = gsub(str,"\\([A-Z]+)","%1") -- \LOGO str = gsub(str,"\\ "," ") -- \ str = gsub(str,"\\([A-Za-z]+) *{(.-)}","%2") -- \bla{...} str = gsub(str," +"," ") -- spaces return str end -- todo: collect specs and collect later i.e. multiple places local numberspec = { } function bookmarks.setup(spec) -- table.merge(numberspec,spec) for k, v in next, spec do numberspec[k] = v end end function bookmarks.place() if next(names) then local levels = { } local noflevels = 0 local lastlevel = 1 local nofblocks = #lists.sectionblocks -- always >= 1 local showblocktitle = toboolean(numberspec.showblocktitle,true) for i=1,nofblocks do local block = lists.sectionblocks[i] local blockdone = nofblocks == 1 local list = lists.filter { names = names, criterium = block .. ":all", forced = forced, } for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] local metadata = li.metadata local name = metadata.name if not metadata.nolist or forced[name] then -- and levelmap[name] then local titledata = li.titledata -- if not titledata then local userdata = li.userdata if userdata then local first = userdata.first local second = userdata.second if first then if second then titledata = { title = first .. " " .. second } else titledata = { title = first } end else titledata = { title = second } end end end -- if titledata then if not blockdone then if showblocktitle then -- add block entry local blockdata = sections.sectionblockdata[block] noflevels = noflevels + 1 local references = li.references levels[noflevels] = { level = 1, -- toplevel title = stripped(blockdata.bookmark ~= "" and blockdata.bookmark or block), reference = references, opened = allopen or opened[name], -- same as first entry realpage = references and references.realpage or 0, -- handy for later usedpage = true, } end blockdone = true end local structural = levelmap[name] lastlevel = structural or lastlevel if nofblocks > 1 then -- we have a block so increase the level lastlevel = lastlevel + 1 end local title = titledata.bookmark if not title or title == "" then -- We could typeset the title and then convert it. -- if not structural then -- title = titledata.title or "?") -- else title = titledata.title or "?" -- end end if numbered[name] then local sectiondata = sections.collected[li.references.section] local numberdata = li.numberdata if sectiondata and numberdata then if not numberdata.hidenumber then -- we could typeset the number and convert it local number = sections.typesetnumber(sectiondata,"direct",numberspec,sectiondata) if number and #number > 0 then title = concat(number) .. " " .. title end end end end noflevels = noflevels + 1 local references = li.references levels[noflevels] = { level = lastlevel, title = stripped(title), -- can be replaced by converter reference = references, -- has internal and realpage opened = allopen or opened[name], realpage = references and references.realpage or 0, -- handy for later usedpage = true, structural = structural, name = name, } end end end end bookmarks.finalize(levels) function bookmarks.place() end -- prevent second run end end function bookmarks.flatten(levels) if not levels then -- a plugin messed up return { } end -- This function promotes leading structurelements with a higher level -- to the next lower level. Such situations are the result of lack of -- structure: a subject preceding a chapter in a sectionblock. So, the -- following code runs over section blocks as well. (bookmarks-007.tex) local noflevels = #levels if noflevels > 1 then local function showthem() for i=1,noflevels do local level = levels[i] -- if level.structural then -- report_bookmarks("%i > %s > %s",level.level,level.reference.block,level.title) -- else report_bookmarks("%i > %s > %s > %s",level.level,level.reference.block,level.name,level.title) -- end end end if trace_bookmarks then report_bookmarks("checking structure") showthem() end local skip = false local done = 0 local start = 1 local one = levels[1] local first = one.level local block = one.reference.block for i=2,noflevels do local current = levels[i] local new = current.level local reference = current.reference local newblock = type(reference) == "table" and current.reference.block or block if newblock ~= block then first = new block = newblock start = i skip = false elseif skip then -- go on elseif new > first then skip = true elseif new < first then for j=start,i-1 do local previous = levels[j] local old = previous.level previous.level = new if trace_bookmarks then report_bookmarks("promoting entry %a from level %a to %a: %s",j,old,new,previous.title) end done = done + 1 end skip = true end end if trace_bookmarks then if done > 0 then report_bookmarks("%a entries promoted") showthem() else report_bookmarks("nothing promoted") end end end return levels end local extras = { } local lists = { } local names = { } bookmarks.extras = extras local function cleanname(name) return lower(file.basename(name)) end function extras.register(name,levels) if name and levels then name = cleanname(name) local found = names[name] if found then lists[found].levels = levels else lists[#lists+1] = { name = name, levels = levels, } names[name] = #lists end end end function extras.get(name) if name then local found = names[cleanname(name)] if found then return lists[found].levels end else return lists end end function extras.reset(name) local l, n = { }, { } if name then name = cleanname(name) for i=1,#lists do local li = lists[i] local ln = li.name if name == ln then -- skip else local m = #l + 1 l[m] = li n[ln] = m end end end lists, names = l, n end local function checklists() for i=1,#lists do local levels = lists[i].levels for j=1,#levels do local entry = levels[j] local pageindex = entry.pageindex if pageindex then entry.reference = figures.getrealpage(pageindex) entry.pageindex = nil end end end end function extras.tosections(levels) local sections = { } local noflists = #lists for i=1,noflists do local levels = lists[i].levels local data = { } sections[i] = data for j=1,#levels do local entry = levels[j] if entry.usedpage then local section = entry.section local d = data[section] if d then d[#d+1] = entry else data[section] = { entry } end end end end return sections end function extras.mergesections(levels,sections) if not sections or #sections == 0 then return levels elseif not levels then return { } else local merge = { } local noflists = #lists if #levels == 0 then local level = 0 local section = 0 for i=1,noflists do local entries = sections[i][0] if entries then for i=1,#entries do local entry = entries[i] merge[#merge+1] = entry entry.level = entry.level + level end end end else for j=1,#levels do local entry = levels[j] merge[#merge+1] = entry local section = entry.reference.section local level = entry.level entry.section = section -- for tracing for i=1,noflists do local entries = sections[i][section] if entries then for i=1,#entries do local entry = entries[i] merge[#merge+1] = entry entry.level = entry.level + level end end end end end return merge end end function bookmarks.merge(levels,mode) return extras.mergesections(levels,extras.tosections()) end local sequencers = utilities.sequencers local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction local bookmarkactions = sequencers.new { arguments = "levels,method", returnvalues = "levels", results = "levels", } appendgroup(bookmarkactions,"before") -- user appendgroup(bookmarkactions,"system") -- private appendgroup(bookmarkactions,"after" ) -- user appendaction(bookmarkactions,"system",bookmarks.flatten) appendaction(bookmarkactions,"system",bookmarks.merge) function bookmarks.finalize(levels) local method = bookmarks.method or "internal" checklists() -- so that plugins have the adapted page number levels = bookmarkactions.runner(levels,method) if levels and #levels > 0 then -- normally this is not needed local purged = { } for i=1,#levels do local l = levels[i] if l.usedpage ~= false then purged[#purged+1] = l end end -- codeinjections.addbookmarks(purged,method) else -- maybe a plugin messed up end end function bookmarks.installhandler(what,where,func) if not func then where, func = "after", where end if where == "before" or where == "after" then sequencers.appendaction(bookmarkactions,where,func) else report_tex("installing bookmark %a handlers in %a is not possible",what,tostring(where)) end end -- interface implement { name = "setupbookmarks", actions = bookmarks.setup, arguments = { { { "separatorset" }, { "conversionset" }, { "starter" }, { "stopper" }, { "segments" }, { "showblocktitle" }, } } } implement { name = "registerbookmark", actions = bookmarks.register, arguments = { { { "names" }, { "opened" }, { "force" }, { "number" }, } } } implement { name = "overloadbookmark", actions = bookmarks.overload, arguments = { "string", "string" } }