\usemodule[abr-02] \setupbodyfont [dejavu,9pt] \setuppapersize [A4,landscape] \setuplayout [width=middle, height=middle, backspace=.5cm, topspace=.5cm, footer=0pt, header=1.25cm] \setuphead [title] [style=\bfa, page=yes, after={\blank[line]}] \setuppagenumbering [location=] \setupheadertexts [\currentdate] [MkIV Status / Page \pagenumber] % \showmakeup % \showallmakeup \starttext % logs.report (immediate) versus logs.messenger (in flow) \starttitle[title=Todo] \startitemize[packed] \startitem currently the new namespace prefixes are not consistent but this will be done when we're satisfied with one scheme \stopitem \startitem there will be additional columns in the table, like for namespace so we need another round of checking then \stopitem \startitem the lua code will be cleaned up upgraded as some is quite old and experimental \stopitem \startitem we need a proper dependency tree and better defined loading order \stopitem \startitem all dotag.. will be moved to the tags_.. namespace \stopitem \startitem we need to check what messages are gone (i.e.\ clean up mult-mes) \stopitem \startitem some commands can go from mult-def (and the xml file) \stopitem \startitem check for setuphandler vs simplesetuphandler \stopitem \startitem for the moment we will go for \type {xxxx_} namespaces that (mostly) match the filename but later we can replace these by longer names (via a script) so module writers should {\bf not} use the core commands with \type{_} in the name \stopitem \startitem the message system will be unified \stopitem \startitem maybe rename dowhatevertexcommand to fromluawhatevertexcommand \stopitem \startitem consider moving setups directly to lua end (e.g. in characterspacing, breakpoint, bitmaps etc.) \stopitem \startitem more local temporary \type {\temp...} will become \type {\p_...} \stopitem \startitem check all ctxlua calls for ctxcommand \stopitem \startitem rename all those \type {\current}s in strc \stopitem \startitem check \type {option} vs \type {options} \stopitem \startitem check \type {type} vs \type {kind} \stopitem \startitem check \type {label} vs \type {name} vs \type {tag} \stopitem \startitem check \type {limop}, different limops should should be classes \stopitem \startitem too many positions in simple files (itemize etc) \stopitem \startitem math domains/dictionaries \stopitem \startitem xtables don't span vertically with multilines (yet) \stopitem \startitem notes in mixed columns \stopitem \startitem floats in mixed columns \stopitem \startitem check return values \type {os.execute} \stopitem \startitem more r, d, k in xml code \stopitem \startitem mathml, more in \LUA \stopitem \startitem style: font-size, font, color handling in \HTML\ (lxml-css) \stopitem \startitem a \type {\name {A.B.C DEF}} auto-nobreakspace \stopitem \startitem redo \CWEB\ module with \LUA \stopitem \startitem maybe move characters.blocks to its own file \stopitem \startitem more local context = context in \LUA\ files \stopitem \startitem check and optimize all storage.register and locals (cosmetics) \stopitem \startitem check all used modules in \LUA\ (and local them) \stopitem \startitem environment and basic lua helpers are now spread over too many files \stopitem \startitem isolate tracers and showers \stopitem \startitem check all possible usage of ctxcommand \stopitem \startitem there are more s-* modules, like s-fnt-41 \stopitem \startitem check (un)marked tables \stopitem \stopitemize \stoptitle \definehighlight[notabenered] [color=darkred, style=bold] \definehighlight[notabeneblue] [color=darkblue, style=bold] \definehighlight[notabeneyellow] [color=darkyellow, style=bold] \definehighlight[notabenemagenta][color=darkmagenta,style=bold] \startluacode local coremodules = dofile("status-mkiv.lua") local valid = table.tohash { "toks", "attr", "page", "buff", "font", "colo", "phys", "supp", "typo", "strc", "syst", "tabl", "spac", "scrn", "lang", "lxml", "mlib", "java", "pack", "math", "symb", "grph", "anch", "luat", "mult", "back", "node", "meta", "norm", "catc", "cldf", "file", "char", "core", "layo", "trac", "cont", "regi", "enco", "hand", "unic", "sort", "blob", "type", "scrp", "prop", "chem", "bibl", "task", "whatever", "mp", "s", "x", "m", "mtx", } local specialcategories = { mkvi = true, } local what = { "main", "core", "lua", "optional", "implementations", "extra", "extras", "metafun", "modules", "resources" } local totaltodo = 0 local totalpending = 0 local totalobsolete = 0 local totalloaded = 0 local function summary(nofloaded,noftodo,nofpending,nofobsolete) local nofdone = nofloaded - noftodo - nofpending - nofobsolete context.starttabulate { "|B|r|" } context.HL() context.NC() context("done") context.NC() context(nofdone) context.NC() context.NR() context.NC() context("todo") context.NC() context(noftodo) context.NC() context.NR() context.NC() context("pending") context.NC() context(nofpending) context.NC() context.NR() context.NC() context("obsolete") context.NC() context(nofobsolete) context.NC() context.NR() context.HL() context.NC() context("loaded") context.NC() context(nofloaded) context.NC() context.NR() context.HL() context.stoptabulate() end if coremodules then local function tabelize(loaded,what) if loaded then local noftodo = 0 local nofpending = 0 local nofobsolete = 0 local nofloaded = #loaded local categories = { } for k, v in next, valid do categories[k] = { } end for i=1,nofloaded do local l = loaded[i] l.order = i local category = string.match(l.filename,"([^%-]+)%-") or "whatever" local c = categories[category] if c then c[#c+1] = l end end for k, loaded in table.sortedhash(categories) do local nofloaded = #loaded if nofloaded > 0 then table.sort(loaded,function(a,b) return a.filename < b.filename end) -- in place context.starttitle { title = string.format("%s: %s",what,k) } context.starttabulate { "|Tr|Tlw(3em)|Tlw(12em)|Tlw(12em)|Tlw(4em)|Tl|Tl|Tl|Tp|" } context.NC() context.bold("order") context.NC() context.bold("kind") context.NC() context.bold("file") context.NC() context.bold("loading") context.NC() context.bold("status") context.NC() context.bold("reference") context.NC() context.bold("manual") context.NC() context.bold("wiki") context.NC() context.bold("comment") context.NC() context.NR() context.HL() for i=1,nofloaded do local module = loaded[i] local status = module.status local category = module.category local filename = module.filename context.NC() context(module.order) context.NC() if specialcategories[category] then context.notabeneblue(category) else context(category) end context.NC() if #filename>20 then context(string.sub(filename,1,18) .. "..") else context(filename) end context.NC() context(module.loading) context.NC() if status == "todo" then context.notabenered(status) noftodo = noftodo + 1 elseif status == "pending" then context.notabeneyellow(status) nofpending = nofpending + 1 elseif status == "obsolete" then context.notabenemagenta(status) nofobsolete = nofobsolete + 1 else context(status) end context.NC() context(module.reference) context.NC() context(module.manual) context.NC() context(module.wiki) context.NC() context(module.comment) context.NC() context.NR() end context.stoptabulate() context.stoptitle() end end context.starttitle { title = string.format("summary of %s modules",what) } summary(nofloaded,noftodo,nofpending,nofobsolete) context.stoptitle() totaltodo = totaltodo + noftodo totalpending = totalpending + nofpending totalobsolete = totalobsolete + nofobsolete totalloaded = totalloaded + nofloaded end end for i=1,#what do tabelize(coremodules[what[i]],what[i]) end end -- context.starttitle { title = "Valid prefixes" } -- -- for namespace, data in table.sortedhash(namespaces) do -- if valid[namespace] then -- context.type(namespace) -- end -- context.par() -- end -- -- context.stoptitle() context.starttitle { title = string.format("summary of all",what) } summary(totalloaded,totaltodo,totalpending,totalobsolete) context.stoptitle() if io.exists("status-namespaces.lua") then context.starttitle { title = "messy namespaces" } local namespaces = dofile("status-namespaces.lua") for namespace, data in table.sortedhash(namespaces) do if valid[namespace] then else context(namespace) end context.par() end context.stoptitle() end if io.exists("status-registers.lua") then context.starttitle { title = "messy registers" } local registers = dofile("status-registers.lua") for register, data in table.sortedhash(registers) do context(register) context.par() for name in table.sortedhash(data) do context.quad() context.type(name) context.par() end context.par() end context.stoptitle() end context.starttitle { title = "callbacks" } commands.showcallbacks() context.stoptitle() \stopluacode \stoptext