%D \module %D [ file=s-ptj-01, %D version=2006.11.28, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=PracTeX Journal Style, %D author=Aditya Mahajan, %D email=adityam at umich dot edu, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=2006 Aditya Mahajan] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %M % These macros are needed to compile the documentation. %M \def\PracTeX{Prac\kern-0.07em\TeX} %M \def\PRACTEX{\PracTeX} %M \def\TPJ {The \PRACTEX\ Journal} %M \useurl[TPJ][http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/][][\TPJ] %M \useurl[texgyre][http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/] \writestatus {loading} {Context Module for the PracTeX Journal} %D This module is for producing acticles for \from[TPJ]. It merely copies the %D layout of the the \LATEX\ class \filename{pracjourn.cls} available from %D \TPJ\ website (\url[TPJ]). This module has a filename synonym %D \filename{pracjourn}. So to use this module, you can write: %D \starttyping %D \usemodule[pracjourn] %D \stoptyping %D A sample document is given at the end of this file. The typeset sample can %D be obtained by %D \starttyping %D texmfstart texexec --mode=demo s-ptj-01.tex %D \stoptyping %D The documentation is written as comments. If you want to see a \PDF\ copy %D \starttyping %D texmfstart texexec --module s-ptj-01.tex %D \stoptyping \startmodule[pracjourn] \unprotect %D First let's setup the paper size and layout for \TPJ. I am actually not %D sure about the \quote{official} layout requirement for \TPJ\ and have %D reverse engineered the layout from the typeset \LATEX\ examples. If you %D feel that anything is wrong here, please let me know. \setuppapersize [letter][letter] \setuplayout [ width=middle, height=middle, location=middle, topspace=1.25in, bottomspace=1in, backspace=1in, cutspace=1in, leftmargin=0.25in, rightmargin=0.25in, leftmargindistance=0in, rightmargindistance=0in, header=1in, footer=.5in, headerdistace=0in, footerdistance=.25in, ] %D Next we do the font setup. \TPJ\ uses mathpazo for roman and math faces and %D uses latin modern for sans serif and monotype. For the main face, 12pt is %D used with a 15.5pt baseline skip. Font protrusion is enabled, but font %D expansion is not. We follow these conventions, but use Pagella fonts from %D \TEX{gyre} project, and scale latin modern fonts by 1.1 for better %D matching. Right now, the \TEX{gyre} fonts are not distributed with %D \CONTEXT. They can be downloaded from \url[texgyre]. Most of the numbers %D (page numbers, figure numbers, section numbers) are set in oldstyle. \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono] [hanging] [pure] \setupalign [hanging] \usetypescriptfile [type-gyr] \definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [serif] [palatino] [default] [encoding=texnansi] \definetypeface [mainface] [ss] [sans] [modern] [default] [encoding=texnansi, rscale=1.1] \definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [modern] [default] [encoding=texnansi, rscale=1.1] \definetypeface [mainface] [mm] [math] [palatino] [default] [encoding=texnansi] \setupbodyfont [mainface,12pt] \definefont [titlefont] [Regular at 20pt] \definefont [authorfont] [Regular at 14pt] \setupbodyfontenvironment [12pt] [interlinespace=15.5pt,em=italic] \setupbodyfontenvironment [11pt] [interlinespace=13.6pt,em=italic] %D The variables for the article are stored in the \mono{pracjourn} namespace. %D To initialize these variables use %D \starttyping %D \setvariables %D [pracjourn] %D [ title=Tile of the Article, %D author=Name of Author, %D address=Write your Address, %D revision={d=14,m=11,y=2006}, %D copyright=Whatever you want, %D ] %D \stoptyping %D \mono{title} and \mono{author} should always be entered (even though this %D module does not make them mandatory, it makes little sense to have an %D article without a title or author. Other variables are optional. If a %D revision is not written, current date will be used to show the revision. %D Other variables for the article are the author's email address and website %D url. Due to catcode problems, it is not always possible to reliably enter %D these using the variable mechanism. To enter these use \type|\useURL| %D \starttyping %D \useURL[email][mailto:address@whatever.com][][address@whatever.com] %D \useURL[website][link to your homepage] %D \stoptyping %D If either of these \URL's are not present, they will be silently ignored %D while generating the title. \setvariables [pracjourn] [ title=] \setvariables [pracjourn] [ author=] \setvariables [pracjourn] [ address=] \setvariables [pracjourn] [copyright=] \setvariables [pracjourn] [ revision=] %D We use the buffer \filename{abstract} for the abstract. So to enter the %D abstract, write %D \starttyping %D \startbuffer[abstract] %D Write your abstract %D \stopbuffer %D \stoptyping %D Right now, there is no mechanism to inhibt abstracts. In case someone %D requires it, such a mechanism is easy to implement. \startbuffer[abstract] \stopbuffer %D The actual title with the additional information is typset by calling %D \starttyping %D \setups{title} %D \stoptyping %D Remember that the \type|\setvariables[pracjourn][...]| step must be done %D before \type|\setups{title}|. \setuphead [title] [style=\titlefont, after={\blank[big]}] %D Next we define internal frames to take care of the layout of the extra %D material in the title. These start with \type|do...| to prevent clash with %D user macros. (I do not like writing @ in macro names). \defineframed [doinfotitle] [ frame=off, strut=yes, width=0.1\textwidth, height=fit, align=left, location=hanging, ] \defineframed [doinfodetails] [ frame=off, strut=yes, width=0.85\textwidth, height=fit, align=normal, location=hanging, ] \newif\iftitleskipdone \def\doadditionalinfo#1#2 {\titleskipdonetrue \hbox to \textwidth \bgroup \hfill \doinfotitle{#1} \hfill \doinfodetails{#2} \egroup\endgraf} %D Now we take care of the actual layout of the title. Most of this is %D heuristic, as I was trying to get the same visual effect as the %D \filename{pracjourn.cls} class. If something does not match, please let me %D know. The additional information is typeset as %D \starttyping %D \hfill \hfill %D \stoptyping %D at 11pt size. We also add the title and author information in the \PDF\ %D metadata. \startrawsetups [title] % Place the tile and the author \title{\getvariable{pracjourn}{title}} \blank[medium] \bgroup\authorfont\setupinterlinespace \getvariable{pracjourn}{author} \endgraf\egroup \blank[2*big] % Place the additional information \bgroup\switchtobodyfont[11pt] \setupindenting[no] \doifdefined{\v!file:::email} {\doadditionalinfo{Email}{\tttf\from[email]\relax}} \doifdefined{\v!file:::website} {\doadditionalinfo{Website}{\from[website]\relax}} \doifsomething{\getvariable{pracjourn}{address}} {\doadditionalinfo{Address}{\getvariable{pracjourn}{address}}} \iftitleskipdone \blank[big] \fi \doadditionalinfo{Abstract}% {\setupindenting[yes]% \setupinterlinespace% \getbuffer[abstract] \endgraf} \egroup \blank[big] % If revision number is present, write it to \filename{_rev.tex} % FIXME: Do we need to ensure that the dates and month are two digits? \doifsomething{\getvariable{pracjourn}{revision}} {\expanded{\setvariables[pracjourn:date][y=,m=,d=,\getvariable{pracjourn}{revision}]} \immediate\openout \scratchwrite _rev.tex \immediate\write \scratchwrite {\getvariable{pracjourn:date}{y}/\getvariable{pracjourn:date}{m}/\getvariable{pracjourn:date}{d}} \immediate\closeout\scratchwrite} % Add information to pdfmetadata \setupinteraction [title={\getvariable{pracjourn}{title}}, author={\getvariable{pracjourn}{author}}, subtitle={The PracTeX Journal Article}] \stoprawsetups %D Next we setup the header and footer for the first page. \TPJ\ formats the %D header as %D \startlines %D The PracTeX Journal, year, No. number %D Article revision year/mm/dd %D \stoplines %D If a copyright notice is present, it is printed right aligned on the bottom %D of first page. Otherwise the footer on the first page is empty. \startlocalsetups [titleheader] \framed[frame=off,width=\textwidth,align=normal,location=low] {\small\setupinterlinespace \doifelsenothing{\TPJissue}{For submission to \TPJ}{\TPJissue}\endgraf \doifelsenothing{\getvariable{pracjourn}{revision}} {Draft of \currentdate[year,/,mm,/,dd]} {Article revision\space \expanded{\date[\getvariable{pracjourn}{revision}][year,/,mm,/,dd]}} \endgraf} \stoplocalsetups \startlocalsetups [titlefooter] \framed[frame=off,width=\textwidth,align=flushright,location=low] {\small\setupinterlinespace \getvariable{pracjourn}{copyright}\endgraf} \stoplocalsetups \definetext [titleheader] [header] [\setups{titleheader}][] \definetext [titlefooter] [footer] [\setups{titlefooter}] \setuphead [title] [header=titleheader,footer=titlefooter] %D For rest of the pages, page number is printed on the middle of the footer. \setuppagenumbering [location={footer,middle}, style=mediaeval] %D Next we setup the formating for the sections. \TPJ\ wants font sizes of %D 17pt, 14pt, and 12pt respectively for section, subsection, and %D subsubsection. By default, \tex{tfa} is 1.2, \tex{tfb} is 1.4, so the sizes %D come out close to what is required. The section number is typset in %D oldstyle fonts. \setuphead [section,subject] [ style=\tfb, numberstyle=mediaeval, before={\blank[2*big]}, after={\blank[big]}, ] \setuphead [subsection,subsubject] [ style=\tfa, numberstyle=mediaeval, before={\blank[big]}, after={\blank[medium]}, ] \setuphead [subsubsection,subsubsubject] [ style=\tf, numberstyle=mediaeval, before={\blank[medium]}, after={\blank}, ] %D Now we setup the captions. The captions head are set in normal font, and %D the caption number is set in oldstlyle. \setupcaptions [headstyle=normal,stopper=:,conversion=mediaeval] %D Footnotes are placed in a box with a width of 1.5em. The footnote numeral %D are set in oldstyle font. \setupnote [footnote] [margindistance=0em, conversion=mediaeval, command=\pracjournfootnote, ] \setupnotedefinition [footnote] [location=left,hang=1] \def\pracjournfootnote#1{\hbox to 1.5em{#1.}} %D \TPJ\ uses dash as the first level of itemize and text period as the second %D level. The third level is left unspecified. \definesymbol [1] [{\symbol[dash]}] \definesymbol [2] [\periodcentered] \setupitemize [each] [packed] \setupitemize [1] [packed,autointro] [margin=1em] %D We change \type|\type| so that the argument inside \type|\type| is pretty %D printed using \TEX's patterns. Another command \type|\normaltype| can be %D used if you do not want the original \type|\type|. \setuptype [option=TEX] \definetype [normaltype] [option=none] %D We enable colors, interaction and bookmarks. \setupinteraction [state=start,color=darkred,style=normal] \setupurl [color=darkred] \setupcolors [state=start] \placebookmarks [section,subsection] [section] %D We setup medium indenting, whitespace and blanks. \setupindenting [medium,yes] \setupwhitespace [medium] \setupblank [medium] %D We define logos for \PRACTEX\ and \TPJ. These definitions are copied from %D \filename{pracjourn.cls} and can be accessed by \type|\PracTeX|, %D \type|\PRACTEX| and \type|\TPJ|. \def\PracTeX{Prac\kern-0.07em\TeX} \def\PRACTEX{\PracTeX} \def\TPJ {The \PRACTEX\ Journal} %D \filename{pracjourn.cls} provides two macros \type|\ctanfile| and %D \type|\ctanloc|. I am not sure what is the advantage of these macors. If %D you want to use these macros, you can use the \type|\useURL| mechanism of %D \CONTEXT. For example %D \starttyping %D \useURL[pracjourn][http://ctan.org/get?fn=/macros/contrib/latex/pracjourn][][\mono{CTAN:macros/contrib/latex/pracjourn}] %D The \LATEX\ style files for \TPJ\ is localed at \from[pracjourn] %D \stoptyping %D For the final version of the paper, the string \quotation{The PracTeX %D Journal year, No x} is written on the header. This only happens when the %D current directory contains a file \filename{_iss.tex} which contains string %D like \quotation{TPJ 2006 No 04, 2006-11-15}. This step is usually taken in %D the final production of the article. If this file is absent, \quotation{For %D submission to the PracTeX Journal} is written instead. The next macros are %D used to parse this file. \let\TPJissue\empty \def\parse@iss TPJ #1 No #2, #3-#4-#5\@nil% {\!!counta#2\relax \edef\TPJissue{\TPJ, #1, No.\,\the\!!counta}} %D Read the \filename{_iss.tex} file, if present to determine the current %D issue. \immediate\openin\scratchread _iss.tex \ifeof\scratchread\else \read \scratchread to \!!stringa \expandafter\parse@iss\!!stringa\@nil \fi \immediate\closein\scratchread \protect \stopmodule \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \usemodule[pracjourn] \setvariables [pracjourn] [ title=\PRACTEX\ Article in \CONTEXT, author=Aditya Mahajan, address={Ann Arbor,\\ Michigan, USA.}, revision={y=2006,m=11,d=14}, copyright={Copyright \copyright\ 2006 Aditya Mahajan.} ] \useURL[website][http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam] \useURL[email][mailto:adityam@umich.edu][][adityam@umich.edu] %D If any of the above information is not provided, the corresponding entry %D will not apprear in the title. \startbuffer[abstract] Write abstract here \stopbuffer \starttext \setups[title] \section{Introduction} Write your article \unknown \stoptext \endinput