%D \module %D [ file=s-pre-20, %D version=2000.08.07, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment 20, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \setupbodyfont [lbr,14.4pt] \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [topspace=0cm, backspace=0cm, header=0pt, footer=0pt, width=middle, height=middle] \setupcolors [state=start] \setupinteraction [state=start, click=no, display=new, color=LineColor, contrastcolor=LineColor] \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] \setupsystem [random=big] % once per hour \startreusableMPgraphic{page} StartPage ; filldraw Page withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ; pickup pencircle scaled (.25cm+uniformdeviate.25cm) ; for i=1 upto 200 : drawdot (uniformdeviate PaperWidth,uniformdeviate PaperHeight) withcolor \MPcolor {LineColor} ; endfor ; StopPage ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{idea} StartPage ; path p ; p := unitsquare xyscaled(\MPw{idea:\realfolio},\MPh{idea:\realfolio}) superellipsed .90 ; p := p shifted \MPxy{idea:\realfolio} ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled .500cm withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{\overlaycolor} ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled .250cm withcolor \MPcolor{LineColor} ; p := unitsquare xyscaled(\MPw{title:\realfolio},\MPh{title:\realfolio}) superellipsed .90 ; p := p shifted \MPxy{title:\realfolio} ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled .250cm withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{\overlaycolor} ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled .125cm withcolor \MPcolor{LineColor} ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \definecolor[PageColor][s=.50] \definecolor[TextColor][s=.80] \definecolor[DoneColor][s=.65] \definecolor[LineColor][r=.7,g=.6,b=.5] \defineoverlay [idea] [\useMPgraphic {idea}] \defineoverlay [page] [\reuseMPgraphic{page}] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={page,forward}] \defineoverlay[forward][\overlaybutton{forward}] % alternatief: buffer en ander regime, zodat lokale kleuren % kunnen worden genilled. Pos gebruiken om te positioneren. \definereference[thispage][page(\realfolio)] \newbox\firstideabox \setbox\firstideabox =\null \newbox\secondideabox \setbox\secondideabox=\null \newbox\thirdideabox \setbox\thirdideabox =\null \def\StartTopic% bottom title, top title {\dodoublegroupempty\doStartTopic} \def\doStartTopic#1#2% the positions end up at each page -) {\setbox\firstideabox= \vbox to \makeupheight \bgroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupheight \vskip 0cm plus \scratchdimen \hbox to \makeupwidth \bgroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupwidth \hskip 0cm plus \scratchdimen \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup\hpos{idea:\realfolio} \bgroup \getrandomdimen\hsize{.5\makeupwidth}{.7\makeupwidth}% \framed [offset=3ex,align=middle,strut=no,frame=off, before=,after=] \bgroup \setupwhitespace[big]% \doifsomething{#2}{\Title{#2}}% \def\StopTopic{% \egroup \egroup \egroup \gotobox{\box\scratchbox}[thispage]% \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupwidth \hskip 0cm plus \scratchdimen \egroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}\makeupheight \vskip 0cm plus \scratchdimen \hbox to \makeupwidth \bgroup \hfill \hpos{title:\realfolio} {\button[offset=1.5ex,frame=off]{#1}[backward]}% \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}{2.5cm}% \hskip \scratchdimen \egroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{.5cm}{1.5cm} \vskip \scratchdimen \egroup \setbox\secondideabox=\vbox {\framed [offset=overlay,frame=off,background=idea,backgroundcolor=TextColor] {\copy\firstideabox}} \setbox\firstideabox=\vbox {\framed [offset=overlay,frame=off,background=idea,backgroundcolor=DoneColor] {\LineColor\copy\firstideabox}} \startstandardmakeup \startoverlay {\copy\thirdideabox } {\copy\secondideabox} \stopoverlay \stopstandardmakeup \setbox\thirdideabox=\vbox {\startoverlay {\copy\thirdideabox } {\copy\firstideabox} \stopoverlay}}} \long\def\TitlePage#1#2% {\bgroup \switchtobodyfont[32pt] \StartTopic{#1}#2\StopTopic \egroup} \def\Title#1{\midaligned{\bfb#1}\blank} \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} % \usemodule[pre-super] % super ellipse as well as superpositioned \starttext \TitlePage{August 2000}{Something Very Important} \StartTopic{Alpha} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \StartTopic{Beta and Gamma} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \StartTopic{Delta} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \StartTopic{Epsilon} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \StartTopic{Zeta, Eta and Theta} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \StartTopic{Omega} A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. A simple and not too long text just to show the idea. \StopTopic \stoptext