%D \module %D [ file=s-pre-17, %D version=1999.08.20, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment 17, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \setupbodyfont [dejavu,11pt,ss] \setupsystem [random=medium] \setupbackgrounds [state=repeat] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={page,forward}] \setupbackgrounds [text][text] [background=blowdown] \setupinteraction [state=start, % click=off, color=TitleColor, contrastcolor=TitleColor] \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] \setuptolerance [verytolerant,stretch] \definecolor [BackColor] [s=.30] \definecolor [PageColor] [g=1] \definecolor [FrameColor] [r=1] \definecolor [TitleColor] [y=1] \definecolor [ArrowColor] [b=1] \defineoverlay [title] [\useMPgraphic{title}] \defineoverlay [page] [\useMPgraphic{page}] \defineoverlay [blowup] [{\hboxreference[whatever:\CurrentBlaBla]{\overlaybutton{whatever:\CurrentBlaBla}}}] \defineoverlay [blowdown] [{\hboxreference[page:\realfolio]{\overlaybutton{page:\realfolio}}}] \defineoverlay [forward] [\overlaybutton{forward}] \startMPinclusions input "mp-abck.mpiv" ; \stopMPinclusions \startMPpositiongraphic{mppos:connection} path pa, pb, pc ; pair ca, cb ; initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{self}}) ; pa := pxy ; ca := cxy ; initialize_box(\MPpos{\MPvar{prev}}) ; pb := pxy ; cb := cxy ; pickup pencircle scaled .5pt ; pa := pa enlarged 10pt ; pb := pb enlarged 10pt ; for i=1 upto 10 : draw pa randomized 20pt withcolor \MPcolor{FrameColor} ; endfor ; if \MPp{\MPvar{prev}} > 0 : pair a, b, c, d ; for i=1 upto 25 : a := .5[ulcorner pa,urcorner pa] randomized (10pt,10pt) ; b := .5[llcorner pb,lrcorner pb] randomized (20pt,10pt) ; c := .5[a,b] rotatedaround(a,-25) randomized (5pt,5pt) ; d := .5[a,b] rotatedaround(a,+25) randomized (5pt,5pt) ; draw (a--b) withcolor \MPcolor{ArrowColor} ; draw (d--a--c) withcolor \MPcolor{ArrowColor} ; endfor ; fi ; anchor_box(\MPanchor{\MPvar{self}}) ; \stopMPpositiongraphic \startuseMPgraphic{title} pickup pencircle scaled .5pt ; for i=1 upto 10 : draw fullsquare xyscaled(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) enlarged 10pt randomized 20pt withcolor \MPcolor{TitleColor} ; endfor ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{page} StartPage ; pickup pencircle scaled .5pt ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{BackColor} ; for i=1 upto 20 : draw Page enlarged -50pt randomized 50pt withcolor \MPcolor{PageColor} ; endfor ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \newcounter\CurrentBlaBla \defineframedtext [ZoomText] [before=, after=, width=fit, align=flushleft, frame=off, foregroundcolor=white] \starttexdefinition StartText \begingroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{250pt}{350pt} \edef\TextWidth{\the\scratchdimen} \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup \hsize\TextWidth \ZoomText\bgroup \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StartTextSimple \begingroup \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup \framed [ frame=off, foregroundcolor=white ] \bgroup \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StopTextSimple \StopText \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StopText \egroup \egroup \doglobal\increment\CurrentBlaBla \let\PrevBlaBla\CurrentBlaBla \doglobal\decrement\PrevBlaBla \let\NextBlaBla\CurrentBlaBla \doglobal\increment\NextBlaBla \setMPpositiongraphic { connection:\CurrentBlaBla }{ mppos:connection }{ seed=\CurrentBlaBla, prev=connection:\PrevBlaBla, next=connection:\NextBlaBla } \hbox to 600pt \bgroup \setupinteraction[focus=fitr] \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{50pt}{75pt} \hskip0pt plus \scratchdimen minus \scratchdimen \hpos { connection:\CurrentBlaBla }{ \framed [ frame=off, offset=overlay, backgroundoffset=50pt, background=blowup ] { \box\scratchbox } } \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{50pt}{75pt} \hskip0pt plus \scratchdimen minus \scratchdimen \egroup \getrandomdimen\scratchdimen{75pt}{125pt} \vskip\scratchdimen \endgroup \stoptexdefinition \dontcomplain \disablemode[SpreadPage] \starttexdefinition StartPage #1 \doglobal\increment(\CurrentBlaBla,100)% \setvariables[StartPage][title={#1}] \setbox\scratchbox\hbox\bgroup \valign\bgroup \ignorespaces \alignmark\alignmark \vss \cr \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StopPage \cr \egroup \egroup \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup \vskip100pt \doifmodeelse {SpreadPage} { \hbox spread 200pt } { \hbox to \wd\scratchbox } \bgroup \setupinteraction[focus=fitr] \hss \switchtobodyfont[big]% \bfd \doglobal\increment\CurrentBlaBla \setupinterlinespace \hpos { title:\realfolio }{ \framed [ frame=off, offset=overlay, backgroundoffset=50pt, background=blowup ] { \framed [ frame=off, align=middle, foregroundcolor=white, background=title ] { \getvariable{StartPage}{title} } } } \hss \egroup \vskip100pt \box\scratchbox \egroup \normalexpanded { \definepapersize [ MasterPage ] [ width=\the\dimexpr\wd\scratchbox+100pt\relax, height=\the\dimexpr\ht\scratchbox+\dp\scratchbox+100pt\relax ] } \setuppapersize [MasterPage] [MasterPage] \setuplayout [ topspace=25pt, backspace=25pt, width=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt, height=middle ] \centerbox { \box\scratchbox } \page \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StartTopic #1 \removeunwantedspaces \cr \doglobal\increment(\CurrentBlaBla,100)% \vbox\bgroup \vskip100pt \bgroup \definecolor[FrameColor][TitleColor] \switchtobodyfont[big] \bfd \setupinterlinespace \StartTextSimple \ignorespaces #1 \removeunwantedspaces \StopTextSimple \vskip25pt \egroup \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition StopTopic \vskip-\lastskip \vskip100pt \egroup \ignorespaces \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition TitlePage #1 \begingroup \def\\{\vskip1ex\bfc\def\\{\vskip1ex\bfb}} \enablemode[SpreadPage] \StartPage{#1} \StopPage \endgroup \stoptexdefinition \continueifinputfile{s-pre-17.mkiv} \starttext \nopdfcompression \TitlePage{About Text\\Today's Talk\\Hans Hagen} \StartPage{The First Page} \StartTopic{Some Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Another Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some More Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some Text Again} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StopTopic \StopPage \StartPage{The Second Page} \StartTopic{Some Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Another Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some Nice Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some Funny Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Quite Some Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Even More Text} \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StopPage \StartPage{The Third Page} \StartTopic{Some Short Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some Minimal Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StopTopic \StartTopic{Some More Text} \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input knuth \StopText \StartText \input zapf \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StartText \input tufte \StopText \StopTopic \StopPage \stoptext