%D \module %D [ file=s-pre-00, %D version=1997.07.22, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment 0, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This module provides some non core functionality that can %D be used in the presentations styles. This module contains %D experimental macros. %D %D The presentation environments are independent of each other. %D Although they have much in common, and in many cases can be %D exchanged, the common components are not collected in this %D file. That way they can serve as examples of style %D definitions. \unprotect \newbox \presentationstack \newcounter \presentationcounter \newdimen \presentationheight \appendtoks\doglobal\newcounter\presentationcounter\to\everyshipout \defineframedtext [presentationshield] \setupframedtexts [presentationshield] [\c!background=\v!color, \c!backgroundcolor=StepColor, \c!offset=\v!overlay, \c!frame=\v!off] \definecolor[StepColor][white] \def\enablepresentationstep% {\let\enablepresentationstep\relax \useJSpreamblenow{presentation}% \setuptexttexts [\vbox to \textheight {\dopresentationstep1\box\presentationstack\vfill}]} \def\presentationstep {\dopresentationstep0} \def\dopresentationstep#1% not ok yet {\global\setbox\presentationstack=\vbox {\ifnum\presentationcounter=0 \global\presentationheight=\!!zeropoint \fi \ifcase#1\relax \scratchdimen=\pagetotal \else \scratchdimen=\textheight \fi \advance\scratchdimen by -\presentationheight \edef\presentationstepheight{\the\scratchdimen} \global\presentationheight=\pagetotal \forgetall \offinterlineskip \dontcomplain \box\presentationstack \doglobal\increment\presentationcounter \scratchcounter=\realpageno \multiply\scratchcounter by 100 \advance\scratchcounter by \presentationcounter \edef\presentationtag{presentation:\the\scratchcounter} \setupfield [presentation] [\c!width=\v!fit,\c!height=\v!fit,\c!offset=\v!overlay, \c!strut=\v!no,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!option=\v!readonly] \definesymbol [\presentationtag] [\presentationshade] \def\presentationshade {\presentationshield [\c!width=\textwidth,\c!height=\presentationstepheight]{}} \definefield[\presentationtag][check][presentation][\presentationtag,\v!none][\presentationtag] \fitfield[\presentationtag]}} \startJSpreamble {presentation} used later var presentation = new Array() ; for (i=1;i<=\lastpage;i++) { presentation[i] = 0 } this.dirty = false ; function NextPresentation (pagenumber) { % ++presentation[pagenumber] ; presentation[pagenumber] = presentation[pagenumber] + 1 ; var dummy = 100*pagenumber + presentation[pagenumber] ; var v = this.getField("presentation:"+dummy) ; if (v) { v.hidden = true } % { v.display = display.hidden } else { ++pagenumber ; if (pagenumber<=\lastpage) { presentation[pagenumber] = presentation[pagenumber] + 1 ; dummy = 100*(pagenumber) + presentation[pagenumber] ; v = this.getField("presentation:"+dummy) ; if (v) { v.hidden = true } % if (v) { v.display = display.hidden } ++this.pageNum } } this.dirty = false } \stopJSpreamble \definereference[NextStep][JS(NextPresentation{\realfolio})] %D \macros %D {presentationstep} %D %D The macro \type {\presentationstep} provides a basic slide %D show functionality. It sort of records pieces of the page %D that will show up stepwise. It can be used like: %D %D \starttyping %D \startitemize %D \item eerste %D \item tweede %D \stopitemize %D %D \presentationstep %D %D \startformula %D ax^2+bx+c %D \stopformula %D %D \presentationstep %D \stoptyping %D %D When the document is opened, the two text fragments are %D covered by a shield. Each page has its own shield stack. The %D logical reference \type {NextStep} can be used to hide the %D shield. %D %D \starttyping %D \setupfootertexts[{\button{Show Up}[NextStep]}] %D \stoptyping %D %D In case of presentation style 2, you can say: %D %D \starttyping %D \definereference[Whatever][JS(NextPresentation{\realfolio})] %D \stoptyping %D %D Depending of the viewer, you need to reset the fields at %D startup: %D %D \starttyping %D \setupinteraction[openaction=ResetForm] %D \stoptyping %D %D Fixed spacing give you the best results: %D %D \starttyping %D \setupwhitespace[fixed] %D \setupblank[fixed] %D \stoptyping %D %D Sometimes you need to set the color of the background, as %D with style 2: %D %D \starttyping %D \definecolor[StepColor][Page] %D \stoptyping %D %D Special effects can be reached with: %D %D \starttyping %D \setupframedtexts %D [presentationshield] %D [background=color,backgroundcolor=red] %D \stoptyping %D %D There is also: %D %D \starttyping %D \autopresentationsteptrue %D \stoptyping %D %D One can enable this feature as \type {step} mode. \newif\ifautopresentationstep \appendtoks \ifautopresentationstep\presentationstep\fi \to \everypar \doifmode{step} {\enablepresentationstep} \doifmode{autostep}{\autopresentationsteptrue\enablepresentationstep} %D When in \type {comment} mode, embedded page comments are %D processed and put below the page. The default space of %D 5cm should be adequate but can of course be changed. \doifmode{comment}{\setuppagecomment[state=start,location=bottom]} \protect \endinput