%D \module %D [ file=s-fnt-23, %D version=2009.03.04, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Tracing Feature Application (3), %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startluacode local last_data = nil local format = string.format local function tpf(...) -- print("!!!!",...) tex.print(tex.ctxcatcodes,format(...)) end function fonts.otf.show_shape(n) local tfmdata = fonts.ids[font.current()] lastdata = tfmdata local charnum = tonumber(n) if not charnum then charnum = tfmdata.unicodes[n] end local c = tfmdata.characters[charnum] local d = tfmdata.descriptions[charnum] if d then local factor = (tfmdata.size/tfmdata.units)*((7200/7227)/65536) local llx, lly, urx, ury = unpack(d.boundingbox) llx, lly, urx, ury = llx*factor, lly*factor, urx*factor, ury*factor local width, italic = (d.width or 0)*factor, (d.italic or 0)*factor local top_accent, bot_accent = (d.top_accent or 0)*factor, (d.bot_accent or 0)*factor local anchors, math = d.anchors, d.math tpf("\\startMPcode") tpf("pickup pencircle scaled .25bp ; ") tpf('picture p ; p := image(draw textext.drt("\\gray\\char%s");); draw p ;',charnum) tpf('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--(%s,%s)--cycle withcolor green ;',llx,lly,urx,lly,urx,ury,llx,ury) tpf('draw (%s,%s)--(%s,%s) withcolor green ;',llx,0,urx,0) tpf('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;') tpf("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ") -- inefficient but non critical local function slant_1(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc) if #v > 0 then local l = { } for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern if h and k then l[#l+1] = format("((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))",xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy) end end tpf("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled .25) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[1].kern*factor,lly,dx,dy,l[1]) tpf("draw laddered (%s) withcolor .5white ;",table.concat(l,"..")) tpf("draw ((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))--%s dashed (evenly scaled .25) withcolor .5white;", xsign*v[#v].kern*factor,ury,dx,dy,l[#l]) for k, v in ipairs(l) do tpf("draw %s withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;",v) end end end local function slant_2(v,dx,dy,txt,xsign,ysign,loc,labloc) if #v > 0 then local l = { } for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern if h and k then l[#l+1] = format("((%s,%s) shifted (%s,%s))",xsign*k*factor,ysign*h*factor,dx,dy) end end if loc == "top" then tpf('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,-1bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[#l]) else tpf('label.%s("\\type{%s}",%s shifted (0,2bp)) ;',loc,txt,l[1]) end for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do local h, k = vv.height, vv.kern if h and k then tpf('label.top("(%s,%s)",%s shifted (0,-2bp));',k,h,l[kk]) end end end end if math then local kerns = math.kerns if kerns then for _, slant in ipairs { slant_1, slant_2 } do for k,v in pairs(kerns) do if k == "top_right" then slant(v,width+italic,0,k,1,1,"top","ulft") elseif k == "bottom_right" then slant(v,width,0,k,1,1,"bot","lrt") elseif k == "top_left" then slant(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"top","ulft") elseif k == "bottom_left" then slant(v,0,0,k,-1,1,"bot","lrt") end end end end end local function show(x,y,txt) local xx, yy = x*factor, y*factor tpf("draw (%s,%s) withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;",xx,yy) tpf('label.top("\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-2bp)) ;',txt,xx,yy) tpf('label.bot("(%s,%s)",(%s,%s+2bp)) ;',x,y,xx,yy) end if anchors then local a = anchors.baselig if a then for k, v in pairs(a) do for kk, vv in ipairs(v) do show(vv[1],vv[2],k .. ":" .. kk) end end end local a = anchors.mark if a then for k, v in pairs(a) do show(v[1],v[2],k) end end local a = anchors.basechar if a then for k, v in pairs(a) do show(v[1],v[2],k) end end local ba = anchors.centry if a then for k, v in pairs(a) do show(v[1],v[2],k) end end local a = anchors.cexit if a then for k, v in pairs(a) do show(v[1],v[2],k) end end end if italic ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width,ury) tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury) tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width+italic,ury) tpf('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,ury) tpf('label.rt("%s",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',d.italic,width+italic,ury) end if top_accent ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,ury) tpf('label.bot("\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,ury) tpf('label.top("%s",(%s,%s-1bp));',d.top_accent,top_accent,ury) end if bot_accent ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,lly) tpf('label.top("\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,ury) tpf('label.bot("%s",(%s,%s+1bp));',d.bot_accent,bot_accent,lly) end tpf('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;') tpf("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;") tpf("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;") tpf("\\stopMPcode") elseif c then local factor = (7200/7227)/65536 tpf("\\startMPcode") tpf("pickup pencircle scaled .25bp ; ") tpf('picture p ; p := image(draw textext.drt("\\gray\\char%s");); draw p ;',charnum) tpf('draw boundingbox p withcolor .2white withpen pencircle scaled .065bp ;') tpf("defaultscale := 0.05 ; ") local italic, top_accent, bot_accent = (c.italic or 0)*factor, (c.top_accent or 0)*factor, (c.bot_accent or 0)*factor local width, height, depth = (c.width or 0)*factor, (c.height or 0)*factor, (c.depth or 0)*factor local ury = height if italic ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width,ury) tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-0.5bp) withcolor blue;',width+italic,ury,width+italic,ury) tpf('draw (%s,%s-1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',width,ury,width+italic,height) tpf('label.lft("\\type{%s}",(%s+2bp,%s-1bp));',"italic",width,height) tpf('label.rt("%6.3f bp",(%s-2bp,%s-1bp));',italic,width+italic,height) end if top_accent ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',top_accent,ury,top_accent,height) tpf('label.bot("\\type{%s}",(%s,%s+1bp));',"top_accent",top_accent,height) tpf('label.top("%6.3f bp",(%s,%s-1bp));',top_accent,top_accent,height) end if bot_accent ~= 0 then tpf('draw (%s,%s+1bp)--(%s,%s-1bp) withcolor blue;',bot_accent,lly,bot_accent,height) tpf('label.top("\\type{%s}",(%s,%s-1bp));',"bot_accent",top_accent,height) tpf('label.bot("%6.3f bp",(%s,%s+1bp));',bot_accent,bot_accent,height) end tpf('draw origin withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;') tpf("setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 1bp ;") tpf("currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 8 ;") tpf("\\stopMPcode") else tpf("no such shape: %s",n) end end function fonts.otf.show_all_shapes(start,stop) local tfmdata = fonts.ids[font.current()] lastdata = tfmdata start, stop = start or "\\startTEXpage\\gobbleoneargument", stop or "\\stopTEXpage" local unicodes, indices, descriptions = tfmdata.unicodes, tfmdata.indices, tfmdata.descriptions for _, unicode in next, table.sortedkeys(descriptions) do local d = descriptions[unicode] local name = d.name tpf("%s{%s}%%",start,unicode) tpf("\\writestatus{glyph}{U+%04X -> %s}%%",unicode,name) fonts.otf.show_shape(unicode) tpf(stop) end end function fonts.otf.show_shape_field(unicode,name) local tfmdata = lastdata or fonts.ids[font.current()] local d = tfmdata.descriptions[unicode] if d then if name == "unicode" then tpf("U+%04X",unicode) else d = d[name] if d then tpf(d) end end end end \stopluacode \setupcolors [state=start] \def\GetGlyphField#1#2% {\ctxlua{fonts.otf.show_shape_field(#1,"#2")}} \def\StartShowGlyphShape#1% {\startTEXpage \nonknuthmode \def\GlyphUnicode{#1}} \def\StopShowGlyphShape {\par \midaligned{\tttf\setstrut\strut\GetGlyphField\GlyphUnicode{unicode}: \GetGlyphField\GlyphUnicode{name}}% \stopTEXpage} \def\ShowGlyphShape#1#2#3% name size glyph {\begingroup \definedfont[#1 at #2]% \obeyMPboxdepth \ctxlua{fonts.otf.show_shape("#3")}% \endgroup} \def\ShowAllGlyphShapes#1#2% name size {\begingroup \nonknuthmode \definedfont[#1 at #2]% \ctxlua{fonts.otf.show_all_shapes("\\StartShowGlyphShape","\\StopShowGlyphShape")}% \endgroup} \setupcolors [state=start] \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \starttext \startTEXpage \ShowGlyphShape{simplenaskhi}{100bp}{0x62A} \stopTEXpage \startTEXpage \ShowGlyphShape{simplenaskhi}{100bp}{0x2004} \stopTEXpage \startTEXpage \ShowGlyphShape{simplenaskhi}{100bp}{0xF0299} \stopTEXpage \startTEXpage \ShowGlyphShape{simplenaskhi}{100bp}{NameMe.1190} \stopTEXpage \ShowAllGlyphShapes{simplenaskhi}{100bp} \stoptext