if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['publ-tra'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "this module part of publication support", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: use context.tt .. more efficient, less code local next, type = next, type local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local formatters = string.formatters local concat = table.concat local context = context local commands = commands local v_default = interfaces.variables.default local publications = publications local tracers = publications.tracers local tables = publications.tables local datasets = publications.datasets local specifications = publications.specifications local citevariants = publications.citevariants local getfield = publications.getfield local getcasted = publications.getcasted local ctx_NC, ctx_NR, ctx_HL, ctx_FL, ctx_ML, ctx_LL, ctx_EQ = context.NC, context.NR, context.HL, context.FL, context.ML, context.LL, context.EQ local ctx_starttabulate = context.starttabulate local ctx_stoptabulate = context.stoptabulate local ctx_formatted = context.formatted local ctx_bold = ctx_formatted.monobold local ctx_monobold = ctx_formatted.monobold local ctx_verbatim = ctx_formatted.verbatim local ctx_rotate = context.rotate local ctx_llap = context.llap local ctx_rlap = context.rlap local ctx_page = context.page local privates = tables.privates local specials = tables.specials local report = logs.reporter("publications","tracers") function tracers.showdatasetfields(settings) local dataset = settings.dataset local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local specification = settings.specification local fielddata = specification and specifications[specification] or specifications.apa local categories = fielddata.categories if next(luadata) then ctx_starttabulate { "|lT|lT|pTl|" } ctx_NC() ctx_bold("tag") ctx_NC() ctx_bold("category") ctx_NC() ctx_bold("fields") ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_FL() for tag, entry in sortedhash(luadata) do local category = entry.category local catedata = categories[category] local fields = catedata and catedata.fields or { } ctx_NC() context(tag) ctx_NC() context(category) ctx_NC() -- grouping around colors needed for key, value in sortedhash(entry) do if privates[key] then -- skip elseif specials[key] then context("{\\darkblue %s} ",key) else local kind = fields[key] if kind == "required" then context("{\\darkgreen %s} ",key) elseif kind == "optional" then context("%s ",key) else context("{\\darkyellow %s} ",key) end end end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end ctx_stoptabulate() end end function tracers.showdatasetcompleteness(settings) local dataset = settings.dataset local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local specification = settings.specification local fielddata = specification and specifications[specification] or specifications.apa local categories = fielddata.categories -- local lpegmatch = lpeg.match -- local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape local preamble = { "|lTBw(5em)|lBTp(10em)|plT|" } local function identified(tag,category,crossref) ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_monobold(category) ctx_NC() if crossref then ctx_monobold("%s\\hfill\\darkblue => %s",tag,crossref) else ctx_monobold(tag) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end local function required(done,foundfields,key,value,indirect) ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_monobold("required") end ctx_NC() context(key) ctx_NC() if indirect then if value then context("\\darkblue") ctx_verbatim(value) else context("\\darkred\\tttf [missing crossref]") end elseif value then ctx_verbatim(value) else context("\\darkred\\tttf [missing value]") end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() foundfields[key] = nil return done or true end local function optional(done,foundfields,key,value,indirect) ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_monobold("optional") end ctx_NC() context(key) ctx_NC() if indirect then context("\\darkblue") ctx_verbatim(value) elseif value then ctx_verbatim(value) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() foundfields[key] = nil return done or true end local function special(done,key,value) ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_monobold("special") end ctx_NC() context(key) ctx_NC() ctx_verbatim(value) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() return done or true end local function extra(done,key,value) ctx_NC() if not done then ctx_monobold("extra") end ctx_NC() context(key) ctx_NC() ctx_verbatim(value) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() return done or true end if next(luadata) then for tag, entry in sortedhash(luadata) do local category = entry.category local fields = categories[category] local foundfields = { } for k, v in next, entry do foundfields[k] = true end ctx_starttabulate(preamble) identified(tag,category,entry.crossref) ctx_FL() if fields then local requiredfields = fields.required local sets = fields.sets or { } local done = false if requiredfields then for i=1,#requiredfields do local r = requiredfields[i] local r = sets[r] or r if type(r) == "table" then local okay = false for i=1,#r do local ri = r[i] if rawget(entry,ri) then done = required(done,foundfields,ri,entry[ri]) okay = true elseif entry[ri] then done = required(done,foundfields,ri,entry[ri],true) okay = true end end if not okay then done = required(done,foundfields,table.concat(r," {\\letterbar} ")) end elseif rawget(entry,r) then done = required(done,foundfields,r,entry[r]) elseif entry[r] then done = required(done,foundfields,r,entry[r],true) else done = required(done,foundfields,r) end end end local optionalfields = fields.optional local done = false if optionalfields then for i=1,#optionalfields do local o = optionalfields[i] local o = sets[o] or o if type(o) == "table" then for i=1,#o do local oi = o[i] if rawget(entry,oi) then done = optional(done,foundfields,oi,entry[oi]) elseif entry[oi] then done = optional(done,foundfields,oi,entry[oi],true) end end elseif rawget(entry,o) then done = optional(done,foundfields,o,entry[o]) elseif entry[o] then done = optional(done,foundfields,o,entry[o],true) end end end end local done = false for k, v in sortedhash(foundfields) do if privates[k] then -- skip elseif specials[k] then done = special(done,k,entry[k]) end end local done = false for k, v in sortedhash(foundfields) do if privates[k] then -- skip elseif not specials[k] then done = extra(done,k,entry[k]) end end ctx_stoptabulate() end end end function tracers.showfields(settings) local rotation = settings.rotation local specification = settings.specification local fielddata = specification and specifications[specification] or specifications.apa local categories = fielddata.categories local validfields = { } for category, data in next, categories do local sets = data.sets local fields = data.fields for name, list in next, fields do validfields[name] = true end end local s_categories = sortedkeys(categories) local s_fields = sortedkeys(validfields) ctx_starttabulate { "|l" .. string.rep("|c",#s_categories) .. "|" } ctx_FL() ctx_NC() if rotation then rotation = { rotation = rotation } end for i=1,#s_categories do ctx_NC() local txt = formatters["\\bf %s"](s_categories[i]) if rotation then ctx_rotate(rotation,txt) else context(txt) end end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_FL() for i=1,#s_fields do local field = s_fields[i] ctx_NC() ctx_bold(field) for j=1,#s_categories do ctx_NC() local kind = categories[s_categories[j]].fields[field] if kind == "required" then context("\\darkgreen*") elseif kind == "optional" then context("*") end end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end ctx_LL() ctx_stoptabulate() end function tracers.showtables(settings) for name, list in sortedhash(tables) do ctx_starttabulate { "|Tl|Tl|" } ctx_FL() ctx_NC() ctx_rlap(function() ctx_bold(name) end) ctx_NC() ctx_NC() ctx_NR() ctx_FL() for k, v in sortedhash(list) do ctx_NC() context(k) ctx_NC() if type(v) == "table" then context("% t",v) else context(tostring(v)) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end ctx_LL() ctx_stoptabulate() end end function tracers.showdatasetauthors(settings) local dataset = settings.dataset local field = settings.field local sortkey = publications.writers.author if not dataset or dataset == "" then dataset = v_default end if not field or field == "" then field = "author" end local function row(i,k,v) ctx_NC() if i then ctx_verbatim(i) end ctx_NC() ctx_verbatim(k) ctx_EQ() if type(v) == "table" then local t = { } for i=1,#v do local vi = v[i] if type(vi) == "table" then t[i] = concat(vi,"-") else t[i] = vi end end ctx_verbatim(concat(t, " | ")) else ctx_verbatim(v) end ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end local function authorrow(ai,k,i) local v = ai[k] if v then row(i,k,v) end end local function commonrow(key,value) ctx_NC() ctx_rlap(function() ctx_verbatim(key) end) ctx_NC() ctx_EQ() ctx_verbatim(value) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end local d = datasets[dataset].luadata local trialtypesetting = context.trialtypesetting() for tag, entry in sortedhash(d) do local a, f, k = getcasted(dataset,tag,field) if type(a) == "table" and #a > 0 and k == "author" then context.start() context.tt() ctx_starttabulate { "|B|Bl|p|" } ctx_FL() local original = getfield(dataset,tag,field) commonrow("tag",tag) commonrow("field",field) commonrow("original",original) commonrow("sortkey",sortkey(a)) for i=1,#a do ctx_ML() local ai = a[i] if ai then authorrow(ai,"original",i) authorrow(ai,"snippets") authorrow(ai,"initials") authorrow(ai,"firstnames") authorrow(ai,"vons") authorrow(ai,"surnames") authorrow(ai,"juniors") local options = ai.options if options then row(false,"options",sortedkeys(options)) end elseif not trialtypesetting then report("bad author name: %s",original or "?") end end ctx_LL() ctx_stoptabulate() context.stop() end end end function tracers.showentry(dataset,tag) local dataset = datasets[dataset] if dataset then local entry = dataset.luadata[tag] local done = false for k, v in sortedhash(entry) do if not privates[k] then ctx_verbatim("%w[%s: %s]",done and 1 or 0,k,v) done = true end end end end local skipped = { index = true, default = true } function tracers.showvariants(dataset,pages) local variants = sortedkeys(citevariants) for tag in publications.sortedentries(dataset or v_default) do if pages then ctx_page() end ctx_starttabulate { "|T||" } for i=1,#variants do local variant = variants[i] if not skipped[variant] then ctx_NC() context(variant) -- ctx_EQ() citevariants[variant] { dataset = v_default, reference = tag, variant = variant } ctx_EQ() context.cite({variant},{dataset .. "::" .. tag}) ctx_NC() ctx_NR() end end ctx_stoptabulate() if pages then ctx_page() end end end commands.showbtxdatasetfields = tracers.showdatasetfields commands.showbtxdatasetcompleteness = tracers.showdatasetcompleteness commands.showbtxfields = tracers.showfields commands.showbtxtables = tracers.showtables commands.showbtxdatasetauthors = tracers.showdatasetauthors commands.showbtxentry = tracers.showentry commands.showbtxvariants = tracers.showvariants