%D \module %D [ file=pack-bck, % moved from pack-rul, %D version=20111115, % 1998.10.16, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Packaging Macros, %D subtitle=Simple Backgrounds, %D author=Hans Hagen \& Wolfgang Schuster, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Packaging Macros / Simple Backgrounds} %D The code here is already pretty old and is used for simple %D backgrounds. As it is still used WS adapted the code to the %D new command handler methods so that it gets a second life. So %D it made sense to mkvi as well. Some more code is moved here %D too. %D \macros %D {setupbackground,startbackground,background} %D %D The section deals with backgrounds in the running text. This %D means that texts is to be collected and split over pages. To %D show what can be done, we provide this part of the %D documentation with some gray background and a red frame. %D Both the background and frame can have all characteristics %D of \type{\framed}. %D %D \starttyping %D \setupbackground %D [backgroundoffset=4pt, %D background=color, %D frame=on, %D framecolor=red, %D leftoffset=2pt] %D \stoptyping %D %D The implementation is not that sophisticated, but suffices. %D The main problem with this kind of functionality is to get %D the spacing all right. %D %D Specifying the background is more or less the same as %D specifying a framed box. %D %D \showsetup{setupbackground} %D %D {\em This mechanism is sort of obsolete and textbackgrounds should %D be used instead.} \unprotect \installcorenamespace {background} \installframedcommandhandler \??background {background} \??background % The mode is not that public an dmostlu an initial mode: % % 0 : no split % 1 : no split, honoring leftskip (messy) % 2 : split % 3 : split, honoring leftskip (messy) % % While processing the modes will change from 3->1 or 2->0. Don't % depend on the mode being public currently as it could become a % key. \setnewconstant\backgroundsplitmode\plusthree \appendtoks \setuevalue{\e!start\currentbackground}{\pack_backgrounds_start [\currentbackground]}% \setuevalue{\e!stop \currentbackground}{\pack_backgrounds_stop }% \setuevalue {\currentbackground}{\pack_backgrounds_direct[\currentbackground]}% \to \everydefinebackground \unexpanded\def\pack_backgrounds_start[#tag]% {\endgraf \begingroup \def\currentbackground{#tag}% \doifelse{\backgroundparameter\c!state}\v!start {\dosingleempty\pack_backgrounds_start_indeed} {\dosingleempty\pack_backgrounds_start_ignore}} \def\pack_backgrounds_start_indeed[#settings]% {\setupcurrentbackground[#settings,\c!state=\v!start,\c!offset=\v!overlay]% \let\pack_backgrounds_stop\pack_backgrounds_stop_indeed \setbox0\vbox\bgroup \strut \vskip-2\lineheight \strut \blank[\v!disable] \leftskip \backgroundparameter\c!leftoffset \rightskip\backgroundparameter\c!rightoffset} \def\pack_backgrounds_start_ignore[#settings]% {\let\pack_backgrounds_stop\pack_backgrounds_stop_ignore} \let\pack_backgrounds_stop\relax \unexpanded\def\pack_backgrounds_stop_indeed % we shoul duse the fast background variant of framed {\endgraf \removelastskip \strut \vskip-2\lineheight \strut \egroup \dimen2\leftskip % new ** \forgetall \ifinsidefloat \backgroundsplitmode\zerocount \fi \ifcase\backgroundsplitmode \inheritedbackgroundframed{\box0}% \or \hskip\dimen2 \inheritedbackgroundframed{\box0}% \else \splitmaxdepth\boxmaxdepth \splittopskip\topskip \doloop {\ifdim\pagetotal=\zeropoint % empty page \scratchdimen\textheight \backgroundsplitmode\plusone % split to max height \else \setbox2\vbox{\backgroundparameter\c!before}% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\pagegoal-\ht2-\pagetotal\relax \backgroundsplitmode\plustwo % split to partial height \fi \ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint \scratchdimen\pagegoal \fi \advance\scratchdimen\dimexpr -\backgroundparameter\c!topoffset -\backgroundparameter\c!bottomoffset \relax \ifdim\scratchdimen>2\lineheight\relax % reasonable, will be configurable \ifdim\ht0>\scratchdimen % larger than page \setbox2\vsplit0 to \scratchdimen \else \setbox2\box0 \backgroundsplitmode\zerocount % no split \fi \setbox2\vbox \ifcase\backgroundsplitmode\or to \textheight \fi % max split {\vskip\backgroundparameter\c!topoffset \unvcopy2 \prevdepth\dp2 \obeydepth \vskip\backgroundparameter\c!bottomoffset \vfill} \backgroundparameter\c!before \ifcase\backgroundsplitmode\or\or % partial split \ifdim\pagegoal<\maxdimen \pagegoal=1.2\pagegoal % be a bit more tolerant \fi \fi \startlinecorrection \ifnum\backgroundsplitmode=\plusthree \hskip\dimen2 % new ** \fi \inheritedbackgroundframed{\box2}% \stoplinecorrection \ifcase\backgroundsplitmode % no split \backgroundparameter\c!after \else % some split \page_otr_fill_and_eject_page % no \page ! \fi \else \page \fi \ifdim\ht0>\zeropoint \else \exitloop \fi}% \fi \endgroup \endgraf} \unexpanded\def\pack_backgrounds_stop_ignore {\endgroup \endgraf} \unexpanded\def\pack_backgrounds_direct[#tag]% {\begingroup \def\currentbackground{#tag}% \doifelse{\backgroundparameter\c!state}\c!start \pack_backgrounds_direct_indeed \pack_backgrounds_direct_ignore} \def\pack_backgrounds_direct_indeed {\dowithnextboxcs\pack_backgrounds_direct_finish\vbox} \def\pack_backgrounds_direct_finish {\setupcurrentbackground[\c!offset=\v!overlay]% \inheritedbackgroundframed{\flushnextbox}% \endgroup} \def\pack_backgrounds_direct_ignore {\endgroup} \definebackground[\v!background] \ifdefined\startbackground \else \expandafter\let\startbackground\csname\e!start\v!background\endcsname \expandafter\let\stopbackground \csname\e!stop \v!background\endcsname \expandafter\let\background \csname \v!background\endcsname \fi \setupbackground [\c!leftoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, \c!rightoffset=\backgroundparameter\c!leftoffset, \c!topoffset=\zeropoint, \c!bottomoffset=\backgroundparameter\c!topoffset, \c!state=\v!start, \c!radius=.5\bodyfontsize, \c!corner=\v!rectangular, \c!frame=\v!off, \c!depth=\zeropoint, % \c!color=, \c!background=\v!color, \c!backgroundcolor=lightgray, \c!before=, \c!after=] %D \startbuffer %D \setupbackground[state=start,frame=on] %D %D \startbackground %D \input ward %D \stopbackground %D %D \background{\input ward\par} %D %D \setupbackground[state=stop] %D %D \startbackground %D \input ward %D \stopbackground %D %D \background{\input ward\par} %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer \getbuffer %D \macros %D {backgroundline} %D %D For the moment an undocumented feature, but a candidate for going public. \unexpanded\def\backgroundline[#color]% {\dontleavehmode \dowithnextbox{\pack_backgrounds_add_to_nextbox{#color}}\hbox} \unexpanded\def\pack_backgrounds_add_to_nextbox#color% handy helper {\hbox {\dousecolorparameter{#color}% \vrule \!!width \nextboxwd \!!height\nextboxht \!!depth \nextboxdp \hskip-\nextboxwd \flushnextbox}} \protect \endinput