if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-tra'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

This is rather experimental. We need more control and some of this might become a runtime module instead. This module will be cleaned up!

--ldx]]-- local utfchar = utf.char local concat = table.concat local format, match, gmatch, concat, rep = string.format, string.match, string.gmatch, table.concat, string.rep local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local write_nl = texio.write_nl local report_nodes = logs.new("nodes") fonts = fonts or { } nodes = nodes or { } local fonts, nodes, node, context = fonts, nodes, node, context fonts.tfm = fonts.tfm or { } fonts.ids = fonts.ids or { } fonts.chr = fonts.chr or { } nodes.tracers = nodes.tracers or { } local tracers = nodes.tracers nodes.tasks = nodes.tasks or { } local tasks = nodes.tasks nodes.handlers = nodes.handlers or { } local handlers = nodes.handlers nodes.injections = nodes.injections or { } local injections = nodes.injections tracers.characters = tracers.characters or { } tracers.steppers = tracers.steppers or { } local char_tracers = tracers.characters local step_tracers = tracers.steppers local copy_node_list = node.copy_list local hpack_node_list = node.hpack local free_node_list = node.flush_list local first_character = node.first_character local node_type = node.type local traverse_nodes = node.traverse local fontdata = fonts.ids local fontchar = fonts.chr local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local whatcodes = nodes.whatcodes local skipcodes = nodes.skipcodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local kern_code = nodecodes.kern local rule_code = nodecodes.rule local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit local localpar_code = whatcodes.localpar local dir_code = whatcodes.dir local userskip_code = skipcodes.userskip local nodepool = nodes.pool local new_glyph = nodepool.glyph function char_tracers.collect(head,list,tag,n) n = n or 0 local ok, fn = false, nil while head do local id = head.id if id == glyph_code then local f = head.font if f ~= fn then ok, fn = false, f end local c = head.char local i = fontdata[f].indices[c] or 0 if not ok then ok = true n = n + 1 list[n] = list[n] or { } list[n][tag] = { } end local l = list[n][tag] l[#l+1] = { c, f, i } elseif id == disc_code then -- skip else ok = false end head = head.next end end function char_tracers.equal(ta, tb) if #ta ~= #tb then return false else for i=1,#ta do local a, b = ta[i], tb[i] if a[1] ~= b[1] or a[2] ~= b[2] or a[3] ~= b[3] then return false end end end return true end function char_tracers.string(t) local tt = { } for i=1,#t do tt[i] = utfchar(t[i][1]) end return concat(tt,"") end function char_tracers.unicodes(t,decimal) local tt = { } for i=1,#t do local n = t[i][1] if n == 0 then tt[i] = "-" elseif decimal then tt[i] = n else tt[i] = format("U+%04X",n) end end return concat(tt," ") end function char_tracers.indices(t,decimal) local tt = { } for i=1,#t do local n = t[i][3] if n == 0 then tt[i] = "-" elseif decimal then tt[i] = n else tt[i] = format("U+%04X",n) end end return concat(tt," ") end function char_tracers.start() local npc = handlers.characters local list = { } function handlers.characters(head) local n = #list char_tracers.collect(head,list,'before',n) local h, d = npc(head) char_tracers.collect(head,list,'after',n) if #list > n then list[#list+1] = { } end return h, d end function char_tracers.stop() tracers.list['characters'] = list local variables = { ['title'] = 'ConTeXt Character Processing Information', ['color-background-one'] = lmx.get('color-background-yellow'), ['color-background-two'] = lmx.get('color-background-purple'), } lmx.show('context-characters.lmx',variables) handlers.characters = npc tasks.restart("processors", "characters") end tasks.restart("processors", "characters") end local stack = { } function tracers.start(tag) stack[#stack+1] = tag local tracer = tracers[tag] if tracer and tracer.start then tracer.start() end end function tracers.stop() local tracer = stack[#stack] if tracer and tracer.stop then tracer.stop() end stack[#stack] = nil end -- experimental local collection, collecting, messages = { }, false, { } function step_tracers.start() collecting = true end function step_tracers.stop() collecting = false end function step_tracers.reset() for i=1,#collection do local c = collection[i] if c then free_node_list(c) end end collection, messages = { }, { } end function step_tracers.nofsteps() return tex.write(#collection) end function step_tracers.glyphs(n,i) local c = collection[i] if c then tex.box[n] = hpack_node_list(copy_node_list(c)) end end function step_tracers.features() -- local f = first_character(collection[1]) -- if f then -- something fishy with first_character local f = collection[1] while f do if f.id == glyph_code then local tfmdata, t = fontdata[f.font], { } for feature, value in table.sortedhash(tfmdata.shared.features) do if feature == "number" or feature == "features" then -- private elseif type(value) == "boolean" then if value then t[#t+1] = format("%s=yes",feature) else -- skip end else t[#t+1] = format("%s=%s",feature,value) end end if #t > 0 then context(concat(t,", ")) else context("no features") end return end f = f.next end end function tracers.fontchar(font,char) local n = new_glyph() n.font, n.char, n.subtype = font, char, 256 context(n) end function step_tracers.codes(i,command) local c = collection[i] while c do local id = c.id if id == glyph_code then if command then local f, c = c.font,c.char local d = fontdata[f].descriptions local d = d and d[c] context[command](f,c,d and d.class or "") else context("[%s:U+%04X]",c.font,c.char) end elseif id == whatsit_code and (c.subtype == localpar_code or c.subtype == dir_code) then context("[%s]",c.dir) else context("[%s]",node_type(id)) end c = c.next end end function step_tracers.messages(i,command,split) local list = messages[i] -- or { "no messages" } if list then for i=1,#list do local l = list[i] if not command then context("(%s)",l) elseif split then local a, b = match(l,"^(.-)%s*:%s*(.*)$") context[command](a or l or "",b or "") else context[command](l) end end end end -- hooks into the node list processor (see otf) function step_tracers.check(head) if collecting then step_tracers.reset() local n = copy_node_list(head) injections.handler(n,nil,"trace",true) handlers.protectglyphs(n) -- can be option collection[1] = n end end function step_tracers.register(head) if collecting then local nc = #collection+1 if messages[nc] then local n = copy_node_list(head) injections.handler(n,nil,"trace",true) handlers.protectglyphs(n) -- can be option collection[nc] = n end end end function step_tracers.message(str,...) str = format(str,...) if collecting then local n = #collection + 1 local m = messages[n] if not m then m = { } messages[n] = m end m[#m+1] = str end return str -- saves an intermediate var in the caller end -- this will be reorganized: function nodes.showlist(head, message) if message then write_nl(message) end for n in traverse_nodes(head) do write_nl(tostring(n)) end end function nodes.handlers.checkglyphs(head,message) local t = { } for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,head) do t[#t+1] = format("U+%04X:%s",g.char,g.subtype) end if #t > 0 then logs.report(message or "nodes","%s glyphs: %s",#t,concat(t," ")) end return false end function nodes.handlers.checkforleaks(sparse) local l = { } local q = node.usedlist() for p in traverse(q) do local s = table.serialize(nodes.astable(p,sparse),node_type(p.id)) l[s] = (l[s] or 0) + 1 end node.flush_list(q) for k, v in next, l do write_nl(format("%s * %s", v, k)) end end local function tosequence(start,stop,compact) if start then local t = { } while start do local id = start.id if id == glyph_code then local c = start.char if compact then if start.components then t[#t+1] = tosequence(start.components,nil,compact) else t[#t+1] = utfchar(c) end else t[#t+1] = format("U+%04X:%s",c,utfchar(c)) end elseif id == whatsit_code and start.subtype == localpar_code or start.subtype == dir_code then t[#t+1] = "[" .. start.dir .. "]" elseif id == rule_code then if compact then t[#t+1] = "|" else t[#t+1] = node_type(id) end else if compact then t[#t+1] = "[]" else t[#t+1] = node_type(id) end end if start == stop then break else start = start.next end end if compact then return concat(t) else return concat(t," ") end else return "[empty]" end end nodes.tosequence = tosequence function nodes.report(t,done) if done then if status.output_active then report_nodes("output, changed, %s nodes",nodes.count(t)) else write_nl("nodes","normal, changed, %s nodes",nodes.count(t)) end else if status.output_active then report_nodes("output, unchanged, %s nodes",nodes.count(t)) else write_nl("nodes","normal, unchanged, %s nodes",nodes.count(t)) end end end function nodes.packlist(head) local t = { } for n in traverse(head) do t[#t+1] = tostring(n) end return t end function nodes.idstostring(head,tail) local t, last_id, last_n = { }, nil, 0 for n in traverse_nodes(head,tail) do -- hm, does not stop at tail local id = n.id if not last_id then last_id, last_n = id, 1 elseif last_id == id then last_n = last_n + 1 else if last_n > 1 then t[#t+1] = format("[%s*%s]",last_n,node_type(last_id) or "?") else t[#t+1] = format("[%s]",node_type(last_id) or "?") end last_id, last_n = id, 1 end if n == tail then break end end if not last_id then t[#t+1] = "no nodes" elseif last_n > 1 then t[#t+1] = format("[%s*%s]",last_n,node_type(last_id) or "?") else t[#t+1] = format("[%s]",node_type(last_id) or "?") end return concat(t," ") end --~ function nodes.xidstostring(head,tail) -- only for special tracing of backlinks --~ local n = head --~ while n.next do --~ n = n.next --~ end --~ local t, last_id, last_n = { }, nil, 0 --~ while n do --~ local id = n.id --~ if not last_id then --~ last_id, last_n = id, 1 --~ elseif last_id == id then --~ last_n = last_n + 1 --~ else --~ if last_n > 1 then --~ t[#t+1] = format("[%s*%s]",last_n,node_type(last_id) or "?") --~ else --~ t[#t+1] = format("[%s]",node_type(last_id) or "?") --~ end --~ last_id, last_n = id, 1 --~ end --~ if n == head then --~ break --~ end --~ n = n.prev --~ end --~ if not last_id then --~ t[#t+1] = "no nodes" --~ elseif last_n > 1 then --~ t[#t+1] = format("[%s*%s]",last_n,node_type(last_id) or "?") --~ else --~ t[#t+1] = format("[%s]",node_type(last_id) or "?") --~ end --~ return table.concat(table.reverse(t)," ") --~ end local function showsimplelist(h,depth,n) while h do write_nl(rep(" ",n) .. tostring(h)) if not depth or n < depth then local id = h.id if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then show_simple_list(h.list,depth,n+1) end end h = h.next end end --~ \startluacode --~ callback.register('buildpage_filter',function() nodes.show_simple_list(tex.lists.contrib_head) end) --~ \stopluacode --~ \vbox{b\footnote{n}a} --~ \startluacode --~ callback.register('buildpage_filter',nil) --~ \stopluacode nodes.show_simple_list = function(h,depth) show_simple_list(h,depth,0) end function nodes.listtoutf(h,joiner) local joiner = (joiner ==true and utfchar(0x200C)) or joiner -- zwnj local w = { } while h do if h.id == glyph_code then -- always true w[#w+1] = utfchar(h.char) if joiner then w[#w+1] = joiner end else w[#w+1] = "[-]" end h = h.next end return concat(w) end local what = { [0] = "unknown", "line", "box", "indent", "row", "cell" } local function showboxes(n,symbol,depth) depth, symbol = depth or 0, symbol or "." for n in traverse_nodes(n) do local id = n.id if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local s = n.subtype logs.simple(rep(symbol,depth) .. what[s] or s) showboxes(n.list,symbol,depth+1) end end end nodes.showboxes = showboxes local threshold = 65536 local function toutf(list,result,stopcriterium) for n in traverse_nodes(list) do local id = n.id if id == glyph_code then local components = n.components if components then toutf(components,result) else local c = n.char local fc = fontchar[n.font] if fc then local u = fc[c].tounicode if u then for s in gmatch(u,"....") do result[#result+1] = utfchar(tonumber(s,16)) end else result[#result+1] = utfchar(c) end else result[#result+1] = utfchar(c) end end elseif id == disc_code then toutf(n.replace,result) elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then if #result > 0 and result[#result] ~= " " then result[#result+1] = " " end toutf(n.list,result) elseif id == glue_code and n.subtype == userskip_code and n.spec.width > threshold then if #result > 0 and result[#result] ~= " " then result[#result+1] = " " end elseif id == kern_code and n.kern > threshold then if #result > 0 and result[#result] ~= " " then result[#result+1] = " " end end if n == stopcriterium then break end end return result end function nodes.toutf(list,stopcriterium) return concat(toutf(list,{},stopcriterium)) end -- might move elsewhere local factor = number.dimenfactors.pt local stripper = lpeg.patterns.strip_zeros local points = function(n) return lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n*factor)) end number.points = points