%D \module %D [ file=node-spl, %D version=2009.05.19, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Node Macros, %D subtitle=Splitters, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Node Support / Splitters} \registerctxluafile{node-spl}{1.001} \definesystemattribute[splitter] \chardef\splitterattribute \dogetattributeid{splitter} %D This module is specially made for the oriental \TEX\ project. The working is as %D follows (and tuned for fonts like Idris' Husayni. The following method came to %D my mind after a couple of Skype sessions with Idris while working on the rough %D edges of the Husayni font and playing with font dynamics. %D %D \startitemize[packed] %D %D \item We define a couple of features sets, some can have stylistics variants %D that result in the same words getting a different width. Normally this %D happens in a goodies file. %D %D \item We group such features in a solution set. A solutionset can be enabled %D by setting an attribute. %D %D \item For each paragraph we identify words that get this set applied. We replace %D these words by a user node that refers to the original. %D %D \item For each word we apply the features to a copy that we associate with this %D original word. %D %D \item At the end we have a paragraph (node list) with user nodes that point to a %D cache that has originals and processed variants. %D %D \item When the paragraph is broken into lines we optimize the spacing by %D substituting variants. %D %D \stopitemize %D %D This approach permits us to use a dedicated paragraph builder, one that treats %D the user nodes special and takes the alternatives into account. %D %D Currently we assume only one solution being active. Maybe some day I'll support %D a mixture. This is only one way of optimizing and after several experiments this %D one was chosen as testcase. It took quite some experiments (and time) to get thus %D far. %D %D The is experimental code for the Oriental \TEX\ project and aspects of it might %D change. %D %D \starttyping %D \setupfontsolutions[method={random,preroll},criterium=1,randomseed=101] %D %D \definefontsolution % actually only the last run needs to be done this way %D [FancyHusayni] %D [goodies=husayni, %D solution=experimental] %D %D \definedfont[husayni*husayni-default at 24pt] %D \setupinterlinespace[line=36pt] %D \righttoleft %D \enabletrackers[parbuilders.solutions.splitters.colors] %D \setfontsolution[FancyHusayni] %D alb alb alb \par %D \resetfontsolution %D \disabletrackers[parbuilders.solutions.splitters.colors] %D \stoptyping \unprotect \newtoks\everysetupfontsolutions \unexpanded\def\definefontsolution {\dodoubleargument\dodefinefontsolution} \def\dodefinefontsolution[#1][#2]% we could set the attribute at the lua end {\setxvalue{\??fu:#1}{\attribute\splitterattribute\ctxlua{builders.paragraphs.solutions.splitters.define("#1","#2")}\relax}} \unexpanded\def\setfontsolution[#1]% {\ctxlua{builders.paragraphs.solutions.splitters.enable()}% \csname\??fu:#1\endcsname} \unexpanded\def\resetfontsolution {\ctxlua{builders.paragraphs.solutions.splitters.disable()}% \attribute\splitterattribute\attributeunsetvalue} \letvalue{\??fu:\v!reset}\resetfontsolution \unexpanded\def\setupfontsolutions[#1]% {\getparameters[\??fu][#1]% \the\everysetupfontsolutions} \appendtoks \ctxlua{builders.paragraphs.solutions.splitters.setup { method = "\@@fumethod", criterium = "\@@fucriterium", }}% \to \everysetupfontsolutions % We initialize this module at the \LUA\ end. % % \setupfontsolutions % [\c!method={\v!normal,preroll}, % \c!criterium=0] \protect