if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-rul'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-rul.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- this will go to an auxiliary module local glyph = node.id("glyph") local disc = node.id("disc") local rule = node.id("rule") function nodes.strip_range(first,last) -- todo: dir local current = first while current ~= last do local id = current.id if id == glyph or id == disc then --~ if id == glyph or id == rule or id == disc then first = current break else current = current.next end end local current = last while current ~= first do local id = current.id --~ if id == glyph or id == rule or id == disc then if id == glyph or id == disc then last = current break else current = current.prev end end return first, last end -- todo: order and maybe other dimensions local trace_ruled = false trackers.register("nodes.ruled", function(v) trace_ruled = v end) local floor = math.floor local n_tostring, n_tosequence = nodes.ids_tostring, nodes.tosequence local a_ruled = attributes.private('ruled') local a_color = attributes.private('color') local a_transparency = attributes.private('transparency') local a_colorspace = attributes.private('colormodel') local glyph = node.id("glyph") local disc = node.id("disc") local glue = node.id("glue") local penalty = node.id("penalty") local kern = node.id("kern") local hlist = node.id("hlist") local vlist = node.id("vlist") local rule = node.id("rule") local whatsit = node.id("whatsit") local new_rule = nodes.rule local new_kern = nodes.kern local new_glue = nodes.glue local insert_before, insert_after, strip_range = node.insert_before, node.insert_after, nodes.strip_range local list_dimensions, has_attribute, set_attribute = node.dimensions, node.has_attribute, node.set_attribute local dimenfactor = fonts.dimenfactor local texwrite = tex.write local fontdata = fonts.ids local variables = interfaces.variables -- we can use this one elsewhere too -- -- todo: functions: word, sentence -- -- glyph rule unset whatsit glue margin_kern kern math disc local checkdir = true -- we assume {glyphruns} and no funny extra kerning, ok, maybe we need -- a dummy character as start and end; anyway we only collect glyphs local function process_words(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) local n = head if n then local f, l, a, d, i, level local continue, done, strip = false, false, false while n do local id = n.id if id == glyph or id == rule then local aa = has_attribute(n,attribute) if aa then if aa == a then if not f then -- ? f = n end l = n else -- possible extensions: when in same class then keep spanning if f then head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true end f, l, a = n, n, aa level, i = floor(a/1000), a%1000 d = data[i] continue = d.continue == variables.yes end else if f then head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true end f, l, a = nil, nil, nil end elseif f and (id == disc or (id == kern and n.subtype == 0)) then l = n elseif id == hlist or id == vlist then if f then head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true f, l, a = nil, nil, nil end local list = n.list if list then n.list = process_words(attribute,data,flush,list,n) end elseif checkdir and id == whatsit and n.subtype == 7 then -- only changes in dir, we assume proper boundaries if f and a then l = n end elseif f then if continue then if id == penalty or id == kern then l = n elseif id == glue then l = n end else head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true f, l, a = nil, nil, nil end end n = n.next end if f then head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true end return head, true -- todo: done else return head, false end end nodes.process_words = process_words -- nodes.rules = nodes.rules or { } nodes.rules.data = nodes.rules.data or { } storage.register("nodes/rules/data", nodes.rules.data, "nodes.rules.data") local data = nodes.rules.data function nodes.rules.define(settings) data[#data+1] = settings texwrite(#data) end local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but acceptable for this purpose local r, m if true then f, l = strip_range(f,l) end local w = list_dimensions(parent.glue_set,parent.glue_sign,parent.glue_order,f,l.next) local method, offset, continue, dy, rulethickness, unit, order, max, ma, ca, ta = d.method, d.offset, d.continue, d.dy, d.rulethickness, d.unit, d.order, d.max, d.ma, d.ca, d.ta local e = dimenfactor(unit,fontdata[f.font]) local colorspace = (ma > 0 and ma) or has_attribute(f,a_colorspace) or 1 local color = (ca > 0 and ca) or has_attribute(f,a_color) local transparency = (ta > 0 and ta) or has_attribute(f,a_transparency) local foreground = order == variables.foreground rulethickness= rulethickness/2 if level > max then level = max end if method == 0 then -- center offset = 2*offset m = (offset+(level-1)*dy+rulethickness)*e/2 else m = 0 end for i=1,level do local ht = (offset+(i-1)*dy+rulethickness)*e - m local dp = -(offset+(i-1)*dy-rulethickness)*e + m local r = new_rule(w,ht,dp) if color then set_attribute(r,a_colorspace,colorspace) set_attribute(r,a_color,color) end if transparency then set_attribute(r,a_transparency,transparency) end local k = new_kern(-w) if foreground then insert_after(head,l,k) insert_after(head,k,r) l = r else head, _ = insert_before(head,f,r) insert_after(head,r,k) end if trace_ruled then logs.report("ruled", "level: %s, width: %s, nodes: %s, text: %s",level,w,n_tostring(f,l),n_tosequence(f,l,true)) end end return head end local process = nodes.process_words nodes.rules.process = function(head) return process(a_ruled,data,flush_ruled,head) end function nodes.rules.enable() tasks.enableaction("shipouts","nodes.rules.process") end -- elsewhere: -- -- tasks.appendaction ("shipouts", "normalizers", "nodes.rules.process") -- tasks.disableaction("shipouts", "nodes.rules.process") -- only kick in when used local trace_shifted = false trackers.register("nodes.shifted", function(v) trace_shifted = v end) local a_shifted = attributes.private('shifted') nodes.shifts = nodes.shifts or { } nodes.shifts.data = nodes.shifts.data or { } storage.register("nodes/shifts/data", nodes.shifts.data, "nodes.shifts.data") local data = nodes.shifts.data function nodes.shifts.define(settings) data[#data+1] = settings texwrite(#data) end local function flush_shifted(head,first,last,data,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but acceptable for this purpose if true then first, last = strip_range(first,last) end local prev, next = first.prev, last.next first.prev, last.next = nil, nil local width, height, depth = list_dimensions(parent.glue_set,parent.glue_sign,parent.glue_order,first,next) local list = node.hpack(first,width,"exactly") if first == head then head = list end if prev then prev.next, list.prev = list, prev end if next then next.prev, list.next = list, next end local raise = data.dy * dimenfactor(data.unit,fontdata[first.font]) list.shift, list.height, list.depth = raise, height, depth if trace_shifted then logs.report("shifted", "width: %s, nodes: %s, text: %s",width,n_tostring(first,last),n_tosequence(first,last,true)) end return head end local process = nodes.process_words nodes.shifts.process = function(head) return process(a_shifted,data,flush_shifted,head) end function nodes.shifts.enable() tasks.enableaction("shipouts","nodes.shifts.process") end