if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-ppt'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- This is all very exeperimental and likely to change. local next, type, unpack, load = next, type, table.unpack, load local serialize = table.serialize local formatters = string.formatters local report = logs.reporter("properties") local report_setting = logs.reporter("properties","setting") local trace_setting = false trackers.register("properties.setting", function(v) trace_setting = v end) -- report("using experimental properties") local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local tonode = nuts.tonode local getid = nuts.getid local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype local getfield = nuts.getfield local setfield = nuts.setfield local getlist = nuts.getlist local flushnode = nuts.flush local removenode = nuts.remove local traverse = nuts.traverse local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local whatsitcodes = nodes.whatsitcodes local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local userdefined_code = whatsitcodes.userdefined local localpar_code = nodecodes.localpar or whatsitcodes.localpar local nodepool = nodes.pool local new_usernumber = nodepool.usernumber local nutpool = nuts.pool local nut_usernumber = nutpool.usernumber local variables = interfaces.variables local v_before = variables.before local v_after = variables.after local v_here = variables.here local cache = { } local nofslots = 0 local property_id = nodepool.userids["property"] local properties = nodes.properties local propertydata = properties.data local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming if not propertydata then return end -- management local function register(where,data,...) if not data then data = where where = v_after end if data then local data = { where, data, ... } nofslots = nofslots + 1 if nofslots > 1 then cache[nofslots] = data else -- report("restarting attacher") cache = { data } -- also forces collection end return new_usernumber(property_id,nofslots) end end local writenode = node.write local flushnode = context.flushnode function commands.deferredproperty(...) -- context(register(...)) flushnode(register(...)) end function commands.immediateproperty(...) writenode(register(...)) end commands.attachproperty = commands.deferredproperty local actions = { } properties.actions = actions table.setmetatableindex(actions,function(t,k) report("unknown property action %a",k) local v = function() end return v end) local f_delayed = formatters["return function(target,head,where,propdata,parent) %s end"] local f_immediate = formatters["return function(target,head,where,propdata) %s end"] local nofdelayed = 0 -- better is to keep track of it per page ... we can have deleted nodes with properties function actions.delayed(target,head,where,propdata,code,...) -- this one is used at the tex end -- local kind = type(code) -- if kind == "string" then -- code, err = load(f_delayed(code)) -- if code then -- code = code() -- end -- elseif kind ~= "function" then -- code = nil -- end if code then local delayed = propdata.delayed if delayed then delayed[#delayed+1] = { where, code, ... } else propdata.delayed = { { where, code, ... } } nofdelayed = nofdelayed + 1 end end end function actions.fdelayed(target,head,where,propdata,code,...) -- this one is used at the tex end -- local kind = type(code) -- if kind == "string" then -- code, err = load(f_delayed(code)) -- if code then -- code = code() -- end -- elseif kind ~= "function" then -- code = nil -- end if code then local delayed = propdata.delayed if delayed then delayed[#delayed+1] = { false, code, ... } else propdata.delayed = { { false, code, ... } } nofdelayed = nofdelayed + 1 end end end function actions.immediate(target,head,where,propdata,code,...) -- this one is used at the tex end local kind = type(code) if kind == "string" then local f = f_immediate(code) local okay, err = load(f) if okay then local h = okay()(target,head,where,propdata,...) if h and h ~= head then return h end end elseif kind == "function" then local h = code()(target,head,where,propdata,...) if h and h ~= head then return h end end end -- another experiment (a table or function closure are equally efficient); a function -- is easier when we want to experiment with different (compatible) implementations -- function nodes.nuts.pool.deferredfunction(...) -- nofdelayed = nofdelayed + 1 -- local n = nut_usernumber(property_id,0) -- propertydata[n] = { deferred = { ... } } -- return n -- end -- function nodes.nuts.pool.deferredfunction(f) -- nofdelayed = nofdelayed + 1 -- local n = nut_usernumber(property_id,0) -- propertydata[n] = { deferred = f } -- return n -- end -- maybe actions will get parent too local function delayed(head,parent) -- direct based for target in traverse(head) do local p = propertydata[target] if p then -- local deferred = p.deferred -- kind of late lua (but too soon as we have no access to pdf.h/v) -- if deferred then -- -- if #deferred > 0 then -- -- deferred[1](unpack(deferred,2)) -- -- else -- -- deferred[1]() -- -- end -- deferred() -- p.deferred = false -- if nofdelayed == 1 then -- nofdelayed = 0 -- return head -- else -- nofdelayed = nofdelayed - 1 -- end -- else local delayed = p.delayed if delayed then for i=1,#delayed do local d = delayed[i] local code = d[2] local kind = type(code) if kind == "string" then code, err = load(f_delayed(code)) if code then code = code() end end local where = d[1] if where then local h = code(target,where,head,p,parent,unpack(d,3)) -- target where propdata head parent if h and h ~= head then head = h end else code(unpack(d,3)) end end p.delayed = nil if nofdelayed == 1 then nofdelayed = 0 return head else nofdelayed = nofdelayed - 1 end end -- end end local id = getid(target) if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local list = getlist(target) if list then local done = delayed(list,parent) if done then setfield(target,"list",done) end if nofdelayed == 0 then return head end end else -- maybe also some more lists? but we will only use this for some -- special cases .. who knows end end return head end function properties.delayed(head) -- if nofdelayed > 0 then -- if next(propertydata) then starttiming(properties) head = delayed(tonut(head)) stoptiming(properties) return tonode(head), true -- done in shipout anyway -- else -- delayed = 0 -- end end return head, false end -- more explicit ones too local anchored = { [v_before] = function(n) while n do n = getprev(n) if getid(n) == whatsit_code and getsubtype(n) == user_code and getfield(n,"user_id") == property_id then -- continue else return n end end end, [v_after] = function(n) while n do n = getnext(n) if getid(n) == whatsit_code then local subtype = getsubtype(n) if (subtype == userdefined_code and getfield(n,"user_id") == property_id) then -- continue elseif subtype == localpar_code then -- continue .. can't happen anyway as we cannot write else return n end else return n end end end, [v_here] = function(n) -- todo end, } table.setmetatableindex(anchored,function(t,k) v = anchored[v_after] t[k] = v return v end) function properties.attach(head) if nofslots <= 0 then return head, false end local done = false local last = nil local head = tonut(head) starttiming(properties) for source in traverse_id(whatsit_code,head) do if getsubtype(source) == userdefined_code then if last then removenode(head,last,true) last = nil end if getfield(source,"user_id") == property_id then local slot = getfield(source,"value") local data = cache[slot] if data then cache[slot] = nil local where = data[1] local target = anchored[where](source) if target then local first = data[2] local method = type(first) local p_target = propertydata[target] local p_source = propertydata[source] if p_target then if p_source then for k, v in next, p_source do p_target[k] = v end end if method == "table" then for k, v in next, first do p_target[k] = v end elseif method == "function" then first(target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3)) elseif method == "string" then actions[first](target,head,where,p_target,unpack(data,3)) end elseif p_source then if method == "table" then propertydata[target] = p_source for k, v in next, first do p_source[k] = v end elseif method == "function" then propertydata[target] = p_source first(target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3)) elseif method == "string" then propertydata[target] = p_source actions[first](target,head,where,p_source,unpack(data,3)) end else if method == "table" then propertydata[target] = first elseif method == "function" then local t = { } propertydata[target] = t first(target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3)) elseif method == "string" then local t = { } propertydata[target] = t actions[first](target,head,where,t,unpack(data,3)) end end if trace_setting then report_setting("node %i, id %s, data %s", target,nodecodes[getid(target)],serialize(propertydata[target],false)) end end if nofslots == 1 then nofslots = 0 last = source break else nofslots = nofslots - 1 end end last = source end end end if last then removenode(head,last,true) end stoptiming(properties) return head, done end local tasks = nodes.tasks -- maybe better hard coded in-place -- tasks.prependaction("processors","before","nodes.properties.attach") -- tasks.appendaction("shipouts","normalizers","nodes.properties.delayed") statistics.register("properties processing time", function() return statistics.elapsedseconds(properties) end) -- only for development -- local function show(head,level,report) -- for target in traverse(head) do -- local p = propertydata[target] -- if p then -- report("level %i, node %i, id %s, data %s", -- level,target,nodecodes[getid(target)],serialize(propertydata[target],false)) -- end -- local id = getid(target) -- if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then -- local list = getlist(target) -- if list then -- show(list,level+1,report) -- end -- else -- -- maybe more lists -- end -- end -- return head, false -- end -- -- local report_shipout = logs.reporter("properties","shipout") -- local report_processors = logs.reporter("properties","processors") -- -- function properties.showshipout (head) return tonode(show(tonut(head),1,report_shipout )), true end -- function properties.showprocessors(head) return tonode(show(tonut(head),1,report_processors)), true end -- -- tasks.prependaction("shipouts","before","nodes.properties.showshipout") -- tasks.disableaction("shipouts","nodes.properties.showshipout") -- -- trackers.register("properties.shipout",function(v) -- tasks.setaction("shipouts","nodes.properties.showshipout",v) -- end) -- -- tasks.appendaction ("processors","after","nodes.properties.showprocessors") -- tasks.disableaction("processors","nodes.properties.showprocessors") -- -- trackers.register("properties.processors",function(v) -- tasks.setaction("processors","nodes.properties.showprocessors",v) -- end)