if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-fin'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-fin.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } -- this module is being reconstructed -- local functions, only slightly slower -- -- leaders are also triggers ... see colo-ext for an example (negate a box) local next, type, format = next, type, string.format local attributes, nodes, node = attributes, nodes, node local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonode = nuts.tonode local tonut = nuts.tonut local getfield = nuts.getfield local setfield = nuts.setfield local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getid = nuts.getid local getlist = nuts.getlist local getleader = nuts.getleader local getattr = nuts.getattr local copy_node = nuts.copy local insert_node_before = nuts.insert_before local insert_node_after = nuts.insert_after local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local whatcodes = nodes.whatcodes local rulecodes = nodes.rulecodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local rule_code = nodecodes.rule local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local normal_rule = rulecodes.normal local pdfliteral_code = whatcodes.pdfliteral local states = attributes.states local numbers = attributes.numbers local a_trigger = attributes.private('trigger') local triggering = false local implement = interfaces.implement local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local loadstripped = utilities.lua.loadstripped local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue -- these two will be like trackers function states.enabletriggering () triggering = true end function states.disabletriggering() triggering = false end implement { name = "enablestatetriggering", actions = states.enabletriggering } implement { name = "disablestatetriggering", actions = states.disabletriggering } nodes.plugindata = nil -- inheritance: -0x7FFFFFFF -- we can best use nil and skip ! local template = [[ local plugin = nodes.plugindata local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local namespace = plugin.namespace local attribute = namespace.attribute or attributes.numbers[plugin.name] local processor = plugin.processor local initializer = plugin.initializer local resolver = plugin.resolver local finalizer = plugin.finalizer local flusher = plugin.flusher if not processor then return function(head) return head, false end elseif initializer or finalizer or resolver then return function(head) starttiming(attributes) local done, used, ok, inheritance = false, nil, false, nil if resolver then inheritance = resolver() end if initializer then initializer(namespace,attribute,head) end head, ok = processor(namespace,attribute,head,inheritance) if ok then if finalizer then head, ok, used = finalizer(namespace,attribute,head) if used and flusher then head = flusher(namespace,attribute,head,used) end end done = true end stoptiming(attributes) return head, done end else return function(head) starttiming(attributes) local head, done = processor(namespace,attribute,head) stoptiming(attributes) return head, done end end nodes.plugindata = nil ]] function nodes.installattributehandler(plugin) nodes.plugindata = plugin return loadstripped(template)() end -- for the moment: local function copied(n) return copy_node(tonut(n)) end -- the injectors local nsdata, nsnone, nslistwise, nsforced, nsselector, nstrigger local current, current_selector, done = 0, 0, false -- nb, stack has a local current ! local nsbegin, nsend, nsreset function states.initialize(namespace,attribute,head) nsdata = namespace.data nsnone = namespace.none nsforced = namespace.forced nsselector = namespace.selector nslistwise = namespace.listwise nstrigger = triggering and namespace.triggering and a_trigger current = 0 current_selector = 0 done = false -- todo: done cleanup nsstep = namespace.resolve_step if nsstep then nsreset = namespace.resolve_reset nsbegin = namespace.resolve_begin nsend = namespace.resolve_end nspush = namespace.push nspop = namespace.pop end end function states.finalize(namespace,attribute,head) -- is this one ok? if current > 0 and nsnone then head = tonut(head) local id = getid(head) if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local list = getlist(head) if list then list = insert_node_before(list,list,copied(nsnone)) -- two return values setfield(head,"list",list) end else head = insert_node_before(head,head,copied(nsnone)) end return tonode(head), true, true end return head, false, false end -- we need to deal with literals too (reset as well as oval) -- if id == glyph_code or (id == whatsit_code and getsubtype(stack) == pdfliteral_code) or (id == rule_code and stack.width ~= 0) or (id == glue_code and stack.leader) then local function process(namespace,attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- one attribute local stack = head local done = false local check = false local leader = nil while stack do local id = getid(stack) if id == glyph_code then check = true -- elseif id == disc_code then -- check = true -- no longer needed as we flatten replace elseif id == glue_code then leader = getleader(stack) if leader then check = true end elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local content = getlist(stack) if content then -- begin nested -- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then local outer = getattr(stack,attribute) if outer ~= inheritance then local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,outer) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok else local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok end else local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok end -- end nested -- end elseif id == rule_code then -- if subtype(stack) == normal_rule then check = getfield(stack,"width") ~= 0 -- end end -- much faster this way than using a check() and nested() function if check then local c = getattr(stack,attribute) if c then if default and c == inheritance then if current ~= default then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsdata[default])) current = default done = true end elseif current ~= c then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsdata[c])) current = c done = true end if leader then local savedcurrent = current local ci = getid(leader) if ci == hlist_code or ci == vlist_code then -- else we reset inside a box unneeded, okay, the downside is -- that we trigger color in each repeated box, so there is room -- for improvement here current = 0 end -- begin nested -- if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then local outer = getattr(stack,attribute) if outer ~= inheritance then local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,outer) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok else local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok end else local list, ok = process(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok end -- end nested -- current = savedcurrent leader = false end elseif default and inheritance then if current ~= default then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsdata[default])) current = default done = true end elseif current > 0 then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsnone)) current = 0 done = true end check = false end stack = getnext(stack) end return head, done end states.process = function(namespace,attribute,head,default) local head, done = process(namespace,attribute,tonut(head),default) return tonode(head), done end -- we can force a selector, e.g. document wide color spaces, saves a little -- watch out, we need to check both the selector state (like colorspace) and -- the main state (like color), otherwise we get into troubles when a selector -- state changes while the main state stays the same (like two glyphs following -- each other with the same color but different color spaces e.g. \showcolor) local function selective(namespace,attribute,head,inheritance,default) -- two attributes local stack = head local done = false local check = false local leader = nil while stack do local id = getid(stack) if id == glyph_code then check = true -- elseif id == disc_code then -- check = true -- no longer needed as we flatten replace elseif id == glue_code then leader = getleader(stack) if leader then check = true end elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local content = getlist(stack) if content then -- begin nested if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then local outer = getattr(stack,attribute) if outer ~= inheritance then local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,outer) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok else local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok end else local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,content,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"list",list) done = done or ok end -- end nested end elseif id == rule_code then -- if subtype(stack) == normal_rule then check = getfield(stack,"width") ~= 0 -- end end if check then local c = getattr(stack,attribute) if c then if default and c == inheritance then if current ~= default then local data = nsdata[default] head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector])) current = default done = true end else local s = getattr(stack,nsselector) if current ~= c or current_selector ~= s then local data = nsdata[c] head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector])) current = c current_selector = s done = true end end if leader then -- begin nested if nstrigger and getattr(stack,nstrigger) then local outer = getatribute(stack,attribute) if outer ~= inheritance then local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,outer) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok else local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok end else local list, ok = selective(namespace,attribute,leader,inheritance,default) setfield(stack,"leader",list) done = done or ok end -- end nested leader = false end elseif default and inheritance then if current ~= default then local data = nsdata[default] head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(data[nsforced or getattr(stack,nsselector) or nsselector])) current = default done = true end elseif current > 0 then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsnone)) current, current_selector, done = 0, 0, true end check = false end stack = getnext(stack) end return head, done end states.selective = function(namespace,attribute,head,default) local head, done = selective(namespace,attribute,tonut(head),default) return tonode(head), done end -- Ideally the next one should be merged with the previous but keeping it separate is -- safer. We deal with two situations: efficient boxwise (layoutareas) and mixed layers -- (as used in the stepper). In the stepper we cannot use the box branch as it involves -- paragraph lines and then gets mixed up. A messy business (esp since we want to be -- efficient). -- -- Todo: make a better stacker. Keep track (in attribute) about nesting level. Not -- entirely trivial and a generic solution is nicer (compares to the exporter). local function stacked(namespace,attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance, but list-wise local stack = head local done = false local current = default or 0 local depth = 0 local check = false local leader = false while stack do local id = getid(stack) if id == glyph_code then check = true elseif id == glue_code then leader = getleader(stack) if leader then check = true end elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local content = getlist(stack) if content then -- the problem is that broken lines gets the attribute which can be a later one if nslistwise then local a = getattr(stack,attribute) if a and current ~= a and nslistwise[a] then -- viewerlayer / needs checking, see below local p = current current = a head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsdata[a])) local list = stacked(namespace,attribute,content,current) -- two return values setfield(stack,"list",list) done = true head, stack = insert_node_after(head,stack,copied(nsnone)) current = p else local list, ok = stacked(namespace,attribute,content,current) setfield(stack,"list",list) -- only if ok done = done or ok end else local list, ok = stacked(namespace,attribute,content,current) setfield(stack,"list",list) -- only if ok done = done or ok end end elseif id == rule_code then -- if subtype(stack) == normal_rule then check = getfield(stack,"width") ~= 0 -- end end if check then local a = getattr(stack,attribute) if a then if current ~= a then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsdata[a])) depth = depth + 1 current, done = a, true end if leader then local list, ok = stacked(namespace,attribute,content,current) setfield(stack,"leader",list) -- only if ok done = done or ok leader = false end elseif default > 0 then -- elseif current > 0 then head = insert_node_before(head,stack,copied(nsnone)) depth = depth - 1 current, done = 0, true end check = false end stack = getnext(stack) end while depth > 0 do head = insert_node_after(head,stack,copied(nsnone)) depth = depth - 1 end return head, done end states.stacked = function(namespace,attribute,head,default) local head, done = stacked(namespace,attribute,tonut(head),default) return tonode(head), done end -- experimental local function stacker(namespace,attribute,head,default) -- no triggering, no inheritance, but list-wise -- nsbegin() local stacked = false local current = head local previous = head local done = false local attrib = default or unsetvalue local check = false local leader = false while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code then check = true elseif id == glue_code then leader = getleader(current) if leader then check = true end elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then local content = getlist(current) if not content then -- skip elseif nslistwise then local a = getattr(current,attribute) if a and attrib ~= a and nslistwise[a] then -- viewerlayer head = insert_node_before(head,current,copied(nsdata[a])) local list = stacker(namespace,attribute,content,a) setfield(current,"list",list) done = true head, current = insert_node_after(head,current,copied(nsnone)) else local list, ok = stacker(namespace,attribute,content,attrib) setfield(current,"list",list) done = done or ok end else local list, ok = stacker(namespace,attribute,content,default) setfield(current,"list",list) done = done or ok end elseif id == rule_code then -- if subtype(stack) == normal_rule then check = getfield(current,"width") ~= 0 -- end end if check then local a = getattr(current,attribute) or unsetvalue if a ~= attrib then if not stacked then stacked = true nsbegin() end local n = nsstep(a) if n then head = insert_node_before(head,current,tonut(n)) -- a end attrib, done = a, true if leader then -- tricky as a leader has to be a list so we cannot inject before local list, ok = stacker(namespace,attribute,leader,attrib) done = done or ok leader = false end end check = false end previous = current current = getnext(current) end if stacked then local n = nsend() while n do head = insert_node_after(head,previous,tonut(n)) n = nsend() end end return head, done end states.stacker = function(namespace,attribute,head,default) local head, done = stacker(namespace,attribute,tonut(head),default) nsreset() return tonode(head), done end -- -- -- statistics.register("attribute processing time", function() return statistics.elapsedseconds(attributes,"front- and backend") end)