%D \module %D [ file=mtx-context-common, %D version=2009.03.21, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Trickry, %D subtitle=Common Stuff, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=\PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startluacode local combination = document.arguments['combination'] or '2*2' local nx, ny = string.match(combination,"^(%d+)%s*[%*x]%s*(%d+)$") if not nx then nx, ny = 2, 2 elseif not ny then nx = tonumber(combination) or 2 ny = nx else nx = tonumber(nx) or 2 ny = tonumber(ny) or nx or 2 end document.setargument("combination_nx",nx) document.setargument("combination_ny",ny) \stopluacode \startluacode local paperformat = document.arguments['paperformat'] or 'A4*A4' paperformat = string.upper(paperformat) local f, t = string.match(paperformat,"^(.-)%s*[%*xX]%s*(.-)$") if not f then f, t = "A4", "A4" elseif not t then t = f end document.setargument("paperformat_paper",f) document.setargument("paperformat_print",t) \stopluacode \endinput