%D \module %D [ file=mlib-ctx, %D version=2008.03.25, %D title=\METAPOST\ Integrated Graphics, %D subtitle=Basics, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This file contains the \MPLIB\ variants of the by now ancient %D \MPTOPDF\ code. \writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Library Graphics / Initializations} \registerctxluafile{mlib-run}{1.001} \registerctxluafile{mlib-ctx}{1.001} \unprotect \protect \endinput % local mpgraphic = [[ % for i=1 upto 1000 : % beginfig(0); % draw halfcircle scaled 1cm withcolor green ; % picture p ; p := "oeps" infont defaultfont scaled .75 rotated 45 ; % p := p shifted - (xpart center p,0) ; % draw p ; draw boundingbox p ; % endfig ; % beginfig(0); % draw halfcircle scaled 1cm dashed evenly withcolor green ; % endfig ; % beginfig(0); % pickup pencircle xscaled .5mm yscaled .25mm rotated 45 ; % draw halfcircle scaled 1cm withcolor red ; % endfig ; % beginfig(0); % draw halfcircle scaled 1cm ; % endfig ; % beginfig(0); % pickup pencircle xscaled .5mm yscaled .25mm rotated 45 ; % for k:=1 upto 10 : % draw halfcircle scaled uniformdeviate(1cm) withcolor (red/(k/4)) ; % endfor ; % endfig ; % endfor ; % ]] % -- local mpx = metapost.format("metafun") % metapost.process(metapost.format("metafun"),mpgraphic) % \starttext % \setupcolors[state=start] % \definecolor[red] [r=1] % \definecolor[cyan][c=1] % \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\startMPcode\stopMPcode} % first specials are forgotten % \definecolor[sss][t=.5,a=1,r=1] % \definespotcolor[oeps1][green][p=.5] % \definespotcolor[oeps2][green][p=.25] % \definespotcolor[oeps3][green][p=.25,t=.5,a=1] % \startMPpage % fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor \MPcolor{red} ; % fill fullcircle scaled 8cm withcolor cmyk(1,0,0,0) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor cmyk(0,1,0,0) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor cmyk(0,0,1,0) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor cmyk(0,0,0,1) ; % currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-7.5cm,0) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor transparent(1,0.75,cmyk(0,0,1,0)) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 8cm withcolor \MPcolor{sss} ; % fill fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor \MPcolor{oeps1} ; % fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor \MPcolor{oeps2} ; % currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-7.5cm,0) ; % fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor \MPcolor{oeps3} ; % circular_shade(fullcircle scaled 8cm, 1, red, blue) ; % circular_shade(fullcircle scaled 6cm, 1, (1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0)) ; % circular_shade(fullcircle scaled 4cm, 1, cmyk(.5,.5,1,0), (0,1,0,0)) ; % \stopMPpage % \stoptext