if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['trac-vis'] = { version = 1.001, optimize = true, comment = "companion to trac-vis.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local node, nodes, attributes, tex = node, nodes, attributes, tex local type, tonumber, next, rawget = type, tonumber, next, rawget local gmatch, gsub = string.gmatch, string.gsub local formatters = string.formatters local round = math.round -- This module started out in the early days of mkiv and luatex with visualizing -- kerns related to fonts. In the process of cleaning up the visual debugger code it -- made sense to integrate some other code that I had laying around and replace the -- old supp-vis debugging code. As only a subset of the old visual debugger makes -- sense it has become a different implementation. Soms of the m-visual -- functionality will also be ported. The code is rather trivial. The caching is not -- really needed but saves upto 50% of the time needed to add visualization. Of -- course the overall runtime is larger because of color and layer processing in the -- backend (can be times as much) so the runtime is somewhat larger with full -- visualization enabled. In practice this will never happen unless one is demoing. -- todo: global switch (so no attributes) -- todo: maybe also xoffset, yoffset of glyph -- todo: inline concat (more efficient) -- todo: tags can also be numbers (just add to hash) -- todo: make a lmtx variant (a few more efficient fetchers) local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local setboth = nuts.setboth local setlink = nuts.setlink local setlist = nuts.setlist local setsubtype = nuts.setsubtype local setattr = nuts.setattr local setwidth = nuts.setwidth local setshift = nuts.setshift local setoffsets = nuts.setoffsets local getid = nuts.getid local getfont = nuts.getfont local getattr = nuts.getattr local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype local getbox = nuts.getbox local getlist = nuts.getlist local getnext = nuts.getnext local getboth = nuts.getboth local getwhd = nuts.getwhd local getkern = nuts.getkern local getwidth = nuts.getwidth local getdepth = nuts.getdepth local getexpansion = nuts.getexpansion local getstate = nuts.getstate local getoffsets = nuts.getoffsets local getindex = nuts.getindex local isglyph = nuts.isglyph local hpack_nodes = nuts.hpack local vpack_nodes = nuts.vpack local copylist = nuts.copylist local copy_node = nuts.copy local insertnodebefore = nuts.insertbefore local insertnodeafter = nuts.insertafter local apply_to_nodes = nuts.apply local flushnodelist = nuts.flushlist local hpack_string = nuts.typesetters.tohpack local texgetattribute = tex.getattribute local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue local current_font = font.current local fonthashes = fonts.hashes local chardata = fonthashes.characters local exheights = fonthashes.exheights local emwidths = fonthashes.emwidths local pt_factor = number.dimenfactors.pt local nodepool = nuts.pool local new_rule = nodepool.rule local new_kern = nodepool.kern local new_glue = nodepool.glue local new_hlist = nodepool.hlist local new_vlist = nodepool.vlist local tracers = nodes.tracers local visualizers = nodes.visualizers local setcolor = tracers.colors.set local setlistcolor = tracers.colors.setlist local settransparency = tracers.transparencies.set local setlisttransparency = tracers.transparencies.setlist local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local a_visual = attributes.private("visual") local a_layer = attributes.private("viewerlayer") local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction local report_visualize = logs.reporter("visualize") local modes = { hbox = 0x0000001, vbox = 0x0000002, vtop = 0x0000004, kern = 0x0000008, glue = 0x0000010, penalty = 0x0000020, fontkern = 0x0000040, strut = 0x0000080, whatsit = 0x0000100, glyph = 0x0000200, simple = 0x0000400, simplehbox = 0x0000401, simplevbox = 0x0000402, simplevtop = 0x0000404, user = 0x0000800, math = 0x0001000, italic = 0x0002000, origin = 0x0004000, discretionary = 0x0008000, expansion = 0x0010000, line = 0x0020000, space = 0x0040000, depth = 0x0080000, marginkern = 0x0100000, mathkern = 0x0200000, dir = 0x0400000, par = 0x0800000, mathglue = 0x1000000, mark = 0x2000000, insert = 0x4000000, } visualizers.modes = modes local usedfont, exheight, emwidth local l_penalty, l_glue, l_kern, l_fontkern, l_hbox, l_vbox, l_vtop, l_strut, l_whatsit, l_glyph, l_user, l_math, l_marginkern, l_mathkern, l_mathshape, l_italic, l_origin, l_discretionary, l_expansion, l_line, l_space, l_depth, l_dir, l_whatsit, l_mark, l_insert local enabled = false local layers = { } local preset_boxes = modes.hbox + modes.vbox + modes.vtop + modes.origin local preset_makeup = preset_boxes + modes.kern + modes.glue + modes.penalty local preset_all = preset_makeup + modes.fontkern + modes.marginkern + modes.mathkern + modes.whatsit + modes.glyph + modes.user + modes.math + modes.dir + modes.mathglue + modes.mark + modes.insert function visualizers.setfont(id) usedfont = id or current_font() exheight = exheights[usedfont] emwidth = emwidths[usedfont] end -- we can preset a bunch of bits local userrule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule") local outlinerule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule") local emptyrule -- bah, not yet defined: todo, delayed(nuts.rules,"userrule") local function initialize() -- if not usedfont then -- we use a narrow monospaced font -- infofont ? visualizers.setfont(fonts.definers.define { name = "lmmonoltcond10regular", size = tex.sp("4pt") }) end -- for mode, value in next, modes do local tag = formatters["v_%s"](mode) attributes.viewerlayers.define { tag = tag, title = formatters["visualizer %s"](mode), visible = "start", editable = "yes", printable = "yes" } layers[mode] = attributes.viewerlayers.register(tag,true) end l_hbox = layers.hbox l_vbox = layers.vbox l_vtop = layers.vtop l_glue = layers.glue l_kern = layers.kern l_penalty = layers.penalty l_fontkern = layers.fontkern l_strut = layers.strut l_whatsit = layers.whatsit l_glyph = layers.glyph l_user = layers.user l_math = layers.math l_italic = layers.italic l_marginkern = layers.marginkern l_mathkern = layers.mathkern l_mathshapekern = layers.mathshapekern l_origin = layers.origin l_discretionary = layers.discretionary l_expansion = layers.expansion l_line = layers.line l_space = layers.space l_depth = layers.depth l_dir = layers.dir l_par = layers.par l_mark = layers.mark l_insert = layers.insert -- if not userrule then userrule = nuts.rules.userrule end -- if not outlinerule then outlinerule = nuts.pool.outlinerule end -- if not emptyrule then emptyrule = nuts.pool.emptyrule end initialize = false end local function enable() if initialize then initialize() end enableaction("shipouts","nodes.visualizers.handler") report_visualize("enabled") enabled = true tex.setcount("global","c_syst_visualizers_state",1) -- so that we can optimize at the tex end end local function setvisual(n,a,what,list) -- this will become more efficient when we have the bit lib linked in if not n or n == "reset" then return unsetvalue elseif n == true or n == "makeup" then if not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then a = preset_makeup else a = a | preset_makeup end elseif n == "boxes" then if not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then a = preset_boxes else a = a | preset_boxes end elseif n == "all" then if what == false then return unsetvalue elseif not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then a = preset_all else a = a | preset_all end elseif type(n) == "string" then for s in gmatch(n,"[a-z]+") do local m = modes[s] if not m then -- go on elseif not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then a = m else a = a | m end end elseif type(n) == "number" then if not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then a = n else a = a | n end end if not a or a == 0 or a == unsetvalue then return unsetvalue elseif not enabled then -- must happen at runtime (as we don't store layers yet) enable() end return a end function nuts.setvisual(n,mode) if mode then setattr(n,a_visual,setvisual(mode,getattr(n,a_visual),true)) else local a = texgetattribute(a_visual) if a ~= unsetvalue then setattr(n,a_visual,a) end end end function nuts.setvisuals(n,mode) -- currently the same setattr(n,a_visual,setvisual(mode,getattr(n,a_visual),true,true)) end -- fast setters do local cached = setmetatableindex(function(t,k) if k == true then return texgetattribute(a_visual) elseif not k then t[k] = unsetvalue return unsetvalue else local v = setvisual(k) t[k] = v return v end end) -- local function applyvisuals(n,mode) -- local a = cached[mode] -- apply_to_nodes(n,function(n) setattr(n,a_visual,a) end) -- end local a = unsetvalue local f = function(n) setattr(n,a_visual,a) end local function applyvisuals(n,mode) a = cached[mode] apply_to_nodes(n,f) end nuts.applyvisuals = applyvisuals function nodes.applyvisuals(n,mode) applyvisuals(tonut(n),mode) end function visualizers.attribute(mode) return cached[mode] end visualizers.attributes = cached end function nuts.copyvisual(n,m) setattr(n,a_visual,getattr(m,a_visual)) end function visualizers.setvisual(n) texsetattribute(a_visual,setvisual(n,texgetattribute(a_visual))) end function visualizers.setlayer(n) texsetattribute(a_layer,layers[n] or unsetvalue) end local function set(mode,v) texsetattribute(a_visual,setvisual(mode,texgetattribute(a_visual),v)) end for mode, value in next, modes do trackers.register(formatters["visualizers.%s"](mode), function(v) set(mode,v) end) end local fraction = 10 local normalize = true trackers .register("visualizers.reset", function(v) set("reset", v) end) trackers .register("visualizers.all", function(v) set("all", v) end) trackers .register("visualizers.makeup", function(v) set("makeup",v) end) trackers .register("visualizers.boxes", function(v) set("boxes", v) end) directives.register("visualizers.fraction", function(v) fraction = (v and tonumber(v)) or (v == "more" and 5) or 10 end) -- we can just paste verbatim together .. no typesetting needed -- experiment ... we can move the font definition away too local expandmacro = token.expand_macro local takebox = tex.takebox local function hpack_string(str) expandmacro("syst_v_p",true,str) return tonut(takebox("scratchbox")) end -- ... if okay it will replace the current hpack_string in node_typ local function sometext(str,layer,color,textcolor,lap,variant) local text = hpack_string(str,usedfont) local size = getwidth(text) local rule = new_rule(size,2*exheight,exheight/2) local kern = new_kern(-size) if color then setcolor(rule,color) end if textcolor then setlistcolor(getlist(text),textcolor) end local info = setlink(rule,kern,text) setlisttransparency(info,"trace:g") info = hpack_nodes(info) local width = getwidth(info) if variant then setoffsets(info,0,variant*exheight) end if lap then info = new_hlist(setlink(new_kern(-width),info)) else info = new_hlist(info) -- a bit overkill: double wrapped end if layer then setattr(info,a_layer,layer) end return info, width end local function someblob(str,layer,color,textcolor,width) local text = hpack_string(str,usedfont) local size = getwidth(text) local rule = new_rule(width,2*exheight,exheight/2) local kern = new_kern(-width + (width-size)/2) if color then setcolor(rule,color) end if textcolor then setlistcolor(getlist(text),textcolor) end local info = setlink(rule,kern,text) setlisttransparency(info,"trace:g") info = hpack_nodes(info) local width = getwidth(info) info = new_hlist(info) if layer then setattr(info,a_layer,layer) end return info, width end local caches = setmetatableindex("table") local fontkern, italickern, marginkern, mathkern do local f_cache = caches["fontkern"] local i_cache = caches["italickern"] local s_cache = caches["shapekern"] local m_cache = caches["marginkern"] local l_cache = caches["mathkern"] local function somekern(head,current,cache,color,layer) local width = getkern(current) local extra = getexpansion(current) local kern = width + extra local info = cache[kern] if not info then local text = hpack_string(formatters[" %0.3f"](kern*pt_factor),usedfont) local rule = new_rule(emwidth/fraction,6*exheight,2*exheight) local list = getlist(text) if kern > 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:db") elseif kern < 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:dr") else setlistcolor(list,"trace:dg") end setlisttransparency(list,color) setcolor(rule,color) settransparency(rule,color) setshift(text,-5 * exheight) info = new_hlist(setlink(rule,text)) setattr(info,a_layer,layer) f_cache[kern] = info end head = insertnodebefore(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end fontkern = function(head,current) return somekern(head,current,f_cache,"trace:ds",l_fontkern) end italickern = function(head,current) return somekern(head,current,i_cache,"trace:do",l_italic) end mathshapekern = function(head,current) return somekern(head,current,s_cache,"trace:do",l_mathshapekern) end marginkern = function(head,current) return somekern(head,current,m_cache,"trace:do",l_marginkern) end mathkern = function(head,current) return somekern(head,current,l_cache,"trace:do",l_mathkern) end end local ruledglyphexpansion do local f_cache = caches["glyphexpansion"] ruledglyphexpansion = function(head,current) local extra = getexpansion(current) if extra and extra ~= 0 then extra = extra / 1000 local info = f_cache[extra] if not info then local text = hpack_string(round(extra),usedfont) local rule = new_rule(emwidth/fraction,exheight,2*exheight) local list = getlist(text) if extra > 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:db") elseif extra < 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:dr") end setlisttransparency(list,"trace:ds") setcolor(rule,"trace:ds") settransparency(rule,"trace:ds") setshift(text,1.5 * exheight) info = new_hlist(setlink(rule,text)) setattr(info,a_layer,l_expansion) f_cache[extra] = info end head = insertnodebefore(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end return head, current end end local kernexpansion do local f_cache = caches["kernexpansion"] -- in mkiv we actually need to reconstruct but let's not do that now kernexpansion = function(head,current) local extra = getexpansion(current) if extra ~= 0 then extra = extra / 1000 local info = f_cache[extra] if not info then local text = hpack_string(round(extra),usedfont) local rule = new_rule(emwidth/fraction,exheight,4*exheight) local list = getlist(text) if extra > 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:db") elseif extra < 0 then setlistcolor(list,"trace:dr") end setlisttransparency(list,"trace:ds") setcolor(rule,"trace:ds") settransparency(rule,"trace:ds") setshift(text,3.5 * exheight) info = new_hlist(setlink(rule,text)) setattr(info,a_layer,l_expansion) f_cache[extra] = info end head = insertnodebefore(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end return head, current end end local ruledmark do local set_code = nodes.markcodes.set local sm_cache = setmetatableindex(caches["setmark"], function(t,index) local info = sometext(formatters["SM:%i"](index),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") -- whatsit setattr(info,a_layer,l_mark) t[index] = info return info end) local rm_cache = setmetatableindex(caches["resetmark"], function(t,index) local info = sometext(formatters["RM:%i"](index),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") -- whatsit setattr(info,a_layer,l_mark) t[index] = info return info end) ruledmark = function(head,current) local index = getindex(current) local info = getsubtype(current) == set_code and sm_cache[index] or rm_cache[index] head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruledinsert do local si_cache = setmetatableindex(caches["insert"], function(f,index) local info = sometext(formatters["SI:%i"](index),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") -- whatsit setattr(info,a_layer,l_insert) i_cache[index] = info end) ruledinsert = function(head,current) local info = si_cache[getindex(current)] head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruledwhatsit do local whatsitcodes = nodes.whatsitcodes local w_cache = caches["whatsit"] local tags = { [whatsitcodes.open] = "OPN", [whatsitcodes.write] = "WRI", [whatsitcodes.close] = "CLS", -- [whatsitcodes.special] = "SPE", [whatsitcodes.latelua] = "LUA", [whatsitcodes.savepos] = "POS", [whatsitcodes.userdefined] = "USR", [whatsitcodes.literal] = "LIT", [whatsitcodes.setmatrix] = "MAT", [whatsitcodes.save] = "SAV", [whatsitcodes.restore] = "RES", [whatsitcodes.startscaling] = "+SCA", [whatsitcodes.stopscaling] = "-SCA", [whatsitcodes.startrotation] = "+ROT", [whatsitcodes.stoprotation] = "-ROT", [whatsitcodes.startmirroring] = "+MIR", [whatsitcodes.stopmirroring] = "-MIR", [whatsitcodes.startclipping] = "+CLP", [whatsitcodes.stopclipping] = "-CLP", [whatsitcodes.startmatrix] = "+MAT", [whatsitcodes.stopmatrix] = "-MAT", [whatsitcodes.setstate] = "SET", -- can't happen because these are added after visualizing } ruledwhatsit = function(head,current) local what = getsubtype(current) local info = w_cache[what] if info then -- print("hit whatsit") else info = sometext(formatters["W:%s"](tags[what] or what),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") setattr(info,a_layer,l_whatsit) w_cache[what] = info end head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruleddir, ruledpar do local dircodes = nodes.dircodes local dirvalues = nodes.dirvalues local cancel_code = dircodes.cancel local l2r_code = dirvalues.l2r local r2l_code = dirvalues.r2l local d_cache = caches["dir"] local getdirection = nuts.getdirection local tags = { l2r = "L2R", r2l = "R2L", cancel = "CAN", par = "PAR", } ruledpar = function(head,current) local what = "par" -- getsubtype(current) local info = d_cache[what] if info then -- print("hit par") else info = sometext(formatters["L:%s"](what),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") setattr(info,a_layer,l_dir) d_cache[what] = info end head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end ruleddir = function(head,current) local what = getsubtype(current) if what == cancel_code then what = "cancel" elseif getdirection(current) == r2l_code then what = "r2l" else what = "l2r" end local info = d_cache[what] if info then -- print("hit dir") else info = sometext(formatters["D:%s"](what),usedfont,nil,"trace:w") setattr(info,a_layer,l_dir) d_cache[what] = info end head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruleduser do local u_cache = caches["user"] ruleduser = function(head,current) local what = getsubtype(current) local info = u_cache[what] if info then -- print("hit user") else info = sometext(formatters["U:%s"](what),usedfont) setattr(info,a_layer,l_user) u_cache[what] = info end head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruledmath do local mathcodes = nodes.mathcodes local m_cache = { beginmath = caches["bmath"], endmath = caches["emath"], } local tags = { beginmath = "B", endmath = "E", } ruledmath = function(head,current) local what = getsubtype(current) local tag = mathcodes[what] local skip = getkern(current) + getwidth(current) -- surround local info = m_cache[tag][skip] if info then -- print("hit math") else local text, width = sometext(formatters["M:%s"](tag and tags[tag] or what),usedfont,nil,"trace:dr") local rule = new_rule(skip,-655360/fraction,2*655360/fraction) local dist = tag == "beginmath" and width or skip setcolor(rule,"trace:dr") settransparency(rule,"trace:dr") setattr(rule,a_layer,l_math) info = new_hlist(setlink(new_glue(-skip),rule,new_glue(-dist),text)) setattr(info,a_layer,l_math) m_cache[tag][skip] = info end head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(info)) return head, current end end local ruleddepth do ruleddepth = function(current,wd,ht,dp) local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current) if dp ~= 0 then local rule = new_rule(wd,0,dp) setcolor(rule,"trace:o") settransparency(rule,"trace:g") setattr(rule,a_layer,l_depth) setlist(current,setlink(rule,new_kern(-wd),getlist(current))) end end end local ruledbox do local b_cache = caches["box"] local o_cache = caches["origin"] local getshift = nuts.getshift local getorientation = nuts.getorientation setmetatableindex(o_cache,function(t,size) local rule = new_rule(2*size,size,size) local origin = hpack_nodes(rule) setcolor(rule,"trace:do") settransparency(rule,"trace:do") setattr(rule,a_layer,l_origin) t[size] = origin return origin end) ruledbox = function(head,current,vertical,layer,what,simple,previous,trace_origin,parent) local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current) local force_origin = wd == 0 or (dp + ht) == 0 local shift = getshift(current) local orientation, xoffset, yoffset = getorientation(current) local next = getnext(current) local prev = previous setboth(current) local linewidth = emwidth/fraction local size = 2*linewidth local this if not simple then this = b_cache[what] if not this then local text = hpack_string(what,usedfont) this = setlink(new_kern(-getwidth(text)),text) setlisttransparency(this,"trace:s") this = new_hlist(this) b_cache[what] = this end end -- we need to trigger the right mode (else sometimes no whatits) local info = setlink( this and copylist(this) or nil, (force_origin and emptyrule(wd,ht,dp)) -- we accept some overhead or dp == 0 and userrule { width = wd, height = ht, line = linewidth, type = "box", baseline = false, } or userrule { width = wd, height = ht, depth = dp, line = linewidth, type = "box", dashed = 3*size, } ) -- setlisttransparency(info,"trace:s") info = new_hlist(info) -- important -- setattr(info,a_layer,layer) if vertical then if not force_origin and shift == 0 then info = setlink(current,dp ~= 0 and new_kern(-dp) or nil,info) elseif trace_origin or force_origin then local size = 2*size local origin = o_cache[size] origin = copylist(origin) if getid(parent) == vlist_code then setshift(origin,-shift) info = setlink(current,new_kern(-size),origin,new_kern(-size-dp),info) else -- todo .. i need an example info = setlink(current,dp ~= 0 and new_kern(-dp) or nil,info) end setshift(current,0) else info = setlink(current,new_dp ~= 0 and new_kern(-dp) or nil,info) setshift(current,0) end info = new_vlist(info,wd,ht,dp,shift) else if not force_origin and shift == 0 then info = setlink(current,new_kern(-wd),info) elseif trace_origin or force_origin then local size = 2*size local origin = o_cache[size] origin = copylist(origin) if getid(parent) == vlist_code then info = setlink(current,new_kern(-wd-size-shift),origin,new_kern(-size+shift),info) else setshift(origin,-shift) info = setlink(current,new_kern(-wd-size),origin,new_kern(-size),info) end setshift(current,0) else info = setlink(current,new_kern(-wd),info) setshift(current,0) end info = new_hlist(info,wd,ht,dp,shift) end if next then setlink(info,next) end if prev and prev > 0 then setlink(prev,info) end if head == current then return info, info else return head, info end -- else -- return head, current -- end end end local ruledglyph do -- see boundingbox feature .. maybe a pdf stream is more efficient, after all we -- have a frozen color anyway or i need a more detailed cache .. below is a more -- texie approach -- local ligature_code = 0x8000 + nodes.glyphcodes.ligature ruledglyph = function(head,current,previous) -- wrong for vertical glyphs local wd = getwidth(current) if wd ~= 0 then local wd, ht, dp = getwhd(current) local next = getnext(current) local prev = previous setboth(current) local linewidth = emwidth/(2*fraction) local x_offset, y_offset, l_margin, r_margin, raise = getoffsets(current) local info = setlink((dp == 0 and outlinerule and outlinerule(wd,ht,dp,linewidth)) or userrule { width = wd, height = ht, depth = dp, line = linewidth, type = "box", },new_kern(-wd)) -- if getsubtype(n) == ligature_code then local c, f = isglyph(current) local char = chardata[f][c] if char and type(char.unicode) == "table" then -- hackery test setlistcolor(info,"trace:s") setlisttransparency(info,"trace:ds") else setlistcolor(info,"trace:o") setlisttransparency(info,"trace:do") end info = new_hlist(info) setattr(info,a_layer,l_glyph) local info = setlink(current,new_kern(-wd),info) info = hpack_nodes(info) setwidth(info,wd) if next then setlink(info,next) end if prev then setlink(prev,info) end if head == current then return info, info else return head, info end else return head, current end end function visualizers.setruledglyph(f) ruledglyph = f or ruledglyph end end local ruledglue, ruledmathglue do local effectiveglue = nuts.effectiveglue local iszeroglue = nuts.iszeroglue local gluecodes = nodes.gluecodes local userskip_code = gluecodes.userskip local spaceskip_code = gluecodes.spaceskip local xspaceskip_code = gluecodes.xspaceskip local zerospaceskip_code = gluecodes.zerospaceskip or gluecodes.userskip -- local keepskip_code = gluecodes.keepskip or gluecodes.userskip local leftskip_code = gluecodes.leftskip local rightskip_code = gluecodes.rightskip local lefthangskip_code = gluecodes.lefthangskip local righthangskip_code = gluecodes.righthangskip local parfillleftskip_code = gluecodes.parfillleftskip or parfillskip_code local parfillrightskip_code = gluecodes.parfillrightskip or parfillskip_code local indentskip_code = gluecodes.indentskip local intermathskip_code = gluecodes.intermathskip local correctionskip_code = gluecodes.correctionskip local tabskip_code = gluecodes.tabskip local g_cache_v = caches["vglue"] local g_cache_h = caches["hglue"] local g_cache_ls = caches["leftskip"] local g_cache_rs = caches["rightskip"] local g_cache_lh = caches["lefthang"] local g_cache_rh = caches["righthang"] local g_cache_lp = caches["parfillleftskip"] local g_cache_rp = caches["parfillrightskip"] local g_cache_is = caches["indentskip"] local g_cache_cs = caches["correctionskip"] local g_cache_gn = caches["gluename"] local g_cache_gz = caches["gluezero"] local tags = { -- [userskip_code] = "US", [gluecodes.lineskip] = "LI", [gluecodes.baselineskip] = "BS", [gluecodes.parskip] = "PS", [gluecodes.abovedisplayskip] = "DA", [gluecodes.belowdisplayskip] = "DB", [gluecodes.abovedisplayshortskip] = "SA", [gluecodes.belowdisplayshortskip] = "SB", [gluecodes.topskip] = "TS", [gluecodes.splittopskip] = "ST", [tabskip_code] = "TB", [gluecodes.thinmuskip] = "MS", [gluecodes.medmuskip] = "MM", [gluecodes.thickmuskip] = "ML", [intermathskip_code] = "IM", [gluecodes.keepskip or 99] = "KS", [gluecodes.mathskip] = "MT", [gluecodes.leaders] = "NL", [gluecodes.cleaders] = "CL", [gluecodes.xleaders] = "XL", [gluecodes.gleaders] = "GL", -- true = "VS", -- false = "HS", [leftskip_code] = "LS", [rightskip_code] = "RS", [lefthangskip_code] = "LH", [righthangskip_code] = "RH", [spaceskip_code] = "SP", [xspaceskip_code] = "XS", [zerospaceskip_code] = "ZS", [parfillleftskip_code] = "PL", [parfillrightskip_code] = "PR", [indentskip_code] = "IN", [correctionskip_code] = "CS", } local stags = { [lefthangskip_code] = 0.5, [righthangskip_code] = 0.5, [leftskip_code] = -2, [rightskip_code] = -2, [parfillleftskip_code] = -0.75, [parfillrightskip_code] = -0.75, } -- we sometimes pass previous as we can have issues in math (not watertight for all) local f_amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"] local mathvalues = nodes.mathvalues mathvalues[-1] = "left" mathvalues[-2] = "right" local morehack = setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = mathematics.classnames[k] -- yet unknown -- v = v and string.sub(v,1,4) or string.formatters["x%02x"](k) v = v and string.sub(v,1,3) or string.formatters["x%02x"](k) t[k] = v return v end) local temphack = setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = mathvalues[k] if v then v = gsub(v,"spacing","") -- old else v = k - 256 v = morehack[v//64] ..morehack[v%64] end t[k] = v return v end) local function gluename(current,layer,color) local name = getfont(current) local zero = iszeroglue(current) local info = zero and g_cache_gz[name] or g_cache_gn[name] if not info then local text = hpack_string(temphack[name],usedfont) local rule = new_rule(emwidth/fraction,2*exheight,(zero and 4.25 or 2.75)*exheight) local list = getlist(text) setlisttransparency(list,color) settransparency(rule,color) setshift(text,(zero and 3.5 or 2)*exheight) info = new_hlist(setlink(rule,text)) setattr(info,a_layer,layer) g_cache_gn[name] = info end return copylist(info) end ruledmathglue = function(head,current) return insertnodebefore(head,current,gluename(current,l_glue,"trace:m")) end ruledglue = function(head,current,vertical,parent) local subtype = getsubtype(current) local width = effectiveglue(current,parent) local stag = normalize and stags[subtype] local amount = f_amount(tags[subtype] or (vertical and "VS") or "HS",width*pt_factor) -- can be sped up local info = (vertical and g_cache_v or g_cache_h)[amount] if subtype == intermathskip_code then head = ruledmathglue(head, current) end if info then -- print("glue hit") else if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == zerospaceskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:y") elseif subtype == userskip_code then if width > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:b") elseif width < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:g") end elseif subtype == tabskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:s") elseif subtype == indentskip_code or subtype == correctionskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:s") elseif subtype == leftskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,normalize and "trace:y" or "trace:c",false,true,stag) elseif subtype == rightskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,normalize and "trace:y" or "trace:c",false,false,stag) elseif subtype == lefthangskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,normalize and "trace:y" or "trace:m",false,true,stag) elseif subtype == righthangskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,normalize and "trace:y" or "trace:m",false,false,stag) elseif subtype == parfillleftskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:s",false,true,stag) elseif subtype == parfillrightskip_code then info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:s",false,false,stag) else info = sometext(amount,l_glue,"trace:m") end (vertical and g_cache_v or g_cache_h)[amount] = info end info = copylist(info) if vertical then info = vpack_nodes(info) end head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end local g_cache_s = caches["space"] local g_cache_x = caches["xspace"] ruledspace = function(head,current,parent) local subtype = getsubtype(current) local width = effectiveglue(current,parent) local info if subtype == spaceskip_code then info = g_cache_s[width] if not info then info = someblob("SP",l_glue,"trace:y",nil,width) g_cache_s[width] = info end else info = g_cache_x[width] if not info then info = someblob("XS",l_glue,"trace:m",nil,width) g_cache_x[width] = info end end info = copylist(info) head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end local ruledkern do local v_cache = caches["vkern"] local h_cache = caches["hkern"] ruledkern = function(head,current,vertical) local kern = getkern(current) local cache = vertical and v_cache or h_cache local info = cache[kern] if not info then local amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"](vertical and "VK" or "HK",kern*pt_factor) if kern > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:b") elseif kern < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:g") end cache[kern] = info end info = copylist(info) if vertical then info = vpack_nodes(info) end head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end local ruledstrut do local strut_size = 65536 * 8 / 10 local strut_code = nodes.rulecodes.strut ruledstrut = function(head,current) if getsubtype(current) == strut_code and getwidth(current) == 0 then -- maybe force gray setwidth(current,strut_size) setattr(current,a_layer,l_strut) head, current = insertnodeafter(head,current,new_kern(-strut_size)) end return head, current end end local ruleditalic do local i_cache = caches["italic"] ruleditalic = function(head,current) local kern = getkern(current) local info = i_cache[kern] if not info then local amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"]("IC",kern*pt_factor) if kern > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:b") elseif kern < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_kern,"trace:g") end i_cache[kern] = info end info = copylist(info) head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end local ruledmarginkern do local l_cache = caches["leftmarginkern"] local r_cache = caches["rightmarginkern"] ruledmarginkern = function(head,current,subtype) local kern = getkern(current) local left = subtype == leftmarginkern_code local cache = left and l_cache or r_cache local info = cache[kern] if not info then local amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"](left and "ML" or "MR",kern*pt_factor) if kern > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_marginkern,"trace:b") elseif kern < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_marginkern,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_marginkern,"trace:g") end cache[kern] = info end info = copylist(info) head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end local ruledmathkern do local h_cache = caches["horizontalmathkern"] local v_cache = caches["verticalmathkern"] ruledmathkern = function(head,current,vertical) local kern = getkern(current) local cache = vertical and v_cache or h_cache local info = cache[kern] if not info then local amount = formatters["%s:%0.3f"](vertical and "MV" or "MH",kern*pt_factor) if kern > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_mathkern,"trace:b") elseif kern < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_mathkern,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_mathkern,"trace:g") end cache[kern] = info end info = copylist(info) head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end local ruleddiscretionary do local d_cache = caches["discretionary"] ruleddiscretionary = function(head,current) local d = d_cache[true] if not the_discretionary then local rule = new_rule(4*emwidth/fraction,4*exheight,exheight) local kern = new_kern(-2*emwidth/fraction) setlink(kern,rule) setcolor(rule,"trace:dd") settransparency(rule,"trace:dd") setattr(rule,a_layer,l_discretionary) d = new_hlist(kern) d_cache[true] = d end insertnodeafter(head,current,copylist(d)) return head, current end end local ruledpenalty do local p_cache_v = caches["vpenalty"] local p_cache_h = caches["hpenalty"] local raisepenalties = false local getpenalty = nuts.getpenalty directives.register("visualizers.raisepenalties",function(v) raisepenalties = v end) ruledpenalty = function(head,current,vertical) local penalty = getpenalty(current) local info = (vertical and p_cache_v or p_cache_h)[penalty] if info then -- print("penalty hit") else local amount = formatters["%s:%s"](vertical and "VP" or "HP",penalty) if penalty > 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_penalty,"trace:b") elseif penalty < 0 then info = sometext(amount,l_penalty,"trace:r") else info = sometext(amount,l_penalty,"trace:g") end (vertical and p_cache_v or p_cache_h)[penalty] = info end info = copylist(info) if vertical then info = vpack_nodes(info) elseif raisepenalties then setshift(info,-65536*4) end head, current = insertnodebefore(head,current,info) return head, getnext(current) end end do local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local kern_code = nodecodes.kern local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local penalty_code = nodecodes.penalty local whatsit_code = nodecodes.whatsit local user_code = nodecodes.user local math_code = nodecodes.math local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local dir_code = nodecodes.dir local par_code = nodecodes.par local mark_code = nodecodes.mark local insert_code = nodecodes.insert local rule_code = nodecodes.rule local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes local fontkern_code = kerncodes.fontkern local italickern_code = kerncodes.italiccorrection local leftmarginkern_code = kerncodes.leftmarginkern local rightmarginkern_code = kerncodes.rightmarginkern local mathshapekern_code = kerncodes.mathshapekern local horizontalmathkern_code = kerncodes.horizontalmathkern local verticalmathkern_code = kerncodes.verticalmathkern ----- userkern_code = kerncodes.userkern local skipcodes = nodes.skipcodes local spaceskip_code = skipcodes.spaceskip local xspaceskip_code = skipcodes.xspaceskip local zerospaceskip_code = skipcodes.zerospaceskip local intermathskip_code = skipcodes.intermathskip local listcodes = nodes.listcodes local linelist_code = listcodes.line local vtop_package_state = 3 -- todo: symbolic local getleader = nuts.getleader local getdisc = nuts.getdisc local setleader = nuts.setleader local setdisc = nuts.setdisc local hpack = nuts.hpack -- local cache local function visualize(head,vertical,forced,parent) local trace_hbox = false local trace_vbox = false local trace_vtop = false local trace_kern = false local trace_glue = false local trace_penalty = false local trace_fontkern = false local trace_strut = false local trace_whatsit = false local trace_glyph = false local trace_simple = false local trace_user = false local trace_math = false local trace_mathkern = false local trace_marginkern = false local trace_italic = false local trace_origin = false local trace_discretionary = false local trace_expansion = false local trace_line = false local trace_space = false local trace_depth = false local trace_dir = false local trace_par = false local trace_mathglue = false local trace_mark = false local trace_insert = false local current = head local previous = nil local attr = unsetvalue local prev_trace_fontkern = nil local prev_trace_italic = nil local prev_trace_expansion = nil while current do local id = getid(current) local a = forced or getattr(current,a_visual) or unsetvalue local subtype, content if a ~= attr then prev_trace_fontkern = trace_fontkern prev_trace_italic = trace_italic prev_trace_expansion = trace_expansion attr = a if a == unsetvalue then trace_hbox = false trace_vbox = false trace_vtop = false trace_kern = false trace_glue = false trace_penalty = false trace_fontkern = false trace_strut = false trace_whatsit = false trace_glyph = false trace_simple = false trace_user = false trace_math = false trace_italic = false trace_origin = false trace_discretionary = false trace_expansion = false trace_line = false trace_space = false trace_depth = false trace_marginkern = false trace_mathkern = false trace_dir = false trace_par = false trace_mathglue = false trace_mark = false trace_insert = false if id == kern_code then goto kern else goto list end else -- we need them to be booleans -- cache[a]() trace_hbox = a & 0x0000001 ~= 0 trace_vbox = a & 0x0000002 ~= 0 trace_vtop = a & 0x0000004 ~= 0 trace_kern = a & 0x0000008 ~= 0 trace_glue = a & 0x0000010 ~= 0 trace_penalty = a & 0x0000020 ~= 0 trace_fontkern = a & 0x0000040 ~= 0 trace_strut = a & 0x0000080 ~= 0 trace_whatsit = a & 0x0000100 ~= 0 trace_glyph = a & 0x0000200 ~= 0 trace_simple = a & 0x0000400 ~= 0 trace_user = a & 0x0000800 ~= 0 trace_math = a & 0x0001000 ~= 0 trace_italic = a & 0x0002000 ~= 0 trace_origin = a & 0x0004000 ~= 0 trace_discretionary = a & 0x0008000 ~= 0 trace_expansion = a & 0x0010000 ~= 0 trace_line = a & 0x0020000 ~= 0 trace_space = a & 0x0040000 ~= 0 trace_depth = a & 0x0080000 ~= 0 trace_marginkern = a & 0x0100000 ~= 0 trace_mathkern = a & 0x0200000 ~= 0 trace_dir = a & 0x0400000 ~= 0 trace_par = a & 0x0800000 ~= 0 trace_mathglue = a & 0x1000000 ~= 0 trace_mark = a & 0x2000000 ~= 0 trace_insert = a & 0x4000000 ~= 0 end elseif a == unsetvalue then goto list end -- if trace_strut then -- setattr(current,a_layer,l_strut) -- else if id == glyph_code then if trace_glyph then head, current = ruledglyph(head,current,previous) end if trace_expansion then head, current = ruledglyphexpansion(head,current) end elseif id == disc_code then if trace_discretionary then head, current = ruleddiscretionary(head,current) end local pre, post, replace = getdisc(current) if pre then pre = visualize(pre,false,a,parent) end if post then post = visualize(post,false,a,parent) end if replace then replace = visualize(replace,false,a,parent) end setdisc(current,pre,post,replace) elseif id == kern_code then goto kern elseif id == glue_code then goto glue elseif id == penalty_code then if trace_penalty then head, current = ruledpenalty(head,current,vertical) end elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then goto list elseif id == rule_code then if trace_strut then head, current = ruledstrut(head,current) end elseif id == whatsit_code then if trace_whatsit then head, current = ruledwhatsit(head,current) end elseif id == user_code then if trace_user then head, current = ruleduser(head,current) end elseif id == math_code then if trace_math then head, current = ruledmath(head,current) end elseif id == dir_code then if trace_dir then head, current = ruleddir(head,current) end elseif id == par_code then if trace_par then head, current = ruledpar(head,current) end elseif id == mark_code then if trace_mark then head, current = ruledmark(head,current) end elseif id == insert_code then if trace_insert then head, current = ruledinsert(head,current) end end goto next ::glue:: content = getleader(current) if content then -- setleader(current,hpack(visualize(content,false,nil,parent))) setleader(current,visualize(content,false,nil,parent)) elseif trace_glue then head, current = ruledglue(head,current,vertical,parent) else subtype = getsubtype(current) if subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == zerospaceskip_code then -- not yet all space if trace_space then head, current = ruledspace(head,current,parent) end elseif subtype == intermathskip_code then if trace_math or trace_mathglue then head = ruledmathglue(head,current,parent) end end end goto next ::kern:: subtype = getsubtype(current) if subtype == fontkern_code then if trace_fontkern or prev_trace_fontkern then head, current = fontkern(head,current) end if trace_expansion or prev_trace_expansion then head, current = kernexpansion(head,current) end elseif subtype == italickern_code then if trace_italic or prev_trace_italic then head, current = italickern(head,current) elseif trace_kern then head, current = ruleditalic(head,current) end elseif subtype == leftmarginkern_code or subtype == rightmarginkern_code then if trace_marginkern then head, current = marginkern(head,current) elseif trace_kern then head, current = ruledmarginkern(head,current,subtype) end elseif subtype == verticalmathkern_code then if trace_mathkern or trace_kern then head, current = ruledmathkern(head,current,true) end elseif subtype == horizontalmathkern_code then if trace_mathkern then head, current = mathkern(head,current) elseif trace_kern then head, current = ruledmathkern(head,current,false) end elseif subtype == mathshapekern_code then if trace_mathkern or trace_italic then head, current = mathshapekern(head,current) elseif trace_kern then head, current = ruledmathkern(head,current,false) end else if trace_kern then head, current = ruledkern(head,current,vertical) end end goto next; ::list:: if id == hlist_code then local content = getlist(current) if content then setlist(current,visualize(content,false,nil,current)) end if trace_depth then ruleddepth(current) end if trace_line and getsubtype(current) == linelist_code then head, current = ruledbox(head,current,false,l_line,"L__",trace_simple,previous,trace_origin,parent) elseif trace_hbox then head, current = ruledbox(head,current,false,l_hbox,"H__",trace_simple,previous,trace_origin,parent) end elseif id == vlist_code then local content = getlist(current) local isvtop = getstate(current) == vtop_package_state local tag = nil local layer = nil if content then setlist(current,visualize(content,true,nil,current)) end if trace_vtop then if isvtop then tag = "_T_" layer = l_vtop elseif trace_vbox then tag = "__V" layer = l_vbox end elseif trace_vbox then if not isvtop then tag = "__V" layer = l_vbox end end if tag then head, current = ruledbox(head,current,true,layer,tag,trace_simple,previous,trace_origin,parent) end end ::next:: previous = current current = getnext(current) end return head end local function cleanup() for tag, cache in next, caches do for k, v in next, cache do flushnodelist(v) end end cleanup = function() report_visualize("error, duplicate cleanup") end end luatex.registerstopactions(cleanup) function visualizers.handler(head) if usedfont then starttiming(visualizers) head = visualize(head,true) stoptiming(visualizers) return head, true else return head, false end end function visualizers.box(n) if usedfont then starttiming(visualizers) local box = getbox(n) if box then setlist(box,visualize(getlist(box),getid(box) == vlist_code)) end stoptiming(visualizers) return head, true else return head, false end end end do local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node local last = nil local used = nil local mark = { "trace:1", "trace:2", "trace:3", "trace:4", "trace:5", "trace:6", "trace:7", } local function markfonts(list) for n, id in nextnode, list do if id == glyph_code then local font = getfont(n) local okay = used[font] if not okay then last = last + 1 okay = mark[last] used[font] = okay end setcolor(n,okay) elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then markfonts(getlist(n)) end end end function visualizers.markfonts(list) last, used = 0, { } markfonts(type(n) == "number" and getlist(getbox(n)) or n) end end statistics.register("visualization time",function() if enabled then -- cleanup() -- in case we don't don't do it each time return formatters["%s seconds"](statistics.elapsedtime(visualizers)) end end) -- interface do local implement = interfaces.implement implement { name = "setvisual", arguments = "string", actions = visualizers.setvisual } implement { name = "setvisuals", arguments = "string", actions = visualizers.setvisual } implement { name = "getvisual", arguments = "string", actions = { setvisual, context } } implement { name = "setvisuallayer", arguments = "string", actions = visualizers.setlayer } implement { name = "markvisualfonts", arguments = "integer", actions = visualizers.markfonts } implement { name = "setvisualfont", arguments = "integer", actions = visualizers.setfont } end -- Here for now: do local function make(str,forecolor,rulecolor,layer) if initialize then initialize() end local rule = new_rule(emwidth/fraction,exheight,4*exheight) setcolor(rule,rulecolor) settransparency(rule,rulecolor) local info if str == "" then info = new_hlist(rule) else local text = hpack_string(str,usedfont) local list = getlist(text) setlistcolor(list,textcolor) setlisttransparency(list,textcolor) setshift(text,3.5 * exheight) info = new_hlist(setlink(rule,text)) end setattr(info,a_layer,layer) return info end function visualizers.register(name,textcolor,rulecolor) if rawget(layers,name) then -- message return end local cache = caches[name] local layer = layers[name] if not textcolor then textcolor = "trace:ds" end if not rulecolor then rulecolor = "trace:do" end return function(str) if not str then str = "" end local info = cache[str] if not info then info = make(str,textcolor,rulecolor,layer) cache[str] = info end return copy_node(info) end end end