%D \module %D [ file=node-mig, %D version=2010.01.19, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Node Macros, %D subtitle=Inserts, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Node Support / Migrations} %D \starttyping %D \automigrateinserts %D %D \hbox{\vbox{x\footnote{1}x\footnote{2}x\footnote{3}x}} %D \vbox{x\footnote{4}x} %D \hbox{\vbox{x\footnote{5}x}} %D %D \hbox{x} %D \hbox{x\footnote{6}x} %D \hbox{x} %D %D \starttabulate %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \NC test \NC test \footnote{test} \input tufte \NC \NR %D \stoptabulate %D \stoptyping \unprotect \registerctxluafile{node-mig}{autosuffix} \aliased\let\automigrateinserts\donothing \aliased\let\automigratemarks \donothing \protect