if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-pps'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mlib-ctx.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } local format, gmatch, match, split, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.match, string.split, string.gsub local tonumber, type, unpack, next, select = tonumber, type, unpack, next, select local round, sqrt, min, max, abs = math.round, math.sqrt, math.min, math.max, math.abs local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local Cs, Cf, C, Cg, Ct, P, S, V, Carg = lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.Carg local lpegmatch, tsplitat, tsplitter = lpeg.match, lpeg.tsplitat, lpeg.tsplitter local formatters, toboolean = string.formatters, string.toboolean local exists, savedata = io.exists, io.savedata local mplib = mplib local metapost = metapost local lpdf = lpdf local context = context local scan = mp.scan local inject = mp.inject local mpscanstring = scan.string local mpscannumeric = scan.numeric local injecttriplet = inject.triplet local registerdirect = metapost.registerdirect local implement = interfaces.implement local setmacro = interfaces.setmacro local texsetbox = tex.setbox local textakebox = tex.takebox -- or: nodes.takebox local texrunlocal = tex.runlocal local copylist = nodes.copylist local flushlist = nodes.flushlist local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local new_hlist = nodes.pool.hlist local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local trace_runs = false trackers.register("metapost.runs", function(v) trace_runs = v end) local trace_textexts = false trackers.register("metapost.textexts", function(v) trace_textexts = v end) local trace_scripts = false trackers.register("metapost.scripts", function(v) trace_scripts = v end) local trace_btexetex = false trackers.register("metapost.btexetex", function(v) trace_btexetex = v end) local report_metapost = logs.reporter("metapost") local report_textexts = logs.reporter("metapost","textexts") local report_scripts = logs.reporter("metapost","scripts") local colors = attributes.colors local defineprocesscolor = colors.defineprocesscolor local definespotcolor = colors.definespotcolor local definemultitonecolor = colors.definemultitonecolor local colorvalue = colors.value local transparencies = attributes.transparencies local registertransparency = transparencies.register local transparencyvalue = transparencies.value local rgbtocmyk = colors.rgbtocmyk -- or function() return 0,0,0,1 end local cmyktorgb = colors.cmyktorgb -- or function() return 0,0,0 end local rgbtogray = colors.rgbtogray -- or function() return 0 end local cmyktogray = colors.cmyktogray -- or function() return 0 end local nooutercolor = "0 g 0 G" local nooutertransparency = "/Tr0 gs" -- only when set local outercolormode = 0 local outercolormodel = 1 local outercolor = nooutercolor local outertransparency = nooutertransparency local innercolor = nooutercolor local innertransparency = nooutertransparency local pdfcolor = lpdf.color local pdftransparency = lpdf.transparency function metapost.setoutercolor(mode,colormodel,colorattribute,transparencyattribute) -- has always to be called before conversion -- todo: transparency (not in the mood now) outercolormode = mode outercolormodel = colormodel if mode == 1 or mode == 3 then -- inherit from outer (registered color) outercolor = pdfcolor(colormodel,colorattribute) or nooutercolor outertransparency = pdftransparency(transparencyattribute) or nooutertransparency elseif mode == 2 then -- stand alone (see m-punk.tex) outercolor = "" outertransparency = "" else -- 0 outercolor = nooutercolor outertransparency = nooutertransparency end innercolor = outercolor innertransparency = outertransparency -- not yet used end -- todo: get this from the lpdf module local f_f = formatters["%.6N"] local f_f3 = formatters["%.3N"] local f_gray = formatters["%.3N g %.3N G"] local f_rgb = formatters["%.3N %.3N %.3N rg %.3N %.3N %.3N RG"] local f_cmyk = formatters["%.3N %.3N %.3N %.3N k %.3N %.3N %.3N %.3N K"] local f_cm_b = formatters["q %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N %.6N cm"] local f_scn = formatters["%.3N"] local f_shade = formatters["MpSh%s"] local f_spot = formatters["/%s cs /%s CS %s SCN %s scn"] local s_cm_e = "Q" local function checked_color_pair(color,...) if not color then return innercolor, outercolor end if outercolormode == 3 then innercolor = color(...) return innercolor, innercolor else return color(...), outercolor end end function metapost.colorinitializer() innercolor = outercolor innertransparency = outertransparency return outercolor, outertransparency end --~ local specificationsplitter = tsplitat(" ") local colorsplitter = tsplitter(":",tonumber) -- no need for : local domainsplitter = tsplitter(" ",tonumber) local centersplitter = domainsplitter local coordinatesplitter = domainsplitter -- thanks to taco's reading of the postscript manual: -- -- x' = sx * x + ry * y + tx -- y' = rx * x + sy * y + ty local nofshades = 0 -- todo: hash resources, start at 1000 in order not to clash with older local function normalize(ca,cb) if #cb == 1 then if #ca == 4 then cb[1], cb[2], cb[3], cb[4] = 0, 0, 0, 1-cb[1] else cb[1], cb[2], cb[3] = cb[1], cb[1], cb[1] end elseif #cb == 3 then if #ca == 4 then cb[1], cb[2], cb[3], cb[4] = rgbtocmyk(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3]) else cb[1], cb[2], cb[3] = cmyktorgb(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3],cb[4]) end end end local commasplitter = tsplitat(",") local function checkandconvertspot(n_a,f_a,c_a,v_a,n_b,f_b,c_b,v_b) -- must be the same but we don't check local name = f_shade(nofshades) local ca = lpegmatch(commasplitter,v_a) local cb = lpegmatch(commasplitter,v_b) if #ca == 0 or #cb == 0 then return { 0 }, { 1 }, "DeviceGray", name else for i=1,#ca do ca[i] = tonumber(ca[i]) or 0 end for i=1,#cb do cb[i] = tonumber(cb[i]) or 1 end --~ spotcolorconverter(n_a,f_a,c_a,v_a) -- not really needed return ca, cb, n_a or n_b, name end end local function checkandconvert(ca,cb,model) local name = f_shade(nofshades) if not ca or not cb or type(ca) == "string" then return { 0 }, { 1 }, "DeviceGray", name else if #ca > #cb then normalize(ca,cb) elseif #ca < #cb then normalize(cb,ca) end if not model then model = colors.currentnamedmodel() end if model == "all" then model= (#ca == 4 and "cmyk") or (#ca == 3 and "rgb") or "gray" end if model == "rgb" then if #ca == 4 then ca = { cmyktorgb(ca[1],ca[2],ca[3],ca[4]) } cb = { cmyktorgb(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3],cb[4]) } elseif #ca == 1 then local a = 1 - ca[1] local b = 1 - cb[1] ca = { a, a, a } cb = { b, b, b } end return ca, cb, "DeviceRGB", name, model elseif model == "cmyk" then if #ca == 3 then ca = { rgbtocmyk(ca[1],ca[2],ca[3]) } cb = { rgbtocmyk(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3]) } elseif #ca == 1 then ca = { 0, 0, 0, ca[1] } cb = { 0, 0, 0, ca[1] } end return ca, cb, "DeviceCMYK", name, model else if #ca == 4 then ca = { cmyktogray(ca[1],ca[2],ca[3],ca[4]) } cb = { cmyktogray(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3],cb[4]) } elseif #ca == 3 then ca = { rgbtogray(ca[1],ca[2],ca[3]) } cb = { rgbtogray(cb[1],cb[2],cb[3]) } end -- backend specific (will be renamed) return ca, cb, "DeviceGray", name, model end end end -- We keep textexts in a shared list (as it's easier that way and we also had that in -- the beginning). Each graphic gets its own (1 based) subtable so that we can also -- handle multiple conversions in one go which is needed when we process mp files -- directly. local stack = { } -- quick hack, we will pass topofstack around local top = nil local nofruns = 0 -- askedfig: "all", "first", number local function preset(t,k) -- references to textexts by mp index local v = { textrial = 0, texfinal = 0, texslots = { }, texorder = { }, texhash = { }, } t[k] = v return v end -- todo: nested startMPcode .. stopMPcode does weird local function startjob(plugmode,kind,mpx) insert(stack,top) top = { textexts = { }, -- all boxes, optionally with a different color texstrings = { }, texregimes = { }, mapstrings = { }, mapindices = { }, mapmoves = { }, texlast = 0, texdata = setmetatableindex({},preset), -- references to textexts in order or usage plugmode = plugmode, -- some day we can then skip all pre/postscripts extradata = mpx and metapost.getextradata(mpx), } if trace_runs then report_metapost("starting %s run at level %i in %s mode", kind,#stack+1,plugmode and "plug" or "normal") end return top end local function stopjob() if top then for slot, content in next, top.textexts do if content then flushlist(content) if trace_textexts then report_textexts("freeing text %s",slot) end end end if trace_runs then report_metapost("stopping run at level %i",#stack+1) end top = remove(stack) return top end end function metapost.getjobdata() return top end -- end of new local settext = function(box,slot,str) if top then -- if trace_textexts then -- report_textexts("getting text %s from box %s",slot,box) -- end top.textexts[slot] = textakebox(box) end end local gettext = function(box,slot) if top then texsetbox(box,top.textexts[slot]) top.textexts[slot] = false -- if trace_textexts then -- report_textexts("putting text %s in box %s",slot,box) -- end end end metapost.settext = settext metapost.gettext = gettext implement { name = "mpsettext", actions = settext, arguments = { "integer", "integer" } } -- box slot implement { name = "mpgettext", actions = gettext, arguments = { "integer", "integer" } } -- box slot -- rather generic pdf, so use this elsewhere too it no longer pays -- off to distinguish between outline and fill (we now have both -- too, e.g. in arrows) metapost.reducetogray = true local models = { } function models.all(cr) local n = #cr if n == 0 then return checked_color_pair() elseif metapost.reducetogray then if n == 1 then local s = cr[1] return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) elseif n == 3 then local r = cr[1] local g = cr[2] local b = cr[3] if r == g and g == b then return checked_color_pair(f_gray,r,r) else return checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) end else local c = cr[1] local m = cr[2] local y = cr[3] local k = cr[4] if c == m and m == y and y == 0 then k = 1 - k return checked_color_pair(f_gray,k,k) else return checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) end end elseif n == 1 then local s = cr[1] return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) elseif n == 3 then local r = cr[1] local g = cr[2] local b = cr[3] return checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) else local c = cr[1] local m = cr[2] local y = cr[3] local k = cr[4] return checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) end end function models.rgb(cr) local n = #cr if n == 0 then return checked_color_pair() elseif metapost.reducetogray then if n == 1 then local s = cr[1] checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) elseif n == 3 then local r = cr[1] local g = cr[2] local b = cr[3] if r == g and g == b then return checked_color_pair(f_gray,r,r) else return checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) end else local c = cr[1] local m = cr[2] local y = cr[3] local k = cr[4] if c == m and m == y and y == 0 then k = 1 - k return checked_color_pair(f_gray,k,k) else local r, g, b = cmyktorgb(c,m,y,k) return checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) end end elseif n == 1 then local s = cr[1] return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) else local r = cr[1] local g = cr[2] local b = cr[3] local r, g, b if n == 3 then r, g, b = cmyktorgb(r,g,b,cr[4]) end return checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) end end function models.cmyk(cr) local n = #cr if n == 0 then return checked_color_pair() elseif metapost.reducetogray then if n == 1 then local s = cr[1] return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) elseif n == 3 then local r = cr[1] local g = cr[2] local b = cr[3] if r == g and g == b then return checked_color_pair(f_gray,r,r) else local c, m, y, k = rgbtocmyk(r,g,b) return checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) end else local c = cr[1] local m = cr[2] local y = cr[3] local k = cr[4] if c == m and m == y and y == 0 then k = 1 - k return checked_color_pair(f_gray,k,k) else return checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) end end elseif n == 1 then local s = cr[1] return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) else local c = cr[1] local m = cr[2] local y = cr[3] local k = cr[4] if n == 3 then if c == m and m == y then k, c, m, y = 1 - c, 0, 0, 0 else c, m, y, k = rgbtocmyk(c,m,y) end end return checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) end end function models.gray(cr) local n = #cr local s = 0 if n == 0 then return checked_color_pair() elseif n == 4 then s = cmyktogray(cr[1],cr[2],cr[3],cr[4]) elseif n == 3 then s = rgbtogray(cr[1],cr[2],cr[3]) else s = cr[1] end return checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) end models[1] = models.all models[2] = models.gray models[3] = models.rgb models[4] = models.cmyk setmetatableindex(models, function(t,k) local v = models.gray t[k] = v return v end) local function colorconverter(cs) return models[outercolormodel](cs) end local factor = 65536*(7227/7200) implement { name = "mpsetsxsy", arguments = { "dimen", "dimen", "dimen" }, actions = function(wd,ht,dp) local hd = ht + dp setmacro("mlib_sx",wd ~= 0 and factor/wd or 0) setmacro("mlib_sy",hd ~= 0 and factor/hd or 0) end } local function sxsy(wd,ht,dp) -- helper for text local hd = ht + dp return (wd ~= 0 and factor/wd) or 0, (hd ~= 0 and factor/hd) or 0 end metapost.sxsy = sxsy -- for stock mp we need to declare the booleans first local do_begin_fig = "; beginfig(1) ; " local do_end_fig = "; endfig ;" local do_safeguard = ";" function metapost.preparetextextsdata() local textexts = top.textexts local collected = { } for k, data in sortedhash(top.texdata) do -- sort is nicer in trace local texorder = data.texorder for n=1,#texorder do local box = textexts[texorder[n]] if box then collected[n] = box else break end end end mp.mf_tt_initialize(collected) end local runmetapost = metapost.run local function checkaskedfig(askedfig) -- return askedfig, wrappit if not askedfig then return "direct", true elseif askedfig == "all" then return "all", false elseif askedfig == "direct" then return "all", true else askedfig = tonumber(askedfig) if askedfig then return askedfig, false else return "direct", true end end end -- This one is called from the \TEX\ end so the specification is different -- from the specification to metapost.run cum suis! The definitions and -- extension used to be handled here but are now delegated to the format -- initializers because we need to accumulate them for nested instances (a -- side effect of going single pass). function metapost.graphic_base_pass(specification) local mpx = specification.mpx -- mandate local top = startjob(true,"base",mpx) local data = specification.data or "" local inclusions = specification.inclusions or "" local initializations = specification.initializations or "" local askedfig, wrappit = checkaskedfig(specification.figure) nofruns = nofruns + 1 top.askedfig = askedfig top.wrappit = wrappit top.nofruns = nofruns metapost.namespace = specification.namespace or "" top.mpx = mpx top.data = data top.initializations = initializations if trace_runs then report_metapost("running job %s, asked figure %a",nofruns,askedfig) end runmetapost { mpx = mpx, askedfig = askedfig, incontext = true, data = { inclusions, wrappit and do_begin_fig or "", initializations, do_safeguard, data, wrappit and do_end_fig or "", }, } context(stopjob) end local function oldschool(mpx, data, trial_run, flusher, was_multi_pass, is_extra_pass, askedfig, incontext) metapost.process { mpx = mpx, flusher = flusher, askedfig = askedfig, useplugins = incontext, incontext = incontext, data = data, } end function metapost.process(specification,...) if type(specification) ~= "table" then oldschool(specification,...) else startjob(specification.incontext or specification.useplugins,"process",false) runmetapost(specification) stopjob() end end -- -- the new plugin handler -- -- local sequencers = utilities.sequencers local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction local resetteractions = sequencers.new { arguments = "t" } local processoractions = sequencers.new { arguments = "object,prescript,before,after" } appendgroup(resetteractions, "system") appendgroup(processoractions,"system") -- later entries come first local scriptsplitter = Ct ( Ct ( C((1-S("= "))^1) * S("= ")^1 * C((1-S("\n\r"))^0) * S("\n\r")^0 )^0 ) local function splitprescript(script) local hash = lpegmatch(scriptsplitter,script) for i=#hash,1,-1 do local h = hash[i] if h == "reset" then for k, v in next, hash do if type(k) ~= "number" then hash[k] = nil end end else hash[h[1]] = h[2] end end if trace_scripts then report_scripts(table.serialize(hash,"prescript")) end return hash end metapost.splitprescript = splitprescript -- -- not used: -- -- local function splitpostscript(script) -- local hash = lpegmatch(scriptsplitter,script) -- for i=1,#hash do -- local h = hash[i] -- hash[h[1]] = h[2] -- end -- if trace_scripts then -- report_scripts(table.serialize(hash,"postscript")) -- end -- return hash -- end function metapost.pluginactions(what,t,flushfigure) -- before/after object, depending on what if top and top.plugmode then -- hm, what about other features for i=1,#what do local wi = what[i] if type(wi) == "function" then -- assume injection flushfigure(t) -- to be checked: too many 0 g 0 G t = { } wi() else t[#t+1] = wi end end return t end end function metapost.resetplugins(t) -- intialize plugins, before figure if top and top.plugmode then outercolormodel = colors.currentmodel() -- currently overloads the one set at the tex end resetteractions.runner(t) end end function metapost.processplugins(object) -- each object (second pass) if top and top.plugmode then local prescript = object.prescript -- specifications if prescript and #prescript > 0 then local before = { } local after = { } local options = splitprescript(prescript) or { } processoractions.runner(object,options,before,after) return #before > 0 and before, #after > 0 and after, options else local c = object.color if c and #c > 0 then local b, a = colorconverter(c) return { b }, { a }, { } end end end end -- helpers local basepoints = number.dimenfactors["bp"] local function cm(object) local op = object.path if op then local first = op[1] local second = op[2] local fourth = op[4] if fourth then local tx = first.x_coord local ty = first.y_coord local sx = second.x_coord - tx local sy = fourth.y_coord - ty local rx = second.y_coord - ty local ry = fourth.x_coord - tx if sx == 0 then sx = 0.00001 end if sy == 0 then sy = 0.00001 end return sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty end end return 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 -- weird case end metapost.cm = cm -- color local function cl_reset(t) t[#t+1] = metapost.colorinitializer() -- only color end -- text local tx_reset, tx_process do -- The dilemma is that we need to process the text in order to know the -- dimensions but afterwards also need to apply color and such. So, we need -- two passes, one immediately and one when we use it. local eol = S("\n\r")^1 local cleaner = Cs((P("@@")/"@" + P("@")/"%%" + P(1))^0) local splitter = Ct( ( ( P("s:") * C((1-eol)^1) + P("n:") * ((1-eol)^1/tonumber) + P("b:") * ((1-eol)^1/toboolean) ) * eol^0 )^0) local function applyformat(s) local t = lpegmatch(splitter,s) if #t == 1 then return s else local f = lpegmatch(cleaner,t[1]) return formatters[f](unpack(t,2)) end end local fmt = formatters["%s %s %s % t"] ----- pat = tsplitat(":") local pat = lpeg.tsplitter(":",tonumber) -- so that %F can do its work local f_gray_yes = formatters["s=%.3N,a=%i,t=%.3N"] local f_gray_nop = formatters["s=%.3N"] local f_rgb_yes = formatters["r=%.3N,g=%.3N,b=%.3N,a=%.3N,t=%.3N"] local f_rgb_nop = formatters["r=%.3N,g=%.3N,b=%.3N"] local f_cmyk_yes = formatters["c=%.3N,m=%.3N,y=%.3N,k=%.3N,a=%.3N,t=%.3N"] local f_cmyk_nop = formatters["c=%.3N,m=%.3N,y=%.3N,k=%.3N"] local ctx_MPLIBsetNtext = context.MPLIBsetNtextX local ctx_MPLIBsetCtext = context.MPLIBsetCtextX local ctx_MPLIBsettext = context.MPLIBsettextX local bp = number.dimenfactors.bp local mp_index = 0 local mp_target = 0 local mp_c = nil local mp_a = nil local mp_t = nil local function processtext() local mp_text = top.texstrings[mp_index] local mp_regime = top.texregimes[mp_index] if mp_regime and tonumber(mp_regime) >= 0 then mp_text = function() context.sprint(mp_regime,top.texstrings[mp_index] or "") end end if not mp_text then report_textexts("missing text for index %a",mp_index) elseif not mp_c then ctx_MPLIBsetNtext(mp_target,mp_text) elseif #mp_c == 1 then if mp_a and mp_t then ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_gray_yes(mp_c[1],mp_a,mp_t),mp_text) else ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_gray_nop(mp_c[1]),mp_text) end elseif #mp_c == 3 then if mp_a and mp_t then ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_rgb_yes(mp_c[1],mp_c[2],mp_c[3],mp_a,mp_t),mp_text) else ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_rgb_nop(mp_c[1],mp_c[2],mp_c[3]),mp_text) end elseif #mp_c == 4 then if mp_a and mp_t then ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_cmyk_yes(mp_c[1],mp_c[2],mp_c[3],mp_c[4],mp_a,mp_t),mp_text) else ctx_MPLIBsetCtext(mp_target,f_cmyk_nop(mp_c[1],mp_c[2],mp_c[3],mp_c[4]),mp_text) end else -- can't happen ctx_MPLIBsetNtext(mp_target,mp_text) end end local madetext = nil local function mf_some_text(index,str,regime) mp_target = index mp_index = index mp_c = nil mp_a = nil mp_t = nil top.texstrings[mp_index] = str top.texregimes[mp_index] = regime or -1 texrunlocal("mptexttoks") local box = textakebox("mptextbox") top.textexts[mp_target] = box injecttriplet(bp*box.width,bp*box.height,bp*box.depth) madetext = nil end local function mf_made_text(index) mf_some_text(index,madetext,catcodes.numbers.ctxcatcodes) -- btex/etex .. end registerdirect("sometextext", function() mf_some_text(mpscannumeric(),mpscanstring(),mpscannumeric()) end) registerdirect("madetextext", function() mf_made_text(mpscannumeric()) end) -- a label can be anything, also something mp doesn't like in strings -- so we return an index instead function metapost.processing() return top and true or false end function metapost.remaptext(replacement) if top then local mapstrings = top.mapstrings local mapindices = top.mapindices local label = replacement.label local index = 0 if label then local found = mapstrings[label] if found then setmetatableindex(found,replacement) index = found.index else index = #mapindices + 1 replacement.index = index mapindices[index] = replacement mapstrings[label] = replacement end end return index else return 0 end end function metapost.remappedtext(what) return top and (top.mapstrings[what] or top.mapindices[tonumber(what)]) end function mp.mf_map_move(index) mp.triplet(top.mapmoves[index]) end function mp.mf_map_text(index,str,regime) local map = top.mapindices[tonumber(str)] if type(map) == "table" then local text = map.text local overload = map.overload local offset = 0 local width = 0 local where = nil -- mp_index = index -- the image text if overload then top.texstrings[mp_index] = map.template or map.label or "error" top.texregimes[mp_index] = regime or -1 texrunlocal("mptexttoks") local box = textakebox("mptextbox") or new_hlist() width = bp * box.width where = overload.where end -- the real text top.texstrings[mp_index] = overload and overload.text or text or "error" top.texregimes[mp_index] = regime or -1 texrunlocal("mptexttoks") local box = textakebox("mptextbox") or new_hlist() local twd = bp * box.width local tht = bp * box.height local tdp = bp * box.depth -- the check if where then local scale = 1 -- / (map.scale or 1) if where == "l" or where == "left" then offset = scale * (twd - width) elseif where == "m" or where == "middle" then offset = scale * (twd - width) / 2 end end -- the result top.textexts[mp_index] = box top.mapmoves[mp_index] = { offset, map.dx or 0, map.dy or 0 } -- mp.triplet(twd,tht,tdp) madetext = nil return else map = type(map) == "string" and map or str return mf_some_text(index,context.escape(map) or map) end end -- This is a bit messy. In regular metapost it's a kind of immediate replacement -- so embedded btex ... etex is not really working as one would expect. We now have -- a mix: it's immediate when we are at the outer level (rawmadetext) and indirect -- (with the danger of stuff that doesn't work well in strings) when we are for -- instance in a macro definition (rawtextext (pass back string)) ... of course one -- should use textext so this is just a catch. When not in lmtx it's never immediate. local reported = false local alwayswrap = false -- CONTEXTLMTXMODE <= 1 -- was always nil due to typo function metapost.maketext(s,mode) if not reported then reported = true report_metapost("use 'textext(.....)' instead of 'btex ..... etex'") end if mode and mode == 1 then if trace_btexetex then report_metapost("ignoring verbatimtex: [[%s]]",s) end elseif alwayswrap then if trace_btexetex then report_metapost("rewrapping btex ... etex [[%s]]",s) end return 'rawtextext("' .. gsub(s,'"','"&ditto&"') .. '")' -- nullpicture elseif metapost.currentmpxstatus() ~= 0 then if trace_btexetex then report_metapost("rewrapping btex ... etex at the outer level [[%s]]",s) end return 'rawtextext("' .. gsub(s,'"','"&ditto&"') .. '")' -- nullpicture else if trace_btexetex then report_metapost("handling btex ... etex: [[%s]]",s) end -- madetext = utilities.strings.collapse(s) madetext = s return "rawmadetext" -- is assuming immediate processing end end function mp.mf_formatted_text(index,fmt,...) local t = { } for i=1,select("#",...) do local ti = select(i,...) if type(ti) ~= "table" then t[#t+1] = ti end end local f = lpegmatch(cleaner,fmt) local s = formatters[f](unpack(t)) or "" mf_some_text(index,s) end interfaces.implement { name = "mptexttoks", actions = processtext, } tx_reset = function() if top then top.texhash = { } top.texlast = 0 end end local fasttrack = false -- we loose colors done with withcolor when true directives.register("metapost.text.fasttrack", function(v) fasttrack = v end) tx_process = function(object,prescript,before,after) local data = top.texdata[metapost.properties.number] -- the current figure number, messy local index = tonumber(prescript.tx_index) if index then if trace_textexts then report_textexts("using index %a",index) end -- mp_c = object.color if #mp_c == 0 then local txc = prescript.tx_color if txc then mp_c = lpegmatch(pat,txc) end end mp_a = tonumber(prescript.tr_alternative) mp_t = tonumber(prescript.tr_transparency) -- mp_index = index mp_target = top.texlast - 1 top.texlast = mp_target -- local mp_text = top.texstrings[mp_index] local mp_hash = prescript.tx_cache local box local donebox = fasttrack and top.textexts[mp_index] if mp_hash == "no" then if donebox then box = copylist(donebox) else texrunlocal("mptexttoks") box = textakebox("mptextbox") end else local cache = data.texhash if mp_hash then mp_hash = tonumber(mp_hash) end if mp_hash then local extradata = top.extradata if extradata then cache = extradata.globalcache if not cache then cache = { } extradata.globalcache = cache end if trace_runs then if cache[mp_hash] then report_textexts("reusing global entry %i",mp_hash) else report_textexts("storing global entry %i",mp_hash) end end else mp_hash = nil end end if not mp_hash then mp_hash = fmt(mp_text,mp_a or "-",mp_t or "-",mp_c or "-") end box = cache[mp_hash] if box then box = copylist(box) else if donebox then box = copylist(donebox) else texrunlocal("mptexttoks") box = textakebox("mptextbox") end cache[mp_hash] = box end end top.textexts[mp_target] = box -- if box then -- we need to freeze the variables outside the function local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = cm(object) local target = mp_target before[#before+1] = function() context.MPLIBgettextscaledcm(target, f_f(sx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(rx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(ry), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(sy), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(tx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(ty), -- bah ... %s no longer checks sxsy(box.width,box.height,box.depth)) end else before[#before+1] = function() report_textexts("unknown %s",index) end end if not trace_textexts then object.path = false -- else: keep it end object.color = false object.grouped = true object.istext = true end end end -- we could probably redo normal textexts in the next way but as it's rather optimized -- we keep away from that (at least for now) local function bx_process(object,prescript,before,after) local bx_category = prescript.bx_category local bx_name = prescript.bx_name if bx_category and bx_name then if trace_textexts then report_textexts("category %a, name %a",bx_category,bx_name) end local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = cm(object) -- needs to be frozen outside the function local wd, ht, dp = nodes.boxes.dimensions(bx_category,bx_name) before[#before+1] = function() context.MPLIBgetboxscaledcm(bx_category,bx_name, f_f(sx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(rx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(ry), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(sy), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(tx), -- bah ... %s no longer checks f_f(ty), -- bah ... %s no longer checks sxsy(wd,ht,dp)) end if not trace_textexts then object.path = false -- else: keep it end object.color = false object.grouped = true object.istext = true end end -- graphics (we use the given index because pictures can be reused) local gt_reset, gt_process do local graphics = { } local mp_index = 0 local mp_str = "" function mp.mf_graphic_text(index,str) if not graphics[index] then mp_index = index mp_str = str texrunlocal("mpgraphictexttoks") end end interfaces.implement { name = "mpgraphictexttoks", actions = function() context.MPLIBgraphictext(mp_index,mp_str) end, } end -- shades local function sh_process(object,prescript,before,after) local sh_type = prescript.sh_type if sh_type then nofshades = nofshades + 1 local domain = lpegmatch(domainsplitter,prescript.sh_domain or "0 1") local centera = lpegmatch(centersplitter,prescript.sh_center_a or "0 0") local centerb = lpegmatch(centersplitter,prescript.sh_center_b or "0 0") local transform = toboolean(prescript.sh_transform or "yes",true) -- compensation for scaling local sx = 1 local sy = 1 local sr = 1 local dx = 0 local dy = 0 if transform then local first = lpegmatch(coordinatesplitter,prescript.sh_first or "0 0") local setx = lpegmatch(coordinatesplitter,prescript.sh_set_x or "0 0") local sety = lpegmatch(coordinatesplitter,prescript.sh_set_y or "0 0") local x = setx[1] -- point that has different x local y = sety[1] -- point that has different y if x == 0 or y == 0 then -- forget about it else local path = object.path local path1x = path[1].x_coord local path1y = path[1].y_coord local path2x = path[x].x_coord local path2y = path[y].y_coord local dxa = path2x - path1x local dya = path2y - path1y local dxb = setx[2] - first[1] local dyb = sety[2] - first[2] if dxa == 0 or dya == 0 or dxb == 0 or dyb == 0 then -- forget about it else sx = dxa / dxb ; if sx < 0 then sx = - sx end -- yes or no sy = dya / dyb ; if sy < 0 then sy = - sy end -- yes or no sr = sqrt(sx^2 + sy^2) dx = path1x - sx*first[1] dy = path1y - sy*first[2] end end end -- local transformation = prescript.sh_transformation -- if transformation then -- print("todo: " .. transformation) -- end local steps = tonumber(prescript.sh_step) or 1 local sh_color_a = prescript.sh_color_a_1 or prescript.sh_color_a or "1" local sh_color_b = prescript.sh_color_b_1 or prescript.sh_color_b or "1" -- sh_color_b_ local ca, cb, colorspace, name, model, separation, fractions if prescript.sh_color == "into" and prescript.sp_name then -- some spotcolor local value_a, components_a, fractions_a, name_a local value_b, components_b, fractions_b, name_b for i=1,#prescript do -- { "sh_color_a", "1" }, -- { "sh_color", "into" }, -- { "sh_radius_b", "0" }, -- { "sh_radius_a", "141.73225" }, -- { "sh_center_b", "425.19676 141.73225" }, -- { "sh_center_a", "425.19676 0" }, -- { "sh_factor", "1" }, local tag = prescript[i][1] if not name_a and tag == "sh_color_a" then value_a = prescript[i-5][2] components_a = prescript[i-4][2] fractions_a = prescript[i-3][2] name_a = prescript[i-2][2] elseif not name_b and tag == "sh_color_b" then value_b = prescript[i-5][2] components_b = prescript[i-4][2] fractions_b = prescript[i-3][2] name_b = prescript[i-2][2] end if name_a and name_b then break end end ca, cb, separation, name = checkandconvertspot( name_a,fractions_a,components_a,value_a, name_b,fractions_b,components_b,value_b ) else local colora = lpegmatch(colorsplitter,sh_color_a) local colorb = lpegmatch(colorsplitter,sh_color_b) ca, cb, colorspace, name, model = checkandconvert(colora,colorb) -- test: if steps > 1 then ca = { ca } cb = { cb } fractions = { tonumber(prescript[formatters["sh_fraction_%i"](1)]) or 0 } for i=2,steps do local colora = lpegmatch(colorsplitter,prescript[formatters["sh_color_a_%i"](i)]) local colorb = lpegmatch(colorsplitter,prescript[formatters["sh_color_b_%i"](i)]) ca[i], cb[i] = checkandconvert(colora,colorb,model) fractions[i] = tonumber(prescript[formatters["sh_fraction_%i"](i)]) or (i/steps) end end end if not ca or not cb then ca, cb, colorspace, name = checkandconvert() steps = 1 end if sh_type == "linear" then local coordinates = { dx + sx*centera[1], dy + sy*centera[2], dx + sx*centerb[1], dy + sy*centerb[2] } lpdf.linearshade(name,domain,ca,cb,1,colorspace,coordinates,separation,steps>1 and steps,fractions) -- backend specific (will be renamed) elseif sh_type == "circular" then local factor = tonumber(prescript.sh_factor) or 1 local radiusa = factor * tonumber(prescript.sh_radius_a) local radiusb = factor * tonumber(prescript.sh_radius_b) local coordinates = { dx + sx*centera[1], dy + sy*centera[2], sr*radiusa, dx + sx*centerb[1], dy + sy*centerb[2], sr*radiusb } lpdf.circularshade(name,domain,ca,cb,1,colorspace,coordinates,separation,steps>1 and steps,fractions) -- backend specific (will be renamed) else -- fatal error end before[#before+1] = "q /Pattern cs" after [#after+1] = formatters["W n /%s sh Q"](name) -- false, not nil, else mt triggered object.colored = false -- hm, not object.color ? object.type = false object.grouped = true end end -- bitmaps local function bm_process(object,prescript,before,after) local bm_xresolution = prescript.bm_xresolution if bm_xresolution then before[#before+1] = f_cm_b(cm(object)) before[#before+1] = function() figures.bitmapimage { xresolution = tonumber(bm_xresolution), yresolution = tonumber(prescript.bm_yresolution), width = 1/basepoints, height = 1/basepoints, data = object.postscript } end before[#before+1] = s_cm_e object.path = false object.color = false object.grouped = true end end -- positions local function ps_process(object,prescript,before,after) local ps_label = prescript.ps_label if ps_label then local op = object.path local first = op[1] local third = op[3] local x = first.x_coord local y = first.y_coord local w = third.x_coord - x local h = third.y_coord - y local properties = metapost.properties x = x - properties.llx y = properties.ury - y before[#before+1] = function() context.MPLIBpositionwhd(ps_label,x,y,w,h) end object.path = false end end -- figures -- local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = cm(object) -- sxsy(box.width,box.height,box.depth)) function mp.mf_external_figure(filename) local f = figures.getinfo(filename) local w = 0 local h = 0 if f then local u = f.used if u and u.fullname then w = u.width or 0 h = u.height or 0 end else report_metapost("external figure %a not found",filename) end mp.triplet(w/65536,h/65536,0) end local function fg_process(object,prescript,before,after) local fg_name = prescript.fg_name if fg_name then before[#before+1] = f_cm_b(cm(object)) -- beware: does not use the cm stack before[#before+1] = function() context.MPLIBfigure(fg_name,prescript.fg_mask or "") end before[#before+1] = s_cm_e object.path = false object.grouped = true end end -- color and transparency local value = Cs ( ( (Carg(1) * C((1-P(","))^1)) / function(a,b) return f_f3(a * tonumber(b)) end + P(","))^1 ) -- should be codeinjections local t_list = attributes.list[attributes.private('transparency')] local c_list = attributes.list[attributes.private('color')] local remappers = { [1] = formatters["s=%s"], [3] = formatters["r=%s,g=%s,b=%s"], [4] = formatters["c=%s,m=%s,y=%s,k=%s"], } local processlast = 0 local processhash = setmetatableindex(function(t,k) processlast = processlast + 1 local v = formatters["mp_%s"](processlast) defineprocesscolor(v,k,true,true) t[k] = v return v end) local function checked_transparency(alternative,transparency,before,after) alternative = tonumber(alternative) or 1 transparency = tonumber(transparency) or 0 before[#before+1] = formatters["/Tr%s gs"](registertransparency(nil,alternative,transparency,true)) after [#after +1] = "/Tr0 gs" -- outertransparency end local function tr_process(object,prescript,before,after) -- before can be shortcut to t local tr_alternative = prescript.tr_alternative if tr_alternative then checked_transparency(tr_alternative,prescript.tr_transparency,before,after) end local cs = object.color if cs and #cs > 0 then local c_b, c_a local sp_type = prescript.sp_type if not sp_type then c_b, c_a = colorconverter(cs) else local sp_name = prescript.sp_name or "black" if sp_type == "spot" then local sp_value = prescript.sp_value or "1" local components = split(sp_value,":") local specification = remappers[#components] if specification then specification = specification(unpack(components)) else specification = "s=0" end local sp_spec = processhash[specification] definespotcolor(sp_name,sp_spec,"p=1",true) sp_type = "named" elseif sp_type == "multitone" then -- (fractions of a multitone) don't work well in mupdf local sp_value = prescript.sp_value or "1" local sp_specs = { } local sp_list = split(sp_value," ") for i=1,#sp_list do local sp_value = sp_list[i] local components = split(sp_value,":") local specification = remappers[#components] if specification then specification = specification(unpack(components)) else specification = "s=0" end local sp_spec = processhash[specification] sp_specs[i] = formatters["%s=1"](sp_spec) end sp_specs = concat(sp_specs,",") definemultitonecolor(sp_name,sp_specs,"","") sp_type = "named" end if sp_type == "named" then -- we might move this to another namespace .. also, named can be a spotcolor -- so we need to check for that too ... also we need to resolve indirect -- colors so we might need the second pass for this (draw dots with \MPcolor) if not tr_alternative then -- todo: sp_name is not yet registered at this time local t = t_list[sp_name] -- string or attribute local v = t and transparencyvalue(t) if v then checked_transparency(v[1],v[2],before,after) end end local c = c_list[sp_name] -- string or attribute local v = c and colorvalue(c) if v then -- all=1 gray=2 rgb=3 cmyk=4 local colorspace = v[1] local factor = cs[1] if colorspace == 2 then local s = factor * v[2] c_b, c_a = checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) elseif colorspace == 3 then local r = factor * v[3] local g = factor * v[4] local b = factor * v[5] c_b, c_a = checked_color_pair(f_rgb,r,g,b,r,g,b) elseif colorspace == 4 or colorspace == 1 then local c = factor * v[6] local m = factor * v[7] local y = factor * v[8] local k = factor * v[9] c_b, c_a = checked_color_pair(f_cmyk,c,m,y,k,c,m,y,k) elseif colorspace == 5 then -- not all viewers show the fractions ok local name = v[10] local value = split(v[13],",") if factor ~= 1 then for i=1,#value do value[i] = f_scn(factor * (tonumber(value[i]) or 1)) end end value = concat(value," ") c_b, c_a = checked_color_pair(f_spot,name,name,value,value) else local s = factor *v[2] c_b, c_a = checked_color_pair(f_gray,s,s) end end end end if c_a and c_b then before[#before+1] = c_b after [#after +1] = c_a end end end -- layers (nasty: we need to keep the 'grouping' right local function la_process(object,prescript,before,after) local la_name = prescript.la_name if la_name then before[#before+1] = backends.codeinjections.startlayer(la_name) insert(after,1,backends.codeinjections.stoplayer()) end end -- groups local function getcorners(path) local p1 = path[1] local p2 = path[2] local p3 = path[3] local p4 = path[4] return min(p1.x_coord,p2.x_coord,p3.x_coord,p4.x_coord), min(p1.y_coord,p2.y_coord,p3.y_coord,p4.y_coord), max(p1.x_coord,p2.x_coord,p3.x_coord,p4.x_coord), max(p1.y_coord,p2.y_coord,p3.y_coord,p4.y_coord) end local function gr_process(object,prescript,before,after) local gr_state = prescript.gr_state if not gr_state then return elseif gr_state == "start" then local gr_type = utilities.parsers.settings_to_set(prescript.gr_type) local llx, lly, urx, ury = getcorners(object.path) before[#before+1] = function() context.MPLIBstartgroup( gr_type.isolated and 1 or 0, gr_type.knockout and 1 or 0, llx, lly, urx, ury ) end elseif gr_state == "stop" then after[#after+1] = function() context.MPLIBstopgroup() end end object.path = false object.color = false object.grouped = true end -- patterns local pattern_index = 0 local function pt_process(object,prescript,before,after) local pt_state = prescript.pt_state if not pt_state then return else local pt_action = prescript.pt_action if pt_state == "start" then local float = toboolean(prescript.pt_float) and 1 or 0 local llx, lly, urx, ury = getcorners(object.path) if abs(llx) < 0.0001 then llx = 0 end if abs(lly) < 0.0001 then lly = 0 end before[#before+1] = function() if pt_action == "set" then pattern_index = pattern_index + 1 context.MPLIBstartsetpattern(pattern_index, llx, lly, urx, ury, float) else context.MPLIBstartgetpattern(pattern_index, llx, lly, urx, ury, float) end end elseif pt_state == "stop" then after[#after+1] = function() if pt_action == "set" then context.MPLIBstopsetpattern() else context.MPLIBstopgetpattern() end end end end object.path = false object.color = false object.grouped = true end -- outlines local ot_reset, ot_process do local outlinetexts = { } -- also in top data ot_reset = function () outlinetexts = { } end local mp_index = 0 local mp_kind = "" local mp_str = "" function mp.mf_outline_text(index,str,kind) if not outlinetexts[index] then mp_index = index mp_kind = kind mp_str = str texrunlocal("mpoutlinetoks") end end interfaces.implement { name = "mpoutlinetoks", actions = function() context.MPLIBoutlinetext(mp_index,mp_kind,mp_str) end, } implement { name = "MPLIBconvertoutlinetext", arguments = { "integer", "string", "integer" }, actions = function(index,kind,box) local boxtomp = fonts.metapost.boxtomp if boxtomp then outlinetexts[index] = boxtomp(box,kind) else outlinetexts[index] = "" end end } function mp.mf_get_outline_text(index) -- maybe we need a more private namespace mp.print(outlinetexts[index] or "draw origin;") end end -- mf_object= local p1 = P("mf_object=") local p2 = lpeg.patterns.eol * p1 local pattern = (1-p2)^0 * p2 + p1 function metapost.isobject(str) return pattern and str ~= "" and lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false end local function installplugin(specification) local reset = specification.reset local process = specification.process local object = specification.object if reset then appendaction(resetteractions,"system",reset) end if process then appendaction(processoractions,"system",process) end end metapost.installplugin = installplugin -- definitions installplugin { name = "outline", reset = ot_reset, process = ot_process } installplugin { name = "color", reset = cl_reset, process = cl_process } installplugin { name = "text", reset = tx_reset, process = tx_process } installplugin { name = "group", reset = gr_reset, process = gr_process } installplugin { name = "pattern", reset = pt_reset, process = pt_process } installplugin { name = "graphictext", reset = gt_reset, process = gt_process } installplugin { name = "shade", reset = sh_reset, process = sh_process } installplugin { name = "bitmap", reset = bm_reset, process = bm_process } installplugin { name = "box", reset = bx_reset, process = bx_process } installplugin { name = "position", reset = ps_reset, process = ps_process } installplugin { name = "figure", reset = fg_reset, process = fg_process } installplugin { name = "layer", reset = la_reset, process = la_process } installplugin { name = "transparency", reset = tr_reset, process = tr_process }