if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-lmp'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mlib-ctx.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } -- path relates stuff ... todo: use a stack (or numeric index to list) local type = type local aux = mp.aux local mpnumeric = aux.numeric local mppair = aux.pair local registerscript = metapost.registerscript local scan = mp.scan local get = mp.get local scannumber = scan.number local scanstring = scan.string local scanpath = scan.path local scanproperty = scan.property local gethashentry = get.hashentry local p = nil local n = 0 registerscript("pathreset", function() p = nil n = 0 end) registerscript("pathlengthof", function() p = scanpath() n = p and #p or 1 mpnumeric(n) end) registerscript("pathpointof", function() local i = scannumber() if i > 0 and i <= n then local pi = p[i] mppair(pi[1],pi[2]) end end) registerscript("pathleftof", function() local i = scannumber() if i > 0 and i <= n then local pi = p[i] mppair(pi[5],pi[6]) end end) registerscript("pathrightof", function() local i = scannumber() if i > 0 and i <= n then local pn if i == 1 then pn = p[2] or p[1] else pn = p[i+1] or p[1] end mppair(pn[3],pn[4]) end end) local report = logs.reporter("metapost", "log") local codes = metapost.codes local types = metapost.types local procodes = mplib.propertycodes registerscript("showproperty", function() local k, s, p, d = scanproperty() if k then report("name %a, property %a, command %a, detail %a",s,procodes[p] or "-",codes[k] or "-",types[d] or "-") end end) registerscript("showhashentry", function() local s = scanstring() if s then local k, p, d = gethashentry(s) if k then report("name %a, property %a, command %a, detail %a",s,procodes[p] or "-",codes[k] or "-",types[d] or "-") end end end)