if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-ctx'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mlib-ctx.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } local type, tostring = type, tostring local format, concat = string.format, table.concat local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local formatters = string.formatters local report_metapost = logs.reporter ("metapost") local status_metapost = logs.messenger("metapost") local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local trace_graphic = false trackers.register("metapost.graphics", function(v) trace_graphic = v end ); local mplib = mplib metapost = metapost or { } local metapost = metapost local context = context local setters = tokens.setters local setmacro = setters.macro local implement = interfaces.implement local v_no = interfaces.variables.no local extensiondata = metapost.extensiondata or storage.allocate { } metapost.extensiondata = extensiondata storage.register("metapost/extensiondata",extensiondata,"metapost.extensiondata") function metapost.setextensions(instances,data) if data and data ~= "" then extensiondata[#extensiondata+1] = { usedinall = not instances or instances == "", instances = settings_to_hash(instances or ""), extensions = data, } end end function metapost.getextensions(instance,state) if state and state == v_no then return "" else local t = { } for i=1,#extensiondata do local e = extensiondata[i] local status = e.instances[instance] if (status ~= true) and (e.usedinall or status) then t[#t+1] = e.extensions e.instances[instance] = true end end return concat(t," ") end end implement { name = "setmpextensions", actions = metapost.setextensions, arguments = "2 strings", } implement { name = "getmpextensions", actions = { metapost.getextensions, context } , arguments = "string" } local patterns = { CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 and "meta-imp-%s.mkxl" or "", "meta-imp-%s.mkiv", "meta-imp-%s.tex", -- obsolete: "meta-%s.mkiv", "meta-%s.tex" } local function action(name,foundname) commands.loadlibrary(name,foundname,false) status_metapost("library %a is loaded",name) end local function failure(name) report_metapost("library %a is unknown or invalid",name) end implement { name = "useMPlibrary", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) resolvers.uselibrary { name = name, patterns = patterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = true, } end } -- metapost.variables = { } -- to be stacked implement { name = "mprunvar", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) local value = metapost.variables[name] if value ~= nil then local tvalue = type(value) if tvalue == "table" then context(concat(value," ")) elseif tvalue == "number" or tvalue == "boolean" then context(tostring(value)) elseif tvalue == "string" then context(value) end end end } implement { name = "mpruntab", arguments = { "string", "integer" }, actions = function(name,n) local value = metapost.variables[name] if value ~= nil then local tvalue = type(value) if tvalue == "table" then context(value[n]) elseif tvalue == "number" or tvalue == "boolean" then context(tostring(value)) elseif tvalue == "string" then context(value) end end end } implement { name = "mprunset", arguments = "2 strings", actions = function(name,connector) local value = metapost.variables[name] if value ~= nil then local tvalue = type(value) if tvalue == "table" then context(concat(value,connector)) elseif tvalue == "number" or tvalue == "boolean" then context(tostring(value)) elseif tvalue == "string" then context(value) end end end } -- we need to move more from pps to here as pps is the plugin .. the order is a mess -- or just move the scanners to pps function metapost.graphic(specification) metapost.pushformat(specification) metapost.graphic_base_pass(specification) metapost.popformat() end function metapost.startgraphic(t) if not t then t = { } end if not t.instance then t.instance = metapost.defaultinstance end if not t.format then t.format = metapost.defaultformat end if not t.method then t.method = metapost.defaultmethod end t.data = { } return t end function metapost.stopgraphic(t) if t then t.data = concat(t.data or { },"\n") if trace_graphic then report_metapost("\n"..t.data.."\n") end metapost.graphic(t) end end function metapost.tographic(t,f,s,...) local d = t.data d[#d+1] = s and formatters[f](s,...) or f end implement { name = "mpgraphic", actions = metapost.graphic, arguments = { { { "instance" }, { "format" }, { "data" }, { "initializations" }, { "extensions" }, { "inclusions" }, { "definitions" }, { "figure" }, { "method" }, { "namespace" }, } } } implement { name = "mpsetoutercolor", actions = function(...) metapost.setoutercolor(...) end, -- not yet implemented arguments = { "integer", "integer", "integer", "integer" } } implement { name = "mpflushreset", actions = function() metapost.flushreset() end -- not yet implemented } implement { name = "mpflushliteral", actions = function(str) metapost.flushliteral(str) end, -- not yet implemented arguments = "string", } -- this has to become a codeinjection function metapost.getclippath(specification) -- why not a special instance for this local mpx = metapost.pushformat(specification) local data = specification.data or "" if mpx and data ~= "" then starttiming(metapost) starttiming(metapost.exectime) local result = mpx:execute ( format ( "%s;%s;beginfig(1);%s;%s;endfig;", specification.extensions or "", specification.inclusions or "", specification.initializations or "", data ) ) stoptiming(metapost.exectime) if result.status > 0 then report_metapost("%s: %s", result.status, result.error or result.term or result.log) result = nil else result = metapost.filterclippath(result) end stoptiming(metapost) metapost.pushformat() return result else metapost.pushformat() end end function metapost.filterclippath(result) if result then local figures = result.fig if figures and #figures > 0 then local figure = figures[1] local objects = figure:objects() if objects then local lastclippath for o=1,#objects do local object = objects[o] if object.type == "start_clip" then lastclippath = object.path end end return lastclippath end end end end function metapost.theclippath(...) local result = metapost.getclippath(...) if result then -- we could just print the table return concat(metapost.flushnormalpath(result)," ") else return "" end end implement { name = "mpsetclippath", actions = function(specification) local p = specification.data and metapost.theclippath(specification) if not p or p == "" then local b = number.dimenfactors.bp local w = b * (specification.width or 0) local h = b * (specification.height or 0) p = formatters["0 0 m %.6N 0 l %.6N %.6N l 0 %.6N l"](w,w,h,h) end setmacro("MPclippath",p,"global") end, arguments = { { { "instance" }, { "format" }, { "data" }, { "initializations" }, { "useextensions" }, { "inclusions" }, { "method" }, { "namespace" }, { "width", "dimension" }, { "height", "dimension" }, }, } } statistics.register("metapost", function() local n = metapost.nofruns if n and n > 0 then local elapsedtime = statistics.elapsedtime local elapsed = statistics.elapsed local runs, stats = metapost.nofscriptruns() local instances, memory = metapost.getstatistics(true) return format("%s seconds, loading: %s, execution: %s, n: %s, average: %s, instances: %i, luacalls: %s, memory: %0.3f M", elapsedtime(metapost), elapsedtime(mplib), elapsedtime(metapost.exectime), n, elapsedtime((elapsed(metapost) + elapsed(mplib) + elapsed(metapost.exectime)) / n), instances, stats and stats or runs, memory/(1024*1024)) else return nil end end) -- only used in graphictexts metapost.tex = metapost.tex or { } local mptex = metapost.tex local environments = { } function mptex.set(str) environments[#environments+1] = str end function mptex.setfrombuffer(name) environments[#environments+1] = buffers.getcontent(name) end function mptex.get() return concat(environments,"\n") end function mptex.reset() environments = { } end implement { name = "mppushvariables", actions = metapost.pushvariables, } implement { name = "mppopvariables", actions = metapost.popvariables, } implement { name = "mptexset", arguments = "string", actions = mptex.set } implement { name = "mptexsetfrombuffer", arguments = "string", actions = mptex.setfrombuffer } implement { name = "mptexget", actions = { mptex.get, context } } implement { name = "mptexreset", actions = mptex.reset } -- moved from mlib-lua: mp = mp or { -- system namespace set = { }, get = { }, aux = { }, scan = { }, skip = { }, inject = { }, } MP = MP or { } -- user namespace -- We had this: -- -- table.setmetatablecall(mp,function(t,k) mpprint(k) end) -- -- but the next one is more interesting because we cannot use calls like: -- -- lua.mp.somedefdname("foo") -- -- which is due to expansion of somedefdname during suffix creation. So: -- -- lua.mp("somedefdname","foo") table.setmetatablecall(mp,function(t,k,...) return t[k](...) end) table.setmetatablecall(MP,function(t,k,...) return t[k](...) end)