%D \module %D [ file=meta-imp-threesix, %D version=2019.00.00, %D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics, %D subtitle=Don Knuths ThreeSix font, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D The design of the font is if course by Don Knuth and can be found in facs9b.ps. I %D wish I was clever enough to understand all the good stuff in there. \startluacode local unpack = unpack local concat = table.concat local gsub, gmatch, utfbyte = string.gsub, string.gmatch, utf.byte local font36 = { ["0"] = [[00111100 01111110 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 01111110 00111100]], ["1"] = [[00011100 11111100 11101100 00001100 00001100 00001100 11111111 11111111]], ["2"] = [[00111110 01110011 01110011 00000011 00001110 00111000 11110001 11111111]], ["3"] = [[01111110 01100110 00000110 00111100 00000110 11100111 11100111 01111110]], ["4"] = [[00001110 00011110 00110110 01100110 11111111 11111111 00000110 00001110]], ["5"] = [[01111110 01111110 01000000 01111100 01000111 00000011 11000111 11111110]], ["6"] = [[01111110 01100110 11000000 11011100 11100110 11000011 01100011 01111110]], ["7"] = [[11111111 11111111 10000111 10001110 00011100 00011100 00011100 00011100]], ["8"] = [[01111110 01100110 01100110 00111100 11000011 11000011 11000011 01111110]], ["9"] = [[01111110 11000110 11000011 01100111 00111011 00000011 01100110 01111110]], ["A"] = [[000110000 000111000 001111100 001101100 011001110 011111110 010000110 111100111]], ["B"] = [[1111100 1110110 0110110 0111100 0110011 0110011 1110011 1111100]], ["C"] = [[01111101 11110011 11100001 11100001 11100000 11100000 11100001 01111110]], ["D"] = [[11111100 11100010 01100011 01100011 01100011 01100011 11100010 11111100]], ["E"] = [[1111111 1110001 0110101 0111100 0110100 0110001 1110001 1111111]], ["F"] = [[11111111 11100001 01100101 01111100 01100100 01100000 11111000 11111000]], ["G"] = [[01111010 11100110 11100010 11100000 11100111 11100010 11100010 01111100]], ["H"] = [[11100111 11100111 01000010 01111110 01000010 01000010 11100111 11100111]], ["I"] = [[1111111 1111111 0011000 0011000 0011000 0011000 1111111 1111111]], ["J"] = [[01111111 01111111 00000110 00000110 11110110 01100110 01100110 00111100]], ["K"] = [[11101110 11100100 01101000 01110000 01111000 01101100 11100110 11101111]], ["L"] = [[111111000 111111000 011000000 011000000 011000000 011000011 111000011 111111111]], ["M"] = [[1100000011 1110000111 0111111110 0100110010 0100110010 0100000010 1100000011 1100000011]], ["N"] = [[11000011 11100011 01110010 01111010 01011110 01001110 11100110 11100010]], ["O"] = [[01111110 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 01111110]], ["P"] = [[11111110 11100011 01100011 01111110 01100000 01100000 11111000 11111000]], ["Q"] = [[01111100 11000110 11000110 11000110 11000110 11001110 11000110 01111101]], ["R"] = [[11111100 11100110 01100110 01111100 01101000 01100100 11100010 11100111]], ["S"] = [[01111110 11100001 11100001 01111000 00011110 10000111 11000011 10111110]], ["T"] = [[1111111111 1100110011 1100110011 0000110000 0000110000 0000110000 0001111000 0001111000]], ["U"] = [[111101111 111101111 011000010 011000010 011000010 011000010 011000010 001111100]], ["V"] = [[11111000111 11111000111 01110000010 00110000100 00111000100 00011001000 00001101000 00001110000]], ["W"] = [[111000000111 111000000111 110000000010 011000000100 011001000100 001101101000 001101101000 000110110000]], ["X"] = [[1111001110 1111000110 0001101000 0000110000 0000110000 0001011000 0110001111 0111001111]], ["Y"] = [[111100011 111100011 011000010 001110100 000111000 000011000 001111110 001111110]], ["Z"] = [[11111111 10000111 00001110 00011100 00111000 01110000 11100001 11111111]], } local f_code = string.formatters["ThreeSix(%s);"] local replace = { ["0"] = "N;", ["1"] = "Y;", [" "] = "L;" } local function remap(str) -- permit abundant spacing (bonus) str = gsub(str,"%s+", " ") -- remap what we got to macro calls str = gsub(str,".",replace) -- return the result return str end function MP.registerthreesix(name) fonts.dropins.registerglyphs { name = name, units = 12, usecolor = true, preamble = "InitializeThreeSix;", } for u, v in table.sortedhash(font36) do local data = remap(v) local ny = 8 local nx = ((#v + 1) // ny) - 1 local height = ny * 1.1 - 0.1 local width = nx * 1.1 - 0.1 fonts.dropins.registerglyph { category = name, unicode = utfbyte(u), width = width, height = height, code = f_code(data), } end end MP.registerthreesix("fontthreesix") \stopluacode \startMPcalculation{simplefun} def InitializeThreeSix = save Y, N, L, S ; save shape, fillcolor, mypen, random, threesixpen, spread, hoffset ; string shape, fillcolor, mypen ; boolean random ; pen threesixpen ; shape := getparameterdefault "mpsfont" "shape" "circle" ; random := hasoption "mpsfont" "random" "true" ; fillcolor := getparameterdefault "mpsfont" "color" "" ; mypen := getparameterdefault "mpsfont" "pen" "" ; spread := getparameterdefault "mpsfont" "spread" 0 ; hoffset := 12 * spread / 2 ; threesixpen := pencircle if mypen = "fancy" : xscaled 1/20 yscaled 2/20 rotated 45 else : scaled 1/20 fi ; if shape == "square" : def S = unitsquare if random : randomized 1/10 fi shifted (nx,ny) enddef ; elseif shape = "diamond" : def S = unitdiamond if random : randomized 1/10 fi shifted (nx,ny) enddef ; else : def S = unitcircle if random : randomizedcontrols 1/20 fi shifted (nx,ny) enddef ; fi ; if fillcolor = "" : def N = nx := nx + dx ; draw S ; enddef ; else : def N = nx := nx + dx ; draw S withcolor "lightgray" ; enddef ; fi ; if fillcolor = "random" : def Y = nx := nx + dx ; fillup S withcolor white randomized (2/3,2/3,2/3) ; enddef ; elseif fillcolor = "" : def Y = nx := nx + dx ; fillup S ; enddef ; else : def Y = nx := nx + dx ; fillup S withcolor fillcolor ; enddef ; fi ; def L = nx := - dx ; ny := ny + dy ; enddef ; enddef ; vardef ThreeSix (text code) = save dx, dy, nx, ny ; dx := 11/10 ; dy := - 11/10 ; nx := - dx ; ny := 0 ; pickup threesixpen ; draw image (code) shifted (hoffset,-ny) ; enddef ; \stopMPcalculation \definefontfeature % black and white, with some spread [fontthreesix] [default] [metapost=fontthreesix] \definefontfeature % color, with some spread [fontthreesix-tweak] [default] [metapost={category=fontthreesix,spread=.1}] \definefontfeature % color, with some spread [fontthreesix-color] [default] [metapost={category=fontthreesix,shape=diamond,color=random,pen=fancy,spread=.1}] \definefontfeature % color, tight [fontthreesix-initial] [metapost={category=fontthreesix,color=random,shape=circle}] % units? \definefont[DEKFontA][Serif*fontthreesix] \definefont[DEKFontB][Serif*fontthreesix-color] \definefont[DEKFontC][Serif*fontthreesix-initial] \definefont[DEKFontD][Serif*fontthreesix-tweak] \continueifinputfile{meta-imp-threesix.mkxl} \starttext \definefontfeature % color, with some spread [fontthreesix-color] [default] [metapost={category=fontthreesix,shape=diamond,color=random,pen=fancy,spread=.1,random=yes}] \definefont[DEKFontA][Serif*fontthreesix-color @ 200pt] \definefont[DEKFontB][Serif*fontthreesix-color @ 60pt] % Or course: \startTEXpage \DEKFontA TEX \stopTEXpage \startTEXpage \DEKFontA T\kern-0.05em\lower.75\exheight\hbox{E}\kern-.05emX \stopTEXpage % One of the \CONTEXT\ 2020 posters (inspired by NewYork State AC's press % conferences as these keywords apply quite well to the audience of the % meeting): % \startTEXpage[align={lohi,middle,nothyphenated},offset=20pt] % \offinterlineskip \vskip10pt % \DEKFontA T\kern-0.05em\lower.75\exheight\hbox{E}\kern-.05emX \vskip60pt % \DEKFontB TOUGH \vskip20pt % SMART \vskip20pt % UNITED \vskip20pt % DISCIPLINED \vskip20pt % LOVING \vskip10pt % \stopTEXpage \startpagemakeup \setupalign[middle,nothyphenated] \offinterlineskip \vfil\vfil \DEKFontA T\kern-0.05em\lower.75\exheight\hbox{E}\kern-.05emX \vfil\vfil\vfil \DEKFontB TOUGH \vfil SMART \vfil UNITED \vfil DISCIPLINED \vfil LOVING \vfil \stoppagemakeup \stoptext