if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-tag'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: have a local list with local tags that then get appended -- todo: use tex.getmathcodes (no table) -- use lpeg matchers local find, match = string.find, string.match local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local attributes = attributes local nodes = nodes local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local getnext = nuts.getnext local getid = nuts.getid local getchar = nuts.getchar local getfont = nuts.getfont local getlist = nuts.getlist local getfield = nuts.getfield local getdisc = nuts.getdisc local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype local getattr = nuts.getattr local getattrlist = nuts.getattrlist local setattr = nuts.setattr ----- getcomponents = nuts.getcomponents -- not really needed local getwidth = nuts.getwidth local getnucleus = nuts.getnucleus local getsub = nuts.getsub local getsup = nuts.getsup local set_attributes = nuts.setattributes local nextnode = nuts.traversers.node local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local noad_code = nodecodes.noad -- attr nucleus sub sup local accent_code = nodecodes.accent -- attr nucleus sub sup accent local radical_code = nodecodes.radical -- attr nucleus sub sup left degree local fraction_code = nodecodes.fraction -- attr nucleus sub sup left right local subbox_code = nodecodes.subbox -- attr list local submlist_code = nodecodes.submlist -- attr list local mathchar_code = nodecodes.mathchar -- attr fam char local mathtextchar_code = nodecodes.mathtextchar -- attr fam char local delimiter_code = nodecodes.delimiter -- attr small_fam small_char large_fam large_char local style_code = nodecodes.style -- attr style local choice_code = nodecodes.choice -- attr display text script scriptscript local fence_code = nodecodes.fence -- attr subtype local accentcodes = nodes.accentcodes local fencecodes = nodes.fencecodes local fixedtopaccent_code = accentcodes.fixedtop local fixedbottomaccent_code = accentcodes.fixedbottom local fixedbothaccent_code = accentcodes.fixedboth local leftfence_code = fencecodes.left local middlefence_code = fencecodes.middle local rightfence_code = fencecodes.right local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes local fontkern_code = kerncodes.fontkern local italickern_code = kerncodes.italickern local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local glue_code = nodecodes.glue local kern_code = nodecodes.kern local math_code = nodecodes.math local processnoads = noads.process local a_tagged = attributes.private('tagged') local a_mathcategory = attributes.private('mathcategory') local a_mathmode = attributes.private('mathmode') local tags = structures.tags local start_tagged = tags.start local restart_tagged = tags.restart local stop_tagged = tags.stop local taglist = tags.taglist local chardata = characters.data local getmathcodes = tex.getmathcodes local mathcodes = mathematics.codes local ordinary_mathcode = mathcodes.ordinary local variable_mathcode = mathcodes.variable local fromunicode16 = fonts.mappings.fromunicode16 local fontcharacters = fonts.hashes.characters local report_tags = logs.reporter("structure","tags") local process local function processsubsup(start) -- At some point we might need to add an attribute signaling the -- super- and subscripts because TeX and MathML use a different -- order. The mrows are needed to keep mn's separated. local nucleus = getnucleus(start) local sup = getsup(start) local sub = getsub(start) if sub then if sup then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("msubsup")) -- start_tagged("mrow") process(nucleus) -- stop_tagged() start_tagged("mrow", { subscript = true }) process(sub) stop_tagged() start_tagged("mrow", { superscript = true }) process(sup) stop_tagged() stop_tagged() else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("msub")) -- start_tagged("mrow") process(nucleus) -- stop_tagged() start_tagged("mrow") process(sub) stop_tagged() stop_tagged() end elseif sup then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("msup")) -- start_tagged("mrow") process(nucleus) -- stop_tagged() start_tagged("mrow") process(sup) stop_tagged() stop_tagged() else process(nucleus) end end -- todo: check function here and keep attribute the same -- todo: variants -> original local actionstack = { } local fencesstack = { } -- glyph nodes and such can happen in under and over stuff -- local function getunicode(n) -- instead of getchar -- local char = getchar(n) -- -- local font = getfontoffamily(getfield(n,"fam")) -- local font = getfont(n) -- local data = fontcharacters[font][char] -- return data.unicode or char -- end local function getunicode(n) -- instead of getchar -- local char, font = isglyph(n) -- no, we have a mathchar local char, font = getchar(n), getfont(n) local data = fontcharacters[font][char] return data.unicode or char -- can be a table but unlikely for math characters end ------------------- local content = { } local found = false content[mathchar_code] = function() found = true end local function hascontent(head) found = false processnoads(head,content,"content") return found end -------------------- -- todo: use properties -- local function showtag(n,id,old) -- local attr = getattr(n,a_tagged) -- local curr = tags.current() -- report_tags("%s, node %s, attr %s:%s (%s), top %s (%s)", -- old and "before" or "after ", -- nodecodes[id], -- getattrlist(n), -- attr or "?",attr and taglist[attr].tagname or "?", -- curr or "?",curr and taglist[curr].tagname or "?" -- ) -- end process = function(start) -- we cannot use the processor as we have no finalizers (yet) local mtexttag = nil while start do local id = getid(start) -- showtag(start,id,true) if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code then if not mtexttag then mtexttag = start_tagged("mtext") end setattr(start,a_tagged,mtexttag) elseif mtexttag and id == kern_code and (getsubtype(start) == fontkern_code or getsubtype(start) == italickern_code) then -- italickern setattr(start,a_tagged,mtexttag) else if mtexttag then stop_tagged() mtexttag = nil end if id == mathchar_code then local char = getchar(start) local code = getmathcodes(char) local tag if code == ordinary_mathcode or code == variable_mathcode then local ch = chardata[char] local mc = ch and ch.mathclass if mc == "number" then tag = "mn" elseif mc == "variable" or not mc then -- variable is default tag = "mi" else tag = "mo" end else tag = "mo" end local a = getattr(start,a_mathcategory) if a then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged(tag,{ mathcategory = a })) else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged(tag)) -- todo: a_mathcategory end stop_tagged() -- showtag(start,id,false) break -- okay? elseif id == mathtextchar_code then -- or id == glyph_code -- check for code local a = getattr(start,a_mathcategory) if a then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("ms",{ mathcategory = a })) -- mtext else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("ms")) -- mtext end stop_tagged() -- showtag(start,id,false) break elseif id == delimiter_code then -- check for code setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mo")) stop_tagged() -- showtag(start,id,false) break elseif id == style_code then -- has a next elseif id == noad_code then -- setattr(start,a_tagged,tags.current()) processsubsup(start) elseif id == subbox_code or id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then -- keep an eye on subbox_code and see what ends up in there local attr = getattr(start,a_tagged) if not attr then -- just skip else local specification = taglist[attr] if specification then local tag = specification.tagname if tag == "formulacaption" then -- skip elseif tag == "mstacker" then local list = getlist(start) if list then process(list) end else if tag ~= "mstackertop" and tag ~= "mstackermid" and tag ~= "mstackerbot" then tag = "mtext" end local text = start_tagged(tag) setattr(start,a_tagged,text) local list = getlist(start) if not list then -- empty list elseif not attr then -- box comes from strange place set_attributes(list,a_tagged,text) -- only the first node ? else -- Beware, the first node in list is the actual list so we definitely -- need to nest. This approach is a hack, maybe I'll make a proper -- nesting feature to deal with this at another level. Here we just -- fake structure by enforcing the inner one. -- -- todo: have a local list with local tags that then get appended -- local tagdata = specification.taglist local common = #tagdata + 1 local function runner(list,depth) -- quite inefficient local cache = { } -- we can have nested unboxed mess so best local to runner local keep = nil -- local keep = { } -- win case we might need to move keep outside for n, id, subtype in nextnode, list do local mth = id == math_code and subtype if mth == 0 then -- hm left_code -- insert(keep,text) keep = text text = start_tagged("mrow") common = common + 1 end local aa = getattr(n,a_tagged) if aa then local ac = cache[aa] if not ac then local tagdata = taglist[aa].taglist local extra = #tagdata if common <= extra then for i=common,extra do ac = restart_tagged(tagdata[i]) -- can be made faster end for i=common,extra do stop_tagged() -- can be made faster end else ac = text end cache[aa] = ac end setattr(n,a_tagged,ac) else setattr(n,a_tagged,text) end if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then runner(getlist(n),depth+1) elseif id == glyph_code then -- this should not be needed -- local components = getcomponents(n) -- unlikely set -- if components then -- runner(getcomponent,depth+1) -- end elseif id == disc_code then -- this should not be needed local pre, post, replace = getdisc(n) if pre then runner(pre,depth+1) end if post then runner(post,depth+1) end if replace then runner(replace,depth+1) end end if mth == 1 then stop_tagged() -- text = remove(keep) text = keep common = common - 1 end end end runner(list,0) end stop_tagged() end end end elseif id == submlist_code then -- normally a hbox local list = getlist(start) if list then local attr = getattr(start,a_tagged) local last = attr and taglist[attr] if last then local tag = last.tagname local detail = last.detail if tag == "maction" then if detail == "" then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow")) process(list) stop_tagged() elseif actionstack[#actionstack] == action then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow")) process(list) stop_tagged() else insert(actionstack,action) setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow",{ detail = action })) process(list) stop_tagged() remove(actionstack) end elseif tag == "mstacker" then -- or tag == "mstackertop" or tag == "mstackermid" or tag == "mstackerbot" then -- looks like it gets processed twice -- do we still end up here ? setattr(start,a_tagged,restart_tagged(attr)) -- so we just reuse the attribute process(list) stop_tagged() else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow")) process(list) stop_tagged() end else -- never happens, we're always document setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow")) process(list) stop_tagged() end end elseif id == fraction_code then local num = getfield(start,"num") local denom = getfield(start,"denom") local left = getfield(start,"left") local right = getfield(start,"right") if left then setattr(left,a_tagged,start_tagged("mo")) process(left) stop_tagged() end setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mfrac")) process(num) process(denom) stop_tagged() if right then setattr(right,a_tagged,start_tagged("mo")) process(right) stop_tagged() end elseif id == choice_code then local display = getfield(start,"display") local text = getfield(start,"text") local script = getfield(start,"script") local scriptscript = getfield(start,"scriptscript") if display then process(display) end if text then process(text) end if script then process(script) end if scriptscript then process(scriptscript) end elseif id == fence_code then local subtype = getsubtype(start) local delim = getfield(start,"delimiter") if subtype == leftfence_code then -- left local properties = { } insert(fencesstack,properties) setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mfenced",properties)) -- needs checking if delim then start_tagged("ignore") local chr = getchar(delim) if chr ~= 0 then properties.left = chr end process(delim) stop_tagged() end start_tagged("mrow") -- begin of subsequence elseif subtype == middlefence_code then -- middle if delim then start_tagged("ignore") local top = fencesstack[#fencesstack] local chr = getchar(delim) if chr ~= 0 then local mid = top.middle if mid then mid[#mid+1] = chr else top.middle = { chr } end end process(delim) stop_tagged() end stop_tagged() -- end of subsequence start_tagged("mrow") -- begin of subsequence elseif subtype == rightfence_code then local properties = remove(fencesstack) if not properties then report_tags("missing right fence") properties = { } end if delim then start_tagged("ignore") local chr = getchar(delim) if chr ~= 0 then properties.right = chr end process(delim) stop_tagged() end stop_tagged() -- end of subsequence stop_tagged() else -- can't happen end elseif id == radical_code then local left = getfield(start,"left") local degree = getfield(start,"degree") if left then start_tagged("ignore") process(left) -- root symbol, ignored stop_tagged() end if degree and hascontent(degree) then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mroot")) processsubsup(start) process(degree) stop_tagged() else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("msqrt")) processsubsup(start) stop_tagged() end elseif id == accent_code then local subtype = getsubtype(start) local accent = getfield(start,"accent") local bot_accent = getfield(start,"bot_accent") if bot_accent then if accent then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("munderover", { accent = true, top = getunicode(accent), bottom = getunicode(bot_accent), topfixed = subtype == fixedtopaccent_code or subtype == fixedbothaccent_code, bottomfixed = subtype == fixedbottomaccent_code or subtype == fixedbothaccent_code, })) processsubsup(start) process(bot_accent) process(accent) stop_tagged() else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("munder", { accent = true, bottom = getunicode(bot_accent), bottomfixed = subtype == fixedbottomaccent_code or subtype == fixedbothaccent_code, })) processsubsup(start) process(bot_accent) stop_tagged() end elseif accent then setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mover", { accent = true, top = getunicode(accent), topfixed = subtype == fixedtopaccent_code or subtype == fixedbothaccent_code, })) processsubsup(start) process(accent) stop_tagged() else processsubsup(start) end elseif id == glue_code then -- setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mspace",{ width = getwidth(start) })) setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("mspace")) stop_tagged() else setattr(start,a_tagged,start_tagged("merror", { detail = nodecodes[i] })) stop_tagged() end end -- showtag(start,id,false) start = getnext(start) end if mtexttag then stop_tagged() end end function noads.handlers.tags(head,style,penalties) start_tagged("math", { mode = (getattr(head,a_mathmode) == 1) and "display" or "inline" }) setattr(head,a_tagged,start_tagged("mrow")) -- showtag(head,getid(head),true) process(head) -- showtag(head,getid(head),false) stop_tagged() stop_tagged() end