if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-act'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- Here we tweak some font properties (if needed). The commented sections -- have been removed (no longer viable) but can be found in the .lua variant. local type, next = type, next local fastcopy, insert, remove = table.fastcopy, table.insert, table.remove local formatters = string.formatters local trace_defining = false trackers.register("math.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end) local trace_collecting = false trackers.register("math.collecting", function(v) trace_collecting = v end) local report_math = logs.reporter("mathematics","initializing") local context = context local commands = commands local mathematics = mathematics local texsetdimen = tex.setdimen local abs = math.abs local helpers = fonts.helpers local upcommand = helpers.commands.up local rightcommand = helpers.commands.right local charcommand = helpers.commands.char local prependcommands = helpers.prependcommands local sequencers = utilities.sequencers local appendgroup = sequencers.appendgroup local appendaction = sequencers.appendaction local fontchars = fonts.hashes.characters local fontproperties = fonts.hashes.properties local mathfontparameteractions = sequencers.new { name = "mathparameters", arguments = "target,original", } appendgroup("mathparameters","before") -- user appendgroup("mathparameters","system") -- private appendgroup("mathparameters","after" ) -- user function fonts.constructors.assignmathparameters(original,target) local runner = mathfontparameteractions.runner if runner then runner(original,target) end end function mathematics.initializeparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = original.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then mathparameters = mathematics.dimensions(mathparameters) if not mathparameters.SpaceBeforeScript then mathparameters.SpaceBeforeScript = mathparameters.SpaceAfterScript end target.mathparameters = mathparameters end end sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.initializeparameters") local how = { -- RadicalKernBeforeDegree = "horizontal", -- RadicalKernAfterDegree = "horizontal", ScriptPercentScaleDown = "unscaled", ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown = "unscaled", RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent = "unscaled", NoLimitSupFactor = "unscaled", NoLimitSubFactor = "unscaled", } function mathematics.scaleparameters(target,original) if not target.properties.math_is_scaled then local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then local parameters = target.parameters local factor = parameters.factor local hfactor = parameters.hfactor local vfactor = parameters.vfactor for name, value in next, mathparameters do local h = how[name] if h == "unscaled" then -- kept elseif h == "horizontal" then value = value * hfactor elseif h == "vertical"then value = value * vfactor else value = value * factor end mathparameters[name] = value end end target.properties.math_is_scaled = true end end -- AccentBaseHeight vs FlattenedAccentBaseHeight function mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters and mathparameters.AccentBaseHeight == 0 then mathparameters.AccentBaseHeight = target.parameters.x_height -- needs checking end end function mathematics.checkprivateparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters then local parameters = target.parameters local properties = target.properties if parameters then local size = parameters.size if size then if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize then mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize = 1.01 * size end if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize then mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize = 2.40 * size end elseif properties then report_math("invalid parameters in font %a",properties.fullname or "?") else report_math("invalid parameters in font") end elseif properties then report_math("no parameters in font %a",properties.fullname or "?") else report_math("no parameters and properties in font") end end end function mathematics.overloadparameters(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then local goodies = target.goodies if goodies then for i=1,#goodies do local goodie = goodies[i] local mathematics = goodie.mathematics local parameters = mathematics and mathematics.parameters if parameters then if trace_defining then report_math("overloading math parameters in %a @ %p",target.properties.fullname,target.parameters.size) end for name, value in next, parameters do local tvalue = type(value) if tvalue == "string" then report_math("comment for math parameter %a: %s",name,value) else local oldvalue = mathparameters[name] local newvalue = oldvalue if oldvalue then if tvalue == "number" then newvalue = value elseif tvalue == "function" then newvalue = value(oldvalue,target,original) elseif not tvalue then newvalue = nil end if trace_defining and oldvalue ~= newvalue then report_math("overloading math parameter %a: %S => %S",name,oldvalue,newvalue) end else report_math("invalid math parameter %a",name) end mathparameters[name] = newvalue end end end end end end end local function applytweaks(when,target,original) local goodies = original.goodies if goodies then for i=1,#goodies do local goodie = goodies[i] local mathematics = goodie.mathematics local tweaks = mathematics and mathematics.tweaks if type(tweaks) == "table" then tweaks = tweaks[when] if type(tweaks) == "table" then if trace_defining then report_math("tweaking math of %a @ %p (%s)",target.properties.fullname,target.parameters.size,when) end for i=1,#tweaks do local tweak= tweaks[i] local tvalue = type(tweak) if tvalue == "function" then tweak(target,original) end end end end end end end function mathematics.tweakbeforecopyingfont(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters -- why not hasmath if mathparameters then applytweaks("beforecopying",target,original) end end function mathematics.tweakaftercopyingfont(target,original) local mathparameters = target.mathparameters -- why not hasmath if mathparameters then applytweaks("aftercopying",target,original) end end sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.scaleparameters") sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.checkaccentbaseheight") -- should go in lfg instead sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.checkprivateparameters") -- after scaling ! sequencers.appendaction("mathparameters","system","mathematics.overloadparameters") sequencers.appendaction("beforecopyingcharacters","system","mathematics.tweakbeforecopyingfont") sequencers.appendaction("aftercopyingcharacters", "system","mathematics.tweakaftercopyingfont") -- no, it's a feature now (see good-mth): -- -- sequencers.appendaction("aftercopyingcharacters", "system","mathematics.overloaddimensions") -- a couple of predefined tweaks: local tweaks = { } mathematics.tweaks = tweaks -- helpers local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local getfontoffamily = tex.getfontoffamily local fontcharacters = fonts.hashes.characters local extensibles = utilities.storage.allocate() fonts.hashes.extensibles = extensibles local chardata = characters.data local extensibles = mathematics.extensibles -- we use numbers at the tex end (otherwise we could stick to chars) local e_left = extensibles.left local e_right = extensibles.right local e_horizontal = extensibles.horizontal local e_mixed = extensibles.mixed local e_unknown = extensibles.unknown local unknown = { e_unknown, false, false } local function extensiblecode(font,unicode) local characters = fontcharacters[font] local character = characters[unicode] if not character then return unknown end local first = character.next local code = unicode local next = first while next do code = next character = characters[next] next = character.next end local char = chardata[unicode] if not char then return unknown end if character.horiz_variants then if character.vert_variants then return { e_mixed, code, character } else local m = char.mathextensible local e = m and extensibles[m] return e and { e, code, character } or unknown end elseif character.vert_variants then local m = char.mathextensible local e = m and extensibles[m] return e and { e, code, character } or unknown elseif first then -- assume accent (they seldom stretch .. sizes) local m = char.mathextensible or char.mathstretch local e = m and extensibles[m] return e and { e, code, character } or unknown else return unknown end end setmetatableindex(extensibles,function(extensibles,font) local codes = { } setmetatableindex(codes, function(codes,unicode) local status = extensiblecode(font,unicode) codes[unicode] = status return status end) extensibles[font] = codes return codes end) local function extensiblecode(family,unicode) return extensibles[getfontoffamily(family or 0)][unicode][1] end -- left : [head] ... -- right : ... [head] -- horizontal : [head] ... [head] -- -- abs(right["start"] - right["end"]) | right.advance | characters[right.glyph].width local function horizontalcode(family,unicode) local font = getfontoffamily(family or 0) local data = extensibles[font][unicode] local kind = data[1] local loffset = 0 local roffset = 0 if kind == e_left then local charlist = data[3].horiz_variants if charlist then local left = charlist[1] loffset = abs((left["start"] or 0) - (left["end"] or 0)) end elseif kind == e_right then local charlist = data[3].horiz_variants if charlist then local right = charlist[#charlist] roffset = abs((right["start"] or 0) - (right["end"] or 0)) end elseif kind == e_horizontal then local charlist = data[3].horiz_variants if charlist then local left = charlist[1] local right = charlist[#charlist] loffset = abs((left ["start"] or 0) - (left ["end"] or 0)) roffset = abs((right["start"] or 0) - (right["end"] or 0)) end end return kind, loffset, roffset end mathematics.extensiblecode = extensiblecode mathematics.horizontalcode = horizontalcode interfaces.implement { name = "extensiblecode", arguments = { "integer", "integer" }, actions = { extensiblecode, context } } interfaces.implement { name = "horizontalcode", arguments = { "integer", "integer" }, actions = function(family,unicode) local kind, loffset, roffset = horizontalcode(family,unicode) texsetdimen("scratchleftoffset", loffset) texsetdimen("scratchrightoffset",roffset) context(kind) end } local stack = { } function mathematics.registerfallbackid(n,id,name) if trace_collecting then report_math("resolved fallback font %i, name %a, id %a, used %a", n,name,id,fontproperties[id].fontname) end stack[#stack][n] = id end interfaces.implement { -- will be shared with text name = "registerfontfallbackid", arguments = { "integer", "integer", "string" }, actions = mathematics.registerfallbackid, } function mathematics.resolvefallbacks(target,specification,fallbacks) local definitions = fonts.collections.definitions[fallbacks] if definitions then local size = specification.size -- target.size local list = { } insert(stack,list) context.pushcatcodes("prt") -- context.unprotect() for i=1,#definitions do local definition = definitions[i] local name = definition.font local features = definition.features or "" local size = size * (definition.rscale or 1) context.font_fallbacks_register_math(i,name,features,size) if trace_collecting then report_math("registering fallback font %i, name %a, size %a, features %a",i,name,size,features) end end context.popcatcodes() end end function mathematics.finishfallbacks(target,specification,fallbacks) local list = remove(stack) if list and #list > 0 then local definitions = fonts.collections.definitions[fallbacks] if definitions and #definitions > 0 then if trace_collecting then report_math("adding fallback characters to font %a",specification.hash) end local definedfont = fonts.definers.internal local copiedglyph = fonts.handlers.vf.math.copy_glyph local fonts = target.fonts local size = specification.size -- target.size local characters = target.characters if not fonts then fonts = { } target.fonts = fonts end if #fonts == 0 then fonts[1] = { id = 0, size = size } -- self, will be resolved later end local done = { } for i=1,#definitions do local definition = definitions[i] local name = definition.font local start = definition.start local stop = definition.stop local gaps = definition.gaps local check = definition.check local force = definition.force local rscale = definition.rscale or 1 local offset = definition.offset or start local id = list[i] if id then local index = #fonts + 1 fonts[index] = { id = id, size = size } local chars = fontchars[id] local function remap(unic,unicode,gap) if check and not chars[unicode] then return end if force or (not done[unic] and not characters[unic]) then if trace_collecting then report_math("replacing math character %C by %C using vector %a and font id %a for %a%s%s", unic,unicode,fallbacks,id,fontproperties[id].fontname,check and ", checked",gap and ", gap plugged") end characters[unic] = copiedglyph(target,characters,chars,unicode,index) done[unic] = true end end local step = offset - start for unicode = start, stop do remap(unicode + step,unicode,false) end if gaps then for unic, unicode in next, gaps do remap(unic,unicode,true) remap(unicode,unicode,true) end end end end elseif trace_collecting then report_math("no fallback characters added to font %a",specification.hash) end end end