if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-epd'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-epa.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", history = "this one replaces the poppler/pdfe binding", } -- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.uselua] -- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.recompress] -- \enabledirectives[graphics.pdf.stripmarked] -- maximum integer : +2^32 -- maximum real : +2^15 -- minimum real : 1/(2^16) -- get_flagged : does that still work -- ppdoc_permissions (ppdoc *pdf); -- PPSTRING_ENCODED 1 << 0 -- PPSTRING_DECODED 1 << 1 -- PPSTRING_EXEC 1 << 2 postscript only -- PPSTRING_PLAIN 0 -- PPSTRING_BASE16 1 << 3 -- PPSTRING_BASE85 1 << 4 -- PPSTRING_UTF16BE 1 << 5 -- PPSTRING_UTF16LE 1 << 6 -- PPDOC_ALLOW_PRINT 1 << 2 printing -- PPDOC_ALLOW_MODIFY 1 << 3 filling form fields, signing, creating template pages -- PPDOC_ALLOW_COPY 1 << 4 copying, copying for accessibility -- PPDOC_ALLOW_ANNOTS 1 << 5 filling form fields, copying, signing -- PPDOC_ALLOW_EXTRACT 1 << 9 contents copying for accessibility -- PPDOC_ALLOW_ASSEMBLY 1 << 10 no effect -- PPDOC_ALLOW_PRINT_HIRES 1 << 11 no effect -- PPCRYPT_NONE 0 no encryption, go ahead -- PPCRYPT_DONE 1 encryption present but password succeeded, go ahead -- PPCRYPT_PASS -1 encryption present, need non-empty password -- PPCRYPT_FAIL -2 invalid or unsupported encryption (eg. undocumented in pdf spec) local setmetatable, type, next = setmetatable, type, next local tostring, tonumber, unpack = tostring, tonumber, unpack local char, byte, find = string.char, string.byte, string.find local abs = math.abs local concat, swapped, sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.concat, table.swapped, table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys local utfchar = string.char local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local ioopen = io.open local lpegmatch, lpegpatterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local P, C, S, R, Ct, Cc, V, Carg, Cs, Cf, Cg = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.V, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg if not lpdf then require("lpdf-aux") end if not (number and number.dimenfactors) then require("util-dim") end local pdfe = pdfe lpdf = lpdf or { } local lpdf = lpdf local lpdf_epdf = { } lpdf.epdf = lpdf_epdf local pdfopen = pdfe.open local pdfopenfile = pdfe.openfile local pdfnew = pdfe.new local pdfclose = pdfe.close local getcatalog = pdfe.getcatalog local getinfo = pdfe.getinfo local gettrailer = pdfe.gettrailer local getnofpages = pdfe.getnofpages local getversion = pdfe.getversion local getbox = pdfe.getbox local getstatus = pdfe.getstatus local unencrypt = pdfe.unencrypt local dictionarytotable = pdfe.dictionarytotable local arraytotable = pdfe.arraytotable local pagestotable = pdfe.pagestotable local readwholestream = pdfe.readwholestream local getfromreference = pdfe.getfromreference local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf") local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp local objectcodes = { [0] = "none", "null", "bool", "integer", "number", "name", "string", "array", "dictionary", "stream", "reference", } local encryptioncodes = { [0] = "notencrypted", [1] = "unencrypted", [-1] = "protected", [-2] = "failure", } objectcodes = allocate(swapped(objectcodes,objectcodes)) encryptioncodes = allocate(swapped(encryptioncodes,encryptioncodes)) pdfe.objectcodes = objectcodes pdfe.encryptioncodes = encryptioncodes local null_object_code = objectcodes.null local reference_object_code = objectcodes.reference local none_object_code = objectcodes.none local null_object_code = objectcodes.null local bool_object_code = objectcodes.bool local integer_object_code = objectcodes.integer local number_object_code = objectcodes.number local name_object_code = objectcodes.name local string_object_code = objectcodes.string local array_object_code = objectcodes.array local dictionary_object_code = objectcodes.dictionary local stream_object_code = objectcodes.stream local reference_object_code = objectcodes.reference local checked_access local get_flagged -- from pdfe -> lpdf if lpdf.dictionary then -- we're in context local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfstring = lpdf.string local pdfunicode = lpdf.unicode get_flagged = function(t,f,k) local tk = t[k] -- triggers resolve local fk = f[k] if not fk then return tk elseif fk == "name" then return pdfconstant(tk) elseif fk == "array" then return pdfarray(tk) elseif fk == "dictionary" then return pdfarray(tk) elseif fk == "rawtext" then return pdfstring(tk) elseif fk == "unicode" then return pdfunicode(tk) else return tk end end else get_flagged = function(t,f,k) return t[k] end end -- We need to convert the string from utf16 although there is no way to -- check if we have a regular string starting with a bom. So, we have -- na dilemma here: a pdf doc encoded string can be invalid utf. -- : implicit 0 appended if odd -- (byte encoded) : \( \) \\ escaped -- -- : utf16be -- -- \r \r \t \b \f \( \) \\ \NNN and \ : append next line -- -- the getString function gives back bytes so we don't need to worry about -- the hex aspect. local some_dictionary local some_array local some_stream local some_reference local some_string = lpdf.frombytes local function get_value(document,t,key) if not key then return end local value = t[key] if not value then return end if type(value) ~= "table" then return value end -- we can assume names to be simple and strings to be tables local kind = value[1] if kind == name_object_code then return value[2] elseif kind == string_object_code then return some_string(value[2],value[3]) elseif kind == array_object_code then return some_array(value[2],document) elseif kind == dictionary_object_code then return some_dictionary(value[2],document) elseif kind == stream_object_code then return some_stream(value,document) elseif kind == reference_object_code then return some_reference(value,document) end return value end some_dictionary = function (d,document) local f = dictionarytotable(d,true) local t = setmetatable({ __raw__ = f, __type__ = dictionary_object_code }, { __index = function(t,k) return get_value(document,f,k) end, __call = function(t,k) return get_flagged(t,f,k) end, } ) return t, "dictionary" end some_array = function (a,document) local f = arraytotable(a,true) local n = #f local t = setmetatable({ __raw__ = f, __type__ = array_object_code, n = n }, { __index = function(t,k) return get_value(document,f,k) end, __call = function(t,k) return get_flagged(t,f,k) end, __len = function(t,k) return n end, } ) return t, "array" end some_stream = function(s,d,document) local f = dictionarytotable(d,true) local t = setmetatable({ __raw__ = f, __type__ = stream_object_code }, { __index = function(t,k) return get_value(document,f,k) end, __call = function(t,raw) if raw == false then return readwholestream(s,false) -- original else return readwholestream(s,true) -- uncompressed end end, } ) return t, "stream" end some_reference = function(r,document) local objnum = r[3] local cached = document.__cache__[objnum] if not cached then local kind, object, b, c = getfromreference(r[2]) if kind == dictionary_object_code then cached = some_dictionary(object,document) elseif kind == array_object_code then cached = some_array(object,document) elseif kind == stream_object_code then cached = some_stream(object,b,document) else cached = { kind, object, b, c } -- really cache this? end document.__cache__[objnum] = cached document.__xrefs__[cached] = objnum end return cached end local resolvers = { } lpdf_epdf.resolvers = resolvers local function resolve(document,k) local resolver = resolvers[k] if resolver then local entry = resolver(document) document[k] = entry return entry end end local function getnames(document,n,target) -- direct if n then local Names = n.Names if Names then if not target then target = { } end for i=1,#Names,2 do target[Names[i]] = Names[i+1] end else local Kids = n.Kids if Kids then for i=1,#Kids do target = getnames(document,Kids[i],target) end end end return target end end local function getkids(document,n,target) -- direct if n then local Kids = n.Kids if Kids then for i=1,#Kids do target = getkids(document,Kids[i],target) end elseif target then target[#target+1] = n else target = { n } end return target end end function resolvers.destinations(document) local Names = document.Catalog.Names return getnames(document,Names and Names.Dests) end function resolvers.javascripts(document) local Names = document.Catalog.Names return getnames(document,Names and Names.JavaScript) end function resolvers.widgets(document) local Names = document.Catalog.AcroForm return Names and Names.Fields end function resolvers.embeddedfiles(document) local Names = document.Catalog.Names return getnames(document,Names and Names.EmbeddedFiles) end -- /OCProperties << -- /OCGs [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /D << -- /Order [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /ON [ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 25 0 R 27 0 R ] -- /OFF [ ] -- >> -- >> function resolvers.layers(document) local properties = document.Catalog.OCProperties if properties then local layers = properties.OCGs if layers then local t = { } for i=1,#layers do local layer = layers[i] t[i] = layer.Name end -- t.n = n return t end end end function resolvers.structure(document) -- this might become a tree return document.Catalog.StructTreeRoot end function resolvers.pages(document) local __data__ = document.__data__ local __xrefs__ = document.__xrefs__ local __cache__ = document.__cache__ -- local nofpages = document.nofpages local pages = { } local rawpages = pagestotable(__data__) document.pages = pages -- for pagenumber=1,nofpages do local rawpagedata = rawpages[pagenumber] if rawpagedata then local pagereference = rawpagedata[3] local pageobject = rawpagedata[1] local pagedata = some_dictionary(pageobject,document) if pagedata and pageobject then pagedata.number = pagenumber pagedata.MediaBox = getbox(pageobject,"MediaBox") pagedata.CropBox = getbox(pageobject,"CropBox") pagedata.BleedBox = getbox(pageobject,"BleedBox") pagedata.ArtBox = getbox(pageobject,"ArtBox") pagedata.TrimBox = getbox(pageobject,"TrimBox") pages[pagenumber] = pagedata __xrefs__[pagedata] = pagereference __cache__[pagereference] = pagedata else report_epdf("missing pagedata for page %i, case %i",pagenumber,1) end else report_epdf("missing pagedata for page %i, case %i",pagenumber,2) end end -- -- pages.n = nofpages -- return pages end local loaded = { } local nofloaded = 0 function lpdf_epdf.load(filename,userpassword,ownerpassword,fromstring) local document = loaded[filename] if not document then statistics.starttiming(lpdf_epdf) local __data__ local __file__ if fromstring then __data__ = pdfnew(filename,#filename) elseif pdfopenfile then __data__ = pdfopenfile(ioopen(filename,"rb")) else __data__ = pdfopen(filename) end if __data__ then if userpassword and getstatus(__data__) < 0 then unencrypt(__data__,userpassword,nil) end if ownerpassword and getstatus(__data__) < 0 then unencrypt(__data__,nil,ownerpassword) end if getstatus(__data__) < 0 then report_epdf("the document is encrypted, provide proper passwords",getstatus(__data__)) __data__ = false end if __data__ then document = { filename = filename, nofcopied = 0, copied = { }, __cache__ = { }, __xrefs__ = { }, __fonts__ = { }, __copied__ = { }, __data__ = __data__, } document.Catalog = some_dictionary(getcatalog(__data__),document) document.Info = some_dictionary(getinfo(__data__),document) document.Trailer = some_dictionary(gettrailer(__data__),document) -- setmetatableindex(document,resolve) -- document.majorversion, document.minorversion = getversion(__data__) -- document.nofpages = getnofpages(__data__) else document = false end else document = false end loaded[filename] = document loaded[document] = document statistics.stoptiming(lpdf_epdf) -- print(statistics.elapsedtime(lpdf_epdf)) end if document then nofloaded = nofloaded + 1 end return document or nil end function lpdf_epdf.unload(filename) if type(filename) == "table" then filename = filename.filename end if type(filename) == "string" then local document = loaded[filename] if document then loaded[document] = nil loaded[filename] = nil pdfclose(document.__data__) end end end -- for k, v in expanded(t) do local function expanded(t) local function iterator(raw,k) local k, v = next(raw,k) if v then return k, t[k] end end return iterator, t.__raw__, nil end ---------.expand = expand lpdf_epdf.expanded = expanded -- we could resolve the text stream in one pass if we directly handle the -- font but why should we complicate things local spaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^1 local optspaces = lpegpatterns.whitespace^0 local comment = P("%") * (1 - lpegpatterns.newline)^0 local numchar = P("\\")/"" * (R("09")^3/function(s) return char(tonumber(s,8)) end) + P("\\") * P(1) local key = P("/") * C(R("AZ","az","09","__")^1) local number = Ct(Cc("number") * (lpegpatterns.number/tonumber)) local keyword = Ct(Cc("name") * key) local operator = C((R("AZ","az")+P("*")+P("'")+P('"'))^1) local grammar = P { "start", start = (comment + keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("array") + V("hexstring") + V("decstring") + spaces)^1, keyvalue = key * optspaces * V("start"), array = Ct(Cc("array") * P("[") * Ct(V("start")^1) * P("]")), dictionary = Ct(Cc("dict") * P("<<") * Ct(V("keyvalue")^1) * P(">>")), hexstring = Ct(Cc("hex") * P("<") * Cs(( 1-P(">"))^1) * P(">")), decstring = Ct(Cc("dec") * P("(") * Cs((numchar+1-(P")"))^1) * P(")")), -- untested } local operation = Ct(grammar^1 * operator) local parser = Ct((operation + P(1))^1) -- todo: speed this one up local numchar = P("\\") * (R("09")^3 + P(1)) local number = lpegpatterns.number local keyword = P("/") * R("AZ","az","09","__")^1 local operator = (R("AZ","az")+P("*")+P("'")+P('"'))^1 local skipstart = P("BDC") + P("BMC") + P("DP") + P("MP") local skipstop = P("EMC") local skipkeep = P("/ActualText") local grammar = P { "skip", start = keyword + number + V("dictionary") + V("array") + V("hexstring") + V("decstring") + spaces, keyvalue = optspaces * (keyword * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1, xeyvalue = optspaces * ((keyword - skipkeep) * optspaces * V("start") * optspaces)^1, array = P("[") * V("start")^0 * P("]"), dictionary = P("<<") * V("keyvalue")^0 * P(">>"), xictionary = P("<<") * V("xeyvalue")^0 * P(">>"), hexstring = P("<") * ( 1-P(">"))^0 * P(">"), decstring = P("(") * (numchar+1-(P")"))^0 * P(")"), skip = (optspaces * ( keyword * optspaces * V("xictionary") * optspaces * skipstart + skipstop) / "") + V("start") + operator } local stripper = Cs((grammar + P(1))^1) function lpdf_epdf.parsecontent(str) return lpegmatch(parser,str) end function lpdf_epdf.stripcontent(str) if find(str,"EMC") then return lpegmatch(stripper,str) else return str end end -- beginbfrange : -- [ ] -- beginbfchar : local fromsixteen = lpdf.fromsixteen -- maybe inline the lpeg ... but not worth it local function f_bfchar(t,a,b) t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local function f_bfrange_1(t,a,b,c) print("todo 1",a,b,c) -- c is string -- todo t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local function f_bfrange_2(t,a,b,c) print("todo 2",a,b,c) -- c is table -- todo t[tonumber(a,16)] = fromsixteen(b) end local optionals = spaces^0 local hexstring = optionals * P("<") * C((1-P(">"))^1) * P(">") local bfchar = Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring / f_bfchar local bfrange = Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring * hexstring / f_bfrange_1 + Carg(1) * hexstring * hexstring * optionals * P("[") * Ct(hexstring^1) * optionals * P("]") / f_bfrange_2 local fromunicode = ( P("beginbfchar" ) * bfchar ^1 * optionals * P("endbfchar" ) + P("beginbfrange") * bfrange^1 * optionals * P("endbfrange") + spaces + P(1) )^1 * Carg(1) local function analyzefonts(document,resources) -- unfinished, see mtx-pdf for better code local fonts = document.__fonts__ if resources then local fontlist = resources.Font if fontlist then for id, data in expanded(fontlist) do if not fonts[id] then -- a quick hack ... I will look into it more detail if I find a real -- -application for it local tounicode = data.ToUnicode() if tounicode then tounicode = lpegmatch(fromunicode,tounicode,1,{}) end fonts[id] = { tounicode = type(tounicode) == "table" and tounicode or { } } setmetatableindex(fonts[id],"self") end end end end return fonts end lpdf_epdf.analyzefonts = analyzefonts local more = 0 local unic = nil -- cheaper than passing each time as Carg(1) local p_hex_to_utf = C(4) / function(s) -- needs checking ! local now = tonumber(s,16) if more > 0 then now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000 -- the 0x10000 smells wrong more = 0 return unic[now] or utfchar(now) elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then more = now -- return "" else return unic[now] or utfchar(now) end end local p_dec_to_utf = C(1) / function(s) -- needs checking ! local now = byte(s) return unic[now] or utfchar(now) end local p_hex_to_utf = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * Cs(p_hex_to_utf^1) local p_dec_to_utf = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * Cs(p_dec_to_utf^1) function lpdf_epdf.getpagecontent(document,pagenumber) local page = document.pages[pagenumber] if not page then return end local fonts = analyzefonts(document,page.Resources) local content = page.Contents() or "" local list = lpegmatch(parser,content) local font = nil -- local unic = nil for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "Tf" then font = fonts[entry[1][2]] unic = font and font.tounicode or { } elseif operator == "TJ" then local data = entry[1] -- { "array", { ... } } local list = data[2] -- { { ... }, { ... } } for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] -- if type(li) == "table" then local kind = li[1] if kind == "hex" then list[i] = lpegmatch(p_hex_to_utf,li[2]) elseif kind == "string" then list[i] = lpegmatch(p_dec_to_utf,li[2]) else list[i] = li[2] -- kern end -- else -- -- kern -- end end elseif operator == "Tj" or operator == "'" or operator == '"' then -- { string, Tj } { string, ' } { n, m, string, " } local data = entry[size-1] local list = data[2] local kind = list[1] if kind == "hex" then list[2] = lpegmatch(p_hex_to_utf,li[2]) elseif kind == "string" then list[2] = lpegmatch(p_dec_to_utf,li[2]) end end end unic = nil -- can be collected return list end -- This is also an experiment. When I really need it I can improve it, for instance -- with proper position calculating. It might be usefull for some search or so. local softhyphen = utfchar(0xAD) .. "$" local linefactor = 1.3 function lpdf_epdf.contenttotext(document,list) -- maybe signal fonts local last_y = 0 local last_f = 0 local text = { } local last = 0 for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "Tf" then last_f = entry[2][2] -- size elseif operator == "TJ" then local data = entry[1] -- { "array", { ... } } local list = data[2] -- { { ... }, { ... } } for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] local kind = type(li) if kind == "string" then last = last + 1 text[last] = li elseif kind == "number" and li < -50 then last = last + 1 text[last] = " " end end elseif operator == "Tj" then last = last + 1 local li = entry[size-1] local kind = type(li) if kind == "string" then last = last + 1 text[last] = li end elseif operator == "cm" or operator == "Tm" then local data = entry local ty = entry[6][2] local dy = abs(last_y - ty) if dy > linefactor*last_f then if last > 0 then if find(text[last],softhyphen,1,true) then -- ignore else last = last + 1 text[last] = "\n" end end end last_y = ty end end return concat(text) end function lpdf_epdf.getstructure(document,list) -- just a test local depth = 0 for i=1,#list do local entry = list[i] local size = #entry local operator = entry[size] if operator == "BDC" then report_epdf("%w%s : %s",depth,entry[1] or "?",entry[2] and entry[2].MCID or "?") depth = depth + 1 elseif operator == "EMC" then depth = depth - 1 elseif operator == "TJ" then local list = entry[1] for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] if type(li) == "string" then report_epdf("%w > %s",depth,li) elseif li < -50 then report_epdf("%w >",depth,li) end end elseif operator == "Tj" then report_epdf("%w > %s",depth,entry[size-1]) end end end if images then do -- This can be made a bit faster (just get raw data and pass it) but I will -- do that later. In the end the benefit is probably neglectable. local recompress = false local stripmarked = false local copydictionary = nil local copyarray = nil local pdfreference = lpdf.reference local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfnull = lpdf.null local pdfliteral = lpdf.literal local pdfreserveobject = lpdf.reserveobject local shareobjectreference = lpdf.shareobjectreference local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject local pdfflushstreamobject = lpdf.flushstreamobject local report = logs.reporter("backend","xobjects") local factor = 65536 / (7200/7227) -- 1/number.dimenfactors.bp local createimage = images.create directives.register("graphics.pdf.recompress", function(v) recompress = v end) directives.register("graphics.pdf.stripmarked", function(v) stripmarked = v end) local function scaledbbox(b) return { b[1]*factor, b[2]*factor, b[3]*factor, b[4]*factor } end local codecs = { ASCIIHexDecode = true, ASCII85Decode = true, RunLengthDecode = true, FlateDecode = true, LZWDecode = true, } local function deepcopyobject(xref,copied,value) -- no need for tables, just nested loop with obj local objnum = xref[value] if objnum then local usednum = copied[objnum] if usednum then -- report("%s object %i is reused",kind,objnum) else usednum = pdfreserveobject() copied[objnum] = usednum local entry = value local kind = entry.__type__ if kind == array_object_code then local a = copyarray(xref,copied,entry) pdfflushobject(usednum,tostring(a)) elseif kind == dictionary_object_code then local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,entry) pdfflushobject(usednum,tostring(d)) elseif kind == stream_object_code then local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,entry) local filter = d.Filter if filter and codecs[filter] and recompress then -- recompress d.Filter = nil d.Length = nil d.DecodeParms = nil -- relates to filter d.DL = nil -- needed? local s = entry() -- get uncompressed stream pdfflushstreamobject(s,d,true,usednum) -- compress stream else -- keep as-is, even Length which indicates the -- decompressed length local s = entry(false) -- get compressed stream -- pdfflushstreamobject(s,d,false,usednum,true) -- don't compress stream pdfflushstreamobject(s,d,"raw",usednum) -- don't compress stream end else local t = type(value) if t == "string" then value = pdfconstant(value) elseif t == "table" then local kind = value[1] local entry = value[2] if kind == name_object_code then value = pdfconstant(entry) elseif kind == string_object_code then value = pdfliteral(entry,value[3]) elseif kind == null_object_code then value = pdfnull() elseif kind == reference_object_code then value = deepcopyobject(xref,copied,entry) elseif entry == nil then value = pdfnull() else value = tostring(entry) end end pdfflushobject(usednum,value) end end return pdfreference(usednum) elseif kind == stream_object_code then report("stream not done: %s", objectcodes[kind] or "?") else report("object not done: %s", objectcodes[kind] or "?") end end local function copyobject(xref,copied,object,key,value) if not value then value = object.__raw__[key] end local t = type(value) if t == "string" then return pdfconstant(value) elseif t ~= "table" then return value end local kind = value[1] if kind == name_object_code then return pdfconstant(value[2]) elseif kind == string_object_code then return pdfliteral(value[2],value[3]) elseif kind == array_object_code then return copyarray(xref,copied,object[key]) elseif kind == dictionary_object_code then return copydictionary(xref,copied,object[key]) elseif kind == null_object_code then return pdfnull() elseif kind == reference_object_code then -- expand return deepcopyobject(xref,copied,object[key]) else report("weird: %s", objecttypes[kind] or "?") end end copyarray = function (xref,copied,object) local target = pdfarray() local source = object.__raw__ for i=1,#source do target[i] = copyobject(xref,copied,object,i,source[i]) end return target end local plugins = nil -- Sorting the hash slows down upto 5% bit but it is still as fast as the C -- code. We could loop over the index instead but sorting might be nicer in -- the end. copydictionary = function (xref,copied,object) local target = pdfdictionary() local source = object.__raw__ -- for key, value in next, source do for key, value in sortedhash(source) do if plugins then local p = plugins[key] if p then target[key] = p(xref,copied,object,key,value,copyobject) -- maybe a table of methods else target[key] = copyobject(xref,copied,object,key,value) end else target[key] = copyobject(xref,copied,object,key,value) end end return target end -- local function copyresources(pdfdoc,xref,copied,pagedata) -- local Resources = pagedata.Resources -- if Resources then -- local r = pdfreserveobject() -- local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,Resources) -- pdfflushobject(r,tostring(d)) -- return pdfreference(r) -- end -- end local function copyresources(pdfdoc,xref,copied,pagedata) local Resources = pagedata.Resources -- -- -- This needs testing: -- -- if not Resources then -- local Parent = page.Parent -- while (Parent and (Parent.__type__ == dictionary_object_code or Parent.__type__ == reference_object_code) do -- Resources = Parent.Resources -- if Resources then -- break -- end -- Parent = Parent.Parent -- end -- end if Resources then local d = copydictionary(xref,copied,Resources) return shareobjectreference(d) end end local openpdf = lpdf_epdf.load local closepdf = lpdf_epdf.unload -- todo: keep track of already open files local function newpdf(str,userpassword,ownerpassword) return openpdf(str,userpassword,ownerpassword,true) end local sizes = { crop = "CropBox", media = "MediaBox", bleed = "BleedBox", art = "ArtBox", trim = "TrimBox", } local function querypdf(pdfdoc,pagenumber,size) if pdfdoc then if not pagenumber then pagenumber = 1 end local root = pdfdoc.Catalog local page = pdfdoc.pages[pagenumber] if page then local sizetag = sizes[size or "crop"] or sizes.crop local mediabox = page.MediaBox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 } local cropbox = page[sizetag] or mediabox return { filename = pdfdoc.filename, pagenumber = pagenumber, nofpages = pdfdoc.nofpages, boundingbox = scaledbbox(cropbox), cropbox = cropbox, mediabox = mediabox, bleedbox = page.BleedBox or cropbox, trimbox = page.TrimBox or cropbox, artbox = page.ArtBox or cropbox, rotation = page.Rotate or 0, xsize = cropbox[3] - cropbox[1], ysize = cropbox[4] - cropbox[2], } end end end local function copypage(pdfdoc,pagenumber,attributes,compact,width,height,attr) if pdfdoc then local root = pdfdoc.Catalog local page = pdfdoc.pages[pagenumber or 1] local pageinfo = querypdf(pdfdoc,pagenumber) local contents = page.Contents if contents then local xref = pdfdoc.__xrefs__ local copied = pdfdoc.__copied__ if compact and lpdf_epdf.plugin then plugins = lpdf_epdf.plugin(pdfdoc,xref,copied,page) end local xobject = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("XObject"), Subtype = pdfconstant("Form"), FormType = 1, Group = copyobject(xref,copied,page,"Group"), LastModified = copyobject(xref,copied,page,"LastModified"), Metadata = copyobject(xref,copied,page,"Metadata"), PieceInfo = copyobject(xref,copied,page,"PieceInfo"), Resources = copyresources(pdfdoc,xref,copied,page), SeparationInfo = copyobject(xref,copied,page,"SeparationInfo"), } + attr if attributes then for k, v in expanded(attributes) do page[k] = v -- maybe nested end end local content = "" local nolength = nil local ctype = contents.__type__ -- we always recompress because image object streams can not be -- influenced (yet) if ctype == stream_object_code then if stripmarked then content = contents() -- uncompressed local stripped = lpdf_epdf.stripcontent(content) if stripped ~= content then -- report("%i bytes stripped on page %i",#content-#stripped,pagenumber or 1) content = stripped end elseif recompress then content = contents() -- uncompressed else local Filter = copyobject(xref,copied,contents,"Filter") local Length = copyobject(xref,copied,contents,"Length") if Length and Filter then nolength = true xobject.Length = Length xobject.Filter = Filter content = contents(false) -- uncompressed else content = contents() -- uncompressed end end elseif ctype == array_object_code then content = { } for i=1,#contents do content[i] = contents[i]() -- uncompressed end content = concat(content," ") end -- still not nice: we double wrap now plugins = nil local rotation = pageinfo.rotation local boundingbox = pageinfo.boundingbox local transform = nil if rotation == 90 then transform = 3 elseif rotation == 180 then transform = 2 elseif rotation == 270 then transform = 1 elseif rotation > 1 and rotation < 4 then transform = rotation end xobject.BBox = pdfarray { boundingbox[1] * bpfactor, boundingbox[2] * bpfactor, boundingbox[3] * bpfactor, boundingbox[4] * bpfactor, } -- maybe like bitmaps return createimage { -- beware: can be a img.new or a dummy bbox = boundingbox, transform = transform, nolength = nolength, nobbox = true, notype = true, stream = content, -- todo: no compress, pass directly also length, filter etc attr = xobject(), kind = images.types.stream, } else -- maybe report an error end end end lpdf_epdf.image = { open = openpdf, close = closepdf, new = newpdf, query = querypdf, copy = copypage, } -- lpdf.injectors.pdf = function(specification) -- local d = lpdf_epdf.load(specification.filename) -- print(d) -- end end end -- local d = lpdf_epdf.load("e:/tmp/oeps.pdf") -- inspect(d) -- inspect(d.Catalog.Lang) -- inspect(d.Catalog.OCProperties.D.AS[1].Event) -- inspect(d.Catalog.Metadata()) -- inspect(d.Catalog.Pages.Kids[1]) -- inspect(d.layers) -- inspect(d.pages) -- inspect(d.destinations) -- inspect(lpdf_epdf.getpagecontent(d,1)) -- inspect(lpdf_epdf.contenttotext(document,lpdf_epdf.getpagecontent(d,1))) -- inspect(lpdf_epdf.getstructure(document,lpdf_epdf.getpagecontent(d,1)))