%D \module %D [ file=libs-imp-mujs, %D version=2020.02.08, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, %D subtitle=MuJS interpreter, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D Just an experiment: %D %D \starttyping %D http://mujs.com %D \stoptyping \ifdefined\ecmacode \expandafter \endinput \fi \registerctxluafile{libs-imp-mujs}{autosuffix} \unprotect % todo: environment \let\stopecmacode\relax \protected\def\startecmacode % \stopecmacode {\begingroup \obeyluatokens \luat_start_ecma_code_indeed} \def\luat_start_ecma_code_indeed#1\stopecmacode {\normalexpanded{\endgroup\noexpand\ecmacode{#1}}} \protect \continueifinputfile{libs-imp-mujs.mkxl} \usemodule[article-basic,abbreviations-logos] \starttext \startbuffer \startluacode local mujs = require("libs-imp-mujs") mujs.execute [[ var MyMax = 1000; ]] mujs.execute [[ console("Example One!"); texsprint("\\startpacked"); for (var i = 1; i <= MyMax; i = i + 1) { texprint( "This is a buildbot compilation challenge for Mojca: " .concat(Math.sqrt(i/MyMax)) .concat("!\\par") ); } texsprint("\\stoppacked"); ]] -- mujs.execute [[ -- something very bad: an error -- ]] \stopluacode \startecmacode console("Example Two!"); for (var i = 1; i <= MyMax; i = i + 1) { texsprint( "And an opportunity for Alan to attract highschool students to \\TeX: " .concat(i) .concat("! ") ); } \stopecmacode \ecmacode { console("Example Three!"); texprint("And otherwise a way to prototype \\JAVASCRIPT\\ code in \\PDF.") } \startecmacode var f = File("libs-imp-mujs.mkxl","r"); console(f); // var l = f.read(400); var l = f.read("*a"); console(l); f.close(); \stopecmacode \startecmacode console("Example Four!"); texsprint("\\startMPcode " .concat(' fill fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor "darkred";') .concat(' fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor "darkgreen";') .concat(' fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor "darkblue";') .concat("\\stopMPcode ") ); \stopecmacode \startluacode context.startMPcode() context('fill fullcircle scaled 6cm withcolor "middlecyan";') context('fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor "middlemagenta";') context('fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor "middleyellow";') context.stopMPcode() \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer \page \getbuffer \stoptext