if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['grph-inc'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to grph-inc.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- todo: in pdfe: pdfe.copyappearance(document,objnum) -- -- local im = createimage { filename = fullname } -- local on = images.flushobject(im,document.__xrefs__[AP]) -- todo: files are sometimes located twice -- todo: empty filename or only suffix always false (not found) -- lowercase types -- mps tex tmp svg -- partly qualified -- dimensions -- use metatables -- figures.boxnumber can go as we now can use names -- avoid push -- move some to command namespace --[[ The ConTeXt figure inclusion mechanisms are among the oldest code in ConTeXt and evolved into a complex whole. One reason is that we deal with backend in an abstract way. What complicates matters is that we deal with internal graphics as well: TeX code, MetaPost code, etc. Later on figure databases were introduced, which resulted in a plug in model for locating images. On top of that runs a conversion mechanism (with caching) and resource logging. Porting that to Lua is not that trivial because quite some status information is kept between al these stages. Of course, image reuse also has some price, and so I decided to implement the graphics inclusion in several layers: detection, loading, inclusion, etc. Object sharing and scaling can happen at each stage, depending on the way the resource is dealt with. The TeX-Lua mix is suboptimal. This has to do with the fact that we cannot run TeX code from within Lua. Some more functionality will move to Lua. ]]-- -- todo: store loaded pages per pdf file someplace local tonumber, tostring, next, unpack = tonumber, tostring, next, unpack local format, lower, find, match, gsub = string.format, string.lower, string.find, string.match, string.gsub local longtostring = string.longtostring local contains = table.contains local sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove local todimen = string.todimen local collapsepath = file.collapsepath local formatters = string.formatters local odd = math.odd local isfile, isdir, modificationtime = lfs.isfile, lfs.isdir, lfs.modification local P, R, S, Cc, C, Cs, Ct, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.match local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local replacetemplate = utilities.templates.replace local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp images = images or { } local images = images local hasscheme = url.hasscheme local urlhashed = url.hashed local resolveprefix = resolvers.resolve local texgetbox = tex.getbox local texsetbox = tex.setbox local hpack = nodes.hpack local new_latelua = nodes.pool.latelua local new_hlist = nodes.pool.hlist local context = context local implement = interfaces.implement local variables = interfaces.variables local codeinjections = backends.codeinjections local nodeinjections = backends.nodeinjections local trace_figures = false trackers.register ("graphics.locating", function(v) trace_figures = v end) local trace_bases = false trackers.register ("graphics.bases", function(v) trace_bases = v end) local trace_programs = false trackers.register ("graphics.programs", function(v) trace_programs = v end) local trace_conversion = false trackers.register ("graphics.conversion", function(v) trace_conversion = v end) local trace_inclusion = false trackers.register ("graphics.inclusion", function(v) trace_inclusion = v end) local trace_usage = false trackers.register ("graphics.usage", function(v) trace_usage = v end) local extra_check = false directives.register("graphics.extracheck", function(v) extra_check = v end) local auto_transform = true directives.register("graphics.autotransform", function(v) auto_transform = v end) local report = logs.reporter("graphics") local report_inclusion = logs.reporter("graphics","inclusion") local f_hash_part = formatters["%s->%s->%s->%s"] local f_hash_full = formatters["%s->%s->%s->%s->%s->%s->%s->%s"] local v_yes = variables.yes local v_global = variables["global"] local v_local = variables["local"] local v_default = variables.default local v_auto = variables.auto local maxdimen = tex.magicconstants.maxdimen -- 0x3FFFFFFF -- 2^30-1 local ctx_doscalefigure = context.doscalefigure local ctx_relocateexternalfigure = context.relocateexternalfigure local ctx_startfoundexternalfigure = context.startfoundexternalfigure local ctx_stopfoundexternalfigure = context.stopfoundexternalfigure local ctx_dosetfigureobject = context.dosetfigureobject local ctx_doboxfigureobject = context.doboxfigureobject -- extensions function checkimage(figure) if figure then local width = figure.width or 0 local height = figure.height or 0 if width <= 0 or height <= 0 then report_inclusion("image %a has bad dimensions (%p,%p), discarding",figure.filename or "?",width,height) return false, "bad dimensions" end -- local xres = figure.xres -- local yres = figure.yres local changes = false if height > width then if height > maxdimen then figure.height = maxdimen figure.width = width * maxdimen/height changed = true end elseif width > maxdimen then figure.width = maxdimen figure.height = height * maxdimen/width changed = true end if changed then report_inclusion("limiting natural dimensions of %a, old %p * %p, new %p * %p", figure.filename,width,height,figure.width,figure.height) end if width >= maxdimen or height >= maxdimen then report_inclusion("image %a is too large (%p,%p), discarding", figure.filename,width,height) return false, "dimensions too large" end return figure end end -- This is a bit of abstraction. Fro a while we will follow the luatex image -- model. local imagekeys = { -- only relevant ones (permitted in luatex) "width", "height", "depth", "bbox", "colordepth", "colorspace", "filename", "filepath", "visiblefilename", "imagetype", "stream", "index", "objnum", "pagebox", "page", "pages", "rotation", "transform", "xsize", "ysize", "xres", "yres", } local imagesizes = { art = true, bleed = true, crop = true, media = true, none = true, trim = true, } local imagetypes = { [0] = "none", "pdf", "png", "jpg", "jp2", "jbig2", "stream", } imagetypes = table.swapped(imagetypes,imagetypes) images.keys = imagekeys images.types = imagetypes images.sizes = imagesizes local function createimage(specification) return backends.codeinjections.newimage(specification) end local function copyimage(specification) return backends.codeinjections.copyimage(specification) end local function scanimage(specification) return backends.codeinjections.scanimage(specification) end local function embedimage(specification) -- write the image to file return backends.codeinjections.embedimage(specification) end local function wrapimage(specification) -- create an image rule return backends.codeinjections.wrapimage(specification) end images.create = createimage images.scan = scanimage images.copy = copyimage images.wrap = wrapimage images.embed = embedimage -- If really needed we can provide: -- -- img = { -- new = createimage, -- scan = scanimage, -- copy = copyimage, -- node = wrapimage, -- write = function(specification) context(wrapimage(specification)) end, -- immediatewrite = embedimage, -- immediatewriteobject = function() end, -- not upported, experimental anyway -- boxes = function() return sortedkeys(imagesizes) end, -- fields = function() return imagekeys end, -- types = function() return { unpack(imagetypes,0,#imagetypes) } end, -- } -- end of copies / mapping local function imagetotable(imgtable) if type(imgtable) == "table" then return copy(imgtable) end local result = { } for k=1,#imagekeys do local key = imagekeys[k] result[key] = imgtable[key] end return result end function images.serialize(i,...) return table.serialize(imagetotable(i),...) end function images.print(i,...) return table.print(imagetotable(i),...) end local function checkimagesize(size) if size then size = gsub(size,"box","") return imagesizes[size] and size or "crop" else return "crop" end end images.check = checkimage images.checksize = checkimagesize images.totable = imagetotable -- local indexed = { } -- -- function images.ofindex(n) -- return indexed[n] -- end --- we can consider an grph-ini file figures = figures or { } local figures = figures figures.images = images figures.boxnumber = figures.boxnumber or 0 figures.defaultsearch = true figures.defaultwidth = 0 figures.defaultheight = 0 figures.defaultdepth = 0 figures.nofprocessed = 0 figures.nofmissing = 0 figures.preferquality = true -- quality over location local figures_loaded = allocate() figures.loaded = figures_loaded local figures_used = allocate() figures.used = figures_used local figures_found = allocate() figures.found = figures_found local figures_suffixes = allocate() figures.suffixes = figures_suffixes local figures_patterns = allocate() figures.patterns = figures_patterns local figures_resources = allocate() figures.resources = figures_resources local existers = allocate() figures.existers = existers local checkers = allocate() figures.checkers = checkers local includers = allocate() figures.includers = includers local remappers = allocate() figures.remappers = remappers local converters = allocate() figures.converters = converters local identifiers = allocate() figures.identifiers = identifiers local programs = allocate() figures.programs = programs local defaultformat = "pdf" local defaultprefix = "m_k_i_v_" figures.localpaths = allocate { ".", "..", "../.." } figures.cachepaths = allocate { prefix = "", path = ".", subpath = ".", } local figure_paths = allocate(table.copy(figures.localpaths)) figures.paths = figure_paths local figures_order = allocate { "pdf", "mps", "jpg", "png", "jp2", "jbig", "svg", "eps", "tif", "gif", "mov", "buffer", "tex", "cld", "auto", } local figures_formats = allocate { -- magic and order will move here ["pdf"] = { list = { "pdf" } }, ["mps"] = { patterns = { "^mps$", "^%d+$" } }, -- we need to anchor ["jpg"] = { list = { "jpg", "jpeg" } }, ["png"] = { list = { "png" } }, ["jp2"] = { list = { "jp2" } }, ["jbig"] = { list = { "jbig", "jbig2", "jb2" } }, ["svg"] = { list = { "svg", "svgz" } }, ["eps"] = { list = { "eps", "ai" } }, ["gif"] = { list = { "gif" } }, ["tif"] = { list = { "tif", "tiff" } }, ["mov"] = { list = { "mov", "flv", "mp4" } }, -- "avi" is not supported ["buffer"] = { list = { "tmp", "buffer", "buf" } }, ["tex"] = { list = { "tex" } }, ["cld"] = { list = { "cld" } }, ["auto"] = { list = { "auto" } }, } local figures_magics = allocate { { format = "png", pattern = P("\137PNG\013\010\026\010") }, -- 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A, { format = "jpg", pattern = P("\255\216\255") }, -- FF D8 FF { format = "jp2", pattern = P("\000\000\000\012\106\080\032\032\013\010"), }, -- 00 00 00 0C 6A 50 20 20 0D 0A }, { format = "gif", pattern = P("GIF") }, { format = "pdf", pattern = (1 - P("%PDF"))^0 * P("%PDF") }, } local figures_native = allocate { pdf = true, jpg = true, jp2 = true, png = true, } figures.formats = figures_formats -- frozen figures.magics = figures_magics -- frozen figures.order = figures_order -- frozen -- name checker local okay = P("m_k_i_v_") local pattern = (R("az","AZ") * P(":"))^-1 * ( -- a-z : | A-Z : (okay + R("az","09") + S("_/") - P("_")^2)^1 * (P(".") * R("az")^1)^0 * P(-1) + -- a-z | single _ | / (okay + R("az","09") + S("-/") - P("-")^2)^1 * (P(".") * R("az")^1)^0 * P(-1) + -- a-z | single - | / (okay + R("AZ","09") + S("_/") - P("_")^2)^1 * (P(".") * R("AZ")^1)^0 * P(-1) + -- A-Z | single _ | / (okay + R("AZ","09") + S("-/") - P("-")^2)^1 * (P(".") * R("AZ")^1)^0 * P(-1) -- A-Z | single - | / ) * Cc(false) + Cc(true) function figures.badname(name) if not name then -- bad anyway elseif not hasscheme(name) then return lpegmatch(pattern,name) else return lpegmatch(pattern,file.basename(name)) end end logs.registerfinalactions(function() local done = false if trace_usage and figures.nofprocessed > 0 then logs.startfilelogging(report,"names") for _, data in sortedhash(figures_found) do if done then report() else done = true end report("asked : %s",data.askedname) if data.found then report("format : %s",data.format) report("found : %s",data.foundname) report("used : %s",data.fullname) if data.badname then report("comment : %s","bad name") elseif data.comment then report("comment : %s",data.comment) end else report("comment : %s","not found") end end logs.stopfilelogging() end if figures.nofmissing > 0 and logs.loggingerrors() then logs.starterrorlogging(report,"missing figures") for _, data in sortedhash(figures_found) do report("%w%s",6,data.askedname) end logs.stoperrorlogging() end end) -- We can set the order but only indirectly so that we can check for support. function figures.setorder(list) -- can be table or string if type(list) == "string" then list = settings_to_array(list) end if list and #list > 0 then figures_order = allocate() figures.order = figures_order local done = { } -- just to be sure in case the list is generated for i=1,#list do local l = lower(list[i]) if figures_formats[l] and not done[l] then figures_order[#figures_order+1] = l done[l] = true end end report_inclusion("lookup order % a",figures_order) else -- invalid list end end local function guessfromstring(str,name) if str then for i=1,#figures_magics do local pattern = figures_magics[i] if lpegmatch(pattern.pattern,str) then local format = pattern.format if trace_figures and name then report_inclusion("file %a has format %a",name,format) end return format end end end end figures.guessfromstring = guessfromstring function figures.guess(filename) local f = io.open(filename,'rb') if f then local str = f:read(100) f:close() if str then return guessfromstring(str) end end end local function setlookups() -- tobe redone .. just set locals figures_suffixes = allocate() figures_patterns = allocate() for _, format in next, figures_order do local data = figures_formats[format] local list = data.list if list then for i=1,#list do figures_suffixes[list[i]] = format -- hash end else figures_suffixes[format] = format end local patterns = data.patterns if patterns then for i=1,#patterns do figures_patterns[#figures_patterns+1] = { patterns[i], format } -- array end end end figures.suffixes = figures_suffixes figures.patterns = figures_patterns end setlookups() figures.setlookups = setlookups function figures.registerresource(t) local n = #figures_resources + 1 figures_resources[n] = t return n end local function register(tag,what,target) local data = figures_formats[target] -- resolver etc if not data then data = { } figures_formats[target] = data end local d = data[tag] -- list or pattern if d and not contains(d,what) then d[#d+1] = what -- suffix or patternspec else data[tag] = { what } end if not contains(figures_order,target) then figures_order[#figures_order+1] = target end setlookups() end function figures.registersuffix (suffix, target) register('list',suffix,target) end function figures.registerpattern(pattern,target) register('pattern',pattern,target) end implement { name = "registerfiguresuffix", actions = register, arguments = { "'list'", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "registerfigurepattern", actions = register, arguments = { "'pattern'", "string", "string" } } local last_locationset = last_locationset or nil local last_pathlist = last_pathlist or nil function figures.setpaths(locationset,pathlist) if last_locationset == locationset and last_pathlist == pathlist then -- this function can be called each graphic so we provide this optimization return end local t, h = figure_paths, settings_to_hash(locationset) if last_locationset ~= locationset then -- change == reset (actually, a 'reset' would indeed reset if h[v_local] then t = table.fastcopy(figures.localpaths or { }) else t = { } end figures.defaultsearch = h[v_default] last_locationset = locationset end if h[v_global] then local list = settings_to_array(pathlist) for i=1,#list do local s = list[i] if not contains(t,s) then t[#t+1] = s end end end -- new if environment.arguments.path then table.insert(t,1,environment.arguments.path) end -- figure_paths = t last_pathlist = pathlist figures.paths = figure_paths if trace_figures then report_inclusion("using locations %a",last_locationset) report_inclusion("using paths % a",figure_paths) end end implement { name = "setfigurepaths", actions = figures.setpaths, arguments = "2 strings" } -- check conversions and handle it here function figures.hash(data) local status = data and data.status return (status and status.hash or tostring(status.private)) or "nohash" -- the end -- interfacing to tex local function new() -- we could use metatables status -> used -> request but it needs testing local request = { name = false, label = false, format = false, page = false, width = false, height = false, preview = false, ["repeat"] = false, controls = false, display = false, mask = false, crop = false, conversion = false, resolution = false, color = false, arguments = false, cache = false, prefix = false, size = false, } local used = { fullname = false, format = false, name = false, path = false, suffix = false, width = false, height = false, } local status = { status = 0, converted = false, cached = false, fullname = false, format = false, } -- this needs checking because we might check for nil, the test case -- is getfiguredimensions which then should return ~= 0 -- setmetatableindex(status, used) -- setmetatableindex(used, request) return { request = request, used = used, status = status, } end -- use table.insert|remove local lastfiguredata = nil -- will be topofstack or last so no { } (else problems with getfiguredimensions) local callstack = { } function figures.initialize(request) local figuredata = new() if request then -- request.width/height are strings and are only used when no natural dimensions -- can be determined; at some point the handlers might set them to numbers instead local w = tonumber(request.width) or 0 local h = tonumber(request.height) or 0 local p = tonumber(request.page) or 0 request.width = w > 0 and w or nil request.height = h > 0 and h or nil -- request.page = p > 0 and p or 1 request.keepopen = p > 0 request.size = checkimagesize(request.size) request.object = request.object == v_yes request["repeat"] = request["repeat"] == v_yes request.preview = request.preview == v_yes request.cache = request.cache ~= "" and request.cache request.prefix = request.prefix ~= "" and request.prefix request.format = request.format ~= "" and request.format request.compact = request.compact == v_yes table.merge(figuredata.request,request) end return figuredata end function figures.push(request) statistics.starttiming(figures) local figuredata = figures.initialize(request) -- we could use table.sparse but we set them later anyway insert(callstack,figuredata) lastfiguredata = figuredata return figuredata end function figures.pop() remove(callstack) lastfiguredata = callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata statistics.stoptiming(figures) end function figures.current() return callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata end local function get(category,tag,default) local value = lastfiguredata and lastfiguredata[category] value = value and value[tag] if not value or value == "" or value == true then return default or "" else return value end end local function setdimensions(box) local status = lastfiguredata and lastfiguredata.status local used = lastfiguredata and lastfiguredata.used if status and used then local b = texgetbox(box) local w = b.width local h = b.height + b.depth status.width = w status.height = h used.width = w used.height = h status.status = 10 end end figures.get = get figures.set = setdimensions implement { name = "figurestatus", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "'status'", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "figurerequest", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "'request'", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "figureused", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "'used'", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "figurefilepath", public = true, actions = { get, file.dirname, context }, arguments = { "'used'", "'fullname'" } } implement { name = "figurefilename", public = true, actions = { get, file.nameonly, context }, arguments = { "'used'", "'fullname'" } } implement { name = "figurefiletype", public = true, actions = { get, file.extname, context }, arguments = { "'used'", "'fullname'" } } implement { name = "figuresetdimensions", actions = setdimensions, arguments = "integer" } -- todo: local path or cache path local function forbiddenname(filename) if not filename or filename == "" then return false end local expandedfullname = collapsepath(filename,true) local expandedinputname = collapsepath(file.addsuffix(environment.jobfilename,environment.jobfilesuffix),true) if expandedfullname == expandedinputname then report_inclusion("skipping graphic with same name as input filename %a, enforce suffix",expandedinputname) return true end local expandedoutputname = collapsepath(codeinjections.getoutputfilename(),true) if expandedfullname == expandedoutputname then report_inclusion("skipping graphic with same name as output filename %a, enforce suffix",expandedoutputname) return true end end local function rejected(specification) if extra_check then local fullname = specification.fullname if fullname and figures_native[file.suffix(fullname)] and not figures.guess(fullname) then specification.comment = "probably a bad file" specification.found = false specification.error = true report_inclusion("file %a looks bad",fullname) return true end end end local function wipe(str) if str == "" or str == "default" or str == "unknown" then return nil else return str end end local function register(askedname,specification) if not specification then specification = { askedname = askedname, comment = "invalid specification" } elseif forbiddenname(specification.fullname) then specification = { askedname = askedname, comment = "forbidden name" } elseif specification.internal then -- no filecheck needed specification.found = true if trace_figures then report_inclusion("format %a internally supported by engine",specification.format) end elseif not rejected(specification) then local format = specification.format if format then local conversion = wipe(specification.conversion) local resolution = wipe(specification.resolution) local arguments = wipe(specification.arguments) local crop = wipe(specification.crop) local newformat = conversion if not newformat or newformat == "" then newformat = defaultformat end if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("checking conversion of %a, fullname %a, old format %a, new format %a, conversion %a, resolution %a, crop %a, arguments %a", askedname, specification.fullname, format, newformat, conversion or "default", resolution or "default", crop or "default", arguments or "" ) end -- begin of quick hack local remapper = remappers[format] if remapper then remapper = remapper[conversion] if remapper then specification = remapper(specification) or specification format = specification.format newformat = format conversion = nil end end -- end of quick hack local converter = (not remapper) and (newformat ~= format or resolution or arguments) and converters[format] -- no crop here if converter then local okay = converter[newformat] if okay then converter = okay else newformat = defaultformat converter = converter[newformat] end elseif trace_conversion then report_inclusion("no converter for %a to %a",format,newformat) end if converter then -- todo: make this a function -- -- todo: outline as helper function -- local oldname = specification.fullname local newpath = file.dirname(oldname) local oldbase = file.basename(oldname) local runpath = environment.arguments.runpath if runpath and runpath ~= "" and newpath == environment.arguments.path then newpath = runpath end -- -- problem: we can have weird filenames, like a.b.c (no suffix) and a.b.c.gif -- so we cannot safely remove a suffix (unless we do that for known suffixes) -- -- local newbase = file.removesuffix(oldbase) -- assumes a known suffix -- -- so we now have (also see *): -- local newbase = oldbase -- local fc = specification.cache or figures.cachepaths.path if fc and fc ~= "" and fc ~= "." then newpath = gsub(fc,"%*",newpath) -- so cachedir can be "/data/cache/*" else newbase = defaultprefix .. newbase end local subpath = specification.subpath or figures.cachepaths.subpath if subpath and subpath ~= "" and subpath ~= "." then newpath = newpath .. "/" .. subpath end if not isdir(newpath) then dir.makedirs(newpath) if not file.is_writable(newpath) then if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("path %a is not writable, forcing conversion path %a",newpath,".") end newpath = "." end end local prefix = specification.prefix or figures.cachepaths.prefix if prefix and prefix ~= "" then newbase = prefix .. newbase end local hash = "" if resolution then hash = hash .. "[r:" .. resolution .. "]" end if arguments then hash = hash .. "[a:" .. arguments .. "]" end if crop then hash = hash .. "[c:" .. crop .. "]" end newbase = gsub(newbase,"%.","_") -- nicer to have no suffix in the name if hash ~= "" then newbase = newbase .. "_" .. md5.hex(hash) end -- -- see *, we had: -- -- local newbase = file.addsuffix(newbase,newformat) -- -- but now have (result of Aditya's web image testing): -- -- as a side effect we can now have multiple fetches with different -- original figures_formats, not that it matters much (apart from older conversions -- sticking around) -- local newbase = newbase .. "." .. newformat local newname = file.join(newpath,newbase) oldname = collapsepath(oldname) newname = collapsepath(newname) local oldtime = modificationtime(oldname) or 0 local newtime = modificationtime(newname) or 0 if newtime == 0 or oldtime > newtime then if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("converting %a (%a) from %a to %a",askedname,oldname,format,newformat) end converter(oldname,newname,resolution or "", arguments or "",specification) -- in retrospect a table else if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("no need to convert %a (%a) from %a to %a",askedname,oldname,format,newformat) end end if io.exists(newname) and io.size(newname) > 0 then specification.foundname = oldname specification.fullname = newname specification.prefix = prefix specification.subpath = subpath specification.converted = true format = newformat if not figures_suffixes[format] then -- maybe the new format is lowres.png (saves entry in suffixes) -- so let's do this extra check local suffix = file.suffix(newformat) if figures_suffixes[suffix] then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("using suffix %a as format for %a",suffix,format) end format = suffix end end specification.format = format elseif io.exists(oldname) then report_inclusion("file %a is bugged",oldname) if format and imagetypes[format] then specification.fullname = oldname end specification.converted = false specification.bugged = true end end end if format then local found = figures_suffixes[format] if not found then specification.found = false if trace_figures then report_inclusion("format %a is not supported",format) end elseif imagetypes[format] then specification.found = true if trace_figures then report_inclusion("format %a natively supported by backend",format) end else specification.found = true -- else no foo.1 mps conversion if trace_figures then report_inclusion("format %a supported by output file format",format) end end else specification.askedname = askedname specification.found = false end end if specification.found then specification.foundname = specification.foundname or specification.fullname else specification.foundname = nil end specification.badname = figures.badname(askedname) local askedhash = f_hash_part( askedname, specification.conversion or "default", specification.resolution or "default", specification.arguments or "" ) figures_found[askedhash] = specification if not specification.found then figures.nofmissing = figures.nofmissing + 1 end return specification end local resolve_too = false -- true local internalschemes = { file = true, tree = true, dirfile = true, dirtree = true, } local function locate(request) -- name, format, cache -- not resolvers.cleanpath(request.name) as it fails on a!b.pdf and b~c.pdf -- todo: more restricted cleanpath local askedname = request.name or "" local askedcache = request.cache local askedconversion = request.conversion local askedresolution = request.resolution local askedarguments = request.arguments local askedcrop = request.crop local askedhash = f_hash_part( askedname, askedconversion or "default", askedresolution or "default", askedcrop or "default", askedarguments or "" ) local foundname = figures_found[askedhash] if foundname then return foundname end -- -- local askedformat = request.format if not askedformat or askedformat == "" or askedformat == "unknown" then askedformat = file.suffix(askedname) or "" elseif askedformat == v_auto then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("ignoring suffix of %a",askedname) end askedformat = "" askedname = file.removesuffix(askedname) end -- protocol check local hashed = urlhashed(askedname) if not hashed then -- go on elseif internalschemes[hashed.scheme] then local path = hashed.path if path and path ~= "" then askedname = path end else local foundname = resolvers.findbinfile(askedname) -- we need a neutral isfile if foundname then if hashed.scheme == "file" and not isfile(foundname) then foundname = false end end if not foundname then -- foundname can be dummy if trace_figures then report_inclusion("unknown url %a",askedname) end -- url not found return register(askedname) end -- ok for now but we need a loadbinfile option to emulate a file -- so that we justy share it .. we now rely on os caching of files -- but normally scheme based files are not that large anyway local guessedformat = false if hashed.scheme == "file" then guessedformat = figures.guess(foundname) else -- kind of costly: todo pseudo file and just acccess local found, data = resolvers.loadbinfile(foundname) guessedformat = figures.guessfromstring(data) end if askedformat ~= guessedformat then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("url %a has unknown format",askedname) end -- url found, but wrong format return register(askedname) else if trace_figures then report_inclusion("url %a is resolved to %a",askedname,foundname) end return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end -- we could use the hashed data instead local askedpath = file.is_rootbased_path(askedname) local askedbase = file.basename(askedname) if askedformat ~= "" then askedformat = lower(askedformat) if trace_figures then report_inclusion("forcing format %a",askedformat) end local format = figures_suffixes[askedformat] if not format then for i=1,#figures_patterns do local pattern = figures_patterns[i] if find(askedformat,pattern[1]) then format = pattern[2] if trace_figures then report_inclusion("asked format %a matches %a",askedformat,pattern[1]) end break end end end if format then local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat, internal = figures.exists(askedname,format,resolve_too) -- not askedformat if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, -- askedname, format = forcedformat or format, cache = askedcache, -- foundname = foundname, -- no conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, arguments = askedarguments, crop = askedcrop, internal = internal, }) elseif quitscanning then return register(askedname) end askedformat = format -- new per 2013-08-05 elseif trace_figures then report_inclusion("unknown format %a",askedformat) end if askedpath then -- path and type given, todo: strip pieces of path local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat = figures.exists(askedname,askedformat,resolve_too) if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, -- askedname, format = forcedformat or askedformat, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end else -- type given for i=1,#figure_paths do local path = resolveprefix(figure_paths[i]) -- we resolve (e.g. jobfile:) local check = path .. "/" .. askedname -- we pass 'true' as it can be an url as well, as the type -- is given we don't waste much time local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat = figures.exists(check,askedformat,resolve_too) if foundname then return register(check, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, -- check, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end if figures.defaultsearch then local check = resolvers.findfile(askedname) if check and check ~= "" then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end end elseif askedpath then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("using rootbased path") end for i=1,#figures_order do local format = figures_order[i] local list = figures_formats[format].list or { format } for j=1,#list do local suffix = list[j] local check = file.addsuffix(askedname,suffix) local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat = figures.exists(check,format,resolve_too) if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, -- check, format = forcedformat or format, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end end else if figures.preferquality then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("unknown format, quality preferred") end for j=1,#figures_order do local format = figures_order[j] local list = figures_formats[format].list or { format } for k=1,#list do local suffix = list[k] -- local name = file.replacesuffix(askedbase,suffix) local name = file.replacesuffix(askedname,suffix) for i=1,#figure_paths do local path = resolveprefix(figure_paths[i]) -- we resolve (e.g. jobfile:) local check = path .. "/" .. name local isfile = internalschemes[urlhashed(check).scheme] if not isfile then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("warning: skipping path %a",path) end else local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat = figures.exists(check,format,resolve_too) -- true) if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foundname, -- check format = forcedformat or format, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments }) end end end end end else -- 'location' if trace_figures then report_inclusion("unknown format, using path strategy") end for i=1,#figure_paths do local path = resolveprefix(figure_paths[i]) -- we resolve (e.g. jobfile:) for j=1,#figures_order do local format = figures_order[j] local list = figures_formats[format].list or { format } for k=1,#list do local suffix = list[k] local check = path .. "/" .. file.replacesuffix(askedbase,suffix) local foundname, quitscanning, forcedformat = figures.exists(check,format,resolve_too) if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = foudname, -- check, format = forcedformat or format, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end end end end if figures.defaultsearch then if trace_figures then report_inclusion("using default tex path") end for j=1,#figures_order do local format = figures_order[j] local list = figures_formats[format].list or { format } for k=1,#list do local suffix = list[k] local check = resolvers.findfile(file.replacesuffix(askedname,suffix)) if check and check ~= "" then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = format, cache = askedcache, conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end end end end end return register(askedname, { -- these two are needed for hashing 'found' conversion = askedconversion, resolution = askedresolution, crop = askedcrop, arguments = askedarguments, }) end -- -- -- plugins -- -- -- function identifiers.default(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local l = locate(dr) local foundname = l.foundname local fullname = l.fullname or foundname if fullname then du.format = l.format or false du.fullname = fullname -- can be cached ds.fullname = foundname -- original ds.format = l.format ds.status = (l.bugged and 0) or (l.found and 10) or 0 end return data end function figures.identify(data) data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata if data then local list = identifiers.list -- defined at the end for i=1,#list do local identifier = list[i] local data = identifier(data) -- if data and (not data.status and data.status.status > 0) then if data and (not data.status and data.status.status > 0) then break end end end return data end function figures.exists(askedname,format,resolve) return (existers[format] or existers.generic)(askedname,resolve) end function figures.check(data) data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata return (checkers[data.status.format] or checkers.generic)(data) end local used_images = { } statistics.register("used graphics",function() if trace_usage then local filename = file.nameonly(environment.jobname) .. "-figures-usage.lua" if next(figures_found) then local found = { } for _, data in sortedhash(figures_found) do found[#found+1] = data for k, v in next, data do if v == false or v == "" then data[k] = nil end end end for i=1,#used_images do local u = used_images[i] local s = u.status if s then s.status = nil -- doesn't say much here if s.error then u.used = { } -- better show that it's not used end end for _, t in next, u do for k, v in next, t do if v == false or v == "" or k == "private" then t[k] = nil end end end end table.save(filename,{ found = found, used = used_images, } ) return format("log saved in '%s'",filename) else os.remove(filename) end end end) function figures.include(data) data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata if trace_usage then used_images[#used_images+1] = data end return (includers[data.status.format] or includers.generic)(data) end function figures.scale(data) -- will become lua code data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata ctx_doscalefigure() return data end function figures.done(data) figures.nofprocessed = figures.nofprocessed + 1 data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata local dr, du, ds, nr = data.request, data.used, data.status, figures.boxnumber local box = texgetbox(nr) ds.width = box.width ds.height = box.height -- somehow this fails on some of tacos files -- ds.xscale = ds.width /(du.width or 1) -- ds.yscale = ds.height/(du.height or 1) -- du.width and du.height can be false if du.width and du.height and du.width > 0 and du.height > 0 then ds.xscale = ds.width /du.width ds.yscale = ds.height/du.height elseif du.xsize and du.ysize and du.xsize > 0 and du.ysize > 0 then ds.xscale = ds.width /du.xsize ds.yscale = ds.height/du.ysize else ds.xscale = 1 ds.yscale = 1 end -- sort of redundant but can be limited ds.page = ds.page or du.page or dr.page return data end function figures.dummy(data) data = data or callstack[#callstack] or lastfiguredata local dr, du, nr = data.request, data.used, figures.boxnumber local box = hpack(new_hlist()) -- we need to set the dir (luatex 0.60 buglet) du.width = du.width or figures.defaultwidth du.height = du.height or figures.defaultheight du.depth = du.depth or figures.defaultdepth box.width = du.width box.height = du.height box.depth = du.depth texsetbox(nr,box) -- hm, should be global (to be checked for consistency) end -- -- -- generic -- -- -- function existers.generic(askedname,resolve) -- not findbinfile local result if hasscheme(askedname) then result = resolvers.findbinfile(askedname) elseif isfile(askedname) then result = askedname elseif resolve then result = resolvers.findbinfile(askedname) end if not result or result == "" then result = false end if trace_figures then if result then report_inclusion("%a resolved to %a",askedname,result) else report_inclusion("%a cannot be resolved",askedname) end end return result end -- pdf : 0-3: 0 90 180 270 -- jpeg: 0 unset 1-4: 0 90 180 270 5-8: flipped r/c local transforms = setmetatableindex ( { ["orientation-1"] = 0, ["R0"] = 0, ["orientation-2"] = 4, ["R0MH"] = 4, ["orientation-3"] = 2, ["R180"] = 2, ["orientation-4"] = 6, ["R0MV"] = 6, ["orientation-5"] = 5, ["R270MH"] = 5, ["orientation-6"] = 3, ["R90"] = 3, ["orientation-7"] = 7, ["R90MH"] = 7, ["orientation-8"] = 1, ["R270"] = 1, }, function(t,k) -- transforms are 0 .. 7 local v = tonumber(k) or 0 if v < 0 or v > 7 then v = 0 end t[k] = v return v end ) local function checktransform(figure,forced) if auto_transform then local orientation = (forced ~= "" and forced ~= v_auto and forced) or figure.orientation or 0 local transform = transforms["orientation-"..orientation] figure.transform = transform if odd(transform) then return figure.height, figure.width else return figure.width, figure.height end end end local pagecount = { } function checkers.generic(data) -- called by checkers.pdf/png/jpg local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local name = du.fullname or "unknown generic" local page = du.page or dr.page local size = dr.size or "crop" local color = dr.color or "natural" local mask = dr.mask or "none" local crop = dr.crop or "none" local conversion = dr.conversion local resolution = dr.resolution local arguments = dr.arguments local scanimage = dr.scanimage or scanimage local userpassword = dr.userpassword local ownerpassword = dr.ownerpassword if not conversion or conversion == "" then conversion = "default" end if not resolution or resolution == "" then resolution = "default" end if not arguments or arguments == "" then arguments = "default" end local hash = f_hash_full( name, page, size, color, mask, crop, conversion, resolution, arguments ) -- local figure = figures_loaded[hash] if figure == nil then figure = createimage { filename = name, page = page, pagebox = dr.size, keepopen = dr.keepopen or false, userpassword = userpassword, ownerpassword = ownerpassword, -- visiblefilename = "", -- this prohibits the full filename ending up in the file } codeinjections.setfigurecolorspace(data,figure) codeinjections.setfiguremask(data,figure) if figure then -- new, bonus check (a bogus check in lmtx) if page and page > 1 then local f = scanimage { filename = name, userpassword = userpassword, ownerpassword = ownerpassword, } if f and f.page and f.pages < page then report_inclusion("no page %i in %a, using page 1",page,name) page = 1 figure.page = page end end -- till here local f, comment = checkimage(scanimage(figure)) if not f then ds.comment = comment ds.found = false ds.error = true end if figure.attr and not f.attr then -- tricky as img doesn't allow it f.attr = figure.attr end if dr.cmyk == v_yes then f.enforcecmyk = true elseif dr.cmyk == v_auto and attributes.colors.model == "cmyk" then f.enforcecmyk = true end figure = f end local f, d = codeinjections.setfigurealternative(data,figure) figure = f or figure data = d or data figures_loaded[hash] = figure if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("new graphic, using hash %a",hash) end else if trace_conversion then report_inclusion("existing graphic, using hash %a",hash) end end if figure then local width, height = checktransform(figure,dr.transform) -- du.width = width du.height = height du.pages = figure.pages du.depth = figure.depth or 0 du.colordepth = figure.colordepth or 0 du.xresolution = figure.xres or 0 du.yresolution = figure.yres or 0 du.xsize = figure.xsize or 0 du.ysize = figure.ysize or 0 du.rotation = figure.rotation or 0 -- in pdf multiples or 90% in jpeg 1 du.orientation = figure.orientation or 0 -- jpeg 1 2 3 4 (0=unset) ds.private = figure ds.hash = hash end return data end local nofimages = 0 local pofimages = { } function figures.getrealpage(index) return pofimages[index] or 0 end local function updatepage(specification) local n = specification.n pofimages[n] = pofimages[n] or tex.count.realpageno -- so when reused we register the first one only end function includers.generic(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status -- here we set the 'natural dimensions' dr.width = du.width dr.height = du.height local hash = figures.hash(data) local figure = figures_used[hash] -- figures.registerresource { -- filename = du.fullname, -- width = dr.width, -- height = dr.height, -- } if figure == nil then figure = ds.private -- the img object if figure then figure = (dr.copyimage or copyimage)(figure) if figure then figure.width = dr.width or figure.width figure.height = dr.height or figure.height end end figures_used[hash] = figure end if figure then local nr = figures.boxnumber nofimages = nofimages + 1 ds.pageindex = nofimages local image = wrapimage(figure) local pager = new_latelua { action = updatepage, n = nofimages } image.next = pager pager.prev = image local box = hpack(image) box.width = figure.width box.height = figure.height box.depth = 0 texsetbox(nr,box) ds.objectnumber = figure.objnum -- indexed[figure.index] = figure ctx_relocateexternalfigure() end return data end -- -- -- nongeneric -- -- -- local function checkers_nongeneric(data,command) -- todo: macros and context.* local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local name = du.fullname or "unknown nongeneric" local hash = name if dr.object then -- hm, bugged ... waiting for an xform interface if not objects.data["FIG"][hash] then if type(command) == "function" then command() end ctx_dosetfigureobject("FIG",hash) end ctx_doboxfigureobject("FIG",hash) elseif type(command) == "function" then command() end return data end local function includers_nongeneric(data) return data end checkers.nongeneric = checkers_nongeneric includers.nongeneric = includers_nongeneric -- -- -- mov -- -- -- function checkers.mov(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local width = todimen(dr.width or figures.defaultwidth) local height = todimen(dr.height or figures.defaultheight) local foundname = du.fullname dr.width, dr.height = width, height du.width, du.height, du.foundname = width, height, foundname if trace_inclusion then report_inclusion("including movie %a, width %p, height %p",foundname,width,height) end -- we need to push the node.write in between ... we could make a shared helper for this ctx_startfoundexternalfigure(width .. "sp",height .. "sp") context(function() nodeinjections.insertmovie { width = width, height = height, factor = bpfactor, ["repeat"] = dr["repeat"], controls = dr.controls, preview = dr.preview, label = dr.label, foundname = foundname, } end) ctx_stopfoundexternalfigure() return data end includers.mov = includers.nongeneric -- -- -- mps -- -- -- internalschemes.mprun = true -- mprun.foo.1 mprun.6 mprun:foo.2 local ctx_docheckfiguremprun = context.docheckfiguremprun local ctx_docheckfiguremps = context.docheckfiguremps local function internal(askedname) local spec, mprun, mpnum = match(lower(askedname),"mprun([:%.]?)(.-)%.(%d+)") -- mpnum = tonumber(mpnum) or 0 -- can be string or number, fed to context anyway if spec ~= "" then return mprun, mpnum else return "", mpnum end end function existers.mps(askedname) local mprun, mpnum = internal(askedname) if mpnum then return askedname, true, "mps", true else return existers.generic(askedname) end end function checkers.mps(data) local mprun, mpnum = internal(data.used.fullname) if mpnum then return checkers_nongeneric(data,function() ctx_docheckfiguremprun(mprun,mpnum) end) else return checkers_nongeneric(data,function() ctx_docheckfiguremps(data.used.fullname) end) end end includers.mps = includers.nongeneric -- -- -- tex -- -- -- local ctx_docheckfiguretex = context.docheckfiguretex function existers.tex(askedname) askedname = resolvers.findfile(askedname) return askedname ~= "" and askedname or false, true, "tex", true end function checkers.tex(data) return checkers_nongeneric(data,function() ctx_docheckfiguretex(data.used.fullname) end) end includers.tex = includers.nongeneric -- -- -- buffer -- -- -- local ctx_docheckfigurebuffer = context.docheckfigurebuffer function existers.buffer(askedname) local name = file.nameonly(askedname) local okay = buffers.exists(name) return okay and name, true, "buffer", true -- always quit scanning end function checkers.buffer(data) return checkers_nongeneric(data,function() ctx_docheckfigurebuffer(file.nameonly(data.used.fullname)) end) end includers.buffers = includers.nongeneric -- -- -- auto -- -- -- function existers.auto(askedname) local name = gsub(askedname, ".auto$", "") local format = figures.guess(name) -- if format then -- report_inclusion("format guess %a for %a",format,name) -- else -- report_inclusion("format guess for %a is not possible",name) -- end return format and name, true, format end checkers.auto = checkers.generic includers.auto = includers.generic -- -- -- cld -- -- -- local ctx_docheckfigurecld = context.docheckfigurecld function existers.cld(askedname) askedname = resolvers.findfile(askedname) return askedname ~= "" and askedname or false, true, "cld", true end function checkers.cld(data) return checkers_nongeneric(data,function() ctx_docheckfigurecld(data.used.fullname) end) end includers.cld = includers.nongeneric -- -- -- converters -- -- -- setmetatableindex(converters,"table") -- We keep this helper because it has been around for a while and therefore it can -- be a depedency in an existing workflow. function programs.makeoptions(options) local to = type(options) return (to == "table" and concat(options," ")) or (to == "string" and options) or "" end function programs.run(binary,argument,variables) local found = nil if type(binary) == "table" then for i=1,#binary do local b = binary[i] found = os.which(b) if found then binary = b break end end if not found then binary = concat(binary, " | ") end elseif binary then found = os.which(match(binary,"[%S]+")) end if type(argument) == "table" then argument = concat(argument," ") -- for old times sake end if not found then report_inclusion("program %a is not installed",binary or "?") elseif not argument or argument == "" then report_inclusion("nothing to run, no arguments for program %a",binary) else -- no need to use the full found filename (found) .. we also don't quote the program -- name any longer as in luatex there is too much messing with these names local command = format([[%s %s]],binary,replacetemplate(longtostring(argument),variables)) if trace_conversion or trace_programs then report_inclusion("running command: %s",command) end os.execute(command) end end -- the rest of the code has been moved to grph-con.lua -- -- -- bases -- -- -- local bases = allocate() figures.bases = bases local bases_list = nil -- index => { basename, fullname, xmlroot } local bases_used = nil -- [basename] => { basename, fullname, xmlroot } -- pointer to list local bases_found = nil local bases_enabled = false local function reset() bases_list = allocate() bases_used = allocate() bases_found = allocate() bases_enabled = false bases.list = bases_list bases.used = bases_used bases.found = bases_found end reset() function bases.use(basename) if basename == "reset" then reset() else basename = file.addsuffix(basename,"xml") if not bases_used[basename] then local t = { basename, nil, nil } bases_used[basename] = t bases_list[#bases_list+1] = t if not bases_enabled then bases_enabled = true xml.registerns("rlx","http://www.pragma-ade.com/schemas/rlx") -- we should be able to do this per xml file end if trace_bases then report_inclusion("registering base %a",basename) end end end end implement { name = "usefigurebase", actions = bases.use, arguments = "string" } local function bases_find(basename,askedlabel) if trace_bases then report_inclusion("checking for %a in base %a",askedlabel,basename) end basename = file.addsuffix(basename,"xml") local t = bases_found[askedlabel] if t == nil then local base = bases_used[basename] local page = 0 if base[2] == nil then -- no yet located for i=1,#figure_paths do local path = resolveprefix(figure_paths[i]) -- we resolve (e.g. jobfile:) local xmlfile = path .. "/" .. basename if io.exists(xmlfile) then base[2] = xmlfile base[3] = xml.load(xmlfile) if trace_bases then report_inclusion("base %a loaded",xmlfile) end break end end end t = false if base[2] and base[3] then -- rlx:library for e in xml.collected(base[3],"/(*:library|figurelibrary)/*:figure/*:label") do page = page + 1 if xml.text(e) == askedlabel then t = { base = file.replacesuffix(base[2],"pdf"), format = "pdf", name = xml.text(e,"../*:file"), -- to be checked page = page, } bases_found[askedlabel] = t if trace_bases then report_inclusion("figure %a found in base %a",askedlabel,base[2]) end return t end end if trace_bases and not t then report_inclusion("figure %a not found in base %a",askedlabel,base[2]) end end end return t end -- we can access sequential or by name local function bases_locate(askedlabel) for i=1,#bases_list do local entry = bases_list[i] local t = bases_find(entry[1],askedlabel,1,true) if t then return t end end return false end function identifiers.base(data) if bases_enabled then local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local fbl = bases_locate(dr.name or dr.label) if fbl then du.page = fbl.page du.format = fbl.format du.fullname = fbl.base ds.fullname = fbl.name ds.format = fbl.format ds.page = fbl.page ds.status = 10 end end return data end bases.locate = bases_locate bases.find = bases_find identifiers.list = { identifiers.base, identifiers.default } -- tracing statistics.register("graphics processing time", function() local nofprocessed = figures.nofprocessed if nofprocessed > 0 then local nofnames, nofbadnames = 0, 0 for hash, data in next, figures_found do nofnames = nofnames + 1 if data.badname then nofbadnames = nofbadnames + 1 end end return format("%s seconds including tex, %s processed images, %s unique asked, %s bad names", statistics.elapsedtime(figures),nofprocessed,nofnames,nofbadnames) else return nil end end) -- helper function figures.applyratio(width,height,w,h) -- width and height are strings and w and h are numbers if not width or width == "" then if not height or height == "" then return figures.defaultwidth, figures.defaultheight else height = todimen(height) if w and h then return height * w/h, height else return figures.defaultwidth, height end end else width = todimen(width) if not height or height == "" then if w and h then return width, width * h/w else return width, figures.defaultheight end else return width, todimen(height) end end end -- example of simple plugins: -- -- figures.converters.png = { -- png = function(oldname,newname,resolution) -- local command = string.format('gm convert -depth 1 "%s" "%s"',oldname,newname) -- logs.report(string.format("running command %s",command)) -- os.execute(command) -- end, -- } -- local n = "foo.pdf" -- local d = figures.getinfo(n) -- if d then -- for i=1,d.used.pages do -- local p = figures.getinfo(n,i) -- if p then -- local u = p.used -- print(u.width,u.height,u.orientation) -- end -- end -- end function figures.getinfo(name,page) if type(name) == "string" then name = { name = name, page = page } end if name.name then local data = figures.push(name) data = figures.identify(data) if data.status and data.status.status > 0 then data = figures.check(data) end figures.pop() return data end end function figures.getpdfinfo(name,page,metadata) -- not that useful but as we have it for detailed inclusion we can as -- we expose it if type(name) ~= "table" then name = { name = name, page = page, metadata = metadata } end return codeinjections.getinfo(name) end -- interfacing implement { name = "figure_push", scope = "private", actions = figures.push, arguments = { { { "name" }, { "label" }, { "page" }, { "file" }, { "size" }, { "object" }, { "prefix" }, { "cache" }, { "format" }, { "preset" }, { "controls" }, { "resources" }, { "preview" }, { "display" }, { "mask" }, { "crop" }, { "conversion" }, { "resolution" }, { "color" }, { "cmyk" }, { "arguments" }, { "repeat" }, { "transform" }, { "compact" }, { "width", "dimen" }, { "height", "dimen" }, { "userpassword" }, { "ownerpassword" }, } } } -- beware, we get a number passed by default implement { name = "figure_pop", scope = "private", actions = figures.pop } implement { name = "figure_done", scope = "private", actions = figures.done } implement { name = "figure_dummy", scope = "private", actions = figures.dummy } implement { name = "figure_identify", scope = "private", actions = figures.identify } implement { name = "figure_scale", scope = "private", actions = figures.scale } implement { name = "figure_check", scope = "private", actions = figures.check } implement { name = "figure_include", scope = "private", actions = figures.include } implement { name = "setfigurelookuporder", actions = figures.setorder, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "figure_reset", scope = "private", arguments = { "integer", "dimen", "dimen" }, actions = function(box,width,height) figures.boxnumber = box figures.defaultwidth = width figures.defaultheight = height end } -- require("util-lib-imp-gm") -- -- figures.converters.tif.pdf = function(oldname,newname,resolution) -- logs.report("graphics","using gm library to convert %a",oldname) -- utilities.graphicmagick.convert { -- inputname = oldname, -- outputname = newname, -- } -- end -- -- \externalfigure[t:/sources/hakker1b.tiff] -- something relatively new: local registered = { } local ctx_doexternalfigurerepeat = context.doexternalfigurerepeat implement { name = "figure_register_page", arguments = "3 strings", actions = function(a,b,c) registered[#registered+1] = { a, b, c } context(#registered) end } implement { name = "figure_nof_registered_pages", actions = function() context(#registered) end } implement { name = "figure_flush_registered_pages", arguments = "string", actions = function(n) local f = registered[tonumber(n)] if f then ctx_doexternalfigurerepeat(f[1],f[2],f[3],n) end end } -- for the moment we keep this here: do local stores = setmetatableindex("table") local defaultwidth = 6553600 -- maybe bp function images.resetstore(name) stores[name] = { } end local function resetdata(name,n) local store = stores[name] store[n] = false end local function storedata(name,data) local store = stores[name] store[#store+1] = data return #store end local function fetchdata(name,n) local store = stores[name] return store and store[n] end images.storedata = storedata images.fetchdata = fetchdata images.resetdata = resetdata -- function images.filetostore(name,kind,filename) -- return storedata(name, { -- data = io.loaddata(filename), -- kind = kind or file.suffix(filename), -- }) -- end -- -- function images.datatostore(name,kind,data) -- return storedata(name, { -- data = data, -- kind = kind, -- }) -- end -- local embedimage = images.embed -- local wrapimage = images.wrap function images.embedfromstore(name,n,reset) local blob = fetchdata(name,n) if blob then local kind = blob.kind if kind then local identify = graphics.identifiers[kind] local inject = backends.codeinjections[kind] if identify and inject then local info = blob.info or identify(blob.data,"string") -- could already be done if info then info.width = defaultwidth info.height = (info.ysize /info.xsize) * defaultwidth local image = blob.image if not image then image = inject(info,"string") blob.image = image end image.width = info.width image.height = info.height context(wrapimage(image)) -- if reset then -- resetdata(name,n) -- end end end end end end implement { name = "embedimagefromstore", arguments = { "string", "integer", "boolean" }, actions = images.embedfromstore, } end