if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-tpk'] = { version = 1.001, optimize = true, comment = "companion to font-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- The bitmap loader is more or less derived from the luatex version (taco) -- which is derived from pdftex (thanh) who uses code from dvips (thomas) -- adapted by piet ... etc. The tfm and vf readers are also derived from -- luatex. All do things a bit more luaish and errors are of course mine. local next = next local extract, band, lshift, rshift = bit32.extract, bit32.band, bit32.lshift, bit32.rshift local idiv = number.idiv local char = string.char local concat, insert, remove, copy = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove, table.copy local tobitstring = number.tobitstring local formatters = string.formatters local round = math.round local streams = utilities.streams local openstream = streams.open local streamsize = streams.size local readcardinal1 = streams.readcardinal1 local readcardinal2 = streams.readcardinal2 local readcardinal3 = streams.readcardinal3 local readcardinal4 = streams.readcardinal4 local readinteger1 = streams.readinteger1 local readinteger2 = streams.readinteger2 local readinteger3 = streams.readinteger3 local readinteger4 = streams.readinteger4 local readbyte = streams.readbyte local readbytes = streams.readbytes local readstring = streams.readstring local skipbytes = streams.skipbytes local getposition = streams.getposition local setposition = streams.setposition if not fonts then fonts = { handlers = { tfm = { } } } end local handlers = fonts.handlers local tfm = handlers.tfm or { } handlers.tfm = tfm local readers = tfm.readers or { } tfm.readers = readers tfm.version = 1.005 tfm.cache = containers.define("fonts", "tfm", tfm.version, true) -- Performance is no real issue here so I didn't optimize too much. After -- all, these files are small and we mostly use opentype or type1 fonts. do local function readbitmap(glyph,s,flagbyte) local inputbyte = 0 local bitweight = 0 local dynf = 0 local remainder = 0 local realfunc = nil local repeatcount = 0 local function getnyb() -- can be inlined if bitweight == 0 then bitweight = 16 inputbyte = readbyte(s) return extract(inputbyte,4,4) else bitweight = 0 return band(inputbyte,15) end end local function getbit() -- can be inlined bitweight = rshift(bitweight,1) if bitweight == 0 then -- actually we can check for 1 inputbyte = readbyte(s) bitweight = 128 end return band(inputbyte,bitweight) end local function pkpackednum() local i = getnyb(s) if i == 0 then repeat j = getnyb() i = i + 1 until (j ~= 0) if i > 3 then return handlehuge(i,j) else for i=1,i do j = j * 16 + getnyb() end return j - 15 + (13 - dynf) * 16 + dynf end elseif i <= dynf then return i elseif i < 14 then return (i - dynf - 1) * 16 + getnyb() + dynf + 1 elseif i == 14 then repeatcount = pkpackednum() else repeatcount = 1 end return realfunc() end local function rest() if remainder < 0 then remainder = -remainder return 0 elseif remainder > 4000 then remainder = 4000 - remainder return 4000 elseif remainder > 0 then local i = remainder remainder = 0 realfunc = pkpackednum return i else -- error = "pk issue that shouldn't happen" return 0 end end local function handlehuge(i,j) while i ~= 0 do j = lshift(j,4) + getnyb() -- j = extract(j,8,4) + getnyb() i = i - 1 end remainder = j - 15 + (13 - dynf) * 16 + dynf realfunc = rest return rest() end local gpower = { [0] = 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535 } local raster = { } local r = 0 glyph.stream = raster local xsize = glyph.xsize local ysize = glyph.ysize local word = 0 local wordweight = 0 local wordwidth = idiv(xsize + 15,16) local rowsleft = 0 local turnon = band(flagbyte,8) == 8 and true or false local hbit = 0 local count = 0 -- realfunc = pkpackednum dynf = idiv(flagbyte,16) -- if dynf == 14 then bitweight = 0 for i=1,ysize do word = 0 wordweight = 32768 for j=1,xsize do if getbit() ~= 0 then word = word + wordweight end wordweight = rshift(wordweight,1) if wordweight == 0 then r = r + 1 raster[r] = word word = 0 wordweight = 32768 end end if wordweight ~= 32768 then r = r + 1 raster[r] = word end end else rowsleft = ysize hbit = xsize repeatcount = 0 wordweight = 16 word = 0 bitweight = 0 while rowsleft > 0 do count = realfunc() while count ~= 0 do if count < wordweight and count < hbit then if turnon then word = word + gpower[wordweight] - gpower[wordweight - count] end hbit = hbit - count wordweight = wordweight - count count = 0 elseif count >= hbit and hbit <= wordweight then if turnon then word = word + gpower[wordweight] - gpower[wordweight - hbit] end r = r + 1 raster[r] = word for i=1,repeatcount*wordwidth do r = r + 1 raster[r] = raster[r - wordwidth] end rowsleft = rowsleft - repeatcount - 1 repeatcount = 0 word = 0 wordweight = 16 count = count - hbit hbit = xsize else if turnon then word = word + gpower[wordweight] end r = r + 1 raster[r] = word word = 0 count = count - wordweight hbit = hbit - wordweight wordweight = 16 end end turnon = not turnon end if rowsleft ~= 0 or hbit ~= xsize then print("ERROR",rowsleft,hbit,xsize) -- error = "error while unpacking, more bits than required" end end end function readers.showpk(glyph) local xsize = glyph.xsize local ysize = glyph.ysize local stream = glyph.stream local result = { } local rr = { } local r = 0 local s = 0 local cw = idiv(xsize+ 7, 8) local rw = idiv(xsize+15,16) local extra = 2 * rw == cw local b for y=1,ysize do r = 0 for x=1,rw-1 do s = s + 1 ; b = stream[s] r = r + 1 ; rr[r] = tobitstring(b,16,16) end s = s + 1 ; b = stream[s] if extra then r = r + 1 ; rr[r] = tobitstring(b,16,16) else r = r + 1 ; rr[r] = tobitstring(extract(b,8+(8-cw),cw),cw,cw) end result[y] = concat(rr) end return concat(result,"\n") end local template = formatters [ [[ %.3N 0 %i %i %i %i d1 q %i 0 0 %i %i %i cm BI /W %i /H %i /IM true /BPC 1 /D [1 0] ID %t EI Q]] ] function readers.pktopdf(glyph,data,factor) local width = data.width * factor local xsize = glyph.xsize or 0 local ysize = glyph.ysize or 0 local xoffset = glyph.xoffset or 0 local yoffset = glyph.yoffset or 0 local stream = glyph.stream local dpi = 1 local newdpi = 1 local xdpi = dpi * xsize / newdpi local ydpi = dpi * ysize / newdpi local llx = - xoffset local lly = yoffset - ysize + 1 local urx = llx + xsize + 1 local ury = lly + ysize local result = { } local r = 0 local s = 0 local cw = idiv(xsize+ 7, 8) local rw = idiv(xsize+15,16) local extra = 2 * rw == cw local b for y=1,ysize do for x=1,rw-1 do s = s + 1 ; b = stream[s] r = r + 1 ; result[r] = char(extract(b,8,8),extract(b,0,8)) end s = s + 1 ; b = stream[s] if extra then r = r + 1 ; result[r] = char(extract(b,8,8),extract(b,0,8)) else r = r + 1 ; result[r] = char(extract(b,8,8)) end end return template(width,llx,lly,urx,ury,xdpi,ydpi,llx,lly,xsize,ysize,result), width end function readers.loadpk(filename) local s = openstream(filename) local preamble = readcardinal1(s) local version = readcardinal1(s) local comment = readstring(s,readcardinal1(s)) local designsize = readcardinal4(s) local checksum = readcardinal4(s) local hppp = readcardinal4(s) local vppp = readcardinal4(s) if preamble ~= 247 or version ~= 89 or not vppp then return { error = "invalid preamble" } end local glyphs = { } local data = { designsize = designsize, comment = comment, hppp = hppp, vppp = vppp, glyphs = glyphs, } while true do local flagbyte = readcardinal1(s) if flagbyte < 240 then local c = band(flagbyte,7) local length, index, width, pixels, xsize, ysize, xoffset, yoffset if c >= 0 and c <= 3 then length = band(flagbyte,7) * 256 + readcardinal1(s) - 3 index = readcardinal1(s) width = readinteger3(s) pixels = readcardinal1(s) xsize = readcardinal1(s) ysize = readcardinal1(s) xoffset = readcardinal1(s) yoffset = readcardinal1(s) if xoffset > 127 then xoffset = xoffset - 256 end if yoffset > 127 then yoffset = yoffset - 256 end elseif c >= 4 and c <= 6 then length = band(flagbyte,3) * 65536 + readcardinal1(s) * 256 + readcardinal1(s) - 4 index = readcardinal1(s) width = readinteger3(s) pixels = readcardinal2(s) xsize = readcardinal2(s) ysize = readcardinal2(s) xoffset = readcardinal2(s) yoffset = readcardinal2(s) else -- 7 length = readcardinal4(s) - 9 index = readcardinal4(s) width = readinteger4(s) pixels = readcardinal4(s) readcardinal4(s) xsize = readcardinal4(s) ysize = readcardinal4(s) xoffset = readcardinal4(s) yoffset = readcardinal4(s) end local glyph = { index = index, width = width, pixels = pixels, xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize, xoffset = xoffset, yoffset = yoffset, } if length <= 0 then data.error = "bad packet" return data end readbitmap(glyph,s,flagbyte) glyphs[index] = glyph elseif flagbyte == 240 then -- k[1] x[k] skipbytes(s,readcardinal1(s)) elseif flagbyte == 241 then -- k[2] x[k] skipbytes(s,readcardinal2(s)*2) elseif flagbyte == 242 then -- k[3] x[k] skipbytes(s,readcardinal3(s)*3) elseif flagbyte == 243 then -- k[4] x[k] skipbytes(s,readcardinal4(s)*4) -- readinteger4 elseif flagbyte == 244 then -- y[4] skipbytes(s,4) elseif flagbyte == 245 then break elseif flagbyte == 246 then -- nop else data.error = "unknown pk command" break end end return data end end do local leftboundary = -1 local rightboundary = -2 local boundarychar = 65536 function readers.loadtfm(filename) local data -- local function someerror(m) if not data then data = { } end data.error = m or "fatal error" return data end -- local s = openstream(filename) if not s then return someerror() end -- local wide = false local header = 0 local max = 0 local size = streamsize(s) local glyphs = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = { -- we default because boundary chars have no dimension s width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0, italic = 0, } t[k] = v return v end) local parameters = { } local direction = 0 -- local lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd, ni, nl, nk, ne, np -- lf = readcardinal2(s) if lf ~= 0 then header = 6 max = 255 wide = false lh = readcardinal2(s) bc = readcardinal2(s) ec = readcardinal2(s) nw = readcardinal2(s) nh = readcardinal2(s) nd = readcardinal2(s) ni = readcardinal2(s) nl = readcardinal2(s) nk = readcardinal2(s) ne = readcardinal2(s) np = readcardinal2(s) else header = 14 max = 65535 wide = readcardinal4(s) == 0 if not wide then return someerror("invalid format") end lf = readcardinal4(s) lh = readcardinal4(s) bc = readcardinal4(s) ec = readcardinal4(s) nw = readcardinal4(s) nh = readcardinal4(s) nd = readcardinal4(s) ni = readcardinal4(s) nl = readcardinal4(s) nk = readcardinal4(s) ne = readcardinal4(s) np = readcardinal4(s) direction = readcardinal4(s) end if (bc > ec + 1) or (ec > max) then return someerror("file is too small") end if bc > max then bc, ec = 1, 0 end local nlw = (wide and 2 or 1) * nl local neew = (wide and 2 or 1) * ne local ncw = (wide and 2 or 1) * (ec - bc + 1) if lf ~= (header + lh + ncw + nw + nh + nd + ni + nlw + nk + neew + np) then return someerror("file is too small") end if nw == 0 or nh == 0 or nd == 0 or ni == 0 then return someerror("no glyphs") end if lf * 4 > size then return someerror("file is too small") end local slh = lh if lh < 2 then return someerror("file is too small") end local checksum = readcardinal4(s) local designsize = readcardinal2(s) designsize = designsize * 256 + readcardinal1(s) designsize = designsize * 16 + rshift(readcardinal1(s),4) if designsize < 0xFFFF then return someerror("weird designsize") end -- local alpha = 16 local z = designsize while z >= 040000000 do z = rshift(z,1) alpha = alpha + alpha end local beta = idiv(256,alpha) alpha = alpha * z -- local function readscaled() local a, b, c, d = readbytes(s,4) local n = idiv(rshift(rshift(d*z,8)+c*z,8)+b*z,beta) if a == 0 then return n elseif a == 255 then return n - alpha else return 0 end end -- local function readunscaled() local a, b, c, d = readbytes(s,4) if a > 127 then a = a - 256 end return a * 0xFFFFF + b * 0xFFF + c * 0xF + rshift(d,4) end -- while lh > 2 do -- can be one-liner skipbytes(s,4) lh = lh - 1 end local saved = getposition(s) setposition(s,(header + slh + ncw) * 4 + 1) local widths = { } for i=0,nw-1 do widths [i] = readscaled() end local heights = { } for i=0,nh-1 do heights[i] = readscaled() end local depths = { } for i=0,nd-1 do depths [i] = readscaled() end local italics = { } for i=0,ni-1 do italics[i] = readscaled() end if widths[0] ~= 0 or heights[0] ~= 0 or depths[0] ~= 0 then return someerror("invalid dimensions") end -- local blabel = nl local bchar = boundarychar -- local ligatures = { } if nl > 0 then for i=0,nl-1 do local a, b, c, d = readbytes(s,4) ligatures[i] = { skip = a, nxt = b, op = c, rem = d, } if a > 128 then if 256 * c + d >= nl then return someerror("invalid ligature table") end if a == 255 and i == 0 then bchar = b end else if c < 128 then -- whatever elseif 256 * (c - 128) + d >= nk then return someerror("invalid ligature table") end if (a < 128) and (i - 0 + a + 1 >= nl) then return someerror("invalid ligature table") end end if a == 255 then blabel = 256 * c + d end end end local allkerns = { } for i=0,nk-1 do allkerns[i] = readscaled() end local extensibles = { } for i=0,ne-1 do extensibles[i] = wide and { top = readcardinal2(s), bot = readcardinal2(s), mid = readcardinal2(s), rep = readcardinal2(s), } or { top = readcardinal1(s), bot = readcardinal1(s), mid = readcardinal1(s), rep = readcardinal1(s), } end for i=1,np do if i == 1 then parameters[i] = readunscaled() else parameters[i] = readscaled() end end for i=1,7 do if not parameters[i] then parameters[i] = 0 end end -- setposition(s,saved) local extras = false if blabel ~= nl then local k = blabel while true do local l = ligatures[k] local skip = l.skip if skip <= 128 then -- if l.op >= 128 then -- extras = true -- kern -- else extras = true -- ligature -- end end if skip == 0 then k = k + 1 else if skip >= 128 then break end k = k + skip + 1 end end end if extras then local ligas = { } local kerns = { } local k = blabel while true do local l = ligatures[k] local skip = l.skip if skip <= 128 then local nxt = l.nxt local op = l.op local rem = l.rem if op >= 128 then kerns[nxt] = allkerns[256 * (op - 128) + rem] else ligas[nxt] = { type = op * 2 + 1, char = rem } end end if skip == 0 then k = k + 1 else if skip >= 128 then break; end k = k + skip + 1 end end if next(kerns) then local glyph = glyphs[leftboundary] glyph.kerns = kerns glyph.remainder = 0 end if next(ligas) then local glyph = glyphs[leftboundary] glyph.ligatures = ligas glyph.remainder = 0 end end for i=bc,ec do local glyph, width, height, depth, italic, tag, remainder if wide then width = readcardinal2(s) height = readcardinal1(s) depth = readcardinal1(s) italic = readcardinal1(s) tag = readcardinal1(s) remainder = readcardinal2(s) else width = readcardinal1(s) height = readcardinal1(s) depth = extract(height,0,4) height = extract(height,4,4) italic = readcardinal1(s) tag = extract(italic,0,2) italic = extract(italic,2,6) remainder = readcardinal1(s) end if width == 0 then -- nothing else if width >= nw or height >= nh or depth >= nd or italic >= ni then return someerror("invalid dimension index") end local extensible, nextinsize if tag == 0 then -- nothing special else local r = remainder if tag == 1 then if r >= nl then return someerror("invalid ligature index") end elseif tag == 2 then if r < bc or r > ec then return someerror("invalid chain index") end while r < i do local g = glyphs[r] if g.tag ~= list_tag then break end r = g.remainder end if r == i then return someerror("cycles in chain") end nextinsize = r elseif tag == 3 then if r >= ne then return someerror("bad extensible") end extensible = extensibles[r] -- remainder ? remainder = 0 end end glyphs[i] = { width = widths [width], height = heights[height], depth = depths [depth], italic = italics[italic], tag = tag, -- index = i, remainder = remainder, extensible = extensible, next = nextinsize, } end end for i=bc,ec do local glyph = glyphs[i] if glyph.tag == 1 then -- ligature local k = glyph.remainder local l = ligatures[k] if l.skip > 128 then k = 256 * l.op + l.rem end local ligas = { } local kerns = { } while true do local l = ligatures[k] local skip = l.skip if skip <= 128 then local nxt = l.nxt local op = l.op local rem = l.rem if op >= 128 then local kern = allkerns[256 * (op - 128) + rem] if nxt == bchar then kerns[rightboundary] = kern end kerns[nxt] = kern else local ligature = { type = op * 2 + 1, char = rem } if nxt == bchar then ligas[rightboundary] = ligature end ligas[nxt] = ligature -- shared end end if skip == 0 then k = k + 1 else if skip >= 128 then break end k = k + skip + 1 end end if next(kerns)then glyph.kerns = kerns glyph.remainder = 0 end if next(ligas) then glyph.ligatures = ligas glyph.remainder = 0 end end end -- if bchar ~= boundarychar then glyphs[rightboundary] = copy(glyphs[bchar]) end -- -- for k, v in next, glyphs do -- v.tag = nil -- v.remainder = nil -- end -- return { name = file.nameonly(filename), fontarea = file.pathpart(filename), glyphs = glyphs, parameters = parameters, designsize = designsize, size = designsize, direction = direction, -- checksum = checksum, -- embedding = "unknown", -- extend = 1000, -- slant = 0, -- squeeze = 0, -- format = "unknown", -- identity = "unknown", -- mode = 0, -- streamprovider = 0, -- tounicode = 0, -- type = "unknown", -- units_per_em = 0, -- used = false, -- width = 0, -- writingmode = "unknown", } end end do local push = { "push" } local push = { "pop" } local w, x, y, z, f local stack local s, result, r local alpha, beta, z local function scaled1() local a = readbytes(s,1) if a == 0 then return 0 elseif a == 255 then return - alpha else return 0 -- error end end local function scaled2() local a, b = readbytes(s,2) local sw = idiv(b*z,beta) if a == 0 then return sw elseif a == 255 then return sw - alpha else return 0 -- error end end local function scaled3() local a, b, c = readbytes(s,3) local sw = idiv(rshift(c*z,8)+b*z,beta) if a == 0 then return sw elseif a == 255 then return sw - alpha else return 0 -- error end end local function scaled4() local a, b, c, d = readbytes(s,4) local sw = idiv( rshift(rshift(d*z,8)+(c*z),8)+b*z,beta) if a == 0 then return sw elseif a == 255 then return sw - alpha else return 0 -- error end end local function dummy() end local actions = { [128] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal1(s) } p = p + 1 end, [129] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal2(s) } p = p + 2 end, [130] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal3(s) } p = p + 3 end, [131] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal4(s) } p = p + 4 end, [132] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "rule", scaled4(), scaled4() } p = p + 8 end, [133] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = push r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal1(s) } r = r + 1 result[r] = pop p = p + 1 end, [134] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = push r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal2(s) } r = r + 1 result[r] = pop p = p + 2 end, [135] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = push r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal2(s) } r = r + 1 result[r] = pop p = p + 3 end, [136] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = push r = r + 1 result[r] = { "slot", f or 1, readcardinal4(s) } r = r + 1 result[r] = pop p = p + 4 end, [137] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = push r = r + 1 result[r] = { "rule", scaled4(), scaled4() } r = r + 1 result[r] = pop p = p + 8 end, [138] = dummy, -- nop [139] = dummy, -- bop [140] = dummy, -- eop [141] = function() insert(stack, { w, x, y, z }) r = r + 1 result[r] = push end, [142] = function() local t = remove(stack) if t then w, x, y, z = t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4] r = r + 1 result[r] = pop end end, [143] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", scaled1() } p = p + 1 end, [144] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", scaled2() } p = p + 2 end, [145] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", scaled3() } p = p + 3 end, [146] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", scaled4() } p = p + 4 end, [148] = function() w = scaled1() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", w } p = p + 1 end, [149] = function() w = scaled2() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", w } p = p + 2 end, [150] = function() w = scaled3() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", w } p = p + 3 end, [151] = function() w = scaled4() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", w } p = p + 4 end, [153] = function() x = scaled1() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", x } p = p + 1 end, [154] = function() x = scaled2() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", x } p = p + 2 end, [155] = function() x = scaled3() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", x } p = p + 3 end, [156] = function() x = scaled4() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", x } p = p + 4 end, [157] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", scaled1() } p = p + 1 end, [158] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", scaled2() } p = p + 2 end, [159] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", scaled3() } p = p + 3 end, [160] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", scaled4() } p = p + 4 end, [162] = function() y = scaled1() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", y } p = p + 1 end, [163] = function() y = scaled2() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", y } p = p + 2 end, [164] = function() y = scaled3() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", y } p = p + 3 end, [165] = function() y = scaled3() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", y } p = p + 4 end, [167] = function() z = scaled1() r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "down", z } p = p + 4 end, [168] = function() z = scaled2() r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "down", z } p = p + 4 end, [169] = function() z = scaled3() r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "down", z } p = p + 4 end, [170] = function() z = scaled4() r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "down", z } p = p + 4 end, [147] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", w } end, [152] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "right", x } end, [161] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", y } end, [166] = function() r = r + 1 result[r] = { "down", z } end, [235] = function() f = readcardinal1(s) p = p + 1 end, [236] = function() f = readcardinal2(s) p = p + 3 end, [237] = function() f = readcardinal3(s) p = p + 3 end, [238] = function() f = readcardinal4(s) p = p + 4 end, [239] = function() local n = readcardinal1(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "special", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 1 + n end, [240] = function() local n = readcardinal2(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "special", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 2 + n end, [241] = function() local n = readcardinal3(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "special", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 3 + n end, [242] = function() local n = readcardinal4(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "special", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 4 + n end, [250] = function() local n = readcardinal1(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "pdf", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 1 + n end, [251] = function() local n = readcardinal2(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "pdf", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 2 + n end, [252] = function() local n = readcardinal3(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "pdf", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 3 + n end, [253] = function() local n = readcardinal4(s) r = r + 1 result[r] = { "pdf", readstring(s,n) } p = p + 4 + n end, } table.setmetatableindex(actions,function(t,cmd) local v if cmd >= 0 and cmd <= 127 then v = function() if f == 0 then f = 1 end r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "slot", f, cmd } end elseif cmd >= 171 and cmd <= 234 then cmd = cmd - 170 v = function() r = r + 1 ; result[r] = { "font", cmd } end else v = dummy end t[cmd] = v return v end) function readers.loadvf(filename,data) -- local function someerror(m) if not data then data = { } end data.error = m or "fatal error" return data end -- s = openstream(filename) if not s then return someerror() end -- local cmd = readcardinal1(s) if cmd ~= 247 then return someerror("bad preamble") end cmd = readcardinal1(s) if cmd ~= 202 then return someerror("bad version") end local header = readstring(s,readcardinal1(s)) local checksum = readcardinal4(s) local designsize = idiv(readcardinal4(s),16) local fonts = data and data.fonts or { } local glyphs = data and data.glyphs or { } -- alpha = 16 z = designsize while z >= 040000000 do z = rshift(z,1) alpha = alpha + alpha end beta = idiv(256,alpha) alpha = alpha * z -- cmd = readcardinal1(s) while true do local n if cmd == 243 then n = readcardinal1(s) + 1 elseif cmd == 244 then n = readcardinal2(s) + 1 elseif cmd == 245 then n = readcardinal3(s) + 1 elseif cmd == 246 then n = readcardinal4(s) + 1 else break end local checksum = skipbytes(s,4) local size = scaled4() local designsize = idiv(readcardinal4(s),16) local pathlen = readcardinal1(s) local namelen = readcardinal1(s) local path = readstring(s,pathlen) local name = readstring(s,namelen) fonts[n] = { path = path, name = name, size = size } cmd = readcardinal1(s) end local index = 0 while cmd and cmd <= 242 do local width = 0 local length = 0 local checksum = 0 if cmd == 242 then length = readcardinal4(s) checksum = readcardinal4(s) width = readcardinal4(s) else length = cmd checksum = readcardinal1(s) width = readcardinal3(s) end w, x, y, z, f = 0, 0, 0, 0, false stack, result, r, p = { }, { }, 0, 0 while p < length do local cmd = readcardinal1(s) p = p + 1 actions[cmd]() end local glyph = glyphs[index] if glyph then glyph.width = width glyph.commands = result else glyphs[index] = { width = width, commands = result, } end index = index + 1 if #stack > 0 then -- error: more pushes than pops end if packet_length ~= 0 then -- error: invalid packet length end cmd = readcardinal1(s) end if readcardinal1(s) ~= 248 then -- error: no post end s, result, r = nil, nil, nil if data then data.glyphs = data.glyphs or glyphs data.fonts = data.fonts or fonts return data else return { name = file.nameonly(filename), fontarea = file.pathpart(filename), glyphs = glyphs, designsize = designsize, header = header, fonts = fonts, } end end -- the replacement loader (not sparse): function readers.loadtfmvf(tfmname,size) local vfname = file.addsuffix(file.nameonly(tfmfile),"vf") local tfmfile = tfmname local vffile = resolvers.findbinfile(vfname,"ovf") if tfmfile and tfmfile ~= "" then if size < 0 then size = idiv(65536 * -size,100) end local data = readers.loadtfm(tfmfile) if data.error then return data end if vffile and vffile ~= "" then data = readers.loadvf(vffile,data) if data.error then return data end end local designsize = data.designsize local glyphs = data.glyphs local parameters = data.parameters local fonts = data.fonts if size ~= designsize then local factor = size / designsize for index, glyph in next, glyphs do if next(glyph) then glyph.width = round(factor*glyph.width) glyph.height = round(factor*glyph.height) glyph.depth = round(factor*glyph.depth) local italic = glyph.italic if italic == 0 then glyph.italic = nil else glyph.italic = round(factor*glyph.italic) end -- local kerns = glyph.kerns if kerns then for index, kern in next, kerns do kerns[index] = round(factor*kern) end end -- local commands = glyph.commands if commands then for i=1,#commands do local c = commands[i] local t = c[1] if t == "down" or t == "right" then c[2] = round(factor*c[2]) elseif t == "rule" then c[2] = round(factor*c[2]) c[3] = round(factor*c[3]) end end end else glyphs[index] = nil end end for i=2,30 do local p = parameters[i] if p then parameters[i] = round(factor*p) else break end end if fonts then for k, v in next, fonts do v.size = round(factor*v.size) end end else for index, glyph in next, glyphs do if next(glyph) then if glyph.italic == 0 then glyph.italic = nil end else glyphs[index] = nil end end end -- parameters.slant = parameters[1] parameters.space = parameters[2] parameters.spacestretch = parameters[3] parameters.spaceshrink = parameters[4] parameters.xheight = parameters[5] parameters.quad = parameters[6] parameters.extraspace = parameters[7] -- for i=1,7 do parameters[i] = nil -- so no danger for async end -- data.characters = glyphs data.glyphs = nil data.size = size -- we assume type1 for now ... maybe the format should be unknown data.filename = tfmfile -- file.replacesuffix(tfmfile,"pfb") data.format = "unknown" -- return data end end end -- inspect(readers.loadtfmvf(resolvers.findfile("mi-iwonari.tfm"))) -- inspect(readers.loadtfm(resolvers.findfile("texnansi-palatinonova-regular.tfm"))) -- inspect(readers.loadtfm(resolvers.findfile("cmex10.tfm"))) -- inspect(readers.loadtfm(resolvers.findfile("cmr10.tfm"))) -- local t = readers.loadtfmvf("texnansi-lte50019.tfm") -- inspect(t)