%D \module %D [ file=core-def, %D version=2002.05.07, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros, %D subtitle=Defaults, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Defaults} %D Here we collect settings that cannot be done earlier due to %D depedencies. More code will moved to this module later. \unprotect \usesymbols[mis,nav] % no longer mvs preloaded \setupsymbolset[navigation 1] \setupinteraction[\c!symbolset=navigation 1] % what a mess \everypar \emptytoks \neverypar \emptytoks \appendtoks % \flushnotes \page_otr_command_synchronize_side_floats % an otr specific command \checkindentation \showparagraphnumber \restoreinterlinepenalty % \flushmargincontents % \flushcommentanchors \flushnotes \synchronizenotes % \OTRSETshowstatus \registerparoptions % \flushsyncpositions \flushpostponednodedata \typo_delimited_repeat \insertparagraphintro \typo_initial_handle \typo_firstline_handle % \spac_paragraph_wrap \spac_paragraph_freeze \to \everypar \appendtoks \flushnotes \to \everydisplay % \appendtoks % \adjustsidefloatdisplaylines % \to \everydisplay % \appendtoks % \flushpostponednodedata % \to \neverypar % \appendtoks % \flushsyncpositions % \to \everyheadstart % \appendtoks % \flushsyncresets % \to \everyendoftextbody \appendtoks \ignorespaces \to \everybeginofpar \appendtoks \removeunwantedspaces % \strut % option ? % \flushsyncresets % \setlastlinewidth % gone, will be done in lua \endgraf \to \everyendofpar % initialization order: \ifdefined\font_preloads_at_every_job \else \let\font_preloads_at_every_job \relax \fi \ifdefined\font_preloads_at_start_text \else \let\font_preloads_at_start_text\relax \fi \ifdefined\font_preloads_at_stop_text \else \let\font_preloads_at_stop_text \relax \fi \appendtoks \font_preloads_at_start_text \to \everystarttext \appendtoks \font_preloads_at_stop_text \to \everystoptext % We made \loadoptionfile obsolete: we pass options via the command line to % luatex now and handle them directly instead of via a file. This also makes % the next obsolete: % % \directsetup{*runtime:options} % \directsetup{*runtime:modules} \appendtoks \showcontextbanner \initializenewlinechar \calculatecurrenttime \syst_files_load % for the moment here (before doc env) \setupoutput[pdf]% % \clf_setdocumentcommandline \clf_setdocumentctxfile \clf_setdocumentfilenames \font_preloads_at_every_job \settopskip % brrr \initializemainlanguage \initializepagebackgrounds \initializepagecounters \clf_setdocumentmodes \clf_setdocumentmodules \clf_setdocumentenvironments \to \everyjob \appendtoks \ifarrangingpages\poparrangedpages\fi \to \everybye \prependtoks \resetallattributes \to \everybeforeoutput \appendtoks \the\everybackendshipout \to \everyshipout \prependtoks \the\everylastbackendshipout \to \everylastshipout \prependtoks \lefttoright \to \everybeforeoutput % temporary here: \pushoverloadmode \frozen\protected\def\arg{\mathortext\normalmatharg\normaltextarg} \popoverloadmode % might move to \everydump or even disappear: \nonknuthmode % brrr \appendtoks \synchronizegloballinespecs \synchronizelocallinespecs \to \everysetupbodyfont \appendtoks \synchronizelocallinespecs \to \everyswitchtobodyfont % who knows % \appendtoks % \resetcharacterspacing % \to \everyhyphenatedurl % \setbreakpoints[compound] %D Till we fixed all styles: \enforced\let\\\crlf % frozen or permanent? \protect \endinput