-- original file : http.lua -- for more into : see util-soc.lua local tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, next, type = tostring, tonumber, setmetatable, next, type local find, lower, format, gsub, match = string.find, string.lower, string.format, string.gsub, string.match local concat = table.concat local socket = socket or require("socket") local url = socket.url or require("socket.url") local ltn12 = ltn12 or require("ltn12") local mime = mime or require("mime") local headers = socket.headers or require("socket.headers") local normalizeheaders = headers.normalize local parseurl = url.parse local buildurl = url.build local absoluteurl = url.absolute local unescapeurl = url.unescape local skipsocket = socket.skip local sinksocket = socket.sink local sourcesocket = socket.source local trysocket = socket.try local tcpsocket = socket.tcp local newtrysocket = socket.newtry local protectsocket = socket.protect local emptysource = ltn12.source.empty local stringsource = ltn12.source.string local rewindsource = ltn12.source.rewind local pumpstep = ltn12.pump.step local pumpall = ltn12.pump.all local sinknull = ltn12.sink.null local sinktable = ltn12.sink.table local lowerheaders = headers.lower local mimeb64 = mime.b64 -- todo: localize ltn12 local http = { TIMEOUT = 60, -- connection timeout in seconds USERAGENT = socket._VERSION, -- user agent field sent in request } socket.http = http local PORT = 80 local SCHEMES = { http = true, } -- Reads MIME headers from a connection, unfolding where needed local function receiveheaders(sock, headers) if not headers then headers = { } end -- get first line local line, err = sock:receive("*l") -- this seems to be wrong! if err then return nil, err end -- headers go until a blank line is found while line ~= "" do -- get field-name and value local name, value = skipsocket(2, find(line, "^(.-):%s*(.*)")) if not (name and value) then return nil, "malformed reponse headers" end name = lower(name) -- get next line (value might be folded) line, err = sock:receive("*l") if err then return nil, err end -- unfold any folded values while find(line, "^%s") do value = value .. line line = sock:receive("*l") if err then return nil, err end end -- save pair in table local found = headers[name] if found then value = found .. ", " .. value end headers[name] = value end return headers end -- Extra sources and sinks socket.sourcet["http-chunked"] = function(sock, headers) return setmetatable ( { getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end, }, { __call = function() local line, err = sock:receive("*l") if err then return nil, err end local size = tonumber(gsub(line, ";.*", ""), 16) if not size then return nil, "invalid chunk size" end if size > 0 then local chunk, err, part = sock:receive(size) if chunk then sock:receive("*a") end return chunk, err else headers, err = receiveheaders(sock, headers) if not headers then return nil, err end end end } ) end socket.sinkt["http-chunked"] = function(sock) return setmetatable( { getfd = function() return sock:getfd() end, dirty = function() return sock:dirty() end, }, { __call = function(self, chunk, err) if not chunk then chunk = "" end return sock:send(format("%X\r\n%s\r\n",#chunk,chunk)) end }) end -- Low level HTTP API local methods = { } local mt = { __index = methods } local function openhttp(host, port, create) local c = trysocket((create or tcpsocket)()) local h = setmetatable({ c = c }, mt) local try = newtrysocket(function() h:close() end) h.try = try try(c:settimeout(http.TIMEOUT)) try(c:connect(host, port or PORT)) return h end http.open = openhttp function methods.sendrequestline(self, method, uri) local requestline = format("%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", method or "GET", uri) return self.try(self.c:send(requestline)) end function methods.sendheaders(self,headers) self.try(self.c:send(normalizeheaders(headers))) return 1 end function methods.sendbody(self, headers, source, step) if not source then source = emptysource() end if not step then step = pumpstep end local mode = "http-chunked" if headers["content-length"] then mode = "keep-open" end return self.try(pumpall(source, sinksocket(mode, self.c), step)) end function methods.receivestatusline(self) local try = self.try local status = try(self.c:receive(5)) if status ~= "HTTP/" then return nil, status -- HTTP/0.9 end status = try(self.c:receive("*l", status)) local code = skipsocket(2, find(status, "HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)")) return try(tonumber(code), status) end function methods.receiveheaders(self) return self.try(receiveheaders(self.c)) end function methods.receivebody(self, headers, sink, step) if not sink then sink = sinknull() end if not step then step = pumpstep end local length = tonumber(headers["content-length"]) local encoding = headers["transfer-encoding"] -- shortcut local mode = "default" -- connection close if encoding and encoding ~= "identity" then mode = "http-chunked" elseif length then mode = "by-length" end --hh: so length can be nil return self.try(pumpall(sourcesocket(mode, self.c, length), sink, step)) end function methods.receive09body(self, status, sink, step) local source = rewindsource(sourcesocket("until-closed", self.c)) source(status) return self.try(pumpall(source, sink, step)) end function methods.close(self) return self.c:close() end -- High level HTTP API local function adjusturi(request) if not request.proxy and not http.PROXY then request = { path = trysocket(request.path, "invalid path 'nil'"), params = request.params, query = request.query, fragment = request.fragment, } end return buildurl(request) end local function adjustheaders(request) local headers = { ["user-agent"] = http.USERAGENT, ["host"] = gsub(request.authority, "^.-@", ""), ["connection"] = "close, TE", ["te"] = "trailers" } local username = request.user local password = request.password if username and password then headers["authorization"] = "Basic " .. (mimeb64(username .. ":" .. unescapeurl(password))) end local proxy = request.proxy or http.PROXY if proxy then proxy = parseurl(proxy) local username = proxy.user local password = proxy.password if username and password then headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic " .. (mimeb64(username .. ":" .. password)) end end local requestheaders = request.headers if requestheaders then headers = lowerheaders(headers,requestheaders) end return headers end -- default url parts local default = { host = "", port = PORT, path = "/", scheme = "http" } local function adjustrequest(originalrequest) local url = originalrequest.url local request = url and parseurl(url,default) or { } for k, v in next, originalrequest do request[k] = v end local host = request.host local port = request.port local uri = request.uri if not host or host == "" then trysocket(nil, "invalid host '" .. tostring(host) .. "'") end if port == "" then request.port = PORT end if not uri or uri == "" then request.uri = adjusturi(request) end request.headers = adjustheaders(request) local proxy = request.proxy or http.PROXY if proxy then proxy = parseurl(proxy) request.host = proxy.host request.port = proxy.port or 3128 end return request end local maxredericts = 4 local validredirects = { [301] = true, [302] = true, [303] = true, [307] = true } local validmethods = { [false] = true, GET = true, HEAD = true } local function shouldredirect(request, code, headers) local location = headers.location if not location then return false end location = gsub(location, "%s", "") if location == "" then return false end local scheme = match(location, "^([%w][%w%+%-%.]*)%:") if scheme and not SCHEMES[scheme] then return false end local method = request.method local redirect = request.redirect local redirects = request.nredirects or 0 return redirect and validredirects[code] and validmethods[method] and redirects <= maxredericts end local function shouldreceivebody(request, code) if request.method == "HEAD" then return nil end if code == 204 or code == 304 then return nil end if code >= 100 and code < 200 then return nil end return 1 end local tredirect, trequest, srequest tredirect = function(request, location) local result, code, headers, status = trequest { url = absoluteurl(request.url,location), source = request.source, sink = request.sink, headers = request.headers, proxy = request.proxy, nredirects = (request.nredirects or 0) + 1, create = request.create, } if not headers then headers = { } end if not headers.location then headers.location = location end return result, code, headers, status end trequest = function(originalrequest) local request = adjustrequest(originalrequest) local connection = openhttp(request.host, request.port, request.create) local headers = request.headers connection:sendrequestline(request.method, request.uri) connection:sendheaders(headers) if request.source then connection:sendbody(headers, request.source, request.step) end local code, status = connection:receivestatusline() if not code then connection:receive09body(status, request.sink, request.step) connection:close() return 1, 200 end while code == 100 do headers = connection:receiveheaders() code, status = connection:receivestatusline() end headers = connection:receiveheaders() if shouldredirect(request, code, headers) and not request.source then connection:close() return tredirect(originalrequest,headers.location) end if shouldreceivebody(request, code) then connection:receivebody(headers, request.sink, request.step) end connection:close() return 1, code, headers, status end -- turns an url and a body into a generic request local function genericform(url, body) local buffer = { } local request = { url = url, sink = sinktable(buffer), target = buffer, } if body then request.source = stringsource(body) request.method = "POST" request.headers = { ["content-length"] = #body, ["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } end return request end http.genericform = genericform srequest = function(url, body) local request = genericform(url, body) local _, code, headers, status = trequest(request) return concat(request.target), code, headers, status end http.request = protectsocket(function(request, body) if type(request) == "string" then return srequest(request, body) else return trequest(request) end end) package.loaded["socket.http"] = http return http